November - December brother, September grandson, fishing in November. Fishing on Akhtuba - in spring, summer, autumn and winter What to catch on Akhtuba in November

Not every fisherman is aware that more or less warm days on Akhtuba can last until the end of November. The thermometer at +10 is not that uncommon for this season. And this at a time when Muscovites had already noticed the first snow falling and witnessed how it turned into a slurping mass. Frosts may not be welcome here until the New Year holidays. Astrakhan in November is characterized by cloudy skies and cool air. At night the temperature can drop to minus, but during the day it is still quite comfortable until it starts to drizzle. Of course, the weather sometimes plays tricks: out of the blue, a little snow will suddenly fall, which will certainly disappear in a day or two; several times a month the area is covered in thick fog in the morning.
Fishing in Astrakhan in November is precisely the period when pike perch are hungry, and this is the optimal time for fishing. Despite the fact that the weather looks relatively warm, you should not give in to this deceptive feeling. Before you go fishing, do not forget to properly insulate yourself.
In November the pike perch bite is quite greedy. One might even say, with frenzy. Quite often you come across decent specimens weighing 2 kg or more. One jig bait can often attract the attention of several fish at once and provoke up to three bites. At this time, pike perch gather in large schools, so fishing on the Volga in November allows you to catch a full cage of fish with a simple foam bait. Not far from pike perch, but in deeper areas its relative, bersh, is found. In terms of taste, many people prefer it.
Asp in November it stops fighting, but is still caught well near flooded bushes and trees, in places with strong currents and on rip currents. To catch this fish, you need to move the lure closer to the bottom, this is how the chances of returning home with the catch increase.
Fishing in the Astrakhan region in November not the best time to catch catfish, but there is still a small opportunity to catch a “mustachioed one”. To do this, the bottom tackle needs to be baited with live bait, which can be a small fish or a frog. You can try to catch catfish using the trolling method. Pike and perch can be caught in lakes and streams until the water bodies are covered with ice. In terms of biting power, they are in no way behind pike perch.
Through the channels, pike leave the shallow bay in November and head to the channel part, where they cluster on the dumps and sometimes on the edges. Most pike can be found in places with moderate currents. Silicone wear-resistant baits will be useful here.

Fishing on the Volga in November is a perfectly acceptable time for catching carp. The likelihood of success of this process is much higher in the first half of the month. You need to look for carp under steep steep banks, and catch them on the bottom. Shellfish meat, such as barley shells, is suitable as bait. True, getting it out of cold water is not so easy. You will most likely need waders or a wetsuit.
As for catching white fish, fishing in Astrakhan in November - it’s time to take a bottom fishing rod. So you can catch oyster, bream and roach. The bait for these fish can be ordinary worms, which are best prepared in advance and brought with you, because it is very difficult to find them along the banks.
Relatively mild temperatures outside and excellent bite are the main reasons to come and experience what fishing is really like in the Astrakhan region in November. And the Fishing Hall fishing base will help you arrange this with maximum comfort at minimal cost. Comfortable living conditions will allow you to stay here longer. Everyday difficulties will not distract your attention from your favorite hobby. Wide possibilities for renting boats, equipment, gear and other things will come in very handy in case your personal arsenal as an amateur fisherman is missing something. Find out more about living conditions, available dates, seasonal price offers by phone.

  • 2 Fishing for carp in the fall - how and what is better to catch? There is no better place for an adventurous fisherman than the picturesque Astrakhan region. There are as many fish as you like here, and they are most often caught on the Akhtuba River, where three small river eriks come together: Banny, Brick and Ashuluk. That is why these places are called Three Rivers. Every fishing enthusiast who comes to these places will encounter beautiful nature and exciting fishing. Carp in Astrakhan What to use to catch carp in the fall? Tackle Video Experienced old-timers note that there is no better place to catch carp. It is on Akhtuba that fish rise to spawn. In autumn, in addition to carp, you can also catch asp, rudd, and ram here. Carp in Astrakhan Fishing for carp in autumn on Akhtuba can be very successful. This fish is caught here almost all year round, with the exception of early spring and winter season, when the catch decreases significantly. The secret of these places is simple - effective fishing is due to the ideal natural and climatic conditions for which the Astrakhan region is famous. In the fall, the carp begins to “fatten”, and fishermen often land trophy specimens. By the end of summer, the bite subsides a little, but in the fall it increases significantly, because wintering pits are just around the corner, and before a long winter the fish tries to gain more fat. At this time of year, you should look for carp at great depths, in hidden windows located between snags or under steep and steep banks. The fish leave the reaches in such places, and after the onset of November, from about 15-20, the carp settles down in wintering pits. In these pits the fish remain motionless until spring. However, experienced fishermen, with a certain amount of luck, can catch carp directly from the ice or catch this cautious and strong fish starting in April. Are you interested in equipment for catching silver carp from the bottom? Our article will tell you more about this. In this article we will show you the Trophy Fishes of Facebook users in 2014. What to use to catch carp in the fall? When answering the question of what to use to catch carp in the fall, we should mention the importance of properly feeding the fish using a special feeder. The design of such a feeder should ensure gradual erosion of the bait under the influence of a strong river current. The washed-out components of an appetizing bait, consisting of ingredients of animal or plant origin, form a long trail that attracts the attention of fish. Flattered by this food mud, the carp comes close to the bait. When using flavorings, it is important to remember that the carp has an extremely highly developed sense of smell, and it is able to sense the presence of one gram of odorous substance in a cubic hectare of water. If you overdo it with the smell, the effect will be disastrous - the fish will simply leave because the bait will begin to irritate its sense of smell. When creating a suitable bait, you should remember that it must contain ingredients that create turbidity. Such “cloudy” components can be oatmeal, oil cake or bran, as well as various cereals. It is best to prepare bait in the evening. The simplest recipe is to cook cereals such as oats, millet or wheat. Fishing for pike and pike perch with a spinning rod in November

Autumn feeder

No matter how much we feel sorry for summer, the golden season has arrived, and with it changes in the weather, which undoubtedly affects the habits and behavior of the fish, besides, winter follows autumn, and the fish need to prepare for it. Feeder fishing in the fall requires us to use different tactics and techniques for catching aquatic life, which is often focused on fishing in cold water, although we will not forget to mention fishing in early autumn, when you can use feeder fishing techniques in the summer.

Feeder in autumn fish behavior features

Beginning of autumn (September)

As mentioned earlier, at the beginning of autumn, until the end of Indian summer, the fish behaves in the same way as in the summer. But the summer heat is no longer there, and the nights become cool, so the water temperature drops, as a result of which the fish can be active throughout the day, and not just in the morning and evening hours, when there is no sunshine yet. Promising places for fishing are considered to be unevenness and changes in the bottom, areas on the border of aquatic vegetation, snags, stones and tree trunks, areas with reverse flows, and exits from pits.

Feeder fishing in late autumn (October)

With gradual cooling and a decrease in water temperature below + 15 - +10 ° C, the habits of the fish begin to change. During this period, aquatic vegetation stops growing, as a result of which the water becomes cleaner and more transparent, and insect larvae, crustaceans and mollusks, leave the shallow waters and go to a depth of two to four meters or more. Fish naturally follow their food, so they can no longer be found in shallow bays. Due to the fact that the nights are now quite cold, in shallow spots and ponds, fish can begin to be caught not at dawn, but closer to 10-12 o’clock in the afternoon.

Special attention should be paid to days when the weather is sunny and windless; at this time the fish can come closer to the shore on the shallows to bask in the sun’s rays or rise to a distance of 20-30 cm from the bottom.

