Where do Russians go to earn money? How to go abroad to live and work - useful recommendations and tips! TOP countries to move to and in-demand specialties. For those who are afraid of the crisis in Europe, it is better to go to work in Asia

It has always been believed that earning money abroad is much more profitable than earning money in your home country. If you receive a salary in dollars, it means that you will be able to increase capital and save money for the things you need much faster. In addition, work experience abroad is an additional advantage when applying for a job.

Many people, having not found their calling in Russia, want to try their luck and find out how to find work abroad. Let's try to understand everything in more detail - is it really possible to find a job abroad?

Is it possible to find a job abroad?

Company Antal Russia is the largest recruitment agency in Russia and the CIS, which specializes in searching for middle and senior managers. According to their research, about 58% survey participants are ready to go to work abroad because of an interesting position, while only 38% respondents.

Irina Kalkina , senior manager of Antal Russia, reports: competition in the labor market of foreign countries, especially in Western Europe, is very high. However, there is still a chance to find a job. The most reliable way to get a position abroad is to start working in an international company in our country. Over time, you may be sent to an overseas office for promotion or training.

Olga Petrovskaya , senior consultant of a personnel company Cornerstone divides people who dream of finding work abroad into several types.

  1. Firstly, these are university graduates who have no family and obligations in their home country, and they want to gain experience and test their strength.
  2. Secondly, these are young professionals who seek to build a career abroad.
  3. Thirdly, these are middle managers who receive positions in other departments.
  4. And the latter are top-level specialists who take up leadership positions by invitation.

However, everyone has a chance to get a job abroad, whether it is a seasonal or permanent position.

How to find a job abroad: instructions

As we have already found out, nothing is impossible - both recent students and recognized specialists can find their calling. Before choosing a country to conquer, you need to be patient and think about how to do it right. The following instructions will help you with this:

And the most important rule that works in any case ( whether you are going on a trip or work) – before you start your trip, familiarize yourself with the laws of the country. This is important - there have been cases when our citizens could receive a fine almost out of nowhere. After all, ignorance of the law, as is known, does not exempt one from responsibility. So be careful.

How to look for work abroad on your own?

It is better to look for work abroad on the Internet.

If you have already decided on your language and profession, then today the next most effective step is the Internet, or rather, searching for a job on the Internet.

Each country has its own employment sites, where you can leave your resume and find open vacancies. By setting up a search filter for your profession, you can receive the latest offers directly to your e-mail. The more resumes you leave, the better, and don’t think that 500 applications is a lot, especially if you haven’t decided on the country, since knowing one English language, you can work almost all over the world.

In which country should I look for work?

Statistics from Antal Russia also show: the majority of respondents (52%) would like to move to Western Europe, the USA and Canada are in second place (16%), followed by Eastern Europe and Australia. Let's look at the most common countries that job seekers choose.

  1. Great Britain. The global economic crisis has affected the state of all countries. This did not spare England either: many visiting and local workers were laid off. Currently, there is fierce competition in the country: only a truly qualified specialist can obtain a work visa. Many visitors working in the service sector came there illegally.
  2. Italy. There are current vacancies for women in this country: here you can get a job as a nurse, maid, waitress or salesperson. A man without the necessary education and experience can find work during the harvest season.
  3. Spain. A good place for seasonal work: the country has developed agriculture and livestock farming. But not only - general workers, cleaners, nurses or dishwashers can find shelter in Spain. If you know the language well, you may be offered a job as a waiter, salesperson, translator or tour guide.
  4. Germany. Work here can be provided to scientists, specialists in mechanical engineering, electronics and electrical engineering. Sometimes workers are needed for factories - you can try your luck here too. Job vacancies for maids, cleaners and nurses are common - they can hire even without knowing the language.
  5. USA. The common professions in the country are engineers, doctors, teachers, accountants and physiotherapists. But competition is very high even among qualified specialists.
  6. Canada. The country is the most open to immigrants - everyone working here is protected by the state. The country welcomes oil and gas specialists, doctors and nurses, engineers, lawyers and managers. If you don't know the language, you can always find unskilled work on your own.
  7. Australia. The country gives preference to conscientious, honest and hard-working people. Engineers, IT specialists, builders, electricians and gas fitters are especially in demand here. You can find work as a nurse, laborer or housekeeper.

