How to choose an original bite activator and not fall into the trap of scammers video review. DIY bite activator. Detailed instructions and recipe

To make fishing the most profitable in terms of catch, all fishermen, regardless of experience, try to use all kinds of baits and activators. The activators themselves are various spices to enhance the appetite of fish. They are made in the form of tablets or ampoules, and you can also make them yourself.

The activator usually includes the following ingredients:

  • Vegetable oils
  • Aromatic components
  • Refuse
  • Spices and amino acids
  • Ingredients of animal origin

Liquid flavors are added to the base in small quantities, usually 5-7%. The same proportions are used when making the activator with your own hands.

Previously we answered the question -.

Natural scents for activators

All fishermen know that fish prefer natural odors. Natural flavorings include oils such as sunflower oils, as well as aromatic plants. In another way, they can be called “do-it-yourself flavors.”

There are so many types of them:

  1. Garlic. Suitable for carp and bream, used in dried form, and different amounts are added depending on weather conditions (up to 5% in summer, and up to 2% in winter). They try to use garlic tincture.
  2. Star anise. Perfectly used for hunting small herbivorous fish. It has an anise aroma and a bittersweet aftertaste. It is used in preference to just anise.
  3. Basil with dill. Used in reservoirs with a large amount of silt and thickets, for catching non-herbivorous fish of modest size.
  4. Cinnamon. It catches bream and roach, regardless of the heat or cold and the body of water.
  5. Turmeric. Well suited exclusively for roaches, especially in summer.
  6. Thyme. Used for carp breeds, used in unpolluted rivers.
  7. Coriander. Powder is used, but you cannot grind it in advance, as it will lose its properties. Goes for bream in any water and in any weather.

Thus, for making your own activators, there are many different natural flavors, depending on the type of fish you want to catch.

How to make an activator with your own hands?

To make an activator correctly and well yourself, you need to rely on the weather and the type of fish you are going to catch. But there are also general things for creating an activator yourself.

For example, the production of a fruit activator (flavor)

  1. For 1 liter of water use 3-4 tablespoons of fruit concentrate
  2. Place on low heat, wait for it to boil and wait 10 minutes
  3. Remove from heat, let cool, the finished mixture can be added to the bait.

And this is how you can prepare garlic bait:

  1. Grind 4-5 cloves of garlic through the garlic press into a container or use garlic tincture (3-4 teaspoons)
  2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of oil sunflower
  3. Mixing the ingredients thoroughly.

There are many more recipes on how you can make a bite activator at home, since in essence it is just an additive to increase the appetite of fish and attract its attention.


For a larger catch, fishermen often use flavorings. They are in many ways similar to attractants, but they affect the fish’s taste preferences rather than their sense of smell. That is, they make the bait taste more suitable for fish; they usually use plant-based amino acids.

Often, extracts from plants that attract the attention of fish combine the qualities of both flavoring agents and attractants. It costs less and is easier to dose. Therefore, companies associated with fishing are already producing different mixtures with one or another component that is included in the base (vanilla, cinnamon, anise or others).

It is important to consider not only what you add to the bait, but also at what time of year you do it. Solid substances are added to the dry mixture, and liquid substances are added to water, with which complementary foods will be diluted to the required state.

Convenient in this regard aerosol fragrance, since it is easy for them to process complementary foods in portions according to need. Just remember that a large amount of flavoring will immediately kill the bloodworms. Therefore, for application it is necessary to first spray or pour the preparation onto your finger, and then onto the bottom of the container where the bait is located.

This method is most suitable in winter, and it is better to add liquid flavors before going fishing in the evening. Then the liquid components penetrate well into all complementary foods (crackers, bran, cake) and are not washed out so quickly with water.


You should not overdo it with flavorings in the activator, as this may scare away the fish. If you plan to find such supplements around you without resorting to buying them in specialized stores, then castor oil, valerian or asterisk and others are perfect.

There are also flavors of animal origin:

  • Fish fat
  • Bloodworm
  • Dried blood
  • Canned food.

In addition to liquid products, you can also use powders. The main thing is to choose the right taste and smell for the selected type of fish in the right body of water.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

DIY fishing bite activator for bream

Each fish requires a different approach.