In October, white fish begin to eat, but it is not like spring, when they indiscriminately attack everything that catches their eye. Now the fish are behaving more warily, but at the same time, most species are active throughout the entire day, so you should not forget about night fishing. Fishing with a feeder in the fall is effective on medium rivers. As a rule, these are tributaries of large rivers; they are quite deep and have a moderate current. If the river is small, but quite deep, then here you can also count on catching roach, crucian carp, chub or bleak, since these types of fish, with the onset of cold weather, prefer to stay in place and not slide into the lower reaches. When fishing on a river, you should not look for fish in the rapids, they need to gain fat for the winter, and not waste energy and reserves, so pay attention to deep-water places where there is a reverse current or its speed slows down significantly (behind a wide bend or turn rivers, cape).

When you come to a reservoir or a large river, your task is to find a channel or hole, this is where you will have the greatest chance of catching. The most promising area will be a gently sloping area located between two deep-water edges. Also, fish can stand near snags, trees and stones if there is sufficient depth in this place.

In autumn, fish prefer not to gather in mixed schools, as often happens in summer or spring, so before fishing, when choosing equipment and fishing location, it is advisable to focus on a specific type of fish.

Also in this and later periods, the three-point tactic works well. This is when you start fishing with three rods at three different distances. First, find a promising fishing spot at the first point (pit, edge) at a distance of 25-30 m from the shore, then choose the same place but at a distance of 45-55 m and the last point is the farthest 60-70 m or more. Fish and see where the fish activity is maximum, go to that point. Of course, it’s worth considering that the closer the fishing distance, the more accurate your casts and easier the fishing, but in order to cast more or less accurately over a distance of 70 m, you need practice.

When choosing a fishing location, you should also pay attention to the presence of an area where there are differences in depth; it is very good if the bottom in this place is soft, since there may be larvae there.


In November, when the water temperature drops to +2-+4 degrees, biting activity decreases significantly. Fish accumulate near wintering pits and may not attack the bait at all. During this period, an active feeder can be effective, when you move along the reservoir and, like a spinning fisher, fish various areas in search of accumulations of fish. It is worth considering that the wintering pit will not always be the deepest point of the reservoir; smaller pits are suitable for these purposes, the main thing is that the difference in depth relative to the rest of the surface of the reservoir is significant.

Feeder fishing in the fall does not stop until the winter freeze-up; the main thing is to know where to look for fish.

Bait for feeder fishing in autumn

In September, you can still actively fish, both with plant and animal baits. With the onset of cold weather, fish switch to protein foods. At the same time, various combinations of attachments provide greater efficiency, for example: worm and maggot, semolina and bloodworms, bloodworms, worm and dough. If the bite is weak and changeable, it is better to switch purely to bloodworms. When using animal baits, it is worth remembering that they should not be lethargic and half-dead; fish react much worse to such baits. A bait that plays on the hook is more likely to attract the attention of the fish and force it to take decisive action. When buying bloodworms, it is better to choose dark ones rather than bright red ones, since dark-colored larvae are more tenacious and sit better on the hook. Remember to experiment and diversify your bait arsenal with amphipods, bark beetle larvae, and various insect larvae that can be found in nuts, apples, or acorns. If you are fishing on the river, be sure to try the caddis larvae; this can give good results when fishing on a feeder in the fall. Some anglers spoke well of fishing with lard soaked in garlic. Avid carp anglers should try fishing with boilies that have a rich protein base.

Recipe for catchy boilies

  • Recipe No. 1: a glass of ground hemp or millet seeds, four glasses of fish meal, two glasses of soy flour, one and a half glasses of semolina and eggs necessary to make a normal dough.
  • Recipe No. 2: take one and a half glasses of fishmeal, two cornmeal, a glass of soybean, one glass of semolina and half a glass of seeds and salt.

If you still want to try plant baits, then you need to use their favorite treats. Crucian carp can bite on semolina and garlic, roach on pearl barley and boiled wheat, carp on corn grains.

Fishing on the feeder in autumn for bream, roach, carp, crucian carp


On warm September days, except at depth, bream can still be caught on the border of aquatic vegetation, only the bottom here should be muddy. Plant components can be used as bait. The best time for fishing is morning and evening before sunset. With the onset of October cold weather and until the beginning of November, bream begins to migrate through the deep-water sections of the reservoir (channels, pits), at which time it is quite difficult to find it. Therefore, many fishermen feed the near and far points, and it is desirable that the bait for different points be different, for example, the bait that the near one will include ingredients such as millet and maggots, and for the far one, ground peas with chopped worms. In cold water, massive feeding is no longer required, this is also true for other types of fish. The feeder in the fall requires the use of dark-colored bait, so we add soil or clay to it. In November, bream accumulate closer to the wintering pits and do not move far from them, while the bite is very weak (may even be completely absent). During this period, it is necessary to look for areas with a depth of 13-15 m or more. The bait should contain more earth and protein components. Read about the features of catching bream on a feeder here.

Fishing for roach on a feeder in autumn

In September, the roach's habits are similar to those in summer. We all also use plant and animal baits, and the groundbait is quite nutritious and includes sweet flavors. With the onset of cold weather at the end of October, roaches gather in schools and move closer to wintering holes; they can also be found in deep riverbed areas. During this period, its fishing is more effective on rivers than in bets and lakes. First of all, you should pay attention to holes that are located in quiet water or in places with reverse flow. The wintering hole should have a clearly defined depth against the background of the rest of the bottom topography, and not be a simple hole 1 m deep; in summer, you can expect to find a flock in such a place. Often the holes we are interested in can be found behind sand spits, shallows or rifts. A sure sign of the presence of trophy roach will be holes or sections of the riverbed in which there are trees and snags fallen into the water. Successful fishing for roach in the fall on a feeder will be in areas where tributaries flow into the main river; as a rule, such places are quite deep.


Even in the summer, he tries to stay in the pits. With the arrival of autumn, his preferences in this regard do not change, except that he chooses deeper holes with a soft bottom, where he extracts larvae and mollusks from the ground. At night, the chance of catching carp is quite high. In October, the carp begins to eat; at this time, clear sunny days, when a weak south or east wind blows, are considered the most favorable for fishing. On such days, in the morning it stands at depth, but closer to lunch, when the sun warms the water sufficiently, it may appear in shallow water or rise to the upper layers. Now he still responds well to heavy feeding with nutritious groundbait, and the effect is even greater if you use bait.

The ideal place for carp fishing is the lower part of the gentle slope to depth. In November, the carp stays near the wintering pits; now the bait should contain more protein elements (worms, maggots, bloodworms), diluted with soil to increase the mass of the bait and create a larger food spot. From plant components you need to take only those that have little nutritional value (breadcrumbs, flour, ground seeds, bran)

Fishing with a feeder for crucian carp in autumn

The bite of crucian carp in the fall is divided into two stages: in the first half of autumn, in many reservoirs its activity may increase due to the end of the summer heat; in the second half (from mid-October) due to the onset of cold weather, it gradually decreases, crucian carp is less common than others fish shows its activity. Before Indian summer, while the weather is still quite warm, it can be found on bays, ponds and rivers in the coastal zone at the edge of aquatic vegetation, in areas where there are gentle depressions in depth and in places rich in folds and unevenness of the bottom. Now it is active around the clock, but fishing is most effective at dawn and 1-2 hours before sunset. With the onset of cold weather (late September-October), it rolls down to a depth of 3-5 m, closer to the pits and riverbed. During this period, fishing for crucian carp on a feeder in the fall will be successful on quiet sunny days, especially if such weather lasts for several days in a row. Now it’s worth switching to baits of animal origin and paying more and more attention to rivers and reservoirs, since at shallow rates its activity is much faster, and at this time it gradually leaves the bays. With the onset of November cold, crucian carp accumulate near wintering pits; it is very difficult to catch it on the eve of winter cold because, unlike the same roach, it ceases to be caught in most reservoirs.

