Inexpensive holiday on the islands. What excursions to choose in Phuket? Pros of the Canary Islands

Every year, TripAdvisor ranks the best islands in the world. This year was no exception. Moreover, it is worth noting that this rating is not based on the traditional “expert” assessments of the editorial staff, but on the recommendations and reviews of visitors to this interesting portal.

This year, the ranking was topped by the island of Providenciales in the Caribbean, and only two representatives of past laureates remained in the top ten - the Thai Tau and the famous Bora Bora. And this fact should not surprise anyone, since the tourism market is difficult to predict and it is simply impossible to predict which destination will become popular this year.

Coral Paradise - Providenciales Island

This largest island of the Caribbean archipelago is part of such a little-known state as Turks and Caicos. The state is an extension of the Bahamas, so it is not surprising that its islands are characterized by the same features for a luxury holiday - white sandy beaches, a mild climate that allows you to relax all year round, turquoise waters and magnificent nature that create beautiful scenery for walks.

However, the main reason for the island’s frequent inclusion in various ratings is not the usual snow-white beaches familiar to everyone, but the variety of recreation. Vacationers will have great fun with yachting, windsurfing and snorkeling. And the main and most popular entertainment here is diving. This is facilitated by both warm sea waters and picturesque coral reefs, which can be easily reached from the shore.

Maui Island in Hawaii

The Hawaiian Islands have long been the canons of a good holiday. And if previously the most popular among the islands were Hawaii and Oahu, now the island of Maui, which is more accessible to tourists, is taking the leading position.

First of all, when people talk about holidays in Hawaii, they immediately think of surfing and windsurfing. After all, the Hawaiian Islands are a mecca for those who like to swim on a board. In addition, Maui, with its sparse population, is where you can fully enjoy nature. Haleakao National Park's raging waterfalls and stunning bamboo forest, not to mention its traditional warm sandy beaches, attract many tourists. Therefore, the island rightfully occupies second place in the ranking.

Roatan - Paradise in the Caribbean

How often do we hear the words “The wrong country was called Honduras” in a negative sense, expressed in relation to one’s own country. However, if you look closely at the latter, Honduras is a good comparison. Especially if you look at holidays on the island of Roatan, which belongs to Honduras.

The island is surrounded by coral reefs and covered with magnificent beaches, making it an ideal holiday destination for both casual beachgoers and scuba diving enthusiasts. An ideal place has been created here for lovers of ecotourism (the Carambola botanical garden is famous for its tropical park of exotic birds) and for various types of entertainment - from sea fishing to all water sports.

Calm and romance in Santorini

The Cyclades islands amaze everyone with their amazing natural beauty. The most mysterious and beautiful in this Archipelago is Santorini, which owes its birth to volcanic lava.

This island is often called romantic, but unlike most “paradise” ocean islands, which received their title due to their wild nature and snow-white beaches, Santorini received this title thanks to its houses carved into the rocks, which with their snow-white facades and bright blue roofs attract tourists from all over the world .

Unlike most of the islands on the list, people come to Santorini not for diving or extreme entertainment, but to kindle a real fire in loving hearts. And most of the tourists are newlyweds, whom the island pleases with its unforgettable romance and positivity.

Vibrant diving on Koh Tao Island in Thailand

The waters of the Gulf of Thailand shelter the cozy island of Tao or “Turtle Island” shaded by palm trees. The island got its name thanks to the numerous colonies of sea turtles that have chosen its snow-white sandy beaches. Once upon a time the island was uninhabited and only turtles were its only inhabitants. The white sand and azure clear water around the island cannot but delight tourists, who, like the majestic reptiles many centuries ago, have now chosen these beaches.

However, this resort island is famous not only for its snow-white sandy hills and 300 sunny days a year, allowing you to lazily sunbathe on the beach. However, the island attracts most tourists with its underwater beauty.

Diving on Koh Tao is the most popular activity. Coral reefs rich in marine life, more than 30 dive sites of varying difficulty levels, including wrecks and a short distance to dive sites - all this makes Koh Tao the “Diving Mecca” of Southeast Asia.

A safe haven for travelers – Madeira Island

For many centuries, the Portuguese island of Madeira has served as a haven for all travelers who rushed to conquer the Atlantic. Thanks to its mild and temperate climate, this paradise in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean has been a holiday destination not only for sailors, but also for the wealthy European elite for six centuries.

At the same time, most tourists come here not to bask on the beaches, since there are simply none here, but for an active pastime. The island is a real haven for lovers of hunting and fishing, diving and windsurfing, and green tourism. The main attractions of the island are the Madeira National Reserve and its Botanical Gardens. It is here that you can see all the worldwide diversity of flora that the Portuguese collected during the three centuries of their rule at sea.

