List of countries where Russian tourists are not recommended to travel. Which countries are safe for holidays? Where is it dangerous to travel abroad now?

Travel websites are full of articles “5 reasons to visit Thailand”, “TOP 10 places that everyone should see”, “Exotic routes in Africa”. Traveling gives tourists impressions, introducing them to other cultures and traditions, but at the same time they are fraught with danger. Where to go with peace of mind in 2017, and where is danger lurking for vacationers?

Experts from the agencies International SOS and Control Risks found out where it is safe to vacation and which countries are dangerous for tourists. They created a digital “risk” map of the world, Travel Risk Map 2017. To create it, analysts used data on the trips of 500 thousand people from 75 countries. Countries and regions on the map are rated as dangerous to visitors, ranging from "not significant" to "extreme." When planning a vacation in 2017, check out the Travel Risk Map 2017 online.

The Middle East, northern, central and eastern Africa, Central America are the most dangerous places for tourists. In many countries there is a high or extreme danger. In the ocean of chaos that has covered the planet, there are still islands of reliability. The safest countries for visitors are Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Slovenia, Switzerland, Luxembourg.

How are things going in countries popular with our holidaymakers? Türkiye and EU countries are in the “low” risk group. The situation in Egypt is less optimistic. The eastern part of the country, where tourists vacation, is considered a medium-risk place. Western Egypt is a dangerous place. People consider traveling to exotic places risky. But now some resort countries are also uneasy.

In 2016, the British agency Ipsos MORI conducted a survey among tourists about travel safety. 72% of people believe that traveling in 2017 will be more dangerous than in 2016. Tourists are afraid of high-profile events: viral epidemics, terrorist attacks, earthquakes. Experts believe that tourists' expectations do not match reality. Travelers are most likely to suffer from less serious incidents, such as road accidents and petty crime.

Before traveling abroad, especially to a “risky” country, you need to buy health insurance. If you need the help of doctors while traveling, the assistance will organize treatment, and the insurance company will pay for it. The VUSO company is one of the leaders in travel insurance on the Ukrainian market. It cooperates with reliable assistance agencies and clinics in many countries. Therefore, thousands of vacationers purchase insurance on the website and at the company’s offices.

The cost of the policy depends on the country visited, the duration of the trip and the content of the policy. You can additionally insure against loss of luggage. This would be a smart decision if you plan to shoot landscapes on your trip and take an expensive DSLR camera with you. Perhaps you are planning to travel abroad by car. On the website, along with your travel policy, order Green Card insurance. It is necessary for drivers to travel abroad by car.

Travel safely!

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such means, if the processing of personal data without the use of such means corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, a search for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored electronically in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

When a person chooses a vacation destination, especially abroad, he is interested in many important points - climate, hotel comfort, general service and much more. Not least on this list is the safety indicator. It is rare who dares to travel as a tourist to Kenya, Somalia or Syria. There is a serious risk of coming under fire, being kidnapped, or simply going missing.

Therefore, you should choose the safest country for tourists in the world. And the main feature here is not only the absence of militants or war zones on its territory, but the minimal risk of natural disasters and much more. You can learn from the material in this article what criteria you should use to choose the most comfortable country for your holiday, and which countries in the world are in the TOP safest.

Some tourists go to the mountains in search of adrenaline, others raft along mountain rivers, and still others go to the impenetrable Amazon jungle. But before you decide to take any extreme trip, it is important to assess all possible risks. But most people expect a pleasant stay, a feeling of comfort and complete relaxation from their vacation. That is why, before going on holiday to an unfamiliar country, it needs to be assessed on a safety scale. These are indices accepted in international practice and their meaning can be easily found on the Internet:

  • Peace index. The level of crime within the state and its aggressiveness towards neighbors are taken into account.
  • Index of observance of democratic rights and freedoms. Also an important indicator. It is built according to the degree of convenience of living in the country, the ability to express one’s opinion or take a certain political position.
  • Indicator of the possibility of natural disasters. Storms, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes pose a threat to life. It is better to immediately cross off territories that are often prone to natural disasters from the list of desired countries. For example, it is a wonderful place for tourists, if not for the endless earthquakes.
  • Level of sanitary and epidemiological safety. Everything should be taken into account here - the prevalence of various diseases, the need for vaccination, the availability of quality water and food, the level of medical care. African countries and the states of South Asia do not meet any of these criteria.
  • Level of economic development. In underdeveloped countries, it is unlikely that you will be able to relax in special style; even the standard level of comfort may be in question. Here the volume of state investment in the development of the social sphere, the level of corruption and the quality of life of the population are studied. For example, you should not go on vacation to Angola or Zambia, unless of course the goal is a charitable mission.