In late autumn, before choosing a body of water, you need to ask local fishermen where crucian carp are still active.

Choosing bait for the autumn feeder

Until the end of Indian summer, we don’t have to worry too much about overfeeding the fish; the exception may be small, shallow ponds, where the fish are initially not accustomed to heavy feeding. Bait for feeder fishing is no different and includes standard plant ingredients aimed at luring fish and keeping them at the fishing point. All kinds of sweet aromas are used as flavorings (banana, strawberry, tutti-frutti, peanuts).

Features of bait for cold water

With the onset of cold weather, our preferences in choosing bait change significantly; the bait becomes inactive (the number of floating particles is minimal). In the summer, when you bought or made bream bait, and your plans changed, and you went for roach, in order to achieve better results, you needed to acquire bait tailored for roach. Now, even with carp bait, roach and bream can be caught with equal success. The main thing is that it is designed for fishing in cold water. Bait for feeder fishing in the fall should not have large ingredients; all its components should be finely ground, so that the fish will eat, but not get enough. Also, the bait should not be nutritious, so it must be diluted with soil or clay, in cases of fishing in the current. The ratio of dry bait to soil is 1:1, that is, for 1 kg of bait 1 kg of soil. In cases of fishing in the current, when we use clay to make the bait more viscous, the ratio will depend on how viscous the bait we need. If you put too much clay, you can cement it, and it will lie dead weight in the feeder, rather than being washed out by the current. It is imperative to add protein components to the bait (bloodworms, maggots or chopped worms), they are the ones that will force the fish to stay at your point. Moreover, if you are fishing with maggots, then it is advisable that it be included in the bait. For 1 kg of dry mixture, you need about 100-150 grams of animal feed (depending on your budget and the number of other fishermen near you). With the gradual clearing of the water, the color of the bait will become more relevant; it should blend with the bottom, otherwise the fish against its background will be noticeable to predators and will not take risks and approach it. In most cases, our task is to darken the bait; for these purposes, you can use soil, activated carbon tablets or food coloring. It is worth remembering that the colder the weather becomes, the less feeder fishing in the fall will depend on bait, since the fish will roll closer to the wintering pits and will not move away from them at the smell of your bait. Therefore, it is so important to find places where it accumulates in late spring.

Flavors for feeders in autumn

Summer aromas do not work in the fall, preferably the spicy smells of cinnamon, pepper, cloves, and you don’t have to buy them specifically in a fishing store. Often fish can become active to shrimp and crab odors.

In order to kill two birds with one stone, you can add fish or meat and bone meal to the bait. This will be both a flavoring agent and a protein supplement that will keep the fish at the fishing point. The ratio of these components in the bait is 10-15% of the volume of the entire bait. You can buy them at any pet store. You can also purchase various dried food for aquarium fish at the pet store and use it as a flavoring agent.

Having mixed the bait, we make a starting feeding of 10-12 throws with feeding troughs. In autumn, the fish may not immediately respond to bait and come up after 1-2 hours. Therefore, it is better to feed first, and only then arrange your place for fishing. We do recasts no more than once every 10 minutes, this is not summer.

Fishing with a feeder in the fall, homemade bait recipes

  • Breadcrumbs 500 grams;
  • topcoat 500 grams;
  • milk powder 100 grams;
  • bloodworm 150 grams;
  • Sunflower cake - 300 grams;
  • Boiled millet - 300 grams;
  • Rye bran - 300 grams;
  • Ground coriander 2-3 teaspoons;
  • Bloodworm - 100-150 grams.

Recipe No. 3

  • Breadcrumbs - 200 grams;
  • Makukha - 200 grams;
  • Rye bran – 200 grams;
  • Boiled rice - 200 grams;
  • Ground coriander – 2 teaspoons;
  • Pieces of unsalted lard (5X5 mm) - 100 grams;
  • Bloodworm 100 grams.

Choosing equipment for feeder fishing in autumn

The autumn feeder requires us to use thin and sensitive equipment. After all, fish in cold water are less active and do not offer such vigorous resistance as in summer, which means we can use thinner baits and fishing line. In addition, the water brightens in the fall, and the fishing line becomes more noticeable in it, and the fish itself behaves more warily.

Until the end of Indian summer, we can quite successfully fish in shallow bays and ponds with light pickerel gear, where the weight of the feeder or load does not exceed 20-25 grams. Accordingly, the thickness of our fishing line, in most cases, is limited only by the weight of the fish. And we don’t need to take into account the possible critical load when casting equipment with a heavy feeder.

In the fall, we will have to fish at a considerable distance from the shore, often there will still be a current in this place, so we will need more powerful forms of the Medium, Heavy and Extra Heavy classes so that we can throw quite heavy feeders, in some cases their weight will reach 120 grams. Therefore, you shouldn’t reduce the thickness of the main line too much, otherwise the feeder may be shot during casting. In terms of length, long forms of 3.6-4.2 m are welcome. The colder it is, the further the fish will roll into the holes, which is why on a wide river or reservoir it is more effective to use forms 3.9 m or more in length.

In the fall, it is better to abandon the use of monofilament altogether and switch to braided cord, since it has greater sensitivity, which is important in conditions of reduced fish activity.

For the longest casts, you need to use a bullet feeder; it has the best aerodynamic characteristics. When fishing in the current, metal cage feeders work well (they are triangular, square and cylindrical in shape, with a flat base). If feeder fishing in the fall takes place on a reservoir with a silt-covered bottom, then to prevent the feeder from getting too buried in it, use plastic feeders with ears; the ears create an additional plane.

As for installing the equipment, you need to forget about the anti-twist tube; with it, even in the summer, sensitivity was not special, and now even more so. Considering that it is necessary to cast long distances, an asymmetrical loop is best suited in the fall; it has high sensitivity and a low tendency to overlap. If you are fishing on silty ground, use a paternoster. If the bite is weak, it is worth increasing the length of the lead, this may affect the result. Read more about choosing feeder equipment in the article Feeder for Beginners.

Video of feeder fishing for beginners

Don’t forget that feeder fishing in the fall will take place in rain and wind conditions. Therefore, it is worth worrying about equipment that would keep you warm and protect you from bad weather.

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Catching carp in the fall - how and what is better to catch?

There is no better place for an adventurous fisherman than the picturesque Astrakhan region. There are as many fish as you like here, and they are most often caught on the Akhtuba River, where three small river eriks come together: Banny, Brick and Ashuluk. That is why these places are called Three Rivers.

Every fishing enthusiast who comes to these places will encounter beautiful nature and exciting fishing.

Valery Novosadov

Sometimes winter comes in stages, frosts give way to thaws, so you can fish with a spinning rod not only in November, but also in December. This year everything was different. The November holidays were marked by frosts of ten degrees, so spinning fishing became an extreme activity.

The first November trip to the Cheboksary Reservoir took place on the second; positive temperatures with a slight northwest wind made it possible to feel quite comfortable on the reservoir.