“Island of the Gods” – Bali

In Indonesia, between the two largest islands of Lombok and Java, there is a cozy picturesque corner that attracts tourists with its majestic volcanoes Gunung Angung and Kintamini, pristine tropical forests and blue lagoons.

The shores of the island hide delightful temple complexes and a sacred monkey forest, where mischievous primates will give tourists a little boost of energy in exchange for small sweets for them. In addition, Bali is a kind of Indian enclave in the middle of Muslim Indonesia, and it is here that you can relax peacefully on the coast, strengthening your spirit with yoga classes.

Although the main attraction of the island is its white sandy beaches along with the surrounding coral landscapes that attract divers from all over the world, there are several other must-see spots on the island of Bali. One of them is the Barat National Park, spread over 20,000 hectares. It is there that you can see, without bars or enclosures, all sorts of combinations of flora and fauna in the pristine wild world.

The sandy paradise of mesmerizing Mauritius

Mauritius has long been one of the most beautiful holiday destinations. This tropical paradise, which is sometimes called the “key to the Indian Ocean”, despite its modest size, has more than a hundred kilometers of snow-white beaches.

It was the bright combination of the turquoise waters of the lagoon, coral reefs and bizarre mountains that became the reason that holidays on the island were ranked as top-notch. Moreover, on local beaches you can often see famous artists and billionaires, who are attracted here by the high level of comfort and individual recreation of the highest level. Local authorities are trying to make the resort not just an ordinary place of mass pilgrimage. Therefore, you will not often meet an ordinary budget tourist on the island, and when you get here you will be completely confident that you will have a top-class luxury vacation.

Mauritius is almost completely surrounded by reefs, making it an ideal place for diving and fishing. It is here that you can see and catch the very fish that every fisherman dreams of getting in his trophies - various types of marlin, sailfish and bright representatives of the shark family.

Bora Bora - the island of romantic lovers

Bora Bora is the largest island among the 118 islands of French Polynesia. It has the status of the unofficial capital of romantics and newlyweds and is considered a romantic and exotic place on the planet. The island, like most of its neighbors, was formed by a chain of volcanic eruptions and is now a mountain range with three peaks piercing the sky above a dazzling blue lagoon.

Despite its miniature size (you can travel around it in an hour by car), nature has so generously endowed the island with its beauty that it rightfully proudly bears the title of “an emerald in a turquoise frame with a necklace of pearls - that’s how you can describe it by looking at it above.
Bora Bora offers a variety of activities, from coral garden expeditions and majestic mountain visits to extreme snorkeling and diving. Moreover, one of the most interesting entertainments is hand-feeding local stingrays and sharks.

Paradise holiday on the beaches of Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha is the name of an archipelago located near Brazil, consisting of more than twenty islands. However, the largest island is inhabited and, accordingly, the most popular of this cohort, which attracts all beach lovers. In addition, this archipelago has been included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List for fifteen years, since it is in its waters that large populations of dolphins, sea turtles and cetaceans live.

It is here that the Baia do Sancho beach is located, which has become a real mecca for all lovers of sea holidays and is firmly included in the list of the best beaches in the world. This famous crescent-shaped beach is surrounded on all sides by cliffs and in order to get to it you need to go down seventy-meter stairs. However, it's worth it - the cove around the beach is a real natural treasure. The bay is a natural pool surrounded by hardened lava, in which the water is always crystal clear.

How much does a budget holiday in the Maldives cost in 2019: prices for food, hotels, transport, tickets, entertainment. We give tips on how to have a cheap holiday in Paradise. The dream can come true!

You can't have a cheap holiday in the Maldives!

You only need to go to the Maldives to expensive resorts, only there is paradise, everything else sucks.

Fanatics of resort holidays in the Maldives threw such statements at me when I announced to your VK group that I’m flying to the Maldives to experience a budget holiday on the paradise islands. Well, let the fanatics be indignant and rage. Meanwhile, I achieved my goal and now I’m ready to tell you how to relax in the Maldives inexpensively. So, let's go debunk the myths!

Sailing across the Indian Ocean on a ferry from one island to another.

I flew to the Maldives in April 2019 and was convinced of several things from personal experience:

  1. In the Maldives you can relax cheaply. Not for three kopecks, of course, but only slightly more expensive than in Thailand. It’s realistic to spend no more than $700 for two people for the entire vacation (without tickets). Budget calculation is at the end of the review.
  2. Budget holidays in the Maldives is in no way inferior luxury holidays in expensive resorts. The azure sea, crystal clear water, white powdery sand and a rich underwater world - all this is the same on any island.
  3. Economy vacation brings with it a number of disadvantages and inconveniences. I'll tell you honestly about everyone. But if the Maldives is your dream, you can forgive these shortcomings.

Exchange rate: 1 Maldivian rufiyaa (MVR) ≈ 4 RUB.