So, the following flavorings are perfect for bream:

  • Vanilla
  • Strawberry
  • Various fruit attractants

Bream likes almost any fruit flavoring, but it prefers vanilla. Which is also suitable for other inhabitants of the reservoir. With the help of the current, the smell will spread very quickly, which means the fish will soon react to it.

There are also individual ingredients that can be used in addition to the bite activator for bream:

  • Millet
  • Pearl barley
  • Sweet corn
  • Green pea
  • Small bails

You can also add natural flavors to create the desired activator. Garlic is perfect for bream. Do not forget that powder or liquid mixtures are used within 5 or maximum 7% of the total volume, since they are not the main food for fish, but only stimulate their appetite.

This way you can prepare a garlic supplement that will attract a large number of bream. For example, pour 2-3 cloves of mashed garlic into 200 grams of hot water and let it sit for 5-6 hours. Use the resulting infusion for 1.5 - 2 kg of complementary foods.

Bait for crucian carp

Since activators are designed to lure fish until the end of fishing, it is necessary to select the scent very carefully.

The timid crucian carp has smells to which it gives particular preference:

  • Vanilla. This smell will most attract small and medium-sized crucian carp, and you should not be surprised if, in addition to it, you also pull out several bream, which are also willing to go for it
  • Anise. It’s enough to just add a few drops of anise oil to bread or semolina, but it’s good for summer fishing, not winter.
  • Garlic. More suitable for large fish
  • Honey. Sometimes crucian carp want something sweet; honey can be added to semolina.
  • Hemp. Used if the bite is completely sluggish.
  • Dill. Used in heavily overgrown reservoirs.
  • Potato chips. If you want to catch small-sized crucian carp, then these are also suitable.
  • Oat cookies. Crucian carp are well lured to it, but to prevent it from falling apart quickly, add flour.

If you don't want to make the activator yourself, you can go to a specialty store and choose a liquid or powder activator there. Now the choice of such additives is very large, and for hunting any fish.

Now only mine bites!

I caught this pike using a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and no more looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!!! The best bite activator of 2018! Made in Italy...

Carp bait

For active fishing for carp, as well as bream, garlic is a good choice. In addition to the tincture, you can add 4-8% anise powder to complementary foods.

Here, for example, is a recipe for feeding carp using an activator such as honey:

  • Weed out small unripe corn kernels
  • Pour the corn into a container and add water, leave to soak for 2-3 days
  • Then cook for about an hour, it is important not to turn the complementary foods into porridge.
  • Leave to cool
  • Before fishing, add a little honey to make the complementary food aromatic and sweet.

Carp are also well attracted by the aroma of fresh bread and legumes such as chickpeas.

Roach bait

Roach is a very common fish in Russian waters, and there are a huge number of recipes for its bait. Here are a few of them:

Recipe one:

  • Cooked rye – 300 g
  • Crushed breadcrumbs – 300 g
  • Oatmeal – 200 g
  • Ground rolled oats – 100 g
  • Roasted ground hemp seed – 50 g
  • Filamentous algae – 50 g
  • Small maggot – 2-3 matchboxes
  • Grated garlic - half a tablespoon

Recipe two:

  • Ground biscuit about 300 g
  • Breadcrumbs 100g
  • Dry crushed clay – 100 g
  • Bran – 100 g
  • Cumin – 1 pinch
  • Small maggots or bloodworms - 2 or 3 matchboxes

The most favorite natural scents for roaches are the aroma of vanilla or coriander, as well as anise. The smells of almonds, caramel, chocolate, and hemp are added to dry mixtures.

Pike bait

Since pike is a predatory fish, it prefers scents of animal origin; it is also very picky and chooses only natural scents. Also, to catch a predator, you can feed not the fish itself, but its food, that is, it eats other small fish in the reservoir.

As bait, if you are fishing in water without a current, you can scatter pieces of fish; if there is a current, you must first weigh them down with clay.

So, in order to make a fishing activator with your own hands, you need to take into account several factors:

  • There are many natural flavors, so preparing the activator at home will not be difficult.
  • If you don't want to prepare the bait yourself, then to increase the fish’s appetite, purchase an activator in a specialized store, where there is a wide selection.
  • To catch pike you must use only natural scents or make bait for its prey.