Where can you work abroad?

Volunteering is unpaid, conscious, voluntary activity for the benefit of others.

In Russia, volunteering is just beginning to develop; the rest of the world already offers a huge number of opportunities for development in this area. By working for free, you can improve your language skills, make new friends and gain valuable experience. At the same time, you can volunteer even with a tourist or visitor visa.

Many American schoolchildren go on similar trips immediately after graduation. Jobs can be found on the Workaway and Helpx websites. These resources provide anyone with a list of places that need volunteers. By volunteering, you do not spend money on housing and food: you perform your duties, in return you receive shelter, food and even free Internet, and in some cases, money for a ticket.

Job options: work in a hostel, on farms, in travel agencies, help in construction and even work on a yacht. Typically the work lasts from two months to six months. You will have to work from 3 to 6 hours daily, 5 days a week. The rest of the time you devote to yourself: relaxing, communicating with people, studying culture and language. There are a huge number of offers for such work, it all depends on your desire.

Seasonal work

This employment option is available to both women and men. The main advantage of earning money is that there are no specific requirements for the candidate. The bottom line is this: you come for one season (mostly in the summer), fulfill your duties and receive a reward for it. Guests are usually hired by farms to help with harvesting, but they also look for movers, packers, mechanics and construction workers. In one season you can get up to 20 thousand dollars.

Another option for seasonal work is the Work and Travel international student exchange program. People get the opportunity to work in the US service sector during the summer holidays. Payment varies depending on the location of activity and knowledge of foreign languages. The advantages of the program are that you work, gain experience and communicate with the international community.

The program consists of two parts: first you work in restaurants, shops, amusement parks, hotels. After completing the service, each participant has the right to the second part - a trip that lasts a maximum of a month. The student chooses the duration of travel and the route, and at this moment he has no right to work. A good opportunity to make money and see the world, right?

Own business

Opening a business abroad is not an easy task. The advantages of such earnings lie in its profitability, and the disadvantages are hidden in many unobvious things. Before you think about business, you need to remember a few rules that you should not break if you want to succeed:

  1. Before you start your own business, make friends. In most countries, to open your own business, you need to enlist the help of a citizen of that country as a co-founder.
  2. Research the market. Try to look at your potential business through the eyes of a local resident. For example, you are going to open a gift shop. Think about how often you will have to make deliveries, will the product be in demand?
  3. Consider all possible failure scenarios and draw up a business plan. Programs such as: Project Expert or E-planner.

Another option for doing business abroad is illegal. It can be found in a large number of countries, except the most developed ones (America, Europe, Australia). You can try, but if the state finds out about your illegal activities, you will have to pay a large fine or even return to your homeland.

Working with hands and body

If you have any talent, you have every opportunity to further develop it abroad. You can even make money from your skills. So, the following talents can bring you long-awaited income abroad:

  1. Dancing– do you teach dancing or just know how to dance well? You can find work in dance schools or nightclubs. You can also form your own group and teach.
  2. Yoga. A very popular practice in the modern world. True specialists are in demand everywhere, especially in Dubai and Singapore.
  3. Massage. You will be gladly accepted into professional cosmetic centers and massage parlors - good specialists are loved everywhere.
  4. Hand-made master. This profession is especially relevant if you came to travel and suddenly found yourself without money. Anything you make with your hands (jewelry, souvenirs, postcards) you can sell to curious tourists. This also includes photography.
  5. Seminars. If you know how to do something special, teach others. Business seminars, yoga theory, learning the Russian language - there can be a huge number of ideas. You can do it yourself, or you can invite other specialists. Only your imagination is important.

Now you know how to find a job abroad, you have chosen the field of activity and the country you will conquer. All necessary documents have been received and tickets have been purchased. All you have to do is find out what to do to quickly find a suitable job. Use the following tips and tricks to succeed in this endeavor:

  • remember that work in other countries is offered only to persons who have reached the age of majority;
  • when going on a trip to look for work, do not take a lot of things with you - clothes abroad are of better quality and cheaper;
  • don’t rush to pack your bags - first try to find a suitable position;
  • get to know the culture of the country you are going to - this will allow you to get a more interesting and highly paid position;
  • pay close attention to writing your resume: it must comply with the norms and criteria that apply in the country you have chosen;
  • before using the services of a recruitment agency, read reviews about the company, check their license - unfortunately, there are currently many scammers who are ready to profit from your dream;
  • in some cases you will need to legalize your diploma - check with the embassy of the country you are going to to see how this process works.