Rasdhoo Island, Maldives. The water is amazing! By the way, right ahead is an expensive resort, but the water there is the same. If there is no difference, why pay more?

Visa to Maldives

For Russians, a visa to the Maldives is not required if the trip does not exceed 30 days. If you need to stay more than a month, you need to apply for a tourist visa. Upon entry, they may require a return ticket, hotel reservation or travel voucher, as well as a bank statement (at least $50 per person per day). They didn’t check anything on us, they just asked where we would be vacationing.

The uninhabited island of Madivaru. Just look at the color of the water and that sand! I did not do any photo processing. And everyone can enjoy such views, it is not necessary to buy a tour to an expensive resort.

When is it cheaper to holiday in the Maldives?

In many countries, you can save money by coming on vacation during the low season. For a budget holiday in the Maldives, this scheme does not work. The off-season here is in the summer, but hotel prices at this time do not decrease, nor do prices for food and excursions. The sea will be cloudy and rainy. There is no point in going in the summer.

But vacations on tours at resorts from June to August cost 20% less. Expensive hotels still offer discounts for the low season.

An excellent beach on Thoddoo Island, an ideal place for a pleasant and budget holiday in the Maldives.

1. How to fly cheaply

I have two news for you: good and bad.

I'll start with the bad. You won't be able to fly to the Maldives particularly cheaply. Low-cost airlines do not fly there, and independent connections through neighboring countries do not allow you to reduce the price. A flight to the Maldives from Sri Lanka or Malaysia costs from 9,000 rubles per person, but tickets to these countries from Russia cost the same as to the Maldives. You won't be able to save money. The only thing you can get out of this is to visit the Maldives as part of a big trip to Asia. For example, we first spent a month in Sri Lanka, then flew to the Maldives for vacation, after which we flew to Malaysia and Indonesia. This is cheaper than flying from Russia to each country separately, but few people do this.

And now the good news! You will fly to the paradise islands on board the coolest, most comfortable and pleasant airlines in the world - Etihad, Emirates or Qatar. This is what they call 5 stars! Oddly enough, they always have the cheapest tickets from Russia to the Maldives. So forget about the lack of low-cost airlines and enjoy your flight.

How much do air tickets cost? to the Maldives in 2019 (round trip):

  • From Moscow with transfers in Dubai, Doha or Abu Dhabi: normal price - 30,000 ₽, with a promotion you can catch it for 25,000 ₽.
  • From Moscow by direct flight with Aeroflot - from 37,000 ₽.
  • From St. Petersburg - from 33,000 ₽.
  • From Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Samara, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don, Mineralnye Vody - from 37,000 ₽.

Our ticket costs: 18,000 ₽ - from Colombo to Male (Emirates), 18,000 ₽ - from Male to Penang (Air Asia).

Conclusions on how to save on tickets: Keep an eye on airline promotions, compare prices of all airlines on Skyscanner, tailor your holiday to dates with the lowest ticket prices.

How much do tours cost? The cheapest tours to the Maldives in 2019 that I found cost from 100 thousand rubles for two. But these are tours to local islands, tours to resorts cost from 150 thousand for a week of vacation. Last minute tours search on the services and - they will find the best offers among different tour operators. Want to save money? Explore our.

Clear azure water in the Maldives.

2. Choose an island where it’s cheap to vacation

There are three types of islands in the Maldives:

  1. Resorts. These are island hotels, completely dedicated to the needs of tourists. Vacations are expensive.
  2. Desert Islands. No one lives here, there are no buildings, often there is not even vegetation. You can come here on an excursion.
  3. Local islands. The locals themselves live here, there are schools, banks, shops, a hospital, a cafe - in general, civilization. These are the islands we need!

So, for a cheap holiday in the Maldives, come to. They all differ from each other in size, distance from the capital and airport, and infrastructure development. The cheapest place to vacation is on the islands that are located near the capital, because they can be reached inexpensively and easily. But there will be a lot of tourists there. If you want the most secluded holiday, choose distant islands.

Beach on the island of Ukulas. All tourist beaches on the local islands have sun loungers. Each hotel has its own, but there are so many sun loungers that you can choose any - no one will turn you away.

I vacationed on three islands: Thoddhoo, Rasdhoo, Ukulas.

Todd. Cool, nice island! Russians love it very much - 90% of all vacationers are here, so we dubbed the island “Maldivian Anapa”. Thoddu is a fruit plantation that feeds the entire country. You can get to the island by ferry for about $10 (4-6 hours) or by speedboat for $35 (1.5 hours). Hotels cost from $50 per night, there are many of them. There are cafes, shops, a bank. The island has two excellent tourist beaches, both are clean and pleasant, and you can snorkel right off the shore. I recommend!