These are the main points for making an activator for catching a variety of fish at home. If it is made correctly, a good bite will accompany you from the moment you start fishing until it ends.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

For successful fishing, every fisherman, whether amateur or experienced, uses various baits. Many professionals and athletes recommend using bite activators.


Activators (attractants) are additives to complete food that increase the appetite of fish. Its main function is to lure fish from different directions. They are made in tablet form or in ampoules (liquid form).

The composition of any product includes:

  • vegetable oils;
  • aromatic components;
  • refuse;
  • various spices and amino acids;
  • components of animal origin.

As a rule, flavorings are added to the main bait in liquid form in small doses, the optimal dosage is 5–7%. Supplements in the form of tablets are used to feed the fishing area.

It forces the fish to stay in one place and encourages it to further search for food. When fishing on the river, you need to cast upstream from the fishing spot, since when the attractant dissolves, it forms a thin stream.

It is also recommended to use it in winter, because in cold water the smell spreads much better than in summer. Due to the fact that these additives dissolve almost completely, it is advisable to add them every hour.

Best models

Currently, activators are presented in a wide range. Of all this variety, the best can be distinguished:

  • Fisherman (Russia).
  • Sensas (France).
  • FishHungry (Italy).
  • MONDIAL-F (Belgium).
  • Fish Dream.

Natural scents for activators

When choosing an attractant, it should be taken into account that fish prefer natural odors.

  1. Garlic. Good for catching carp or bream, dried garlic is used. In summer it is recommended to add no more than 5%, and in winter up to 2%. Garlic tincture is added to the bait for crucian carp.
  2. Star anise. Excellent for catching any non-predatory fish. It has a bittersweet taste and smell of anise, but not so cloying. Its use gives significantly better results than anise itself.
  3. Basil with dill. They are used for catching all peace-loving fish, except for the stem, in muddy and overgrown reservoirs.
  4. Cinnamon. It is added to bait for bream and roach. Can be used at any time of the year and on any body of water.
  5. Turmeric. Ideal scent for roach fishing. Experienced fishermen advise using it in the summer for small peaceful fish.
  6. Thyme. It will help you acquire unique specimens; it is effectively suitable for the carp fish family. Used in clean and flowing rivers.
  7. Coriander. Use powder made from your own ground grains. Already ground coriander loses its aroma during storage. Best suited for catching bream, at any time of the year and on any water.

Homemade products for fishing. Do it yourself

The correct selection of bait and tackle is the key to your future catch. For each period of the year you need to use your own attachments and equipment.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Winter fishing

A bloodworm is an essential accessory for winter fishing. You can buy it or make it yourself.

For this you will need:

  • a piece of foam plastic (optimal external dimensions 80x50x4 0 mm);
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • stationery knife;
  • sandpaper.

Stages of work:

  1. Marking the foam according to sizes. Cut out the workpiece.
  2. We retreat 5 mm from two sides (two long ones), 10 mm from the third, draw a rectangle (the fourth side coincides with the end face of the workpiece). Using a knife to a depth of 10 mm, we make a cutout for the lid.
  3. We retreat 5 mm from each side of the resulting groove, We mark the future cavity for bloodworms. The foam is cut out with a knife. The bottom thickness should be 10 mm.
  4. A cover with dimensions of 70x40x10 mm is cut out from another piece of foam plastic. It is necessary to make an allowance of 1–2 mm per side. After cutting, the lid is adjusted with sandpaper; it should close tightly.
  5. Using a drill with a diameter of 0.5 to 1 mm, we make a through hole with our hands through the blood bottle and the lid. We connect with wire of the appropriate diameter.

Flavoring. Application

Activators with the following scents are best suited for winter fishing:

  • Strawberry.
  • With the smell of “tutti-frutti”.
  • Star anise.

Based on their experience, experienced fishermen recommend using flavored additives as follows:

  • treat the inside of the bloodworm with an aromatic solution;
  • You can lightly moisten a clean cloth to wipe your hands;
  • 2-3 drops of flavored concentrate per glass of water is enough;
  • For 1 kg of bait, use 1/3 of a glass of attractant.