Each vacationer can outline a number of important criteria for himself and choose the most suitable state for tourism.

The safest countries for tourism and recreation

Before going to a distant country, you need to assess the level of medical care, the development of tourism infrastructure and minimize all the above risks. As a result, it turns out that there are not so many countries suitable for holidays. In this article we will arrange them in a specific order. The first place will be occupied by the safest state for recreation.

In addition, the top ten safe ones included -, and. Less safe, but comfortable for relaxation are, Malta, and. For your holiday, you can choose any country from each list. It is guaranteed that tourists are safe in these states.

Peace-loving Iceland

  • Climate

In general, the climate is favorable, although the state belongs to the north. Softness is provided by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. No natural disasters are observed. There is some concern about the active volcano. It periodically disrupts the seismic calm.

  • Best season for vacation

The best season to travel is considered to be summer, especially July and August. Here during this period of time you can observe a special natural phenomenon - white nights. But you should understand that Iceland will not please you with a gentle warm sea and a wonderful tan, even in summer. After all, this is a northern country. Even in August, the average temperature does not rise above +10. Daily indicators are of course higher – about +20.

But even in winter it doesn’t get very cold here, but you won’t be able to get to know the country, since there is only 5 hours of daylight.

Iceland on video:

  • Road accidents

It seems that only competent drivers who fully comply with all traffic rules move on the country’s roads. And the roads here are simply excellent. As a result, no more than 1 thousand accidents occur per calendar year. However, most of them do not cause serious harm to passengers and drivers. There are no more than 10-20 fatal accidents per year.

  • Crime

Iceland has the lowest crime rate in Europe. At the same time, the country does not spend its income on maintaining the army at all. It is a member of NATO and is fully protected by the alliance.

Iceland attracts travelers with its extraordinary natural beauty. Here the clouds seem to be born from the depths of the waters. Here it is impossible to find large cities or fashionable resorts that can satisfy the tastes of biased tourists.

Many holidaymakers stop in Reykjavik. The capital of Iceland received the title of cultural capital of the world in 2000. That is, there is something to do and see here. But this is only for curious travelers. If tourists prefer to relax in nightclubs or discos, they will not like Reykjavik, steeped in culture and traditions.

Here you should get acquainted with the works of local artists, stroll through galleries and museums, or visit the theater. Fans of active recreation will enjoy fishing or climbing to the crater of the volcano. Swimming in the valley of geysers will be a particular pleasure.

Denmark - Andersen's birthplace

Denmark has an excellently developed tourism infrastructure, since it is this area that fills the country's budget. Very often the country is called the “pearl of the Scandinavian Peninsula”.

  • Climate

Denmark is a comfortable place to live and relax. There are no sudden temperature changes, natural disasters or heavy rains. Winter begins according to the calendar - in December, capturing the first month of spring - March. The average low temperature is no more than 7 degrees below zero.

Summer can hardly be called hot. That's why people don't come here for beach activities. With an average air temperature of 15-16 degrees, sunbathing is not very comfortable. The warmest months are July-August.

  • Best season for vacation

It is better to choose the summer months for relaxation. Here at this time it is warm, sunny and there is practically no precipitation.

  • Road accidents

The number of accidents on the roads is slightly higher than in Iceland, although the roads and highways here are no less good. According to statistical estimates, about 5 thousand emergency situations occur per year, of which approximately 10% end in serious consequences.

