How to catch carp and what. Successful carp fishing: how is it possible? Good recipe for making boilies

Before going carp fishing, every fisherman has a question about what to use to catch carp. After all, there are a great variety of baits and attachments that can be used to seduce the omnivorous “pond pig,” as the domestic carp is sometimes called. The main thing is to understand which of them will work in specific conditions.

All baits are divided into animals - they are called baits, and plant baits - baits. Our article will tell you about the features of using most of the baits for carp.


There are not many baits for carp; the main ones used when fishing for carp are:

  • worms, earth and dung;
  • maggot;
  • bloodworm;
  • caddisfly larvae.


For lake and pond fishing, the working bait for carp will be a dung worm. The point, it seems to us, is that many carp reservoirs were formed by dams on rivers for the needs of collective farms. On farms there is an abundance of dung worms, which are washed into the pond water by spring flood waters or during heavy summer rainfalls. Therefore, fish in stagnant or low-flowing reservoirs are accustomed to feeding on dung worms, which, apparently, is genetically fixed.

It’s a different matter with fish that live in a medium or large river. Mainly earthworms get here when, during the spring flood, washed-out river banks collapse and whole cubic meters of soil collapse, and with it the worms, fall into the water.

You need to bait your hooks with worms depending on the fishing season. In winter and before spawning, one or two per hook; in summer, when the carp’s mouth is happy with a large piece, a bunch.


Maggot, popular among carp fish, is often the answer to the question: what bait to catch carp with. Moreover, you can catch maggots throughout the year.

They bait maggots onto a hook with several larvae at a time: in winter - 2-3 pieces, during the rest of the year the entire hook is filled with larvae. In addition to the simple baiting method, maggot boilies are used and mounted on a hair rig.

Maggot process:

  1. The future “hair”: thread or thin fishing line is inserted into a sharp thin needle.
  2. Carefully place 10-20 maggots on the hair through a needle, depending on their size and the desired size of the boilie.
  3. The needle is removed and the hair is tied so that a kind of necklace of maggots is obtained.
  4. One end of the thread is cut and the other is tied to the shank of the hook. The maggot boilie on a hair rig is ready.


An indispensable bait for carp and other fish in winter. Bloodworms are the most common food for carp fish, so they do not refuse such a treat. At other times of the year, when using bloodworms, problems arise with the acquisition of mosquito larvae and their storage. And the fish wants to grab a larger piece than a small bloodworm represents.

When fishing for carp, bloodworms are attached with a brush of 5-10 larvae. Often when ice fishing they use it in a sandwich with maggots.

Caddisfly larva

The caddisfly is interesting for fish not only in the larval stage, but also in other phases of its development. The problem with using it as regular bait is related to its prey. Many fishermen would rather buy a worm or maggot at the store than poke around in the mud, looking for caddis, which is very difficult to buy.


There is a huge variety of carp baits here. In addition to natural cereal grains, many are produced artificially; most of them are easy to make with your own hands. Basically, baits are used in the open water season, more often in summer. But some of them: corn, semolina, dough are also used in ice fishing.


Let's start with natural grains, which are familiar to fish due to the “negligence” of agricultural production. It is no secret that it was not the carp that initially crawled into the field for grain of corn, but a person who spilled it into the water when transporting it from the field to the drain. Nowadays, corn grains are used for fishing in different ways: whole or processed.

The most popular among cereals as bait for carp are:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • peas;
  • pearl barley;
  • oatmeal.

The grains are subjected to heat treatment before becoming bait for carp. They are either boiled or steamed. This is done to increase the softness and ease of fitting on the hook.

Cereal grains are placed on a hook directly by piercing or mounted on a hair.


  • simple raw dough;
  • pancakes;
  • bread;
  • semolina;
  • mastyrka;
  • hominy;
  • pasta;
  • boilies.

We will write about that below, and about other types of tests we will write in a little more detail.