Now only mine bites!

I caught this pike using a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and no more looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!!! The best bite activator of 2018! Made in Italy...

Summer fishing

The choice of aromatic additives for fishing in summer is very diverse:

  • vanilla;
  • with fruity scents (plum, strawberry, barberry, etc.);
  • garlic;
  • with a creamy smell;
  • caramel smell;
  • with a nutty smell;
  • herbs and spices (anise, coriander, black or red pepper, dill).

You can make catch activators at home with your own hands.

Making fruit flavoring:

  1. For 1 liter of water you need to add 3-4 tablespoons of fruit concentrate.
  2. Place on low heat and bring to a boil. Boil for about 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and leave to cool. The prepared mixture can be added to bait.

It has been observed from experience that crucian carp are more willing to bite on bait with a garlic odor.

It’s very easy to do it yourself:

  1. For the garlic, squeeze 4-5 cloves of garlic into a bowl. You can replace 3-4 teaspoons with garlic tincture.
  2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of sunflower oil.
  3. Mix thoroughly.

Of the stories from both experienced fishermen and amateurs, the most popular are: roach, crucian carp, pike, carp. Let's look at how you can make bait for this fish with your own hands.

Bait for crucian carp

First recipe:

  1. Pour water into a 200 ml iron container and add 2-3 drops of flavor. Bring to a boil.
  2. Sprinkle semolina in a thin stream until a thick, homogeneous mixture is obtained. Be sure to stir all the time.
  3. Remove from heat. The resulting porridge should steam for 5 minutes.
  4. The cooled porridge must be kneaded for 10 minutes to make it denser.

Second recipe:

  1. Pour one glass of pearl barley into a 0.5 liter glass container.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Cover the container with a lid and wrap it well.
  4. Leave for 3-4 hours for the grains to swell. Care must be taken that they do not turn into mush.

It is advisable to add his favorite scents to the bait for crucian carp:

  • based on plant roots (cattail, calamus, egg capsule, reed);
  • garlic;
  • anise;
  • ground dill seeds;
  • vanillin;
  • cocoa (powder).

Carp bait

Making your own corn:

  1. Weed out small and unripe grains.
  2. Place corn in a container and fill with water. Soak for 2-3 days.
  3. After soaking, cook for about one hour. It is important to monitor and stir so that it does not turn into porridge.
  4. Set aside and let cool.

Roach bait

In the summer, roaches are mainly caught using dough or a red worm.

Dough recipe:

  1. Grate the boiled potatoes onto a fine grater (can be crushed).
  2. Add durum wheat flour to a metal container. Proportions are 1 to 1.
  3. Pour water and cook for about 0.5 hours. Let cool.
  4. Add an attractant (hemp, vanilla, strawberry, coriander, banana, cumin).

Second option:

  1. Pour 200 g into a container. flour (rye or wheat).
  2. Beat in one egg.
  3. To knead, add milk and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  4. After kneading, roll into balls of the required size and boil in boiling water.
  5. Lightly grease with sunflower oil.

Pike bait

Pike is a predator and is mainly caught using artificial baits:

  • Oscillating spinners.
  • Rotating spinners.
  • Silicone baits. They are very effective and well suited for beginner fishermen.
  • Wobblers. The most common: walker, shad, shank, rattlin, jerk bait.
  • Twisters.

Some tips for successful fishing and a good catch:

  1. Any activators should be used in small doses. Excessive concentration only fish.
  2. For each season and type of fish, you should select your own attractant.
  3. Experiment with flavors, mixing several types.
  4. Make “sandwiches” out of bait, placing several species on the hook.
  5. Boiled cereal can be used as a good bait for fish, forming a cloudy aromatic cloud in the water.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

Good afternoon, fishing lovers. For some, the invention of the author of the article may seem like a waste of time, but it still has its advantages.

This article will outline how to make a bite activator. Its main purpose is to attract crucian carp and bream. It should be borne in mind that this homemade invention is designed so that it can be easily stored, transported, or simply used and not be afraid that complementary foods will stain everything around.

Necessary materials

The bite activator itself is prepared from homemade (unrefined) sunflower oil and garlic. There are no secret ingredients. The garlic is pressed in a garlic press and mixed with oil.