Many of our fellow countrymen, after working abroad for some time, return back. They understand that there are more opportunities for them in their home country. Some find their dream job abroad and stay there for life. Be that as it may, finding a good job abroad is absolutely possible.

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In the modern world, moving a person from country to country and changing activities is not something out of the ordinary. The question of how to go abroad to live and work has become very relevant in Russia for many reasons. The crisis, the instability of the economic situation, poor working conditions, difficulties in realizing one’s potential and satisfying ambitions - all this forces a person to look for a better place in the sun.

There are many countries that are happy to accept a variety of specialists from abroad due to a shortage of personnel or because of a not so rosy demographic situation, etc. But in reality, everything is not as rosy as it seems at first glance. In this article, we will outline all the nuances and difficulties that you may encounter when moving for permanent residence to another country, and also consider the most popular and in-demand professions, and give tips and recommendations for moving abroad.

Russians choose to emigrate those countries that are easiest to move to. Many states are showing interest in the flow of people who want to move to them and are simplifying the procedure for obtaining citizenship and employment for them. Therefore, when choosing a place to move, it is worth considering loyalty of emigration programs installed in a specific country.

For example, in Japan they believe that they have enough of their own citizens, so they are not very happy about new permanent residents of their country. And, say, almost anyone can move to Bulgaria for permanent residence. This does not require a large number of documents and special long-term preparations.

In any case, when planning a move, you should consider current political situation in the world. This is especially true at the present time, when a number of countries are extremely hostile towards Russia (see), so the residents of our country will not be welcome there and they may have big problems finding housing and work in this hostile state.

The political and economic situation there is always stable, without any changes or unforeseen situations, which is why residents of our country so often choose it to move and look for work. Over 2 decades, almost 200,000 citizens of the post-Soviet space moved there. For the following categories, moving to the UK is most likely and easiest:

  • refugees;
  • church ministers;
  • descendants of citizens of the United Kingdom;
  • talented and gifted individuals;
  • employees of foreign companies and firms;
  • athletes.


Special government programs have been developed there to help immigrants, which are among the most accessible in the world:

  • “Qualified Specialist” program;
  • immigration for businessmen, entrepreneurs and investors (see);
  • moving for family reasons;
  • assistance to refugees and special humanitarian programs.

The conditions for accepting new citizens there are similar to those in Canada. You can get there in one of the following ways:

  • on professional activities;
  • for education;
  • programs for relatives of New Zealand citizens.


A stable and developed economy, the absence of external threats and a high standard of living attract more and more immigrants to this continent every year. People go there in search of work, to develop business and find new business partners, to get an education and a new profession, and there is also a humanitarian immigration program. It is designed for those who, for a number of reasons, cannot stay in their homeland: there is a threat to life, health, or possible persecution.


Many people dream of moving there because they provide freedom in many areas of life. Relocation is possible in one of two ways:

  1. Direct immigration. To do this, you need to obtain a visa from the embassy. This option is only possible if there are relatives living in the states and ready to file the appropriate petition. Also, people with outstanding abilities, talents, athletic achievements or a desire to invest in the economy can count on moving on an immigrant visa.
  2. Indirect immigration. To do this, you need to come to the country on a tourist or work visa, and then change it to an immigration one. This process is longer, but quite accessible to everyone.

All countries eagerly welcome businessmen and investors whose activities will benefit the economy. There is also great interest in qualified specialists, talented scientists, athletes and other persons who can raise the prestige of the state and work for its benefit.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for accepting new citizens in a particular country. Find out a list of all the necessary documents and certificates for obtaining a visa and residence permit, as well as study government programs for support and assistance for immigrants. This is necessary so that upon arrival you do not find yourself unwanted in a foreign country. You need to have a clear idea of ​​where you are going and what awaits you there.

