President of Croatia: photo in a bikini and an example of extraordinary simplicity. VIP figures on the beach: resort photos of world leaders What is the breast size of the President of Croatia

0 July 5, 2018, 12:00

Already this Saturday, July 7, the football team will take to the field against rivals from Croatia in the World Cup. Fans of both countries are looking forward to this match with impatience and excitement - after all, its winner will be even closer to the gold medals of the world championship.

On Saturday, millions of residents of Russia and Croatia will be glued to their TV screens, and the lucky ones will go to the stadium to support their favorite team. Among them will probably be Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, who attended the match between the national teams of Croatia and Denmark that took place two days ago in Nizhny Novgorod.

What we know about one of the brightest and most beautiful female politicians and what she is known for, besides her political activities, we tell in our material on the site.

Origin and family

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was born on April 29, 1968 in the village of Lubarska, near the Croatian city of Rijeka, into a family of simple villagers. Her father Branko owned a butcher shop, and her mother Dubravka was a housewife. City life was unfamiliar to Kolinda for a long time: if she had been told as a child that in a few years she would become the president of Croatia (Kolinda dreamed of a career as a flight attendant or translator), she would hardly have believed it.

The girl was interested in hunting, football and made friends with boys. In general, I grew up a real tomboy. By the way, her father, by his own admission, always dreamed of a son.

Personal life

Kolinda met her husband Yakov Kitarovich while studying at the university in 1989, where he was also a student. They got married in 1996, when Kolinda turned 28 years old. In 2001, 33-year-old Kolinda gave birth to her daughter Katarina, and at the age of 35 she became a mother for the second time - her son Luca was born.

Yakov is the same age as his wife. At the University of Zagreb he studied at the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science. It was he who influenced his wife’s passion for politics. Before she met Yakov, Kolinda was not so interested in her.


50-year-old Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic is one of the most prominent and prominent female politicians. Blonde with brown eyes and curvy figure, she is known for her radiant smile. It seems that the Croatian president is never in a bad mood at all.

In clothes, she prefers a rather restrained style. Not being spoiled by wealth as a child, she is still not too wasteful when choosing a wardrobe. Kolinda prefers strict classic suits, elegant dresses and skirts and classic coats. Her favorite colors include black, white and red. Of course, she also had fashion failures, when she chose clothes of a not very good style or color, but in general it is quite difficult to find fault with her style.

Bikini photo buzz

In 2015, seductive photographs of a blonde in a bikini appeared on the Internet, whom many mistook for the President of Croatia. The fact is that Kolinda was on vacation at that time, and the heroine of these shots was very similar to her in appearance. However, the swimsuit in which its owner posed was too revealing for the president of the country. And since she usually adheres to a strict and elegant style of clothing, this generally went beyond all acceptable limits. It later turned out that the heroine of the photo was actress Nicole Austin, whom many mistook for Kolinda because of their resemblance.

However, real photos of Kolinda in a bikini also ended up online and caused no less a stir than the footage of Austin. And although her swimsuit was much more modest, Kolinda’s figure caused real delight among the public.


Kolinda studied very well. At school she was an excellent student, and for this we can thank her parents, as well as her grandparents, who contributed to this in every possible way. Her favorite subjects included history and foreign languages.

Kolinda, who grew up in the village, often had to face ridicule from her classmates. And all because of her village dialect, which, however, she got rid of over time.

At the age of 17, Kolinda, having won a scholarship to study, went to the USA, where she mastered the English language. While studying in a foreign country, although she received a scholarship, she was forced to work as a laundress - there was a catastrophic lack of money, and physical labor was not alien to the girl who grew up in the village.

Returning to Croatia, she graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb and received a Master's degree in International Relations and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Spanish Languages ​​and Literature.


Kolinda started working while still a student - she had to pay for her studies, so she had to work part-time as a nanny and an English tutor. The political career of the future president of Croatia began in 1992. At 24, she received a position as an adviser to the Department of International Cooperation at the Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology, and then became an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Kolinda was elected to the Croatian Parliament in 2003 and soon became Minister for European Integration. Two years later, she became Croatia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, and from 2008 to 2011 she served as Croatia's Ambassador to the United States.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic became the President of Croatia in 2015, gaining 50.42 percent of the vote in the second round and overtaking the then President of the country, Ivo Josipovic. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic became the first female president in Croatian history.


Kolinda seems to be seriously interested in various sports and tries to attend the games of national teams. You can often meet her at the stadium, and sometimes not at all in the VIP box. So, she watched the match between the national teams of Croatia and Denmark from the most ordinary fan stand.