And the author of the homemade product will make a container that will allow you to store the bait and conveniently use it while fishing.
As a container for storing the bite activator, you will need a regular aerosol can. You can buy it at a perfume store that sells perfume on tap. Another option is if there are bottles of medicine left at home, for example, a throat spray.

Fine metal mesh. It will serve as a filter. You will also need sewing thread and a drill. Any other metal rod will do, the diameter of which should be slightly smaller than the hole in the can.


In order to find out how much metal mesh is required, you can use the formula for calculating the circumference. That is, the product of the numbers of the diameter of the inlet opening of the can and the number pi (3.14). The resulting value must be measured on a metal mesh and cut off. The height of the mesh is selected slightly greater than the height of the container itself into which the bait will be poured.

Next, take a rod or drill, the diameter of which allows you to freely enter the can. A metal mesh is wound around it. Its starting edge should overlap the end. When the mesh is wound, we secure it along its entire length with thread. Remove it from the rod (drill) and wrap the edge on one side. We put the resulting part on the spray tube.

All that remains is to fill the container with bait, lower the filter element with the tube inside the container and close it.

The bite activator can be stored in the refrigerator. A closed container will prevent the smell of garlic from spreading to all other products.
For those who believe that the filter mesh is useless, the author makes a compelling argument. If you do not use a homemade filter and pour the contents into the can, then after several sprays the tube will clog. Simply pouring the bite activator onto the bait is inconvenient; in addition, spraying uses less product.

Today, bite activators have become extremely popular. They can be found in any fishing store, thus feeding the fish. In fact, the bite activator is a specialized bait, and even professionals note that it has proven itself well. Is it possible to make a bite activator yourself? Yes, it is possible, you just need to understand what exactly can attract fish.

Do-it-yourself bite activator: step-by-step guide

On sale you can find bite activators in various forms:

  • pills;
  • liquid products;
  • pellets or pellets of various sizes and so on.

They are produced by both Russian and foreign companies. All of them are quite popular in our country. Of course, it is not at all necessary to purchase a bite activator in a store; you can make it yourself.

What is important in this matter are:

  1. Composition (we will talk about it below).
  2. Form (if you make a liquid activator, you will need a good flavor).

A rough step-by-step guide to preparing bait looks like this:

  • all ingredients of plant origin (for example corn grains) are collected;
  • they are filled with water and infused for a long time (1-3 days);
  • the mixture is boiled for an hour in a metal container;
  • After cooling, various additives are added to the resulting porridge.

Flavorings and additives depend on the type of fish the fisherman plans to catch.

There are a huge number of recipes using natural flavors. After preparing the gruel, you can make small balls out of it or roll into thin sausages, and then cut them into small sticks.

Each fish has its own food preferences. For each species, you can create your own bite activator, if you take this factor into account. Rospotrebnadzor plans to ban the sale of activators, in which case the ability to attract fish yourself will be very useful.

For crucian carp

Crucian carp is one of the most capricious species of fish, the bite of which depends on a large number of factors:

Crucian carp is a bottom-dwelling fish, but it can often be caught near the surface near the shore. This fish feeds mainly on larvae and zooplankton, but its diet also includes all kinds of vegetation. As bait, it prefers porridge, bread, all kinds of grains (when using wheat, semolina or pearl barley rather than corn as a bite activator, it is better to steam them rather than boil them), worms, maggots and bloodworms.

When making a bite activator for crucian carp with your own hands, it would be good to add natural components that have an attractive smell for crucian carp (a couple of pieces to choose from, no more):

  • cocoa;
  • garlic;
  • anise;
  • dill seeds, ground into powder;
  • vanillin.

Additionally, you can add finely chopped parts of plants such as calamus, reed, cattail, if you have them on hand.

The bite activator should be rolled into small balls or used in bulk.

Crucian carp does not like large pieces.

For roaches

Roach can be caught all year round; it bites especially well in early spring before spawning. This cautious, but very valuable fish for the fisherman can reach two kilograms in weight, however, most often you come across specimens no more than 500 grams.

As food, it likes to collect insect larvae, caddis flies from the bottom, and hunts for bloodworms. In summer, her diet also includes greens.