The political and economic situation in the world should also be one of the key factors when choosing a place to move. A number of countries are in the midst of an economic crisis, so it makes no sense to choose it for moving, since it will not be possible to get a job there. The attitude of citizens and authorities towards Russians should also be taken into account. Not everywhere the residents of our country will be welcome. Problems may arise both with local residents and with representatives of government agencies.

Next, you should study the customs and mentality of the place you intend to go to. This mainly concerns eastern, Muslim countries. They have their own customs, their own laws and orders, far from those to which Russians are accustomed. To avoid problems with the law and with the indigenous residents, you need to prepare in advance and find out everything about your new place of residence.

It will also be important to find out the situation regarding employment in the new territory. You should monitor the professions in demand and understand where and under what conditions you can enter the service upon arrival. People who neglect this when moving face big problems, since they can spend several months looking for a suitable place to work, and in the end agree to any vacancy in order to earn money for living.

Professions abroad

The vast majority of countries are waiting with open arms for highly qualified, certified specialists in various fields. Such personnel are valued abroad and paid well, which is why many professionals from Russia move abroad. Unfortunately, in our country, many highly qualified specialists are undervalued, and they are forced to work for a small salary in a mediocre organization.

In a new country, such workers can realize their potential, especially in the scientific fields. There are no problems with financing there, and accordingly, payment for work increases several times. It is for this reason that at the height of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, a large number of scientists, engineers, doctors and workers in other fields moved abroad from the union. This is how valuable personnel leaked abroad.

In the realities of the modern world, the situation has not changed much. Employees of companies and various government agencies leave Russia in order to get a more profitable job, find a well-paid job, realize their potential, purchase real estate and live without denying themselves anything, knowing that at work you are valued and your work is respected and encouraged in every possible way . Good workers receive huge amounts of money for their work abroad, which allows them and their families to live in complete prosperity.

The list of in-demand professions abroad in different countries is almost the same and it looks like this:

  1. Medical staff.

This includes doctors and nurses. The better your knowledge of the language and work experience, the greater the chances of successful employment and a high salary. The salary of junior medical staff averages $50,000 per year. How can this compare with the amounts that our nurses receive in regional hospitals and clinics? Doctors get paid many times more, and if the doctor is truly a professional in his field, then there is the opportunity to open a private office and provide services on a commercial basis. The amount of income in this case will be fabulous.

  1. Engineers.

In Russia, this category of employees has a low income and is little valued. Abroad, especially in those countries where there are a large number of factories and developed industry, competent specialists in these areas are simply worth their weight in gold. Mechanical engineering, oil and gas industries, construction of military equipment and the aerospace industry are actively developing. For example, in Germany the salary of an engineer is about $4,000 per month. In a few years, this amount will be increased by 1.5 times.

  1. Builders.

This area is actively developing in all countries, so the need for highly qualified construction personnel is always and everywhere. The income level in European countries is approximately the same and is about 3,000 – 4,000 dollars per month. This amount may be increased in case of language proficiency.

  1. Lawyers, economists.

In Russia there are a lot of specialists in these professions, so it is extremely difficult to get a good, highly paid position in a large company or firm. This is all due to a lot of competition. In foreign countries there is a very high demand for such specialists, since you cannot find a competent lawyer or financier during the day. For example, in Italy, practicing lawyers are the richest and most successful people.

  1. Nannies, caregivers.

In our country, the demand for such workers is extremely small. Abroad, on the contrary, you are very lucky to find a good, conscientious nanny who not only has extensive experience in this field, but also has the appropriate pedagogical education. Foreigners willingly hire Russian nannies, caregivers or au pairs.

This is not a complete list of the most in-demand professions abroad. Sailors, drivers, animators and pharmacists are in great demand. That is why you should choose a country to move to based on the most necessary and well-paid vacancies.

The first thing you need to do is get a visa, if, of course, we are talking about countries where this regime is established. It should be taken into account that in a number of countries a visa-free regime has been established and a visa is issued at the airport upon arrival in another country. Some states put forward their own requirements for immigrants, so you need to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

In order to accurately determine the choice of the country to which you will move for permanent residence, you should visit one of its cities and temporarily live there as a local. This will allow you to accurately feel and understand the customs and traditions of the state and experience for yourself all the delights and hardships of living in a given area.