  1. Simple raw dough is kneaded from various types of flour: wheat, rye, pea. Raw ingredients often include eggs, vegetable oil, and flavorings.
  2. Pancakes sometimes help out not only in carp fishing, but also in crucian carp fishing.
  3. Both wheat and rye bread are used. It is often mixed with eggs, cheese, flavored with honey or unrefined sunflower oil.
  4. Semolina. It is prepared in two ways: washed or diluted with water. In any case, the result is a mass that is twisted onto a hook with a stick, or squeezed out of a disposable syringe.
  5. Mastyrka. If you mix enough semolina into freshly cooked hot pea porridge to the consistency of elastic dough, you will get an excellent attachment. Its advantage is that, thanks to its natural smells of peas and semolina, carp mastyrka does not even need to be flavored.
  6. Hominy. For DIY cooking, two types of flour are used: wheat and corn. They are mixed in equal proportions, mixed with water until the consistency of thick sour cream, placed in a plastic bag and boiled in boiling water for 30-40 minutes. The output is hominy.
  7. Pasta for fishing is boiled until half cooked, and flavorings are added. “Stars” are especially popular. But this is not the preference of the fish, but the choice of anglers because they have a hole through which they can be easily put on a hook. Currently, the production of stars with various flavors has been established on an industrial scale.

Boilies and pellets

If the dough nozzles listed above mostly have to be made with your own hands, then the following nozzles are produced industrially. Modern carp fishing - carp fishing - confidently answers the question of what to catch carp with? Of course, boilies and pellets.

Boilies are pieces of dough kneaded in a special way and flavored into balls. They come in different sizes and degrees of buoyancy. The boilies are attached to the hook using hair mounts or special silicone rings.

Pelets are compressed granules from various ingredients, mostly cylindrical in shape. They are attached to the hook most often using silicone.


The special bait that carp bite on, for fishing with specialized gear - a makushatnik - is sunflower cake, or makukha. It is obtained by pressing waste from the production of sunflower oil. The top is not attached to the hook; on the contrary, the hooks are inserted into a piece of cake, when it is absorbed, the carp is caught.

All anglers know that carp are best caught from early spring until autumn, but not many know what to catch carp with.

In Russia they begin to catch carp, but only in the southern regions, in mid-April. But at the beginning of October this season ends. Carp fishing begins only when the water warms up to +10°C.

Let's look at what bait and what gear you need to use to catch carp.


You probably have a question, but what to catch carp with, which tackle is better. So let's break this down.

You need to use the following fishing rods:

2. float rod.


A feeder is a rod with a feeder. All fishing lovers know about it. The feeder is located in the hook area. It is very often used when fishing for carp. Remember that the rod must be very strong, just like the rest of the gear. Because it's a pretty big fish. And here what to catch carp with, or rather which rod of the feeder I’ll tell you about now.

It is best to choose a match rod. It has a rather sensitive upper part, which serves as a signal that it is biting. This rod is actually strong and reliable, but quite heavy. Special supplies have been created for them, which can save the fisherman from unnecessary stress. The length of this rod reaches 3 meters. With this you can easily make a long cast and it is much easier to deal with fish caught on the hook.

Float fishing rod

In order to catch carp, they often use a rod 5 meters long and with 30-40 grams of bait. All experienced fishermen highly recommend using dough weighing from 10 to 30 grams.

Always take a reel in reserve, which is quite light and designed to be 0.25 millimeters long and 150 meters long, and then you won’t have to worry about what to catch carp with. The line diameter of 0.25 millimeters is explained by the fact that a thin line will often break, and a thick line will scare away the fish. Leashes can be made from monofilament, the diameter of which is 0.22 millimeters. The length, in turn, should be about one and a half meters. It just depends on the fishing conditions.


Worms, maggots, peas and corn are perfect baits for catching carp. Therefore, no one has a question, what to catch carp with. But remember, in order to use peas for fishing, they must first be cooked.

While fishing, peas can be cooked in a thermos. To do this, take one glass of grains and pour one liter of boiling water. Add one teaspoon of soda there. Then let it infuse for 6 hours. The wheat bait is prepared in the same way. Store the finished mixture only in a cool place. I hope they figure it out now what to catch carp with.

This bait can only be placed in one way. The hook should pierce the pea so that there are only two holes. One is the input and the other is the output of the hook. You can only put 3 peas on one hook.

Recently, boilies have been used as bait. They are suitable for both tying and feeding fish.


Recently, anglers have come to the conclusion that carp should be fed only with what will later be bait. By the way, remember that you can’t feed carp too much. Afterwards he will not react to what you hook. Then don’t be surprised that you don’t what to catch carp with. Scatter bait as far from the shore as possible.

Professional fishermen use dissolvable fishing line. They string it on it. They throw a whole garland of such tackle, tying it to a hook in advance. After some time, the fishing line will dissolve in the water and the boilies for bait will settle to the bottom. If there are a lot of carp in the reservoir, this bait will be the best. After all, the fish is always looking for food, which means it gets hooked pretty quickly. You will have an excellent opportunity to get a rich and wonderful catch. If you are going to lure carp from afar, then you will have much less chance of catching something. But even in this case, you will remain in the black.