I wanted to show that I am a fan like everyone else and am ready to support the team among the fans in the stands. I put on a T-shirt with national symbols, although the dress code in the VIP area, where girls come in long dresses, would not allow me to be there in such an outfit,

- she commented.

In addition to sports, she is interested in literature and foreign languages ​​(in addition to English and Spanish, she speaks Portuguese and has some knowledge of German, French and Italian) and loves to travel - due to her profession, she does this not so rarely.


Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic won the love of her voters and representatives of other countries thanks to her openness and sincerity. The politician manages to both enthusiastically follow football and hold diplomatic meetings with heads of other states with restraint. The President of Croatia, who once dreamed of becoming a flight attendant, easily copes with the role of a leader, wife, mother and simply a happy woman.

Childhood and youth

The future president of Croatia grew up in the village of Lubaske, located near the city of Rijeki. Kolinda was born on April 29, 1968. The girl was born into the family of a butcher and a housewife. Initially, the Grabar couple planned to name their daughter Ksenia, but the joyful head of the family, inspired by the long-awaited event, sang a serenade for his wife under the windows of the maternity hospital. Impressed, the girl's mother decided to name the baby after the main character of a song performed by her husband.

The girl grew up a tomboy. Kolinda spent a lot of time playing with the boys, went fishing and hunting with her father, and also climbed trees. Kolinda dreamed of becoming a flight attendant and did not even think about a political career.

At the age of 17, the straight-A student won a grant for education abroad. The girl had already graduated from school in the city of Los Amos, located in the USA. And in 1986, Kolinda returned to Croatia and entered the University of Zagreb. The student chose philosophy, as well as English and Spanish as her major sciences.

Having received her diploma in 1993, Grabar-Kitarovic, who by this time had already become interested in politics, continued her education and entered the master's program at the Faculty of International Relations. For her second diploma, the girl wrote about the Cold War and relations between the USSR and America during the reign.


The first political successes overtook Grabar-Kitarovic in the same 1993. A girl who has just graduated from university is hired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A couple of months later, Kolinda takes the chair of adviser to the deputy minister. At the same time, the aspiring politician joined the Croatian Democratic Union party. Later, the girl is transferred to a department specializing in the study of North American politics.

Having established himself as a specialist in international relations, in 1997 Grabar-Kitarovic was transferred to the position of political adviser at the Croatian Embassy in Canada. A woman serves abroad for 6 years, and after returning home she becomes a member of parliament.

In December 2003, Kolinda became the head of the Ministry for European Integration (later the unit would be renamed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration). In a year, the politician will be entrusted with heading the delegation involved in negotiations on Croatia’s accession to the EU.

After holding the minister's chair for 5 years, Kolinda returned to diplomatic activities. In 2008, the woman became Croatia's ambassador to the United States and did not leave her post until 2011.

June 2014 was marked for the politician by entering the election race - Kolinda became a candidate for the presidency of Croatia. On January 11, 2015, Grabar-Kitarovic beat the incumbent head of state in the vote with a margin of 1.48%.

Nicole Austin (left) and Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (right) in a swimsuit

In 2015, a scandal broke out in Croatia. Photos of a seductive half-naked blonde, very similar to the president of the country, appeared on the pages of yellow newspapers. After an investigation by journalists, it turned out that the girl in the revealing swimsuit was actress Nicole Austin.

A couple of months later, the magazine published real photographs of the president on the beach. However, the ambiguous situation did not damage the politician’s reputation, but only aroused admiration for the shape of the head of state (the woman’s height is 1.73 m, and her weight is 68 kg).

One of the important aspects of the political program of the Croatian President is the expansion of women's rights. As part of this project, in 2017, Grabar-Kitarovic organized a meeting with Zuriel Oduwole, a young American woman who dedicated herself to the fight for women’s rights and the author of the “Dream Up, Speak Up, Stand Up” program.

In the same year, the politician visited Russia to meet with. One of the main issues of the meeting was the presentation to the Russian President of the “Three Seas Initiative”, designed to strengthen the transport and energy infrastructure in Europe.

Personal life

The husband of the President of Croatia is named Jakov Kitarovich. The couple met in 1989 at a student meeting. The young man studied at the Faculty of Computer Engineering and spent a lot of time in political disputes with friends.

To interest her lover, Kolinda also became interested in the international and domestic situation in the country. This is how Grabar’s political career began.