Before leaving Russia, you need to find housing in a new place and find a job. This will make life much easier, since these issues will be resolved in advance and upon arrival you will not have to rack your brains about where to rent or buy a house or where to get a job.

According to Antal Russia, the number of Russians ready to go to work abroad has remained almost unchanged over the year. 58% of respondents would agree to part with their homeland for the sake of an interesting position, compared to 59% a year earlier. At the same time, only 38% of survey participants are ready to relocate to another region of Russia.
The Village found out in which countries Russians want to work, how great are the chances of finding work there and what should be done to achieve this.

Are you ready to move to another country for an interesting job?


Where would you like to move?

Western Europe

USA, Canada

Eastern Europe

Southeast Asia



Former USSR countries

Latin America



SOURCE: Antal Russia, 5,106 people took part in the study

What helps you find a job abroad

Irina Kalkina

senior manager of the recruiting company Antal Russia

Competition in the labor market in Western Europe, namely in the main countries of interest to Russians, is very high. In addition to local job seekers, many residents of peripheral EU countries are trying to find work there. Thus, a certain hierarchy of candidates is formed: local residents, candidates from other EU countries, applicants from other countries. Only if none of the candidates “with European registration” suits the employer, can he pay attention to other applicants who want to work in the territory of a Western European state, including Russians.

In my field of vision, there are practically no people who have successfully found a job in Europe from Russia through direct search, not through promotion within the structure of the current employer company. It is necessary, however, to make a reservation that IT and digital specialists stand apart: the demand for technical candidates from Russia has existed for a very long time.

However, the chance to get a job abroad remains. Financiers can get a job in Europe through Big Four companies: in Europe, the Big Four attract candidates from the market, including as outside consultants, to help on projects with Russian companies. We know such cases. Another option is to go get an MBA in the West and stay there after completing your studies. During your studies, you will have the opportunity to gain first experience working abroad and connections that can help you build a career, but the competition will be high.

For IT professionals, a well-completed LinkedIn profile can be the key to success. I know of cases where people got into dream companies like Google and Facebook simply because their profile was noticed by employers and they approached them directly.

The most reliable way to gain work experience abroad is to get a job at an international company in Russia. You may be transferred to an overseas office as a promotion or as part of a rotation. In many companies, mid-level employees and above are required to work for some period of time in an office abroad in order to gain additional experience, which will further help them develop and develop the company in Russia. Among the candidates we have placed in Russian branches of international companies, many now work in offices around the world.

Olga Petrovskaya

senior consultant at headhunting company Cornerstone

Now many of our compatriots would like to find work abroad. Those who are considering options for foreign relocation can be divided into several groups. These are recent university graduates, unencumbered by family and obligations at home, who want to try their hand and gain interesting experience. These are young professionals who want to build a career abroad. These are middle managers of international companies who move to work in other departments. And finally, these are top managers and high-level specialists who are invited to leadership positions.

Our compatriots are mainly attracted to the UK, USA, Canada, and European countries. There are many people who want to go to the countries of South America or the UAE, China, Hong Kong. We also have experience in finding specialists for rather unpopular destinations - Nigeria, Guatemala. We were looking for people for projects of large Russian mining and production companies in the countries of Central Africa, here the motivation was the opportunity for rapid career growth, a leadership position within the company after the end of the project, and a solid compensation package. But not every person is ready to go to a country where there are a huge number of risks.

It is worth noting the fact that employment most often occurs under the laws of the country in which the international project is launched.
If such an employment contract is concluded, there will be no work experience, and, therefore, there will be no pension contributions either. Let's not forget about taxes: in some countries they can reach up to 50%. But then you will be able to apply for more interesting positions in Russia and an attractive salary level.

Let's not forget about taxes: in some countries they can reach up to 50%

The crisis in Europe began much earlier than here, so now, of course, is not the best time for specialists without significant work experience. Rare highly professional specialists are still in demand, but in terms of level they are more likely to be upper-middle managers. There is a demand for IT specialists. If you still decide to try your hand abroad, then the easiest way is to get a job in Russia in a foreign company where there are projects for the temporary transfer of employees to foreign divisions (secondment), and discuss this possibility in advance.