Rasdu. It's a so-so place: the tourist beach is mediocre, outside there is a lot of garbage, a lot of broken glass. There is a waste incineration plant right next to the beach: the smell and noise will not let you have a pleasant rest. Only diving enthusiasts or those wishing to visit the uninhabited Madivaru Islands, which are just one km from Rasdhoo, should come here. I don't recommend it for a beach holiday.

Ukulas. A pleasant island with a huge wide bikini beach. There are shops, cafes, and many guest houses. Good snorkeling right off the shore, I saw a shark - great! Hotels start from $37. Ferries run rarely, only 2-3 times a week. A speedboat to the airport costs $50, I bargained for $40 (the journey takes 1.5 hours). I recommend!

Thoddoo Island is one big farm where fruits and vegetables are grown. There is a lot of greenery around and walking around the island is pleasant. The photo shows plantations and a new tourist beach.
Ukulas Island is much smaller than Thoddu, but the beach is very long and wide.

Available in the Maldives and other local islands where you can have a cheap holiday. I wasn’t there, but I found out everything during preparation. There are dozens of local islands, I’ll tell you about the popular ones.

Maafushi. The most famous and popular island for a budget holiday. Easy to reach from the airport, a lot of hotels and other tourist infrastructure. But there are also very, very many vacationers. Another drawback is that new hotels are being built everywhere. However, the beach and snorkeling on the island are praised. At first I included Maafushi in the trip program, but then decided not to go. If crowds don’t bother you and you want the most developed infrastructure, come. Hotels - from $45.

Hulhumale. The most convenient island in terms of accessibility. The only island where you don’t need to sail, but can be reached from the airport directly by bus. Some of the most inexpensive hotels in the Maldives are here - from $44. Disadvantage - there is no bikini beach, that is, you can only swim in clothes.

Guraidhoo. Inexpensive hotels (from $37), convenient to get from Male. The bikini beach is located on a nearby island, which you need to walk across a bridge to reach - however, this is not a problem. The problem is different - the beach is not suitable for swimming due to dead corals and shallow water.

Himmafushi. Hotels are inexpensive, but officially there is still no bikini beach. The island is more suitable for surfers; there are spots for divers.

conclusions. There are many islands for a budget holiday in the Maldives. Choose an island based on your interests: beach holidays, active holidays, snorkeling, diving. The closer the island is to the capital, the cheaper and easier it will be to get there. The more guest houses on the island, the higher the competition between them and the lower the prices. But there are many tourists on such islands.

Bikini Beach on Maafushi Island - the most popular island for a budget holiday in the Maldives. Photo © Scalino /

3. Looking for inexpensive hotels

All prices in the examples are for double rooms per night.

The average price of staying at a resort in the Maldives is $300-1000. Expensive? Certainly! Guest houses on local islands are 10 times cheaper. Let me remind you that the sea, sand and fish will be the same everywhere - no matter how much you paid for the hotel.

Powdery sand on the beach of Ukulas Island.

Verified budget hotels, in which we vacationed in the Maldives (all had a rating above 9 points):

    . .
  • Ukulas Island: .

Cheap hotels on popular islands:

  • Maafushi: Island Cottage for 45$ per day
  • Vashafaru: Vashafaru Inn for 30$ per day

Big (old) bikini beach on Thoddoo.

4. Food prices in the Maldives in 2019

So, friends, we come to the most pressing issue - catering. Food is a real problem in the Maldives! I have never met a worse country in terms of food. Food prices are high, the food is cooked very poorly, and the choice of establishments is meager.

I haven’t read so many reviews about food in the Maldives! What drama, what emotions! Some tourists even firmly decided that next time they will fly to the Maldives with a suitcase of food.

At resorts everything is simple: you pay a hundred or two greenbacks and get decent lunches or dinners. On local islands, a budget traveler will have to work a little to find an establishment where the food is decent and the food prices are not too high.

Even pizza can’t save you in the Maldives! The filling is delicious, but the dough...

My tips on how to holiday in the Maldives cheaply and not get a stomach ulcer:

  1. Take a hotel with breakfast- they are almost always good and filling. I especially loved the traditional local breakfast of shredded tuna and coconut with flatbread. This is the best thing I ate on these paradise islands. I recommend! If you don’t like it, then any hotel offers continental breakfasts. Some tourists said that such hearty breakfasts easily last until dinner, so there is no need for lunch. We didn't have enough, but I'm still happy.
  2. Buy fruit - papaya and bananas. There is not an abundance of fruits here; almost all of them are imported. But local papaya, as in Sri Lanka, is especially tasty, better than in Thailand, Vietnam or Indonesia.
  3. Eat at the hotel. Read reviews of lunch and dinner at your guest house. If people praise you, feel free to eat at the hotel and don’t even look for any other cafes - it’s cheaper, tastier and more convenient, because food can be ordered at a certain hour.
  4. Choose for relaxation popular islands- there is a larger choice of cafes, and due to competition, food prices are lower.
  5. Read also our reviews of proven cafes on the islands of Thoddoo and Ukulas.