The decision to pay maximum attention to pike fishing was made the day before. I caught it by twitching, using large - up to 130 mm - wobblers. I fished on the channel edges, carefully breaking through them. But there were no more pronounced pike hatches, as was the case in October. In a few hours of fishing, namely from morning to lunch, we managed to catch one perch and a couple of toothy ones. One weighed a little over two kilograms, but the second weighed more than four. The “inhibited” wiring with pauses of up to ten seconds brought success. The caught pikes were covered with leeches, which confirmed the passive state of the predators.

If autumn turns out to be extended, then very good fishing occurs in November, when you can catch up to twenty full-weight tails per day between two people. And an excellent pike bite can be found not only on the channel edges, but also in shallow bays, partially overgrown with grass in the summer.

It was in one of these bays that I finished my first November fishing trip, catching well on the Jackall Magallon. The pike we caught was not large, up to one and a half kilograms, but there were a lot of bites, so the fishing was satisfying.

Fishing from a boat in deep water is always associated with a certain risk, and when we go to a reservoir in late autumn, fishing generally turns into extreme sports. You have to be 100% confident in your craft. Having life jackets on board is mandatory. A simple piece of foam will help keep the bottom of the boat clean and dry, this is especially true when we fish in sub-zero temperatures. The water that flows from the anchor rope and from the caught fish to the bottom of the boat quickly freezes, and the bottom turns into an ice skating rink. The risk of being left behind increases significantly.

The next November fishing trip was not much different from the previous one in terms of weather conditions. Only the wind increased a little, but remained in the same direction. Fishing by twitching would be difficult due to the wind. And I decided to stick to catching pike perch with a jig.

Many spinning anglers are looking forward to autumn, hoping to catch pike perch. But things didn’t work out with the fanged one this year. No, it cannot be said that pike perch was not caught at all. It’s just that every fishing trip was very laborious; we had to constantly move around the reservoir in search of accumulations of bream. It is “from under the bream” that we are most often guaranteed to catch pike perch. But this fall we couldn’t count on a stable bite all day long. The pike perch caught was either frankly small, or after catching one or two tails there was a long pause in the bite. Therefore, there were two options for behavior. The first is to stay in place and wait for the next period of fanged activity and the second option is to move further in search of another school of bream. I chose the second tactic of behavior. But all my movements along the river resulted only in the capture of one bersh and two small pike perch.

You can catch pike perch in late autumn not only with a jig, but also with a wobbler. The main object of hunting in twitching fishing on the edges is pike, but catching pike perch is not at all uncommon. When the pike perch is active, it controls not only the lower part of the dump, but also the upper one. Therefore, pike perch periodically catch wobblers, the working depth of which rarely exceeds two meters.

I could not have imagined that these would be the last boat fishing trips of this year, but already on November 7th the air temperature dropped to -12 degrees, and all lakes and shallow bays

The reservoir was covered with ice. And on the eighth, that is, the next day, the first snow fell. But after a few days the frost weakened a little and, taking advantage of this, I planned a trip to the Oka. There were years when November shore fishing brought good results here. But this time in the whole day I caught only five small pike perch and a pike weighing two kilograms. At the end of the day there was a gathering of quite a large fish, it seemed to me that it was a decent pike perch. And this ending to this fishing trip inspired me to come here the very next day. However, hopes for a trophy were not justified - during the whole day, only two non-qualifying (less than 40 cm allowed by the Rules) zander were caught. The next week, the air temperature began to drop again, and conditions suitable for fishing turned out to be only a week later. On November 20, in the morning, I was again on the Oka, in the same places where I fished a week earlier. But fishing that day did not work out. Ice floes moved densely along the river, and ice edges appeared along the shore. This situation was not conducive to spinning fishing. After taking a few photos with the floating ice floes in the background, I finished fishing and the entire spinning season of 2011.

  • Fishing in the summer with a spinning rod - fishing with bait in the summer with a spinning rod
  • 5 catchy retrieves with spinning jig baits - catching pike pike perch
  • Spinning in winter - Fishing with jig spinning on the Oka in winter, places, bait
  • Types of jig bites - types of bites on jig baits for pike, pike perch, pike perch
  • Wobbler in muddy water - spinning fishing for pike, perch and pike perch

It is the left branch of the Volga. Together with it and many eriks, channels, rivers and rivulets it makes up the Lower Delta of the great river. The channel is 200 meters wide; there are places where it increases to 300 m. In April-May (during high water), the flow of water in the river increases. After the water subsides, it slows down.

The Akhtuba riverbed is replete with many holes, the depth of which reaches 20 m. These are the favorite habitats of catfish. You need to look for pike in thickets or near reeds and coastal bushes off the coast of Akhtuba. These same places, due to the small current, are successful when fishing for carp on Akhtuba, especially for fishing with a float rod.

Fishing on Akhtuba is not limited only to the river itself. An excellent catch awaits anglers in many floodplain lakes, eriks, channels flowing into the river or connecting it with the Volga and other rivers.

Fishing on the Akhtuba River is attractive to anglers not so much because of the abundance of fish, but because of the opportunity to hunt for trophy specimens. Here you can often catch a 100-kilogram catfish, a 10-kilogram pike perch, and a 20-kilogram carp. Moreover, luck can accompany not only a professional, but also a novice amateur fisherman.

Winter fishing on Akhtuba

The Akhtuba region is attractive to fishermen all year round. Winter fishing in reservoirs is practiced during the period December-February.

December winter fishing means fishing on the first ice. The temperature during this period is without severe frosts (-2оС…-5оС), ice appears on the rivers near the banks, and on the eriks it has already set well. A lot of fish are caught, especially on girders. There are pike, large perch, and pike perch.

In winter, many fishermen prefer vertical trolling and fishing with jigs. The latter are used in any size and shape. The fish bite in winter on Akhtuba is so strong that the choice of bait plays an insignificant role.

Spring fishing on Akhtuba

Fishing on Akhtuba in April

This spring month, according to statistics, is the most popular among fishermen on Akhtuba. It is distinguished by its ability to catch large fish: for example, catfish up to 80 kg. At the end of it, water begins to rise in reservoirs, associated with the discharge of melt water from the Volgograd hydroelectric station.

The beginning of the water rise is associated with the appearance of a large number of white fish in the Akhtubinsky reservoirs: roach, blue bream, silver bream, sabrefish, roach, and bream. It is often caught directly from the shore, but larger specimens “prefer” remote places and deeper waters. After some warming up of the water, rudd and ide begin to be caught in the catches.

The beginning of April may bring prey in the form of fattening asp. They catch it with spinning rods, wobblers, spoons, and spinners. A little later, when the water temperature rises, you can hope to catch trophy specimens of this fish.

The beginning of the month is a period for those who like to catch pike perch by trolling. It is caught all daylight, but during the day it is even better. The bait should be cast at depths of up to 5 m. The predator is also caught when casting. The best method for this is to lower the boat downstream and fish across the reservoir. When there is a bite, you should anchor and fish such a place more persistently when fishing on Akhtuba. The attachments are mainly vibrating tails on weight heads 45…22 g.

For a whole month, white fish bite intensively, so the catches are always large. Especially if you fish with a float or donk. Catching large specimens requires feeding areas. They only have time to catch with one fishing rod, and the best bait for such fish is a worm (it’s very difficult to get one), maggots, and bloodworms.

The end of April is the time when the Astrakhan roach begins its journey from the Caspian Sea. It is caught right next to the shore; larger specimens are caught in deep places. At the same time, crucian carp and carp begin to bite in the floods.