  • Crime level

It may seem that crime has been completely eradicated from Denmark. The state is among the ten countries with the lowest crime rates. Here you can calmly walk along the streets at night, without fear that the traveler will be waylaid by a maniac or robber. There are practically no serious crimes committed here.

The atmosphere of Copenhagen - in the video:

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Denmark attracts tourists with its rich history. After all, it was from here that the Vikings launched raids on nearby countries. Traveling to the country is a small adventure.

For example, for young guests of the country, a trip to the land of fairy tales will be a visit to the town of Billund. A real magical city made of multi-colored bricks has been built here for children. What is especially delightful is that all the streets and houses are assembled from Lego - the same construction set that children love.

It’s simply wonderful to have a family holiday in Denmark. A visit to the Odense Zoo on Southern Boulevard (the town of Odense) will make a lasting impression on both children and parents.

Denmark can boast of cozy and comfortable hotels, but they will not be cheap. But here you have the opportunity to spend the night completely free of charge at a campsite or with couchsurfers.

Danish cuisine is based on Scandinavian traditions. It abounds in vegetables and seafood, but is not particularly sophisticated. A modest lunch in an inexpensive cafe for one person costs 1.5 thousand rubles (about 150 Danish kroner).

Austria – a country of stunning mountains

This is a small state with the capital in Vienna and a population not exceeding 8.5 million people. It is one of the richest European countries and has a very high standard of living. Now the state is at the peak of its development, which makes Austria attractive not only for recreation, but also for living. Tourism is not the country's main source of income. They make money here from agriculture and industry.

  • Climate

Austria does not have a harsh climate. Here it varies depending on the zonation - it is colder in the mountains. Winters are mild and snowy, summers are hot and dry. In August, temperatures can rise to 30 degrees.

  • Best season for vacation

It should be determined depending on the purpose of the trip. If this is a holiday at ski resorts, then the season opens in November and lasts until April. The best time to relax on the shores of Lake Carinthia is July-August.

But to get to know Vienna and other cities of Austria - early autumn or late spring.

Beautiful Vienna - on video:

  • Road accidents

Here, the danger of movement is determined by seasonality and location of movement. So in mountainous areas there is a high probability of avalanches or rockfalls. Mountain roads are especially dangerous in winter. But at any, even the slightest, hint of a threat to life, dangerous areas are immediately blocked by emergency services.

However, about 40 thousand traffic accidents are recorded here annually. About 10% of people are seriously injured or disabled. Almost 100% of road accidents are associated with the Austrians’ love for high-speed travel.

  • Crime level

Vienna is one of the ten safest cities in the world. You can compare the level of serious crimes committed here and in Russia. For example, per 100 thousand Austrians per year there are 0.6 intentional murders, while in Russia the figure is 10. That is, in our country the crime rate, by this indicator alone, is almost 17 times higher.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

The only natural danger here is an avalanche. But if you use proven slopes and do not go far from villages and bypassed routes, the risk is minimized. Another problem is mites. They are found in mountainous areas and can become a source of dangerous infectious diseases. Therefore, you should not remove them yourself. There are trained personnel for this. In any hospital, tourists will be provided with any medical care at a high level.

Here you can not be afraid of swimming in local reservoirs and calmly drink unboiled tap water.

New Zealand - the land of the magical rainbow

It's extraordinarily beautiful here. People come here to “hold” a rainbow in their hands and enjoy the pristine beauty of the flora. It feels like the country is a combination of different climatic zones and natural wonders.

There is an excellent ecological situation here, healthy food, no poisonous insects, and dangerous infectious diseases are not common.

The only natural disadvantages include increased seismic activity near volcanoes and the presence of capito spiders and sand fleas.

Such a different New Zealand - in the video:

  • Climate

The country has a subtropical climate. Summer falls during our winter, that is, the hottest month is January. But it is relatively hot here, from 20 to 30 degrees, depending on the area. The ebbs and flows are very noticeable, because the state is surrounded on all sides by the waves of the Pacific Ocean. Winter is usually very snowy.

  • Best season for vacation

The country has two tourist seasons. The first occurs in the local summer - December, January. The second is for the winter (June and July). In the second case, the skiing season starts. The lowest number of tourists is observed in March, April and November.