In general, don’t count on a belly-feast as part of a budget holiday in the Maldives: the prices for food here are the same as in Europe, but the taste and quality are like in a seedy Soviet factory canteen during the stagnation era. You will have to eat modestly; you will not taste interesting exotic dishes. However, this will not be a problem if you successfully choose a restaurant or guesthouse with meals.

Traditional Maldivian breakfast, hearty and delicious!

Prices in the Maldives for food in cafes in 2019:

  • Juices - $2.
  • Milkshakes - $3-4.
  • Rice / noodles – $4-10.
  • Curry – 5-10$
  • Salads – $4-9.
  • Soups – $4-6.
  • Lobster – $30-60 (depending on size).
  • Fried shrimp - $10.
  • Grilled seafood plate - $50.
  • Fruit plate - $6.
  • Ice cream - $3.

Our dinner at the guesthouse looked like this: grilled tuna and reef fish, rice, vegetables and a drink - $20 for two.

On each local island there are supermarkets where you can buy fruits, drinks, cookies, snacks, chocolate, canned food, pasta, rice and other products.

Prices in the Maldives for food in stores - 2019:

  • instant noodles - $1;
  • milk - about $2;
  • loaf of bread - about $1.5;
  • jam - $1;
  • eggs (10 pcs) - $2;
  • cheese (1 kg) - up to $5-10;
  • drinking water (1.5 l) - $1 (but almost all hotels provide water for free);
  • bananas (kg) - 3$
  • apples (kg) - $4;
  • oranges (kg) - about $4;
  • potatoes (kg) - about $1.5.

Coconuts in the Maldives are very expensive - $3-5 per piece. You can't find it everywhere.

On Maldivian beaches you can often find swings and hammocks, and sunbeds are always available for free.

5. Save on entertainment

Entertainment and excursions in the Maldives are expensive. Even on local islands they cost $30-100 per person, however, at resorts the prices for the same excursions are several times higher.

There are few excursions and entertainment here. For us, almost all of them seemed uninteresting, because we love more active and educational programs. The only interesting thing is diving, but snorkeling was enough for us for the first time.

Here are the prices for excursions and entertainment on Ukulas Island in 2019:

  • Swimming with manta rays – $150 for two for 90 minutes.
  • Romantic dinner on the beach – $70.
  • Fishing for big fish (Big Game) - $75 per hour.
  • Regular fishing – $50.
  • Snorkeling – $70.
  • Diving - $70.
  • Water skiing – $25 for 15 minutes.
  • Trip to Picnic Island – $90.
  • Canoe rental - $15 per hour for two.
  • Windsurfing – $20 per hour, training – $45.
  • Jet ski – $35 for 15 minutes, 1 hour – $100.
  • Banana ride – $15 for 15 minutes.
  • Trip to the sandbank - $150 for 90 minutes for two.

Prices are slightly lower on Maafushi and Thoddou.

In the Maldives, always bargain! You can easily knock 20% off the cost of the excursion, hotel and transfer.

We didn't spend anything on the excursion. Considering that this was my first experience of snorkeling, and I visited four different beaches on three islands, these impressions were more than enough for me. Over the course of several days, I saw dozens of tropical fish of various colors and shapes, corals, swam with a turtle and a shark, and filmed manta rays off the coast with a drone. And all this right on the house reef right off the coast. We don’t know how to dive, and we’re not interested in fishing, banana boat rides or jet skis.

How to get to a desert island cheaply. Instead of buying an excursion, find a fisherman - they will charge 2-3 times less for a round trip. We were planning to sail for a couple of hours to the uninhabited islands of Madivaru from Rasdu. I met a local cop, whose father is a fisherman, and I discussed such a scheme with him. But I didn’t agree with him about anything specific then, I just inquired. In the morning, we decided to go to the island, but we couldn’t find a fisherman - the Maldivians are lazy, at 6 am everyone was asleep, and then it was too late for us. So agree on everything in advance, repeat ten times and take the phone number - then everything will work out.

Beautiful Malagasy night shark! I was lucky enough to meet one on the island of Ukulas and admired it while hunting. Photo: fishx6/
Uninhabited Madivaru Islands 1 km from Rasdhoo. You can come here on an excursion. From one island to another you can walk directly along the ocean (500 meters). We didn't get to the island, but I flew there on a drone.
Right next to the island is a blue lagoon of amazing beauty. Great place for snorkeling.

6. How to save on transport

The main transport in the Maldives is water. Taxis are only available in Male and Hulhumale, and they are surprisingly cheap - $1-2 per trip.

There are two types of water transport.