We looked at groundbait, tackle and bait. I hope you don't have to think about it anymore. what to catch carp.

The best period for fishing is summer time. It’s better to catch carp in the summer, and especially trophy. For effective fishing you don’t need much at all: find a place for large carp, feed it and have good tackle.

Most carp anglers look forward to the beginning of summer, when carp begin to actively feed. In summer, baits of both animal and plant origin are suitable for carp. But carp is a cautious fish, and not many fishermen detect carp bites in time, which makes it impossible to catch this powerful fish. The whole point is that many lovers of float fishing rods do not have perfect carp fishing skills and make the same mistakes, which consist in the fact that fishermen do not take the preparation of bait seriously, as well as setting up their gear. Many fishermen do not bother looking for promising places and cast their fishing rods in a convenient place where the carp may not be located. In such cases, it is better to listen to the advice of professionals rather than waste time fishing.

When the water is heated to a temperature of +20ºС, the carp moves to a depth where the temperature is much lower and where it feels comfortable. Therefore, in the summer, you need to be prepared for the fact that carp will have to be retrieved from the depths. The most important thing here is to find a parking spot for the carp, otherwise fishing will be futile. Firstly, it is necessary to study the bottom topography in any available way, including using an echo sounder. You need to find several promising points, start feeding them and then start fishing.

Almost all fishermen are aware that fish move along their own paths and the main task is to find such paths, then half the battle will be done.

For those who like to catch carp from the shore, there are not many chances to do this in the summer, since carp only come to the shallows at night or early in the morning. If there are no bites during these periods, then you should start casting long distances. To do this, it is better to purchase a feeder rod, feeders and other accessories.

To catch carp in the summer, fishermen have many options related to the choice of necessary gear. This can be regular or bottom gear, including feeder gear.

Popular donks

You can fish with both traditional ones, which fishermen have been using for many years, and modern, more advanced ones.

  1. Great master carp anglers use modern, more practical feeder gear. is a more reliable rod, which allows you to emerge victorious in a fight with this strong fish, especially a trophy one. Most carp anglers use electronic bite alarms, as it is very important to identify bites in a timely manner. A large specimen of carp is capable of “seizing” the gear from an unlucky fisherman.
  2. As a result of the use of conventional bottom gear, there are also losses, but the cost of manufacturing such gear is much less. The most interesting gear for bottom fishing may be:
  • Spring;
  • Pacifier;

All of the above-mentioned gear includes a rod, fishing line, reel, feeder and leash with hooks. They differ only in the design of the feeder, which affects the preparation of the type of bait: a more crumbly one is suitable for a spring, a more doughy one for a nipple. As for the top bait, this tackle is somewhat different in the technique of feeding bait. Here you can do without a feeder, since the bait is supplied to the fish in the form of a pressed piece of cake attached to the tackle.

When using such gear, it is unlikely that you will be able to see the moment of the bite. In such gear, the fish are caught on their own due to the weight of the feeder.

There are fishermen who use classic float rods and can watch a motionless float for hours. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to catch carp with a traditional float rod, especially a trophy one, since it requires some modernization.

  1. enjoys wide popularity due to its effectiveness and availability. Such a fishing rod can be equipped with a modern, lightweight, and at the same time, durable rod, strong fishing line, reliable reel and a sharp, powerful hook. Unfortunately, this is not enough and the quality of the equipment settings greatly affects the fishing efficiency.
  2. When fishing at distances of 10-15 meters, you can use more modern gear called plug. Its basis is made up of separate knees, with which you can adjust the casting distance. Unfortunately, using the plug is not very convenient. Moreover, it requires a special stand. These are additional funds that not every fisherman has. This type of tackle does not have a reel and as much fishing line is tied to it as needed. When catching large fish, you need to use a rubber shock absorber to dampen the jerks of the fish, which will prevent the line from breaking.

  • worms;
  • bloodworm;
  • boiled pearl barley;
  • maggot;
  • canned corn.

Currently, more and more preference is given to the use of boilies in catching carp, especially since in fishing stores you can find boilies for every taste. But this does not mean that fishing will not take place without them, especially in those reservoirs where carp are accustomed to ordinary porridge, cake or peas. In such cases, boilies may be useless because he will simply ignore them.