April is an excellent period for catching pike and perch. Their biting activity is very high, especially in erik and ilmen forests. The most popular bait is a shallow-water wobbler, the wiring of which is not yet interfered with by aquatic grass. They are also caught using poppers, especially along the banks of reservoirs.

In April, catfish are already active in the holes within the riverbeds. They can be caught with a jig, moving the bait slowly along the edges of the holes. The fish responds to heavy vibrating tails and front-loaded spinners, and can bite on a deep-sea wobbler when trolling it.

Intensive fishing in April stops by the 20th. Firstly, by this time the water has completely risen; secondly, a spawning ban occurs, limiting the use of gear.

Summer fishing on Akhtuba

Fishing on Akhtuba in August

In terms of fishing luck, August is also a popular period on Akhtuba. The bite is usually good, although catching a trophy during this period is more difficult.

The August harvest often contains asps, which by this month begin to lose their “timidity.” These fish are caught while fishing on the Akhtuba River, most often from moored boats, fishing for snags, dumps, whirlpools, or floating bait in places of “boilers”. Among the promising baits are surface minnow-type wobblers with a small (up to 7 cm) depth.

In August, pike perch are regularly caught using spinning rods on Akhtuba. Lures – castmasters, small wobblers. Fish can be caught with a bottom, using a float fishing rod, on which you need to attach fry of roach and crucian carp.

In August, pike is also actively caught on Akhtuba. It hides in thickets of aquatic vegetation, which is abundant in reservoirs this month. It can be caught with a spinning rod using any bait or live bait. The main thing in fishing is precise casting along the edge of the grass and snags. If it is impossible to use wobblers, poppers are used.

Lovers of peaceful fish in August will also not be left without a catch on Akhtuba. All fish living in the reservoirs of the region are included (carp, crucian carp, buffalo, tench, silver bream, sabrefish, rudd, roach, bream). They catch it with regular summer gear, in the same places and at the same time. She bites on any bait.

Autumn fishing on Akhtuba

Akhtuba autumn is the time for the most successful fishing in the region. At the beginning of the period, the summer heat is replaced by pleasant coolness, although the water remains warm. A little later, from October, due to clear cloudless days, frosts may occur at night. The rains are starting to fall, although they are not yet long or heavy.

The warm autumn waters are full of food; All fish are actively feeding, trying to thoroughly prepare for winter. This behavior affects fishing in the Akhtuba floodplain and other places: its results are more impressive in terms of quantity and trophy quality.

In autumn, animals of animal origin become more “popular” among carp, crucian carp, and white fish. This applies, for example, to boilies traditionally used in these places when catching carp. You need to buy them with the taste of squid, shrimp, shells (toothless, pearl barley). Among other types of bait, preference should be given to worms and maggots.

Autumn Akhtuba fishing is, rather, more about catching a predator. Schools of pike-perch and perch appear in the waters of local reservoirs. The latter, due to their large numbers, attack schools of fry, drive them into the upper layers of water and begin to feast, grabbing prey with loud splashes and slurping sounds.

There will definitely be pike near such “feasts”. She, taking advantage of the confusion, intercepts the fish that have gone mad from the onslaught of the perches, and often the perpetrators of the disturbances themselves. This situation requires installing a leash in the spinning rod rig. The latter, by the way, no longer scares away perches, as happens in the summer.

When perch is actively biting, it is better to use silicone baits. This is purely practical advice - it is much more convenient to remove prey from one hook than from a tee.

The asp also becomes bolder in the fall, also gathers in flocks and “creates” the “asp cauldrons” known to fishermen, trying to feed intensively. The pike perch bite changes during this period: the day is added to the catchy morning and evening periods (as is observed in the summer). Although this only happens in certain places on reservoirs.

Pike begins to hunt almost all day long. But you need to catch it in the fall with large baits, which in summer or spring do not give the desired result. You can look for toothy fish in shallow water, where it can jump out in pursuit of fish.

Fishing on Akhtuba in September

This autumn month is the first in the “golden season” of Akhtubinsk fishing. It still gives the heat of the midday sun, but the night feels cooler. By the end of the month, you can see the first frost on the surrounding vegetation in the early morning.

Jets of water within the beds of reservoirs become more transparent. Carp eat among the reeds before the cold snap. The asps lose their caution and begin to gather in flocks and set up “asp cauldrons” at dawn. After the August “lull”, river catfish again go on an active hunt. On the deep channel edges, pike perch become more active. The grass pike leaves the thickets, trying to capture places with snags.

For almost two thirds of September, fishing on Akhtuba is similar to summer fishing. You can use summer gear when fishing on Akhtuba, fishing in depth, in shallow water. Trolling for large pike, asp, and pike perch is in use. A good catch is also possible with a float rod.

Fishing tactics change in the last third of the month: now you should look for fish in places with great depths, far from the coast. This is due to the cooling of the water and the movement of most fish closer to their wintering places - to the pits.

By the end of September, fishing moves to deep open areas of channels, channels, and holes, where it is almost difficult to reach without a boat. At this time, you can still fish with summer gear, but pike, for example, begins to be more “interested” not in artificial baits, but in sedentary live bait.

The most active predator in September is the perch: it grabs everything that moves even a little in the water. And if you find a school of them, fishing will give anyone a lot of adrenaline. Any gear is suitable for catching striped fish: floats with a worm attachment, spinning rods with spinners, spoons, wobblers, silicone.

In September, you can catch an asp on a jig, but you should look for it in deep places, near bottom gutters and channel holes. Moreover, it “responds” more actively to the nozzle being slowly moved along the bottom.

At the end of the month, bream and ide stop being caught. Although float fishing on Akhtuba and donk fishing at this time bring good results for roach, dace, and silver bream. These types of fish stop catching only with the onset of severe frosts. Burbot begins to appear in catches during this period.

In September, it is better to use shells, bloodworms, worms, and maggots as bait.

Fishing on Akhtuba in November

Fishing in autumn on Akhtuba is attractive for a small number of anglers. Why this happens is difficult to understand. Because the period is productive for fishing and often pleases with trophy catches. Nevertheless, most fishing bases are curtailing their services, mothballing outboard motors and boats, not wanting to go bankrupt.

One of the possible answers to the situation that makes wild fishing on Akhtuba almost unrealistic may be the appearance of strong winds in the region in the fall. On Akhtuba in November they are distinguished by their piercing and prickly quality. In open places, when the direction of the wind and the river current are multidirectional, things happen that are not worth thinking about fishing.

It is difficult to withstand the test of the wind, but it is possible. Following the reports on fishing on Akhtuba, it is better to look for fish not on the river itself, but in the winding narrow eriks, which are present in abundance in the Akhtuba area. Some of these places that are relatively “convenient” for fishing in November are discussed later in the article.

Erik Kazachiy

Erik begins almost at the Volga. Then, winding strongly, it goes in the direction of Lapaz, connecting the Mitinka channel with Akhtuba. There is no point in hoping for big trophy fish here. But you can “have a blast” with 3-kilogram pikes here. Therefore, when preparing gear for fishing on Akhtuba, we must not forget about strong fishing line, metal leashes, jig baits and cold water. The latter requires protecting your hands, because in November the water in Akhtuba’s reservoirs is already very cold.

One of the first interesting places for a fisherman is located immediately after the zigzag turn, near the confluence of the Erik and Akhtuba. There is a small pit with uneven edges. You can catch it from one parking lot, which is chosen in the center.

Pike are caught on the dumps of the pit, along its entire perimeter. Directly in the pit you can catch small bersh and pike perch. Their bites sometimes occur near the boat, which adds delight and pleasure to the fisherman from the fishing process.