State ferries. The cost of a ticket depends on the distance: from $0.7 to $10. All you need is to know the schedule (see) and adapt to it. But it changes frequently, and ferries are sometimes canceled due to bad weather. Ferries go to some islands every day, to others several times a week. The further the island is from the capital, the more difficult it is to get to it by ferry. There are almost no ferries between the provincial islands; you need to change trains in the capital. Ferries do not operate on Fridays.

Speedboat, speedboat. Most tourists use them: you can get to the island 3-4 times faster, and private boats operate more often than ferries. One way trip cost: $25 - to Maafushi, $35 - to Thoddu, $40-50 - to Ukulas. The further away the island, the more expensive it is. Bargain! For example, we reduced the price of a boat from Ukulas to the airport by $20 for two. Attention: if the sea is rough, almost everyone on the boat gets seasick. You can negotiate a speedboat with the owner of your guest house.

You can get to Thoddoo Island on a special ship - (read my report at the link). Convenient for those who arrive late in the evening and do not want to spend the night in the capital. Save both time and money on your hotel stay.

How to save money. For a holiday in the Maldives, choose islands close to the capital and get to them by cheap ferry. A trip on a speedboat costs the same as 1-2 nights in a hotel, which is unreasonably expensive. The main thing is that when purchasing air tickets, adjust to the schedule of ferries to the island you need, so as not to lose a day or even more in the capital. Be sure to check the schedule with the hotel owner - it changes frequently.

Ferry transfer from the airport in Male it costs 10 rufiyaa ($0.7), travel time is 10 minutes. Communication between the capital and the airport is regular and daily, donoi run every 15 minutes during the day, and every half hour at night.

Ferry to Maafushi. Dispatched from Villingili Ferry Terminal in Male. You can get there from the ferry pier, where the boat from the airport arrives, on foot (30 minutes - 1 hour) or by taxi. The ferry to Maafushi from Male costs 30 rufiyaa ($2), the ferry runs once a day - at 15:00. There is also an additional flight on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 am. The ferry back to Male leaves at 7:30 am every day except Friday. Arrive early to secure a seat.

Quiet hour on the local ferry - the locals are sleeping, and we are photographing them and the ocean.
During our holiday in the Maldives, there was unique and even, as the locals put it, extreme weather. There was absolute calm for more than a week. The Indian Ocean was completely calm, like a lake on a windless day.

7. How to change money profitably

It is best to go to the Maldives with a wad of beautiful new dollars - this is the favorite currency of the locals, even more beloved than their own. Local rufiyaa, of course, is in use, but hoteliers and excursion sellers prefer to make payments in dollars. The rufiyaa exchange rate is pegged to the dollar and does not change.

Withdrawing money from ATMs in the Maldives is not profitable - the commission is $7-10 for any amount. You can only withdraw in rufiyaa. This is a bad idea not only because of the commission: if you have any rufiyaa left, you will not be able to exchange it for dollars before departure (more on this below).

Exchange only $20-50 upon arrival for ferries and snacks. The exchange rate at the airport is not very favorable - 15 rufiyaa per dollar. During your vacation, change money at the guest house, in shops or cafes. Look for a place with a rate of 15.42. Change small amounts so that you don't have any rufiyaa left at the end of your holiday. The problem is that no bank will exchange rufiyaa for dollars if you do not have a receipt indicating that you previously bought rufiyaa from that bank. This is such idiocy! I planned all my expenses well, and I only had a few rufiyaa bills left in my hands for my collection. Do the same.

Sunset in the Maldives.

Admit it, who dreamed of escaping to a picturesque island on the seashore at least once? So that there are beaches with shells, palm trees and coconuts all around? We are confident that everyone should be able to afford a luxurious holiday on an island far from civilization.

The selection includes budget islands that can outshine the Maldives and Seychelles with their views. Decide where you would like to go - to a calm island with untouched nature, a resort with quality service, rich history, or to a fun and noisy place with youth discos.

Fifth place: Mallorca

The largest in the Balearic Islands archipelago. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea and belongs to Spain. A prestigious resort with developed infrastructure, European level of service in hotels and restaurants. There are no palm trees or coconuts here, but it is full of pine groves, oak forests and rocky cliffs. Secluded sandy beaches, beautiful caves and clear seas are hidden among the rocks.

Activities in Mallorca include windsurfing and diving. On the island there are ruins of medieval castles, monuments of the 10th century, a cathedral, and a historical museum. To save money, look for a hotel closer to the center of the island. Getting to the beach is not much more difficult, but you save 20-30% on housing.

Visa: need schengen

Season: June-October

Cost of a week's holiday: At the beginning of June*

Fourth place: Phu Quoc

The island in the Gulf of Thailand is considered the best resort in Vietnam. Quiet and calm Phu Quoc is protected from the elements by a mountain range - typhoons, unlike Nha Trang, do not happen here. The island has palm trees, tropical plants, golden sand and clear sea. The resort is well equipped - cafes, restaurants, car and water equipment rentals at every turn. English will come in handy: the island is not yet as Russified as Mui Ne and Nha Trang.