You can prepare a bite activator for roach in various ways.

For example, simple breadcrumbs scattered on the surface of the water are often famous in winter.

In spring and summer, the activator should contain:

  1. There are sufficient quantities of food bloodworms.
  2. Breadcrumbs (can be replaced with sweet cookies, grain bran).
  3. Soil from a pond.

The bait should not scare away the fish either with its bright smells or its appearance. It would be nice to create turbidity in the pond. The bite activator will gradually sink to the bottom, attracting larger roach.

Smells that attract roaches:

  • garlic (needs to be grated);
  • coriander;
  • nettle;
  • caraway;
  • thyme;
  • chocolate;
  • almond.

Experiments are always welcome.

For carp

Carp has a sweet tooth, which, unlike roach, does not like fine food.

The gruel for the bite activator will need to be steamed, not boiled.

You can add either sugar or honey as a sweetener.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Carp is a fairly large fish; it rarely bites in the spring, but becomes more active in the summer and warm autumn. Of all the fish species, carp is the most voracious and unpretentious in food. This quality is used when making a bite activator with your own hands. It can be prepared from either corn or peas (green ones are welcome), the addition of undercooked potatoes will only enhance the effect.

The main secret of bait is that the bite activator is made finely dispersed, and the bait is made quite large.

There are two types of bait:

The following can be used as flavorings:

  • garlic;
  • thyme.

For pike

- the fish is predatory and large. To catch it, spinning rods are often used. After spawning the bite is especially good.

It feeds on various fish (including large ones), frogs, crayfish, shells, worms and sometimes plants. When using a bite activator for pike, you must be careful not to spook it with too much food.

Sometimes it is appropriate to feed not the pike itself, but the fish that is its food:

  1. Crucian carp.
  2. Roach.
  3. Perch.

You can choose one or two as flavorings, but no more.

The use of artificial additives for this fish is not recommended.

Additionally, small fish scattered on the surface of the water are used as an activator.

Flavors and natural odors

Previously, we indirectly touched upon the topic of flavorings in bite activators. They are always present in them. It is important to understand that it is better to limit the use of artificial additives if the fish is predatory.

Liquid flavors can be used by purchasing them in advance at the store, but fishermen who make their own bite activators prefer to use natural additives:

A huge number of natural additives allows you to save on flavors from stores.

Features of a good activator

It is necessary to use a self-prepared bite activator, adhering to certain rules.

They are developed taking into account climatic and seasonal conditions, as well as according to the behavior of the fish itself.

So the rules are:

  1. As little bite activator as possible, because if you overdo it, the effect will be the opposite.
  2. In autumn and winter, when the water temperature drops, the fish prefers more animal food (you can add worms, bloodworms and fish oil).
  3. During the summer and early fall, the amount of scent (whatever you use) should be reduced as warm water will activate these scents and they may repel fish rather than attract them.
  4. You cannot use a large number of flavors at the same time; one, maximum two, is enough.
  5. Most fish species prefer sweetish odors in spring and summer.

When using a bite activator as a beginner, it would be good to study in advance the habits of the fish that you want to hunt in the selected body of water.

You can conduct experiments, change the location and composition of the bait.

This is especially true when fishing for roach and pike; they are extremely careful and think through each of their actions well.

Alternative: Electronic bait

An experienced fisherman knows that when using an activator there is always a danger of overfeeding the fish. This is why electronic baits appeared on the market. They are a cylindrical device powered by a charger.

It works this way: when it gets into a body of water, the bait begins to vibrate, make sounds and glow. Thus, it affects the fish.

Any predator will be attracted by vibration and unusual vibrations.

When using you need to consider:

  • the depth of the reservoir at the fishing site;
  • type of fish;
  • other device data specified in the instructions.

Of course, not all fishermen appreciated the newest device. Its cost is not very high, and everyone can try to benefit from using it. However, a bite activator is a great way to attract fish, it is important to use the product in moderation.

FishHungry is a bite activator that has a dual effect: it attracts fish to the fishing spot and causes her a strong appetite, forcing feed heavily. At the same time, the manufacturer claims that the drug has a stronger effect on large fish, allowing not only to increase catches, but also to significantly increase the size of trophies.