  • Road accidents

Driving safety in the country is ensured by the government. Since many tourists want to get to know the country on wheels, a special brochure has been published for them. It describes traffic rules, features of road markings, signs and much more. It can be found freely available in different languages.

Drivers diligently follow traffic rules, as there are many winding and difficult routes. Before any dangerous areas there are instructions to slow down or other warnings.

  • Crime level

Here the freedom and will of any person is respected, there is no discrimination or racial prejudice. Public safety is the norm.

There is a very low crime rate, and the commission of serious crimes is very rare. Due to its geographical isolation, access to unwanted emigrants is prohibited; the country is not involved in any conflicts.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Holidays in New Zealand are very diverse. This includes sailing, skiing on snow-covered slopes, skiing on sand dunes, swimming in thermal springs and much more. No one will be bored here for sure.

Local establishments serve delicious wine to visitors. The most popular dish is specially baked potatoes with fish.

New Zealand has an amazing natural landscape - mountains, lakes, sand dunes, glaciers, caves with tempting grottoes and amazing geysers. Of particular interest is the cave with fireflies. In New Zealand, both lovers of extreme entertainment and those who prefer to lazily lie on the beach will enjoy their holiday.

Portugal – a country of bright holidays

Tourists here get the most magical and memorable experiences. In Portugal you can get a safe holiday for every taste - tempting beaches, excellent cuisine, cozy cafes and restaurants, and cute city streets in French and Italian styles.

In 2016, Portugal took an honorable 5th place among countries with a high level of life safety. There is excellent medicine and good income among the population. The country makes money from the agricultural industry, so the environmental situation is more than favorable.

The enchanting landscapes of Portugal - in the video:

  • Climate

Portugal is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf Stream flows nearby, providing warmth in winter and welcome coolness in summer. It's incredibly beautiful here. Not every country can boast of centuries-old trees and endless forests. Even pineapples grow here.

Portugal delights residents and tourists with a mild subtropical climate. There are sunny days here 360 ​​days a year. Even in winter, the air temperature remains at 16 degrees (Madeira region).

  • Best season for vacation

In order to sunbathe on the beach, you should come to the country in the summer season. Bright sun, warm sea and optimal temperature of 25 degrees above zero make the holiday very attractive.

  • Road accidents

Portugal is famous for its European quality of roads. As long as you follow the traffic rules, it is quite safe to travel around the country by car. But the driving style of Portuguese drivers can be called chaotic and unpredictable.

Traffic is especially complicated by the presence of a large number of agricultural machinery and motorcycles. Therefore, road accidents are not uncommon. When moving around, it is worth considering that many roads are toll roads.

  • Crime level

The country has a minimal crime rate. This largely depends on the tightening of the penal system, improving the economic component and the legalization of drug trafficking.

Here you can move freely at dusk and even at night, although Portugal has the highest crime rate compared to other European countries. There are 1.2 murders per 100 thousand people.

If serious crimes are not common in the state, then pickpocketing and robbery are commonplace. This statement applies to large cities - Lisbon and Porto. It is not safe to walk alone here, and you should keep a close eye on valuables.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Portugal attracts tourists with its magnificent beaches. They can be found in the Azores or Algarve. Lovers of ancient architecture will be delighted by ancient castles, monasteries and fortresses.

In order for vacationers and residents of large cities to feel safe, surveillance cameras are installed everywhere. In places where there are special concentrations of tourists, there are special police units that ensure their safety. But it will be difficult to agree on anything with them, since knowledge of foreign languages ​​is not required for employees.

You can choose any country from the list for your holiday. Your holiday there will be comfortable and safe. But this statement will not apply to tourists eager for “adventure”. That is, if a vacationer is careless about general safety recommendations, ignores weather forecasts, or walks at night in an unfamiliar area, then he may invite disaster upon himself. Whatever level of security is ensured in the country, it is imperative to comply with the rules of public order, not to challenge traditions and customs, and then your vacation will be safe and comfortable.

We tell you where to go in summer – 2019 for an inexpensive and safe holiday at sea. We consider both holidays on tours and vouchers, as well as independent travel - prices, conditions, best resorts.