Fukuoka has a great beach holiday, but there are few attractions. Waterfalls, nature reserves, temples and pagodas can be explored during a week's vacation. Rent a bike and explore the attractions on your own - this way you will save a lot on excursions.

Visa: need not

Season: December-March

Cost of a week's holiday: in March*

Third place. Corfu

The greenery of cypress trees, the aromas of oranges and pine groves, the azure Ionian Sea and golden beaches - here it is, blooming Greece in all its glory! The most authentic island of Hellas is the ideal choice for a leisurely, relaxing holiday. Local residents do not tolerate fuss and remain leisurely and calm in any situation, like their ancient ancestors. When you arrive at this resort, you are inevitably charged with an atmosphere of tranquility and relax as much as possible.

The main attraction of the island is the magnificent nature in Paleokastritsa. The coast of the village is indented with picturesque bays, where clean sandy beaches and luxury hotels are hidden. If you are planning a romantic vacation, go to the West, they have the most beautiful secluded beaches. In the South and in the Center there is developed infrastructure and an equipped coastline.

Visa: need schengen

Season: May-October

Cost of a week's holiday: in June*

Second place. Phuket

On the island everything is like in the movie “The Blue Lagoon”: soft white sand, clear water and palm trees hanging over the shore. There are dozens of small islands and picturesque rocks in the sea - ideal for photo shoots. People come here not only for natural beauty. Fun is concentrated in the Patong Beach area: go-go clubs, night discos, Thai massage parlors. Nearby is Bangla Road - the mecca of world sex tourism.

If you are not interested in such entertainment, plan a vacation in the Nai Harn beach area. This is a cozy bay between green hills with excellent diving conditions. Calm family beach - Kata Beach, quiet secluded - Kata Noi Beach. And the cleanest and most beautiful beach in Phuket is Karon Beach. A wide strip of sand, a shallow sea with a gentle entrance and waves - here you feel like you are in a real tropical paradise. The only minus of Karon Beach is paid sunbeds, umbrellas and expensive restaurants.

Visa: need not

Season: December-April

Cost of a week's holiday: in April*

First place: Tenerife

Tenerife has everything: an impeccably beautiful coastline with palm trees and soft sand, clean beaches marked with Blue Flags, unique nature, architectural attractions. The island has high mountains, national parks with forests, waterfalls, a mysterious ancient pyramid and a picturesque volcano. The best beach on the island is called Playa Arena - famous for its black volcanic sand. And besides the beautiful nature, Tenerife has an excellent promenade with restaurants, cafes and souvenir shops.

Tenerife is the largest of the Canary Islands. All beaches are free and state owned. In the North there is Teresita Beach with light sand, which is specially imported from the Sahara. The windy southeast of the resort is ideal for surfing, the north is calm and quiet, ideal for families with children. To save money, book your trips early in the season and in advance.

Visa: need schengen

Season: May-October

Cost of a week's holiday: in June*

Share your impressions of your holiday on the islands in our groups

Holidays on the islands are a wonderful pastime that gives travelers a harmony of peace and a sea of ​​vivid impressions. Whether you go to the Maldives or take a tour to the Caribbean islands, explore the beaches and monuments of Cyprus or choose the mysterious Sri Lanka - on the islands you will find quality hotels, excellent service, as well as magnificent and varied beaches.

The Mediterranean islands of Spain and Italy warmly welcome guests and amaze tourists with the uniqueness of their local culture and unusual holidays. The Canary Islands are famous for their amazing volcanic landscapes, and the archipelagos of the Indian and Pacific oceans will long be remembered for the exotic riot of nature.

TEZ TOUR offers luxury holidays in the following countries:


Greece is a country of thousands of islands. Some of them are uninhabited, but many have been turned into magnificent resorts with amazing hotels, excellent infrastructure, majestic landscapes, cozy bays and many beaches to suit every taste. Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Santorini, Kos are waiting for tourists who want to combine a secluded holiday with an interesting excursion program.

Dominican Republic

Snow-white sandy beaches, bright azure waters of the Caribbean Sea, the amazing world of underwater reef inhabitants and magnificent natural landscapes untouched by human hands - these are the main riches of the Dominican Republic. At the same time, tourists will find on the island luxury hotels, a lot of entertainment, and everything that lovers of sports and an active lifestyle need.


The islands of Indonesia are a paradise for lovers of exotic travel. You will find here resorts for a relaxing holiday and meditation away from the crowds, extraordinary spa programs to restore the harmony of body and soul, beaches with noisy parties, the most famous surfing sites and amazing dive sites. Indonesia has an island for the most incredible adventures!