Catching carp in the summer, especially without bait, is a great success or an accident. When the water is warm, carp can accept both store-bought bait and homemade bait, but it is very important to know how to properly serve it to the carp.

Each portion of food sent into the water must have a special ingredient - flavoring. Having identified a promising location, they make an initial cast of bait, which is more than half of what is available. Subsequently, bait is added depending on the activity of the fish.

The following odorous ingredients can be added to working baits:

  • anise;
  • halva;
  • cocoa;
  • garlic;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla;
  • dry seasonings such as dill, parsley, etc.

But this does not mean at all that by adding one of the above-described flavors to the bait, you can count on catching carp. Unfortunately, it is difficult to guess the scent and if someone does it, then they are lucky. Carp can be attracted to one scent today, and tomorrow to another, and if fishing is carried out on an unknown body of water, then this problem is felt very noticeably. If boilies are used, they can be treated with dips, that is, special attractants.

The best and most effective option is to create an artificial “table” for the carp, to which it will come to feed, but this can take a lot of time and one weekend is not enough for this.

For fishing to be successful, you need to throw bait into the water a few days before. Only then can you hope to catch a carp.

When going fishing for carp, it is very important to know that various factors can affect the effectiveness of such a “hunt”. This can happen when a fisherman underestimates the carp's capabilities and overestimates his own. The inability to choose the right place, poor equipment, incorrect feeding methods and improperly prepared bait can nullify all the efforts of the fisherman, both in combination and separately.

If the angler takes his preparatory work seriously, he will certainly see this powerful fish bite and feel its power first-hand as he fishes it ashore. It would not be amiss to say that you should definitely have a special landing net with you and do not try to pick up the carp with your hands, as this will lead to the loss of the fish. When fishing for a large carp, you should not pick up a fishing line and try to pull it out in this way. This may result in cuts and other injuries.

Fishing for carp is the most exciting, leaving in the memory for a long time those moments of joy and pride for catching a trophy carp. Although the same words can be said about other types of fishing, for other types of fish, although not so strong. In other words, any fishing is good, but only in sport form.

Video about catching carp on a pond in summer

Video about catching carp on a fishing rod with a side nod from the shore

What is so attractive about carp fishing (in other words, carp fishing)? In addition to the fierce struggle with incredibly strong fish (impervious to simpletons), the process itself is very interesting - from “A” to “Z”. Including not only a competent choice of a place for future fishing, but also tracking the carp itself, a thorough examination of the bottom of the reservoir, a deliberate choice of the type of bait and the method of its presentation. In general, carp fishing is precisely that extraordinary type of fishing where you can always conduct some exciting experiments.

Naturally, at first glance (based on the video on YuoTube), it will not seem difficult to any beginner, but in fact, carp fishing is a rather extensive and very interesting process. This includes not only careful transportation of equipment to a reservoir and its installation near the water (which sometimes takes several hours), but also baiting a promising point and, finally, the process of catching carp itself. From the moment of casting the bait and the first bite - to the long and exhausting hauling of the cunning and very powerful fish to the shore.

Incorrect and correct approach to carp fishing

“Wrong” carp anglers, as soon as they arrive at a pond, immediately choose a beautiful and picturesque place (first of all, the most convenient for themselves) and quickly cast. At the same time, absolutely not bothering with the choice of bait, that is, using the one that the carp pecked on last year (and on a completely different body of water). As a rule, after such “fishing” (of course, “idle”), they calm themselves down with fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, a “harmful” north wind or an unsuccessful lunar phase. But by and large, this is all self-deception!

Because it is impossible that for 2 or 3 days (i.e. that is how long the session lasts) the carp would constantly be hungry! After all, even in the harsh winter, this fish still feeds. True, its feeding time may take a couple of minutes throughout the day. The conclusion suggests itself: if we haven’t caught anyone in so much time, it means we did something wrong!

This is why experienced/competent carp anglers prepare in advance. Even before leaving for a pond, they thoroughly study it, developing the most suitable fishing tactics. They carefully select the composition of the ingredients of groundbait/bait, so that later they can be thrown into those places where the fish will definitely be located (and inclined to feed). This kind of approach to carp fishing always brings the best results!

So, the process of competent carp fishing can be divided into several main stages:

  • Selecting a reservoir for carp fishing and searching for promising fishing spots on it.
  • Thorough preparation for fishing (taking into account even the smallest nuances).
  • The process of catching carp from “A” to “Z”.
  • Summing up (entries in your own diary).