  1. Where to go to the sea inexpensively
    1. Popular countries
    2. Other options
  2. Other directions
    1. Europe and the Mediterranean
    2. Southeast Asia
    3. Southern Russia and Crimea

What prices are indicated in the article? Airfare is for round trip flights. The cost of tours is the minimum price for this destination for 5-7 nights, unless more is specified.

Where to go for an inexpensive holiday by the sea

Most Russians prefer to vacation relatively close in the summer - for example, in Europe or neighboring countries. Firstly, June-August is the high season in these countries, and secondly, air tickets are cheap - from 7000-8000 rubles.

Where you can go on a seaside holiday in the summer of 2019 inexpensively and safely (including with children):

  • Türkiye
  • Tunisia
  • Bulgaria
  • Georgia
  • Montenegro

You will find information on the cost of tours and independent travel to these and other summer destinations below.

How to have an inexpensive holiday at sea on a tour? Easily! Use special services like and to compare prices for tours from all tour operators. This way you can find the most profitable options.

Popular countries


An inexpensive beach holiday at sea in the summer of 2019 is possible in Turkey. A visa is not required for Russians; You can go on a tour or on your own.

Vouchers. With early booking, it’s possible to find tours for 20,000-25,000 rubles for two people. In summer, prices are higher, but there may be hot deals.

Photo: view of one of the Turkish resorts © Mahir Uysal


One of the most popular summer destinations in 2019 is Tunisia. June, July and August in this country are the most favorable times for a beach holiday.

Prices for tours to Tunisia are low, which determines the large flow of tourists from Russia.

Tickets. Flying to Tunisia on your own is expensive. Tickets from Moscow to the country's capital (Tunisia) cost from 19,800 rubles; to the popular beach resort of Monastir - from 36,500 rubles. Find flights to Tunisia →

Vouchers. Summer is the high season, and prices for trips to Tunisia rise significantly. From June to August, the minimum price is 40,000-42,000 rubles, but tours to most hotels cost no less than 45,000-50,000 rubles.

Photo: resort town in Tunisia © AlexSky /


Montenegro is another place where you can inexpensively go on holiday abroad in the summer of 2019. Moreover, you don’t need a visa there.

The cost of summer tours to Montenegro is from 36,278 rubles.

More about holidays in the country:

Photo: coast of the Sutomore resort in Montenegro © Lubomirkin

More options


For an inexpensive beach holiday, you can go to Bulgaria this summer. The country is safe, the resorts have the necessary infrastructure, you can fly with children. A visa is required for entry.

You can fly to Burgas on a direct flight with Yamal Airlines for 12,387 rubles. Prices for a direct flight to Varna in June start from 14,437 rubles, and in July and August getting to Bulgaria can be a little more expensive. Tickets to Bulgaria →

You can go on a vacation package in the summer of 2019 from 25,173 rubles for 7 nights. Prices for all-inclusive tours to Bulgaria start from 32,000 rubles.

Photo: beach in Nessebar, Bulgaria © casur


A budget holiday at sea – 2019 is possible in Georgia. Prices for food, transport and excursions are noticeably cheaper than in European destinations (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, etc.). In addition, Russians do not need a visa to holiday in Georgia.

The country's main beach resort is Batumi, but you can also go to one of the villages nearby (Gonio, Kobuleti, Kvariati, Sarpi).

Flights. Prices for flights to Batumi in summer start from 14,500 rubles. An alternative option is to fly to Tbilisi (from 11,300 rubles), then get to the sea by public transport (train, bus) or rent a car and drive yourself. Find tickets to Georgia →

Tours. The minimum cost of a holiday in Georgia for 5-7 nights in the summer is 50,000 rubles. Prices for hotels by the sea are usually higher - from 70,000-80,000 rubles.

Photo: Batumi embankment in summer © jagermesh /

Other seaside holiday destinations

Where to go on vacation in the summer of 2019 if you are ready to spend a little more money on vacation? You can fly to more expensive countries on the Mediterranean coast, to Southeast Asia or to the south of Russia.