Kolinda and Yakov got married in 1996, and 4 years later the first child appeared in the family - daughter Catalina. The couple's second child, son Luca, was born in 2003.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic now

The President of Croatia put aside all political affairs and flew to Russia to support the country's national team at the 2018 World Cup. The woman attended games, mostly taking seats in the regular stands.

Kolinda went to the Russia-Croatia game on an inexpensive commercial flight. During the match, the President sat next to the Prime Minister. Politicians restrainedly shook hands with each other after scoring goals.

Grabar-Kitarovic expressed her sincere joy after Croatia’s victory. The President visited the players' locker room, where she sang holiday songs. A team fan posted

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When we hear the word “politician,” an image of an elderly man in a suit appears before us, and we are accustomed not to take representatives of the fair sex in this field seriously or completely forget about them.

website I decided to destroy these stereotypes and introduce you to 10 female politicians who are able to prove that beauty, intelligence and strong character can be harmoniously combined in one person.

Mara Carfagna

Maria Rosaria (Mara) Carfagna is an Italian politician, former fashion model and TV presenter. She began her political career in 2004 - she took one of the seats in the Forza Italia party, where she fought for women's rights.

Also, on Carfagna’s initiative, a bill was passed in 2008, according to which prostitution was considered a crime punishable by fines for both parties. Among the people, Mara Carfagna received the affectionate nickname Mara La Bella (Beautiful Mara).

Carmen Kass

President of the Estonian Chess Union (2004–2011). The girl has been interested in chess since childhood and tries to popularize it through her own example. As head of the Chess Union, she was actively involved in the campaign to promote Tallinn as a host for the Chess Olympiad. Now Carmen Kass still remains a member of the Chess Union and, if possible, participates in competitions.

Sethrid Giga

An incredibly beautiful woman and a popular politician in Lebanon. Setrida was able to resist Syrian dominance in Lebanon and won the respect of most citizens.

She entered politics in 1994, at which time Lebanese parties were disbanded and Setrida's husband was imprisoned. She fought for the release of her husband and the citizens of the country from political intimidation, arrests and persecution. The fight took 11 years, and in 2005 her husband was released. Since then, the couple has annually run for local government from the Lebanese Forces party.

Queen Rania al-Abdullah

Rania al-Abdullah - Queen of Jordan, wife of King Abdullah II. As head of the Jordan Foundation, an NGO she founded in 1995, the Queen helps women take part in the economic life of the country and create new companies.

She advocates for women's rights, initiated a large-scale campaign to combat child abuse, created the first center for victims of abuse and promotes improved interaction between government agencies and local family advocacy organizations.

Cristina Elizabeth Fernandez de Kirchner

Cristina Elizabeth Fernandez de Kirchner - President of Argentina from December 10, 2007 to December 10, 2015. Among Christina’s many achievements, the most important are: reducing the influence of oligarchic clans and the media controlled by them (the Clarín group), the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, the traditionally strong military and the trade union bureaucracy.

Argentina got rid of the burden of external debt and has accumulated an impressive reserve fund from earnings from agricultural exports.

The pension system was nationalized, payments to support family and maternity were introduced, and unemployment dropped sharply. He plans to run for president again in 2019.

Orly Levy

Orly Levy-Abukasis is a fashion model, TV presenter, and Israeli politician. The main goal in politics is solving problems with difficult teenagers, return of free mugs, expansion of free dental care to an increasingly wider population, subsidizing the cost of kindergartens, reducing the gap between rich and poor, social housing problem.

In this regard, the topic that worries her - children who have become victims of crimes by adults - has grown into a bill. It states that the court will award compensation to the injured family, which must be paid by the state, and then it will recover the entire amount from the criminal.

Rabbi Dholla

Liberal Party of Canada member Rabi Dholla served in the Canadian House of Commons from 2004 to 2011.

In 1984, during the conflict in India, Rabi wrote a letter to Indian Prime Minister Gandhi asking stop hostilities in Punjab. At that time she was only 10 years old. On the side, she appears in some Bollywood films.

Eva Kylie

At the age of 24, Eva was first elected to the city council of Thessaloniki. She is a member of the Greek Parliament, member of the Committee on National Defense and Foreign Affairs.

Eva holds a position in the organization, protecting the rights of Greeks outside their homeland. Before entering politics, Eva worked as a journalist and TV presenter, making stories for the main channel in Greece - Mega Channel.

Kirsten Gillibrand

Kirsten Gillibrand is an American politician and junior senator from New York State since 2009. Kirsten fought for women's rights, better healthcare, and benefits for 911 workers.