The second promising place for November fishing is the confluence of Kazachye and Akhtuba. Erik here looks more impressive than the river. It is worth stopping at the arrow itself and fishing for the concave drop and the adjacent shoal, which is usually overgrown with grass. It is in shallows and dumps that you can catch decent perch and pike.

In addition to the indicated places, it is worth stopping at all the pits found in Erica. Especially when there are slopes along their edges that “go” to depth. They will definitely “give” the fisherman a catch in the form of decent 3-kg pike and 2-kg pike-perch.

Alexandrovskaya pit

This is a place on Mitinka with a depth of 12 m. It is definitely worth visiting when relaxing and fishing on Akhtuba in November. In plan, the pit is elongated, with one steep edge and the other gentle. You need to fish the entire perimeter, especially its corners. The place is catchy and can “give” a good catch, even of trophy size and weight.

In November, the Alexander Pit is practically “empty”. It is rare to see a fisherman there. This is explained by its distant location from the fishing bases near the village of Selitrennoye. And the fishermen staying at the bases near the village of Zavolzhskoye have nearby places that are not inferior to this one in terms of catchability.

Fishing on foggy days on Akhtuba

In addition to unpleasant winds, fogs are frequent on Akhtuba in November. Moreover, they are the ones they talk about – “milk”. Their presence is a reason not to go far from the base when fishing. Otherwise, you can get lost and take a long time to find your way home.

If you live at the base in Zavolzhsky, you can visit the place around the turn of Erik Mitinka to the Volga bed. More precisely, where it is connected to the brick erik. There is a sand spit here, and behind it there is a noticeable snag. It is behind it that a long and deep hole begins, which can make catfish fishing on Akhtuba successful even in this autumn month.

In the same place, but in the middle of Mitinka, there is a gentle slope. It is good for catching bersh. If you want to catch a decent pike or pike perch, you should cast a spinning rod closer or right in the snag. For good pike perch hunting, you should wait until the fish come out in the evening.

Fishing on Akhtuba as a wild man

There are many fishing bases on Akhtuba, but many prefer to fish wild. And they come from far away, with the whole family. They give preference to the ecological purity of this region and its amazing nature. Usually they go in spring, summer and autumn.

Spring is the golden time on Akhtuba for wild fishing. Nature begins to wake up from the cold, everything around comes to life. At this time, predatory fish species are well caught. Pike spawn and attack any bait. Bersh and pike perch are good fish for donks.

You can go to Akhtuba as a savage in July and June. But only if you are a true fishing fan. This period is a time of midges and mosquitoes, which is not pleasant for everyone. It is better to spend it with your family at the Fishing Life base on Akhtuba or in another comfortable place. But in August you can go wild fishing on Akhtuba without fear.

September and October are the velvet season for savage fishing. The nights are warm and the fish bite is excellent. There is no sweltering heat, nature is beginning to put on its autumn colors. But in November you need to take into account that there may be slight frosts at night. And going wild this month to Akhtuba for fishing, you need to take warm clothes.

Fishing on Akhtuba for catfish

This fish is the pride of Akhtuba. But catching it is a rather specific activity. You can, of course, master complex fishing methods such as “kwok”. But you can try to catch a mustachioed giant (for example, up to 30 kg) with other gear.

The best place to look for catfish on Akhtuba is in holes that are 7 m deep and have a weak reverse current. You can verify the presence of fish in such a place by its play: the catfish usually floats to the surface, shows its spotted side and back, and then, waving its tail, goes into the depths with its characteristic splash.

Catfish are caught using powerful bottom tackle and must be equipped with a metal leash. The hook should be large, strong and sharp. As bait you can use small frogs, large live bait, a piece of meat, for example, from the side of an asp.

They throw the bait not into the hole, but onto its edge, where there is a “path” along which the catfish go to smaller places.

You can catch catfish on Akhtuba in a plumb line, from a boat, rafting with it downstream. In this case, use a powerful, short, hard spinning rod, which is used to fish holes with a large vibrating tail (preferably yellow) or a vertical spoon. It is advisable to use an inertial reel on the rod. To avoid problems with catching fish, you need to have a hook and a partner with you.

Catfish are also caught on Akhtuba using spinning rods. Small specimens are caught when fishing for pike perch. The most suitable baits for this are: spinners, deep wobblers, twisters, vibrotails. Wiring is slow.

Fishing for carp on Akhtuba

In the reservoirs of the region, fishermen quite often come across carp weighing 10…15 kg; less often 2 times larger. To find a promising place for fishing near, for example, the Russian fishing spot Akhtuba the Mustache Giant, get up early and, for example, walk along the shore of a reservoir, observing the surface of the water. If carp are present, they will jump out of the water, sparkling with their golden sides.

Tackle for catching carp on Akhtuba: strong, powerful rod; load ~100 g; braided leash; durable hook suitable for bait. You definitely need to take a landing net with you.

It is better to catch carp from a boat. It is anchored above the fishing spot and cast from the side or stern with 2 rods. The best bait for carp on Akhtuba is a barley shell: it holds well and is too tough for small fish.

Having cast the fishing rods, they carefully monitor their tips - bite alarms. Sometimes it follows immediately after casting and missing it means sometimes losing the rod itself with all the gear.

Especially for- V.A.N.

Fishing on Akhtuba and the Lower Volga in the fall is an exciting time to catch a predator that is in its feeding period. The 2017 fishing calendar for the Astrakhan region advises going fishing on the Volga for trophies. You will learn where and what kind of fish to catch on the Volga and Akhtuba in the fall, and what fishing bait to use at this time of year. The fisherman's calendar will reveal the secrets of catching pike, perch and asp in October on Akhtuba and the Volga. Take note of our fishing calendar 2017 and come for autumn fishing in the Astrakhan region.

Fishing on Akhtuba and Volga in October means fishing for large predators: pike perch and pike. Indeed, the largest, trophy specimens of pike perch and pike are caught in October-November. And of course, perch continues to be caught well at this time. Fishing on Akhtuba and the Lower Volga in the fall will be successful if you study the fishing calendar for the Astrakhan region for 2017 before your trip. The principle of the fisherman's calendar for the fall is simple - green indicates excellent bite, yellow indicates good, and red indicates unstable. However, the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain is such a unique place for fishermen, where you can catch even those fish that bite capriciously.

Fishing calendar for October - Akhtuba and Lower Volga

What fish to catch on the Volga and Akhtuba in October Fishing on the Volga Akhtuba in October - bite forecast for October
October 1-15 October 16-31

Features of fishing on the Volga and Akhtuba in October

The fisherman's calendar for October notes the activity of fattening pike perch and asp on the Volga and Akhtuba. It is in October that the best time comes for catching a predator on the Volga. The average temperature in October in the region is +10 degrees, at night it drops to 4-6 degrees. The first night frosts begin in the middle of the month and can reach -7 degrees. There is sometimes thick fog over the ponds in the morning.

With the onset of autumn cooling, the fish move from shallow waters to deep places. If in summer, on warm, quiet evenings, on almost any river or channel one could see whitewash splashing here and there, then in October the surface of the water becomes almost deserted - all underwater life has sank lower, closer to the wintering pits. Carp and crucian carp bite less often and only from the bottom at a decent depth, while they also become very sensitive to the weather. At this time, bream almost does not feed in the shallows, but prefers to stay in holes and gutters.

And for predatory fish, the autumn feeding continues. Pike seems insatiable, pike perch and perch are still voracious - they need to have time to gain more fat before winter.