And now first things first...

1) Choosing a reservoir for carp fishing

In advance, that is, several days or weeks before going carp fishing, you need to try to collect as much information as possible about the reservoir. First of all, find out about the actual presence of carp in it and its size. Then, remotely (on forums) explore the depths and topography of the bottom, and inquire about the most successful baits. As well as other species of fish that live there. In early spring (as well as in winter) it is better to choose some small ponds and lakes. In summer, it is advisable to opt for relatively deep bodies of water.

The ideal option is to visit the pond or lake several times before starting serious fishing. Carefully examine its bottom with an echo sounder (if, of course, boats are allowed there), and watch the fish through binoculars. Take measurements of the water temperature (since the most active feeding of carp is observed at a temperature of 14-16 degrees Celsius).

And, in the end, draw a schematic map of the reservoir, on which to mark all promising points for future fishing. A few hours spent on this task during the week will significantly increase your chances of a successful result! Future places for carp fishing should be chosen not only depending on the season of the year, but also taking into account the weather (at the expected time of fishing).

Early spring

Thus, on warm spring days it is worth choosing shallow areas of the reservoir (i.e., no more than one and a half meters deep). The water there warms up faster, thereby attracting carp, which loves to “warm up” after a long winter. Most often he visits such places in the second half of the day. It is definitely worth noting that the most promising fishing spots in reservoirs in the spring are those shallow water areas where fish like to spawn. She will definitely visit them both before spawning and immediately after it.

Summer period

In hot and sultry summers, the shallow water places mentioned above will sometimes be useful only at night or early in the morning. During the day, the water here gets very hot (which reduces the amount of oxygen in it), so you need to catch carp in deep water. A warm breeze blowing in your face will bring not only normal warm water (with sufficient oxygen content in it), but also all kinds of natural food, which will certainly be followed by carp. Even a weak (but stable) breeze after a long calm can seriously activate the bite. In general, if you want to catch carp, always stand upwind.

Rainy weather

Don't rule out the possibility of carp fishing if the weather continues to be warm/rainy. Moreover, a strong (but short-term) downpour is always a harbinger of an excellent bite. Since it quickly enriches the water with oxygen and washes a lot of “goodies” from the shore into a pond or lake, the fish becomes very active. The exception is prolonged rain during periods of sharp cold weather.

Autumn season

In autumn, carp prefer deep holes. And only sometimes, on warm and sunny days, they can get out to shallow areas (if the water there warms up normally). It is important to remember that the autumn feeding period for carp is quite short. Therefore, if he pecks, it is better to immediately offer him another bait (that is, a fresher one) - to be on the safe side. In the fall, you can cast a couple of rods, and leave one on the shore with bait in combat readiness. Which needs to be quickly activated immediately after the first bite signals.

2) Preparatory stage

The modern assortment is so large that fishing buyers always have the opportunity to choose exactly those elements that are ideally suited strictly to their fishing conditions. Therefore, the best option would be to find answers to the following questions in advance (that is, a few days before departure).

  • What distances will I cast? The choice of models directly depends on this. After all, with the help of a light stick (for example, with a test of up to 2.5lb), you will not be able to cast at a distance of over a hundred meters. Equally, it will be very problematic to accurately cast a bait with a light sinker (for muddy bottoms) at a distance of up to 50 meters, using an already quite powerful rod with a test weight of over 3.25lb.
  • What are the bottom characteristics of the body of water where I plan to fish? By and large, the answer to this question influences the right choice. For example, for a muddy bottom (subject to short and medium casts), you can use light models of side sinkers. For a hard bottom, you can safely use through inline weights. But for snags or thick algae, you need to either stock up on a normal supply of “classic” sinkers, or purchase special ones – arrow-shaped “elevators”. Not forgetting about strong fishing line and braided leaders.
  • What do I know about the features of the coast? That is, which ones to take with you? If it is relatively hard and problem-free, then you can use a convenient rod. And if the situation is sad or not completely clear, then it is better to take with you a couple of stands for each rod.
  • What's the weather expected? Very often, fishermen take into account the weather forecast in terms of fish bite, but completely forget about themselves. And in vain. After all, you must agree that you will not enjoy such fishing if you get sunburned on the first day, get wet from the rain or catch a cold from the north wind. Do not use thermal underwear, shelters or umbrellas. And at night you will sweat or freeze, having chosen , to put it mildly, out of season.
  • What will I feed the carp with and what bait should I use? From a beginner’s point of view, this is perhaps the most difficult question. Although, with regards to bait, everything is relatively simple. In the summer months, it is advisable to feed more, with the exception of periods with abnormal cold weather. Pellets, boilies, bulk mixtures, boiled hemp grains, etc. can be used as the main ingredients.