The second option is to post your resume on foreign resources (such as monster.com, for example) or contact Western recruiters. This will work if you are a recognized professional in your field and your experience is really interesting to Western employers.

Currently, they try not to hire Russians unless absolutely necessary.
And this is not only a matter of the political situation, but also the presence of quotas, additional costs for relocation, and so on. Many of our compatriots, having received a Western diploma and worked abroad for some time, are now gladly ready to return to Russia, as they understand that in most cases there are still more opportunities for growth here.

The desire to find a high-paying job is quite understandable and natural. There is a problem in Russia: in places that are remote from regional district centers, wages rarely rise above the minimum wage. And in some remote areas it may not reach this minimum. To increase their income, Russians can go to work in other places.

Working for the state

There are regions in Russia where workers are in great demand. The state provides them with benefits and prepares the necessary packages of documents.

For example, in the North people with good physical health are in demand. Much of the work that Siberia has to offer requires endurance. This is due, firstly, to the climate: summers in the North are short, winters are long, the sun appears rarely and provides little warmth. Not every person can stand it. Secondly, with the state of medicine. There are competent doctors, but there are not many of them, because there are few people there at all. A person with a chronic illness that can suddenly worsen, or with low immunity, simply will not have anywhere to quickly get help if something happens.

People with a working profession can also go there. Cooks, cleaners, plumbers, as well as doctors and people who know how to work with documentation are in demand. Drivers are always needed, and those who know how to repair their own car. Teachers can also easily find a job.

It is worth noting that families willingly take people to the North - it is believed that it is easier for a person who has loved ones nearby to live in difficult conditions. But they try not to hire young girls - the specifics are that more men work, there are few women, and management is afraid of possible troubles in the team.

Work in large companies

The best paid positions are those held by people in large companies whose activities are related to the oil and gas industry. These include Gazprom and Surgutneftegaz. In the latter, the driver’s earnings start from 40 thousand rubles. Workers who are involved in other areas can choose a position and employer, guided by the rating of “100 Best Employers in Russia”. We present the first five positions:

  1. "SIBUR"- leader of the Russian petrochemical industry.
  2. PJSC Gazprom Neft is a well-known oil company.
  3. State Corporation "Rosatom"— association of nuclear industry enterprises.
  4. "MTS"- telecommunications company.
  5. "Norilsk Nickel"- manufacturer of non-ferrous and precious metals.


All work on a rotational basis usually takes place in the North. You have to travel by train, which is paid for by the employer, and upon arrival at the place he will issue you a uniform and provide you with housing. It is better to find out all the conditions in advance, since in case of refusal of work you will have to pay a penalty and go back at your own expense. You can get to the North in different ways:

  • through the websites of interested companies. This is the easiest way. You can search on the Internet for companies that may theoretically need workers, and look at the section with vacancies. If any of them suits you, just send out your resume and wait for a response;
  • through friends. If someone is already working in the North, he can recommend a well-paid job with adequate management, and tell the management itself about a person who is interested in coming.

You can also find advertisements for private owners on sites dedicated to finding workers, but this is less safe than a large company. When hiring an individual entrepreneur, you must necessarily conclude an agreement and communicate with those who have already worked for him in order to get an idea of ​​the conditions.

When going on shift, you need to take with you the necessary pills if you have a chronic illness, and medications in case of sudden illness (painkillers, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, plasters, hydrogen peroxide). You can take something with which you can have fun (cards, a board game, books, chess, a tablet with movies and the Internet).

Be sure to take with you a supply of sweets, tea and cigarettes, even for non-smokers - in the North this is a universal currency that can be exchanged for something or used to strengthen relationships with comrades. The general mood should be combative and positive. There is nothing to do on watch without them.

Where to go to work abroad

  • Germany;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Scandinavia;
  • China;
  • Canada;
  • Thailand;
  • Great Britain;
  • Alaska;
  • South Korea.

Traveling to another country is an idea for the brave in spirit, which is usually very attractive to young people or those who are bored with the drabness of everyday life.