She provides legal services to women in politics and protects representatives of sexual minorities. Gillibrand is known for her work on sexual assault cases on college campuses and in the military.

Known for its transparency policy, was the first to suggest publishing for free access schedules of official visits and public events, information about the personal finances of politicians, government procurement of goods and tax returns online.

Sheridan Oliveria

The first female president in Croatian history.

Moza bint Nasser al Misned

The gray cardinal of Qatar. She is considered the first lady of the state and one of the most powerful women in the Arab world.

Sheikha Moza is the initiator of the idea turning Qatar into a new Silicon Valley. For this purpose, the Qatar Science and Technology Park was created, which opened at the end of 2008. The park has attracted $225 million in investment, including from leading global companies such as Microsoft, Shell and General Electric.

In addition, she is the initiator and implementer of "Education City" in Qatar- a university campus in the suburbs of the capital on an area of ​​2,500 acres, where leading professors from American universities give lectures to students. Actively encourages the activities of the leading television network Al-Jazeera.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic is the first woman to become president of Croatia in the history of this country, and the fourth in eastern Europe. Charming, charismatic, open, sincere - this is how Kolinda is characterized by everyone who had the honor of communicating with her. Interest in the biography of the Croatian president increased after her active participation as a football fan at the event, which took place in Russia.


No one could have imagined what heights the nimble girl from the settlement of Lubarska, not far from the city of Rijeka in Yugoslavia, could reach. Kolinda was born into a peasant family of butcher Branko and housewife Dubravka Grabar on April 29, 1968.

An interesting story is connected with the choice of the name of the future president. The father was waiting for the birth of his son Arsen, the mother wanted a daughter named Ksenia. But when, under the windows of the maternity hospital, Branko performed Zdenka Vuckovic’s hit “Kolinda,” which was popular at that time, the question of the name was resolved by itself.

Kolinda Grabar

The work of a rural farmer is familiar to the Croatian leader first-hand. A little hooligan, with boyish habits, the girl from an early age is familiar with all the intricacies and problems of this industry. According to Kolinda’s own recollections, her slingshot damaged a lot of glass in the surrounding houses. The daughter always helped her parents and skillfully handled technology, but still, the mother and father made a good education a priority in raising their daughter.

Beauty and excellent student

During her school years, the girl experienced all the humiliating position of a person who experiences the disdain of the majority for an individual outside his circle. The reason for ridicule of the farmer's daughter was her rural accent and habits.

How to get into politics

Kolinda Grabar's student years are associated with a period when her family was in great need of money. The girl had to earn extra money while studying by tutoring and translating. At the same time, the biography of the future President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar crossed the life path of a student, electrical engineer Jakov Kitarovich, who became interested in her.

The President of Croatia takes an oath to serve his country

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic completed her master's degree at the university in 2000 at the Faculty of Political Science. The topic of her thesis was Soviet-American relations between the USSR and the United States during the Reagan administration and the end of the Cold War.

The main career steps of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic:

  • 1993 – position of adviser on the staff of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and head of the North America sector;
  • 1997 – Croatian Embassy in Canada – diplomatic adviser;
  • 2003 - Member of the Croatian Sabor (Croatian Parliament), at the end of the same year Grabar-Kitarovic became head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration;
  • January 18, 2005 - head of the Croatian team for negotiations on accession to the EU;
  • March 19, 2008 – Ambassador of Croatia to the United States;
  • 2011 – NATO Deputy Secretary General for Public Policy;
  • June 12, 2014 – candidate for President of Croatia from the Croatian Democratic Union party;
  • February 2014 – member of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission;
  • January 11, 2015 – President of the Republic of Croatia.

With Turkish President Recep Erdogan

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic defeated incumbent Ivo Josipović in the presidential contest by a margin of 1.5%.

According to political scientists, the main argument in its favor was its origin. The people of an agrarian power preferred to see as head of state a person who was familiar with their needs not from memos and scientific articles.

At a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin

President's family

Kolinda and her husband, politician Yakov Kitarovich, have been inseparable for 22 years. Her husband is her first adviser, critic, friend and support in all endeavors. The couple has two children. Kolinda gave birth to her first child, daughter Catalina, in 2001; in 2003, her son Luca completed the family.

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and French President Emmanuel Macron

The one that changed stereotypes

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic ranks 69th out of 180 on the list of the most influential people on the planet. At the same time, the President of Croatia disarms with her model appearance and the most charming smile that does not leave her face. It seems that for this woman everything happens easily and simply. The meager lines of the biography indicate the opposite - Kolinda has a steel core and inner strength. These traits are manifested in moments when the President defends the rights of his people or in tough disputes over illegal immigrants.