The Balearic and Canary Islands are a paradise for relaxation, where there is a place for tourists with a wide variety of tastes and hobbies. Lovers of water sports, exotic landscapes, natural parks and culinary delights, family holidays and evening entertainment, diving and rock climbing, modern hotels and secluded resorts - will find the answer to every desire on the Spanish islands!


The islands of Italy attract tourists with a variety of opportunities. Improve your health in the thermal springs of Ischia, have fun at noisy parties in Taormina or explore the majestic ruins of Syracuse in Sicily, go diving in the bays of Villasimus or visit fashionable hotels, fashionable discos, the famous golf courses of the Costa Smeralda in Sardinia - all this is offered to you by Italy!


The resorts of the island of Cyprus, with beautiful beaches, excellent hotels, magnificent water parks, unique nature reserves and attractions, amaze tourists with their hospitality. A distinctive feature of the island is the local spa - it is believed that in the homeland of Aphrodite, a simple swim in the sea will turn anyone into an ideal. Here you will find both noisy cities and quiet resort villages.


China's island resorts offer great holiday experiences throughout the year. A luxurious tropical climate, lush vegetation, and warm sea will greet tourists on Hainan Island. Modern hotels, medical centers and an extensive excursion program will make your vacation bright and unforgettable.


Legendary beaches and cities where every street and square is steeped in history. Huge resort complexes with high-level service on the coast and small cozy hotels on the small islands of the archipelago, excellent diving, exciting fishing, natural parks - Liberty Island has everything to make your vacation memorable as the happiest time in your life.


Discover an amazing island in the Indian Ocean: unique nature and stunning landscapes, fabulous animals and incredible beaches, luxury hotels and excellent French cuisine will delight lovers of exotic holidays. Lovers of an active lifestyle and nature, fans of diving and secluded life by the sea will find the ideal place to relax in Mauritius!


The Maldives is a paradise for those who would like to spend their holidays in solitude. Newlyweds and romantic couples come here to find themselves in heaven on earth. Diving lovers will find an incredible variety of underwater world in the Maldives. And only mountain lovers have nothing to do here... However, wonderful spas, fun parties and the skills of local chefs will captivate any tourist.


The best island resorts in Mexico offer excellent recreational opportunities: paradisiacal beaches where palm trees hang over fine white sand and azure waters, magnificent hotels with excellent service, dolphinariums and diving centers, amazing excursions to ancient Mayan cities and untouched nature reserves. An incredible vacation experience awaits you!


Holidays in the Madeira archipelago and the Azores are a great opportunity to relax in silence amidst magnificent nature. Balneological centers, magnificent hotels, windsurfing, diving, golf and sport fishing await you! Ideal conditions for lovers of nature, active recreation and thalassotherapy.


Islands of the Holy Trinity.
The earthly phenomenon is located near the emerald continent of Australia. Today, this is one of the most promising tourism trends for the population of this country. The similarity with the biblical characters in the name is natural - natural beaches shine with their neatness and well-groomed appearance. Indeed, righteousness and harmony rule on this earth.

Caribbean, Barbados island.
The name alone beckons with adventure and freedom - the Caribbean. The islands of the Caribbean have long earned fame as a good beach holiday area. The blue skies in the distance connect with the endless sea surface. Continuous vegetation borders the beautiful beaches. There are many tropical islands in this area. One of the most colorful examples is Barbados. The snow-white beaches of this Caribbean island will bring you an indescribable sense of calm.

Seychelles. The Indian Ocean basin has given humanity a large number of paradise islands. Among them, it is worth special mentioning the Seychelles. Newlyweds from all over the world fly here to immerse themselves in the romance of these places and watch the pink sunsets. The landscape is guaranteed to add authenticity to your wedding photos and provide an unforgettable experience.

Bahamas, Andros Island. Pristine sandy beaches await their wanderers. These islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean and are carefully washed by the warm waters of the famous Gulf Stream. In the remote and forgotten areas of the island, you can feel like a pioneer exploring unknown lands.

Philippines, Panglao Island and Bohol Island. Amazing worlds are kept secret by the sea. The island with the exquisite name Panglao is inimitable in that it is connected by an artificial bridge to another isolated little world - the island of Bohol. “Relatives”, friends forever, are waiting for their travelers to show their cordiality and hospitality.

Maldives. All these islands are beautiful and similar to each other. This is the very place where it is easy to forget about the troubles of city life. Holidays in the Maldives have long acquired a reputation as a standard beach holiday. These islands thrive on tourism, and local authorities try to please visitors and ensure they have a comfortable time without any tension or irritation.

Hawaii, Maui island. Maybe it's time to see this beauty in person? Vast yellow beaches line the perimeter of the fantastic island of Maui. Exoticism emanates from almost every centimeter of space here. The water in the bays has an azure hue. You can’t wait to plunge headlong into it and forget absolutely everything.

gastroguru 2017