The burbot becomes active in cold water and is now eating off after the summer hunger strike, when it hid from the heat in holes and under snags in the depths. In October, you can still catch catfish - the autumn catfish takes live bait or artificial bait, but only if you put it under its nose - it no longer leaves the hole it has chosen for wintering, and does not go out to hunt in shallow waters.

In mid-autumn it is good to catch (it is also called “Volga pike perch”). You can catch it with the same tackle and bait as pike perch, plus it is often caught on a worm on a donk. And although it is often smaller than pike perch, its meat is even tastier - juicy and sweet.

Fishing gear in October on Akhtuba and the Lower Volga

Artificial baits when fishing should be used in brighter colors (especially on cloudy days) and with a higher specific gravity, since in search of the treasured trophy you will have to “break through” a considerable layer of water to horizons of 4-9 meters, where at this time all the large fish begin to accumulate preparing for winter. Considering the low water temperature and, accordingly, the lower mobility of a large predator, the bait should be retrieved at a minimum speed and with long pauses.

In October, you can still use the usual gear for catching predators: jigs, mugs, spinning lures, trolling, donks and float rods with live bait. An onboard deep-sea fishing rod with live bait and vertical lures from a boat work well. But an ordinary blind float can be used infrequently, only when the sun heats up the shallows. Bait should be used only of animal origin: worms, maggots, bloodworms. All peaceful fish switched to eating “meat”.

At night, you can successfully catch a frogfish, cutting (pieces of fresh fish) or a large worm

From mid-autumn, a large jig with baited bait or bloodworms and large oscillating spoons begin to work effectively on the predator, so fishing on Akhtuba in the fall, October, as they allow you to attract a predator with a good game even at a minimum retrieve speed. From October on Akhtuba it’s time for jigs.

What fish to catch on Akhtuba and Volga in October

Fishing for pike perch in October

The fishing calendar for October advises catching large pike perch on the Volga and Akhtuba using jigs and spinning rods. In October, as the water gradually cools, pike perch leave shallow water areas. The fisherman's calendar recommends looking for pike perch in October on deep riverbed edges, where you can also catch large perch or pike. Fishing on the Volga in October will be productive if you fish by trolling with a deep-sea wobbler. Large pike perch should be caught on the track. Pike perch also chooses deep snags, where it is better to catch it using jig baits with non-snacking rigs. The zander's hunger in October will continue until November, gradually intensifying. The fisherman's calendar for October recommends not to miss this period - at the end of October the pike perch bite on the Volga and Akhtuba is the best of the season.

Asp fishing in October

Fishing on the Lower Volga in October, as noted in the angler’s calendar, is famous for catching large asps. This month, asp are caught on riffles and breaker streams near the coastal flooded bushes. The closer the end of October is, the larger specimens of asp can get on your hook. Asps weighing 5 kg or more can be caught in some eriks, where giant asps often stand right next to the shore and eat the fry stretching along the shore. According to the fisherman’s calendar, fishing on Akhtuba in October allows you to catch a trophy asp.

Fishing for pike and perch in October

Fishermen confirm that October continues to be a wonderful time for catching predators on the Volga and Akhtuba, and the active bite of large fish in the lakes does not calm down. So, if you are going fishing in the Lower Volga during this period, take some gear for pike, you won’t regret it.

Catching catfish in October

The fisherman's calendar for October reminds us that this month there is still an opportunity to tempt a mustachioed giant to bite. They are caught in October using bottom tackle and the vertical trolling method. In general, vertical trolling over holes in October becomes especially effective; this method catches not only catfish, but also other predatory fish.

Catching carp in October

Fishing in Astrakhan in October still leaves the opportunity to catch. You should look for carp in deep places with a clay bottom under steep yars and among snags. The fisherman's calendar emphasizes that the carp's diet is shifting from plant foods to animal foods. Therefore, it is better to catch carp in the fall on the Volga using the meat of barley shells (toothless), as well as boilies using bottom tackle. Carp actively feeds throughout the day, filling up before the winter period, so its good bite lasts until the end of the month, and in the long autumn it extends until mid-November. Sometimes there are even cases of its being caught on a spinning rod when fishing with twisters, vibrating tails or foam fish in typical carp spots.

Autumn fishing on the Lower Volga and Akhtuba in November can give the fisherman a lot of pleasant impressions, bites and solid trophies. Active biting of predatory fish, mild temperature conditions - this is what the fisherman needs in the fall. Take note of our fishing calendar for October 2017 and come fishing in the Astrakhan region.

The Akhtuba River is a left tributary of the mighty Volga River. It is Akhtuba, together with channels, small rivers and eriks, that creates the Lower Delta of one of the largest rivers on the planet. The Akhtuba riverbed is 200 meters wide, and in some places up to three hundred meters wide. The river widens especially in May, when spring floods occur. As soon as this time passes, the current in the river weakens.

In the Akhtubinsky channel you can find a large number of holes, the depth of which reaches 20 meters. These are the places I fell in love with. There are a lot of reeds, bushes and other thickets growing on the banks of the river. Fishermen say that a large number of pike are concentrated here. If you want to catch carp, then due to the slight current this fish accumulates in the backwaters. It is easy to catch with a float rod.

It is noteworthy that fishing on Akhtuba is not limited exclusively to the waterway. There are a large number of eriks, floodplain lakes, and channels that connect Akhtuba with the Volga. Fishermen who have been coming to these places for many years know that you can not only catch a lot of fish, but also be awarded an excellent trophy. In these places, 100-kilogram catfish, ten-kilogram pike perch, and 20-kilogram carp are often caught. And that’s not all: big fish can be caught not only by a professional, but by those who come fishing for the first time.

Fishing on Akhtuba in winter

The Akhtuba River attracts fishermen both in winter and summer. As for the winter period, the best time is from December to February. In December, the river is covered with the first ice. If there are no severe frosts, then the water temperature is from minus 2 to minus 5 degrees. If on the eriks the ice had already completely covered the surface of the water, then in open spaces the ice appeared only on the banks. The best option to fish at this time is with girders. You can get perch, pike or zander.
Most often in winter, fishermen on Akhtuba prefer to fish with a jig or a vertical spoon. A jig, for example, can have any size. The bait does not play a special role, since the bite in winter on Akhtuba is very strong.

Fishing on Akhtuba in spring in April

Statistics show that fishing on Akhtuba in April is one of the most popular times of the year for fishermen who come to these areas. The fact is that now on Akhtuba you can catch a catfish weighing 80 kilograms. In April, the Volgograd hydroelectric power station discharges water into the river, causing its level to rise.
As the water level rises, a large number of white fish appear in the river. These are bluefish, roach, sabrefish, bream and roach. The fish will “peck” well from the shore, but in order to catch a large representative of this fish, you have to choose places deeper and further from the shore. And as soon as the water warms up, ide and rudd appear.
Some fishermen are lucky and catch a fattening asp in early April. You can catch this fish using a spinning rod with a wobbler, spinner or spoon. And as soon as the water warms up, there is a chance to “pull out” a trophy asp.
Pike perch can be caught by trolling in early April. There are more than enough people who want to do this kind of fishing. You can catch pike perch all day long. The bait is released to a depth of up to five meters. Sometimes predatory fish are caught when casting. The best option is to go down the river in a boat and catch pike perch across it. If a bite appears, you need to drop anchor and fish the “cool” place well.
The intensity of the white fish bite in April is off the charts. This means that the catch is almost always very large. The float and donka are the best “weapons”. If you want to catch a big fish, then you can’t do without bait. Well, as bait you need to use bloodworms, worms or maggots. Unfortunately, you can only fish with one rod. There won't be enough time for more.
At the end of April, Astrakhan roach begins to travel from the Caspian Sea to Akhtuba. You can catch this fish right off the coast, but large specimens are found at greater depths. Crucian carp and carp also begin to be active at this time.
Pike and perch also bite well in April. In the erik and ilmen rivers the bite of this fish is especially strong. A shallow-water wobbler is the best bait that is not obstructed by aquatic grass.
Within the channels and near the pits, catfish begin to show their activity. The fish bites well on vibrating tails, spinners, and also on deep-sea wobblers. But at the end of April, around the 20th, the intensity of the bite subsides. So, in addition to the full rise of the water, spawning occurs. You can no longer use as much fishing gear as before.