The country is rich, English is spoken here, although not everywhere. We require programmers, doctors, teachers and engineers exclusively with higher education and with at least five years of work experience. Pensioners are reluctantly hired. But there is a big plus: a correctly issued work visa allows you to move to permanent residence in two years.


Engineers, good doctors and programmers are required. The salary is high, but the standard of living requires significant expenses. It is almost impossible to get a job without official permission. Invited employees, foreigners with a residence permit and some students are entitled to it. In most cases, a high level of English proficiency is required.


For several years in a row, the number of in-demand professions that can be obtained legally includes:

  • driver;
  • security guard;
  • cook;
  • waiter;
  • welder.

The country also needs logistics workers and teachers. A Russian can work without a special permit if he has refugee status, has received a residence permit in the Czech Republic, or is a citizen of the EU and SES (or is a family member of such a citizen).

IT workers are in great demand in the Czech Republic: if a citizen of the Russian Federation confirms his qualifications and has his education document nostrified, he will have a chance to get a well-paid job.


A good option for those who live in St. Petersburg. The laws are lenient; seasonal work on a rotational basis is very popular, for example: picking strawberries on farms for three months. The conditions are difficult, there are age restrictions, but the pay is good.

You can also try to find a job in Norway. For example:

  • builder;
  • petroleum engineer;
  • health worker;
  • geo-engineer;
  • programmer;
  • waiter;
  • employee of a trading company.

If we talk about salaries, qualified engineers (as of 2018) and programmers receive from 50 to 54 thousand crowns, and power engineers - up to 51 thousand. Workers in the service sector are paid less: a waiter receives up to 30 thousand crowns.

In Sweden, the highest wages are for doctors - 6-6.5 thousand euros, programmers - 4-5 thousand euros and university teachers - 4-5 thousand euros. Representatives of construction specialties will receive from 2 to 3 thousand euros, and workers in the service sector - from 2 to 2.5 thousand.


This country is famous for its good living conditions for migrants. As a rule, employers compensate for flight costs and pay for housing - in this regard, they are much more loyal than Europeans. Russians will find vacancies in the fields of culture, telecommunications, engineering, education and IT. Of course, qualified workers are especially in demand - doctors, financiers, representatives of the technical industry. Women of Slavic appearance can easily find work as animators, dancers and even presenters.


When planning to move to this country, you need to understand that the list of in-demand professions will vary depending on the region. Russians in Canada usually work as welders, truck drivers, masons, laborers and social workers. A girl can get a job as a nurse, waitress, salesperson, maid or nanny. Russian nurses are very popular - at local prices they ask for little. The advantage of this type of work is that it includes accommodation and can be easily combined with freelancing or working part-time. Medical or pedagogical education will be a significant advantage.


The tourism sector is well developed here and this is where workers are usually needed. Efficient waiters, eloquent tour guides, people of creative professions - the employer does not care whether the person in front of him is Russian, Ukrainian, or Pole. However, you need to take into account that the official language of Thailand is Thai, and not everyone speaks English here.

Great Britain

The wages here are very high, but you need a specialty and experience. Engineers and programmers required. People without qualifications are not in demand. Any work (for the state or for a private person) presupposes the conclusion of an agreement with the receiving party, otherwise there is no need to talk about any legal entry.


Work on its territory is mainly associated with fishing. Therefore, the most in-demand workers will be fish carcass cutters, product sorters and fishermen. If the first two can be both a man and a woman, then mainly the stronger sex is recruited for fishing. This is due to the specifics of the work: the fisherman must be resilient and strong. Due to the harsh working conditions, these qualities are decisive when applying for a job (that is, a qualification or diploma is not always required).

South Korea

You can go here on a rotational basis to harvest crops or as a vegetable grower. In this case, food and rent are paid by the employer, and in bad weather the employee will always have a day off. A shift worker's salary starts at $90 per day.

Girls can get a job as a hostess in a restaurant or club. It is, of course, advisable to know at least English - this will significantly increase your chances. Hostesses' salaries can reach 2.5 thousand dollars per month without tips.

What kind of work can you get abroad?