Europe and the Mediterranean

European countries are good for independent summer holidays because they can be reached cheaply. But prices for accommodation, food and excursions in Europe are quite high.


A good option for a seaside holiday in the summer of 2019 is to go to Greece. There is a warm sea here, there is infrastructure, it is safe - you can come with children. A Schengen visa is required.

The following articles will be useful to you:

Photo: one of the Greek resorts © Nick Karvounis


You can fly inexpensively in the summer to relax at sea in Croatia, just remember that in this country the beaches are mostly pebble. You need a Schengen visa.

Inexpensive tickets to Croatia are available in the first half of summer 2019. You can fly to the city of Pula on a direct flight with S7 airlines for 16,372 rubles. There are good prices for flights to Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Split.

You can go to Croatia on a package tour from 36,278 rubles for 5 nights.

Photo: view of the resort of Dubrovnik © Sorin Cicos


Another way to get to the sea inexpensively in 2019 is to go to Spain. Tourism is developed there; you can have a good rest as a couple or as a family with a child. To visit you need a Schengen visa.

The most inexpensive Spanish destination is Barcelona - you can fly there for 15,381 rubles (June, flight with transfer).

Getting to other Spanish cities on the sea coast will cost 2.5-3 thousand rubles more. The cost of direct flights is from 17,500 rubles.

You can fly to Spain on a tour in the summer from 21,954 rubles for a three-star hotel.

Country information:

Photo: sea in Mallorca, Spain © Nick Karvounis


Beach holidays in Spain are possible (for example, in Rimini and Amalfi). But many people go to the country for the sights and shopping, despite the fact that prices for holidays in Italy are high.

If you are going on vacation to Italy in the summer of 2019, keep in mind that the cheapest time to get to the country is in June. This month, a direct flight to the seaside resort of Rimini will cost 16,241 rubles (by Red Wings).

As a cheap option, you can fly to Milan (11,000-12,000 rubles), and get to the resort by bus or train.

Tours to Italy for the summer of 2019 cost from 42,467 rubles (for 7 nights).

Photo: Italian coast, Positano © Edgar Chaparro


One of the best islands where in summer you can have an inexpensive holiday at the seaside– Cyprus. Tickets are cheap, and the cost of a holiday in Cyprus is not as high as in Europe. The island is often chosen for holidays with children.

You can enter with a Schengen visa, and if you don’t have one, you can apply for a special Cyprus pro-visa for Russians online.

Useful information:Israel

For those choosing where to go abroad by sea in the summer of 2019, Israel offers several options: this country is home to the Mediterranean, Red and Dead Seas. Russians do not need a visa to visit Israel.

You can fly from Moscow to Tel Aviv in the summer for 14,610 rubles on a direct flight with Israel Airlines. If you are ready to fly with a transfer, there are cheaper tickets - up to 12,500 rubles. Ticket prices for August and July are 2-4 thousand rubles more expensive.

You can go to the seaside in Israel on a package tour for a price starting from 60,626 rubles for two.

Photo: beach in Israel © Vladimir Anikeev

Southeast Asia

Holidays in Southeast Asia are the opposite of holidays in Europe: tickets here are expensive (from 20,000 rubles), but entertainment and accommodation are inexpensive.

Summer in Asia is considered a low season, but this also has its advantages: the beaches are not overcrowded with tourists, and vacation prices are much lower. It rains often, but it usually falls in the evenings, and by morning everything is dry.

Where to cheaply relax at sea in the summer of 2019 in Asia? The least expensive holidays will be in the popular resorts of Thailand and Vietnam. In other countries (for example, the Maldives or Sri Lanka) prices are higher.


There are two main seaside resorts in Thailand - Pattaya and Phuket. It is good to relax in Pattaya at any time of the year, but in Phuket in the summer it is usually cloudy and there are strong waves.

To get to Pattaya, you need to fly to Bangkok. A non-stop flight from Moscow to Bangkok in the summer costs from 29,467 rubles - this is for those who are used to flying with all the comforts. If you are ready to fly with one transfer, you can find cheaper tickets - for 24,000-25,000 rubles.