They tell us that FishHungry is not just another attractant, nor is it similar to the bite stimulants that were previously presented on the market. This product has a completely new operating principle and represents the next step in the development of additives designed to help fishermen increase their catches.

My own searches for the truth in fishing stores and in conversations with experienced fishermen showed that few people have ever heard of this activator, and in stores in Kyiv (I checked 6 points) sellers could not sell it to me. I wonder why?

How FishHungry works (as stated by online stores)

The main active ingredients of FishHungry are pheromones– biologically active substances that affect the behavior of fish. Under natural conditions, they are secreted in certain situations by the underwater inhabitants themselves, and in FishHungry composition includes an artificially synthesized chemical substance similar to these pheromones in composition and effect on fish.

These artificial pheromones were synthesized in 2011 in Italy by a group of scientists led by Dr. Andy Moore. Experts proposed using the substance they obtained in the laboratory in fish farms for stimulates appetite in fish so that she gains weight faster. However, the scientists’ discovery has also found application in recreational fishing.

The Fish Hungry bite activator can be used both when catching peaceful fish and when hunting for predators:

  • add Fish Hungry to the bait for a float rod or;
  • use FishHungry to process baits and attachments that are put on the hook when catching peaceful and predatory fish;
  • apply to any artificial ones.

Instructions for use of FishHungry (will help in thinking)

FishHungry is supplied in a polyethylene package containing 5 metallized bags of 5 ml.

To add FishHungry to your bait, you need to:

  1. dissolve the contents of the package in a small amount of water;
  2. pour the resulting solution into the prepared bait mixture, stirring it thoroughly.

You can add FishHungry directly to the bait without dissolving it in water, but in this case the bite activator less evenly distributed in the bait mixture. The contents of one package are enough for 2-2.5 kg of bait.

In order to process baits and baits using FishHungry, as well as artificial spinning baits, you should:

  1. dissolve the drug in a small amount (about 0.5 l) of water;
  2. While fishing, periodically dip a hook with a nozzle or a spinning bait into the resulting solution.

Reviews from fishermen about FishHungry (searched on the Internet)

I am an experienced fisherman, and at first I thought that I didn’t need a “doping” like Fish Hungry - I already catch enough fish. But after trying it out, I decided that I would continue to use it.

What can we say about using FishHungry: the fish come to the bait faster, there are more of them, and they bite much more actively, and do not leave the bait for a long time.

How do you like this truth from fictional characters who clumsily pour into our ears what they need? But we can’t check it in any way until we buy it! And places where you can really find true information and discussion of real fishermen I couldn't find it. Fortunately, I have my own website, and I can initiate a discussion on this topic myself!

My question remains open. What is this - inept PR company around a non-working product or intrusive adware, but around a really working bite activator?

For my part, I found out how it spreads Fish Hungry advertising virus on fishing sites and will share my research as it is. The fact is that almost all the advertising that you, for example, can see on this site is advertising from Google and Yandex services. I, as the owner of the site, place a special code in the place I need, and the above-mentioned companies themselves decide what advertising to show to our readers. Actually, it’s not surprising that we, fishermen, are shown advertisements for fishing products on the fishing website, and now attention is the most delicious thing.

All these advertisements lead to the same page or its clones(for different countries), and the one who brings the buyer to that page, who makes and pays for the order, receives approximately 500 Russian rubles in kickback from the sellers.
Thus was born an army of would-be advertisers who buy advertising on websites, post it through Google and Yandex in the hope that they will be able to make money on the difference in kickbacks.

There are also “filler” pages - these are when advertising leads you not directly to a page with a “Buy” button, but to fake blog of a real fisherman, who goes out of his way to praise the product and at the end gives a link to the page where he bought it (note that I do not provide such a link, so there is no point in humiliating me as the author).

Now that I've laid out what I know, you can understand why I doubted the wisdom of spending money on bite activators and doing field trials. However, without real experience using the product, I cannot say with confidence whether this is a scam or a really working thing. Therefore I propose to gather all our opinions and experiences into one powerful fist and discuss them in the comments below the article, which is actually true. Or maybe I'm missing something?

gastroguru 2017