It all depends on the country (climate, main industries), region (province, regional center) and the sphere of activity of the Russian. Abroad, knowledge of the language is very important. If a person does not know him, then the possibility of finding a job drops significantly. Few employers want to have an employee with whom they can communicate solely with the help of an online translator or gestures: this wastes time, but the work costs. If a Russian speaks at least English, the path to many countries is open to him. He will be able to get a job in the service sector or on a rotational basis. To work in your specialty, you usually also need the state language, as well as confirmation of your diploma.

No experience and/or qualifications

If you don't have any special skills, the choice isn't very big. As a rule, these are seasonal harvesting jobs, employment in fish and meat processing plants and assembly line production. Men can work as builders, drivers, loaders. Women are cleaners, cooks, nannies.

Highly qualified workers

Having a specialty becomes an undeniable advantage. So you can get a work visa if you try. Foreign employers can invite workers with experience and qualifications, but if a Russian has a diploma and extensive experience in his field, he can try to get a job on his own:

  • engineer;
  • milling machine operator;
  • programmer;
  • doctor;
  • teacher.

In most cases, knowledge of the local language will be required, but training may be paid for by the employer.

Remember that all employers who promise high earnings abroad without official registration are either scammers or offer completely slave-like conditions. Therefore, a person who wants to earn good money, but has no qualifications and does not know the language, better think about where to go to earn money in Russia.

You also need a passport and visa to travel abroad. Without them, a visitor’s stay in the country is simply illegal, and his chances of finding work abroad are also greatly reduced. Moreover, if you enter the country illegally, you may be subject to deportation. And legal work abroad is always more profitable.

How to find a suitable job abroad

You can find a job abroad on your own or with the help of an intermediary. The first option is more difficult, but more reliable.

With the help of agencies

When contacting agencies, you need to be careful, as there is a high chance of falling for a scammer and going to another country illegally. Cases of fraud are so frequent that the Federal Migration Service has officially given some advice to citizens wishing to work abroad. When contacting a company, you need to pay attention to:

  • license. Its number must begin with the numbers 152, otherwise the Migration Service would definitely not issue it. Access to the license must be provided upon request;
  • director's name. It must be listed on the FMS website;
  • services. A company that is worth contacting should not just provide information, but also help conclude an agreement. If there is no agreement, the deposit must be returned.

Can't be trusted:

  • people who promise a bet of $2000 in Europe, Ukraine or America;
  • companies that offer to first pay for training and then start working.

You cannot provide confidential information about yourself on the Internet or by phone, or contact companies that simply provide links to private advertisements.

You need to be extremely careful, otherwise you may end up in the EU among foreigners living illegally. Although it is more likely that an unscrupulous company will simply take the money and give nothing in return except a stack of old advertisements. Reviews can help you choose a good employer, but only if they were written by real people.

Independent job search

If you decide to search on your own, you can:

  • find friends who have already found work abroad and use their reviews. They will be able to advise either a trusted intermediary, or an adequate employer, or even help you get a job;
  • find an employer advertisement. You can search for them on the website of the embassy in the desired country - there will probably be a page with invitations there.

Or you can browse company websites directly. You should pay attention not only to the required experience and industry, but also to whether knowledge of languages ​​is needed.

Work abroad for women: how to find and get a job

A woman can find vacancies on Russian-language and foreign resources. Advertisements for hiring housewives, caregivers and nannies in European countries are popular. Ages vary everywhere, but usually Russian women from 21 to 40 years old are required. The language is not always needed, since sometimes people hire nannies for a child so that he can practice Russian from childhood. In Turkey and Poland, you can get a job as a seamstress, but this will require education or experience in the clothing industry. Hairdressers, makeup artists and manicurists are required in the UAE, Turkey and Poland. And you can get a seasonal job in Finland, Poland and Sweden.

To get a job legally, you need to contact the employer (directly or through an intermediary) and discuss the conditions of flight and accommodation. He should also help resolve the visa issue by sending an official invitation to Russia. Remember that when moving abroad you must have a valid passport.

Which countries should you not travel to?

The ranking of countries with the lowest wages for migrant workers includes Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Greece, Sweden and France. For this reason, you should think carefully when moving there to earn money. However, the statistics are not always the same for everyone. Some companies are willing to pay foreigners if they really know their business. So everything is individual.

gastroguru 2017