The Croatian princess from the provinces managed to refute the established opinion of female politicians as boring, serious ladies in formal business suits for any occasion.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic refuted the opinion about women politicians

Smiling, emotional, with an excellent sense of humor, Grabar-Kitarovic showed the whole world an example of a new modern politician who is not alien to everything human. She is considered one of those celebrities of this century who are breaking bureaucratic foundations and inconvenient rules.

President of Croatia in a swimsuit

During the election campaign, Kolinda did not use the services of a stylist, preferring to choose an image to her taste. It’s hard to blame her for this: both in strict elegant classics and in sportswear at the stadium, the President of Croatia looks appropriate.

Studying the psychotype of the President of Croatia, experts identify a combination of such basic traits as extroversion, intuition, prudence and rationality. Around the globe, only 3-5% of the population has such traits.

Just a couple of days ago I was completely far from what was happening in Croatia, I didn’t even know who the president was (shame on me!), and I wasn’t watching the World Cup attentively. And now the headlines of all news sites are full of reports that French President Emmanuel Macron and a certain gorgeous busty blonde are behaving very frivolously in the stands of the Moscow stadium, watching in the pouring rain as the final of the World Cup is being played out. And this news would have passed me by, but not so long ago I was making a selection of photographs of Emmanuel Macron’s wife, 65-year-old Brigitte, and I became curious - who did this handsome man exchange his faithful old lady for?

Well, let's go back to the stands! Emmanuelle blossoms and smells, I recognize that sparkle in the eyes when a beautiful, charismatic woman is nearby and, despite all the desire to look indifferent (after all, the wife is sitting next to her, shriveled up on the chair and waiting for the moment when she can leave the stadium and retire with her husband in the VIP room) you begin to pay attention to the beautiful fan, there is a need to support her, help her in some way, cheer her up, and at least give her a coat, pull up a chair, smile at her once again. There are not many beauties in politics, it’s all men, men and again men, and if women are, then they are either crackers, buttoned up, or someone’s prudent and shopping-obsessed wives and former actresses (they are all already engaged for many years and you can’t approach them), or someone much lower in rank (small sharks hiding in anticipation of a tasty morsel). And here is such a juicy peach Kolinda, with whom you can sit in the same row, discuss general topics, fiercely root for your team, somehow life is more fun.

Emmanuel Macron's wife is already 65 years old, they have been together for... 24 years! He was 16 and she was 41 when feelings overwhelmed them! Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic is 50 years old and, unlike Brigitte Macron, she has very curvy figures. But don’t think too much! Of course, onlookers like me are waiting for sensations! But nothing like this is expected.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic is in a happy marriage, her husband Jacob very often accompanies his wife on trips, he is also a politician, and it was he who involved his wife in this type of activity.

That's not her! Ha ha ha!

But let's return to the sexy image of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. Her photos in a swimsuit spread all over the world at one time, the bikini was very revealing, but in fact it turned out that these photos did not belong to our heroine; fried lovers passed off a completely different woman as the President of Croatia.

Is she?

But very soon a photo of Kolinda herself surfaced, the busty blonde was wearing a pink swimsuit, everything was decent, but at the same time it aroused admiration from the crowd, thirsty for spectacle. The female president is fifty years old and in such great shape! But Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic conquers the whole world not only with her curvaceous body! A radiant, sincere smile almost always lights up her face. Just look at these photos, in fact, in all the frames the President of Croatia is smiling!

In general, I won’t burden you with facts, you can always find them on Wikipedia, I’ll just say that Kolinda Garbar-Kitarovic is a very educated woman, speaks at least three foreign languages, has a master’s degree in international relations and, before becoming president, She was first Minister for European Integration and then Minister of Foreign Affairs. Since February 17, 2015 he has been the President of Croatia. The mother of two children: daughter Katarina (born 2001) and son Luka (born 2003), Katarina Kitarovich is engaged in figure skating, you can find her photo in this article.

Childhood photo of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic.

And this is also Kolinda, this is how she was as a teenager.

Kolinda in her youth.

Kolinda Kitarovic and Emmanuel Macron.

In the photo, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic with her husband Jacob, son Luka and daughter Katarina.

Yakov Kitarovich watches his daughter Katarina compete.

In his youth, Kolinda’s husband was not so well-fed.

To the left of Kolinda Kitarovich is her husband, but I don’t know who is to the right.

And again with my husband.

gastroguru 2017