You need to be careful when handling corn. Despite the fact that carps love it (and it is cheaper in cost than others and, by the way, is very healthy for fish), corn, firstly, quickly saturates the fish, and secondly, it takes a long time to digest. The same cannot be said about hemp, which is absorbed by the body much faster than all other food items.

In early spring or mid-autumn, when the temperature drops to +12ºС, it is no longer reasonable to feed a lot. It is during these periods of time that it is advisable to use PVA materials or feeders.

Baits for carp fishing

But with bait everything is much more complicated. And the main problem here is that the taste preferences of carp can change rapidly. At the same time, not only in comparison with last year or month, but even with yesterday. Moreover, due to many different factors (some of which are understandable only to carp and inaccessible even to ichthyologists), this fish may like one bait in the morning, and a completely different one in the evening. For example, when going to paid fishing grounds, English carp anglers always take into account the compositions of bait that have already been used to catch carp. Since, once caught, they are unlikely to try them again, associating a certain type of boilie with the greatest danger.

If the nature of the bottom at the fishing point is muddy, then it is better to use baits of neutral buoyancy, combining floating boilies with sinking ones. They do not burrow into the mud, so carp will quickly find them. On a grassy bottom, fishing strictly with floating boilies will be most effective. Remember, if a large number of other types of fish live in a reservoir (bream, crucian carp, etc.), then the use of hair equipment with corn grains, dough or other elements may give a negative result. Since they may not even wait for carp (or carp).

An equally important factor will be the size of the bait. To catch carp in wild bodies of water, it is rational to use small baits, for example, boilies with a diameter of no more than 14 mm. And feed them big ones. As practice has shown, this very cautious fish prefers to safely swallow smaller pieces.

Carp fishing on rivers requires a completely different approach. That is, on the contrary, the bait should be large (for example, boilies with a diameter of 20 mm). As a rule, small (and tasty) baits will immediately attract bream or other small river creatures. And then there are the catfish, who are very interested in any fuss (for “shortages”) and shamelessly take food from the “kids” (by size). Therefore, you may not see carp or carp in your fish tank until the very end of your fishing trip.

3) Carp fishing technique

What should you do first when arriving at a pond? Where to start carp fishing? From assembling equipment and setting up a tent? Or take another depth measurement using a marker rod?

The ideal option is to start carp fishing by carefully examining the surface of the water using binoculars and polarized (anti-glare) glasses. It is quite possible that the carp are somewhere nearby today. And the surest signal not only of his presence nearby, but also of a good (his) appetite is pop-up bubbles. Which are virtually impossible to confuse with bream “chains” or tiny crucian carp bubbles. It’s not for nothing that the British company MCF produces many of its products under the slogan “Look for bubbles!” (literally “Look for the bubbles!”).

Thus, when you spot a feeding carp, while maintaining maximum silence, quickly (but carefully) assemble your rod and try to cast the bait closer to the bubbles. Who knows, it is possible that in a few minutes you will be able to catch your very first trophy on this carp fishing trip. You can arrange your equipment and set up your tent later.

If you haven’t found any obvious signs of carp activity or this is your first time on this body of water (i.e. you haven’t previously come to it for reconnaissance), then start looking for promising fishing spots. That is, places where fish can feed or seek shelter. As for the last option, the ideal “shelters” for carp are snags, thick algae or bottom irregularities (especially under water lilies). Just remember that next to very dense vegetation, fish feel comfortable only in the morning or afternoon. Since at this time it gives off oxygen, but at night it absorbs it. And the carp becomes uncomfortable there.

Therefore, a win-win option (at any time of the day) is always snags, which not only reliably hide the fish, but also often “feed” it. As a rule, they are overgrown with small shells - one of the most favorite delicacies of wild carp. You can find the exact location of the carp’s hiding place (usually well-packed) in snags in the reservoir by “tapping” the bottom with a marker rod. That is, if you were unable to detect at least some signs of the presence of fish, then the process of catching carp should begin with this. The time you spend on a detailed study of the bottom will more than pay off in the future! And in general, it is better to fish with only one carp rod, next to the marker, at the right time and in the right place, than with five at once, thrown at random.

gastroguru 2017