You can get to Phuket this summer by direct flight for 33,000-34,000 rubles; with a transfer – several thousand cheaper.

Another resort in Thailand where you can go on a seaside holiday in the summer of 2019 is the island of Koh Samui. First you need to fly to Bangkok, and then take a domestic flight to Koh Samui. Tickets to the island cost from 2,500 rubles.

Airlines such as Emirates Qatar Airways regularly publish special offers under which you can get to Thailand for 26,000-28,000 rubles. Flights to Thailand →

Traveling to Thailand with a package in the summer of 2019 costs from 62,567 rubles (for 10 nights). With promotions you can buy tours from 26,000 for two.

Useful information about Thailand.

It happens that the beauty and mystery of a country captivates a person more than the dangers that await him there. It seems that all troubles will pass by, but more and more tourists fall into the hands of bandits, terrorists, pirates, invaders and robbers.

The most dangerous countries for tourism - the top ten

Most of the most dangerous countries in the world are located on different continents, but they are united by one thing: each of them was once a European colony. Life in them is not so easy not only for visitors, but also for indigenous residents.

Below is a list of the most dangerous countries for tourists, recognized by many experts:

1. Somalia. You can hear it called “modern Tortuga”. The entire coast is guarded by local pirates, they rob ships and capture people.

2. Afghanistan. At the moment, coalition troops are operating in the country. Nevertheless, the atmosphere in the country is very tense and complex. Terrorist attacks occur no less often than before, civilians suffer, drugs are distributed freely. It is not uncommon for foreign visitors to be kidnapped for ransom. In addition, the country is very dangerous for women, violence and humiliation of the weaker sex is quite common, healthcare leaves much to be desired, and poverty dominates.

3. Iraq. A terrorist attack occurs regularly once a week, organized by al-Qaeda militants.

4. Pakistan. The same situation as in previous cases. The hostilities do not stop.

5. Congo. The armed conflict has been going on in the country for 15 years. In total, about 5.5 million died and the number of deaths is constantly growing.

6. Gaza Strip. Israel stopped shelling 4 years ago, but, nevertheless, airstrikes sometimes occur.

7. Yemen. The above-mentioned al-Qaeda groups are creating a tense situation in the country. In addition, state oil reserves are running out, which can also lead to problems.

8. Zimbabwe. Constant robberies and murders due to increased levels of inflation and corruption.

9. Algeria. And here the situation is aggravated by groups that are associated with Al-Qaeda. Terrorists are seizing airports, hotels, industrial sites, and the entire infrastructure is constantly under threat.

10. Nigeria. This country is the most populous in Africa. Oil production is quite highly developed in it. In this regard, various groups constantly organize robberies and kidnappings of local residents and tourists.

Most of this list is from African countries. Traveling to Europe will be much safer. When compiling this rating, not only criminal acts were taken into account, but also the level of police protection for everyone.

The UN singles out Brazil among other countries as the most criminal. But this fact, unfortunately, does little to stop tourists. The absolute number of murders prevails in Brazil. According to this point, the most criminal country in America is Venezuela. Why is Colombia coming, and in third place are Honduras and El Salvador. Civil wars do not stop in the country. Therefore, at every step you can meet partisans with grenades in their hands, even in cultural institutions. Colombia is also famous for the distribution of drugs, namely cocaine. 75 percent of the powder comes from this country around the world.

From Western Europe it is worth going to Britain. Recently, the situation regarding crime has improved significantly. There is only one murder per hundred thousand people per year. Norfolk is the quietest place. There are 5 times fewer people admitted to hospitals who suffered from bandits and rapists. There may be several reasons. Some of them: improving the work of the police, growing the country's economy, reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages by British residents. After all, the main reason for the violations is the low standard of living, which cannot be said about the kingdom.

From the above, we can conclude that before going anywhere, you need to make inquiries about this country. If the standard of living in it is quite low, then there will be more crimes in it. It is worth considering this fact, especially if you plan to go on vacation with children. Despite the above dangers, quite a large number of tourists dream of visiting these countries and admiring their sights.

gastroguru 2017