Fishing on Akhtuba in August

August is a very successful month for fishing on Akhtuba. The bite in August is still very strong. Most often in the summer on Akhtuba you can catch asp, which becomes more accessible. Experienced fishermen know that it is best to catch asp from a boat, throwing bait near snags and pools. A surface wobbler can be considered a promising bait.
Pike perch on Akhtuba is caught consistently in August. Spinning rod is used. The most common and effective method of fishing is jig or donka with live bait.
In the thickets you can find pike, which is also actively caught on Akhtuba in August. Pike are caught using any bait or live bait; a spinning rod is used as a fishing rod. The main feature is to accurately cast along the grass or snags. If it is impossible to use a wobbler, then fishermen use poppers.

Fishing on Akhtuba in autumn

In autumn, fishing on Akhtuba turns into a real pleasure for lovers of predator fishing. The summer heat gives way to autumn coolness, which adds even more comfort when doing what you love. A little later, in October there may be frosts at night, and the rainy season begins. However, such rains are not yet long-lasting.
At this time, there is a sufficient amount of food in the water, which the fish quickly eats, preparing for winter. This means that fishing becomes more interesting, because the chances of catching a trophy specimen increase several times.
White fish, carp, and crucian carp are especially caught on a hook in early autumn. For example, when catching carp, fishermen use boilies. You can buy them ready-made at the store in different flavors. Other types of bait are worms, maggots or corn.
Experienced fishermen know that autumn on Akhtuba is the time for catching predatory fish. Schools of perch and pike perch enter these waters every now and then. For example, perch hunts for fry. Of course, pike also appears in the waters. She indiscriminately grabs everyone who gets in her way, including small perch. You must install a leash on your spinning rod.
If the perch is highly active, you can use silicone baits. The fact is that it is much more convenient to remove fish from one hook than from a triple hook.
The asp doesn’t miss his chance either. This fish gathers in schools, feeds, and actively prepares for the winter. Well, fishermen also do not lose the opportunity to hunt for this fish. At this time, pike perch begins to peck not only in the morning or evening, but also during the day. However, not everywhere. As a rule, it takes a long time to find a place.
If in the summer the pike pecked only at certain types of bait, now the predator devours everything. You can catch it all day, and the intensity of the bite does not subside for the whole day. The favorite place for pike in the fall is shallow water, where a lot of fry accumulate.

September fishing on Akhtuba

September is the beginning of a wonderful fishing season. During the day it is still hot, but in the evening it gets colder. In some places you can see the first frost on the trees.
The water becomes colder and clearer. Near the stones you can often observe carp feeding before wintering. And in the early morning you can see asp gathering in “cauldrons”. Catfish attracts special attention. In the channels in deep areas, pike perch become active. We can say that for most of September, fishing on Akhtuba is not much different from summer fishing. You can even use the same gear and fish in shallow sections of the river. It is noteworthy that even a float rod turns out to be useful.
The situation changes at the end of September. It is unlikely that you will be able to catch fish in shallow water. She moves to deep areas, away from the shore. This is explained by the fact that the fish senses the cooling of the water and “goes” to their wintering places - to the pits.
It can be argued that at the end of September fishing without a boat on Akhtuba is almost impossible. You have to get to open areas of the river where the rod cannot reach from the bank.
Thus, perch is considered the most active predator at this time. He grabs everything that moves, while the pike reacts only to slow-moving baits. Any gear will do here. If you can find a good place, the catch will be big.
Asp can also be caught using jigs in September. But it will be possible to find it in the deep waters of Akhtuba. The nozzle must be moved slowly along the river bottom. Bream and ide are practically not caught at the end of September. But silver bream, roach and dace can be caught well with a float rod. With the onset of cold weather, a new fish appears -. To catch it, a shell, bloodworm or worm is used as bait.

Fishing on Akhtuba in November

At this time, very few fishermen go to Akhtuba. Although there are a lot of fish at this time, people do not take risks. The thing is that strong winds rage on Akhtuba in November. Sometimes there is no time for fishing. There is fish in November, but you need to look for it in eriks and backwaters.

Fishing in the fog on Akhtuba

In November, not only strong winds bother you, but also fog. Experts recommend not going far from the base. Otherwise, you will have to look for a long time to find your way back. It is best to hunt catfish at this time on Akhtuba. If you want to catch pike perch or pike, you will have to get closer to the snags. It is best to wait for pike perch in the evening.

Fishing on Akhtuba as a wild man

Although there are many bases on Akhtuba, many prefer to fish “wild”. So, in spring or summer you can come with whole families. Nature simply amazes with its beauty. In summer, wild fishing is not the most pleasant activity: midges and mosquitoes bother you. It’s best to go to Akhtuba as a wild person in September, just don’t forget to take warm clothes for the evening hours. It gets especially cool on September evenings.
In the spring, as a rule, it is possible to bring peaceful fish from fishing, in particular roach, in the summer - bream, carp and other white fish, and in the fall - pike, perch, pike perch and other fish. The advantages of wild fishing are the opportunity to feel the solitude, the harmony of nature, and look at its beauty.

Catching catfish on Akhtuba

Catching catfish is a very exciting activity in itself, and on Akhtuba the interest doubles. Akhtuba is famous for its large catfish. It is best to look for this fish in deep holes - up to twenty meters, where there is a weak reverse current. The catfish first floats to the surface, and then shows its tail and moves into the depths. You need to catch catfish using bottom tackle with a metal leash. As bait, you can use a small frog, large baitfish or a piece of meat. However, the hook must be powerful.
Often fishermen catch catfish from a boat, floating downstream. A powerful spinning rod is used, and the holes are fished with a vibrotail. You will need a hook and a partner so that the fish can be brought out of the water.

Catching carp on Akhtuba

Fishermen claim that in the reservoirs of the region it is possible to catch 10-15 kilograms of carp. Rarely do you come across individuals weighing 30 kilograms. An excellent place for catching this fish will be the Mustache Giant - a place on Akhtuba. So, you need to walk along the shore early in the morning and look at the surface of the water. If there is a carp, the fish jumps out of the water, and its golden sides sparkle in the first rays of the sun.
To catch carp you need to stock up on a large and powerful fishing rod. The weight of the load is approximately one hundred grams, the leash is made of braided wire. The hook must fit the bait. You can't do without a landing net.
The best fishing is from a boat. Two rods are cast. The shell is the best bait. Firstly, small fish will not “knock down” this bait, and secondly, the shell stays on the hook for a long time.
As soon as you cast your fishing rods, you immediately need to monitor the bites. If you miss them, you can lose the entire fishing rod along with the gear.

Fishing on Akhtuba video

gastroguru 2017