History of the Stone Island brand. Stone Island: What does the patch mean? Stone Island fans

1 People who adhere to one style or another sometimes do not even imagine the origin and significance of the brand they prefer. Not everyone knows that today's gear is not just protecting our bodies from bad weather, but also an indicator of your success, and also indicates belonging to a particular subculture. For example, bikers wear special motorcycle jackets, skaters wear Thrashers, and people who prefer hard rock have their own unique style. In addition, in our country, since the late 70s, a special caste has appeared, called football fans or, as they are also called “ofniks”. Their number grew every year, and now tens, if not hundreds of thousands of young men and girls consider themselves to be part of this subculture. Their fashion style is completely stolen from the West, because it’s customary for us to steal other people’s ideas, and this no longer surprises anyone. Accordingly, all their clothes have Western roots, and none of them will sport Chinese knockoffs. Today we will talk about one of these companies that is loved by football hooligans, this Stone Island, which means you can read a little lower. Add our website to your bookmarks to always have access to useful and popular information.
However, before I continue, I would like to point you to a few informative publications on the topic of fashion slang. For example, what does Wichugan mean, who is Rasta, what is Vanilla, what does Antihype mean, etc.
So let's continue Stone Island, translation? This term is the name of a clothing company, and translates as " Stone Island".

Stone Island is a clothing brand inextricably linked with football culture.

What does Okolofutbola mean?

Stone Island- translated as " Stone Island".

History of Stone Island

The owner of Stone Island is Carlo Rivetti, who in 1980 began searching for a more interesting style and tried to refine sportswear. He and his sister began looking in Italy for a company that had its own vision of innovative casual clothing. As a result, they acquired the CP Company, and Ston Island itself appeared almost by accident. Founder and designer of the company CP Company Massimo Osti purchased a new fabric, which was called Tela Stella. It was a rough, windproof material impregnated with a special composition. They made awnings for trucks from it, " chip"of the fabric was that the back and front were dyed differently. He could not find a way to make the material suitable for the CP Company line of clothing, and so decided to create a small collection of seven jackets. He was inspired by military and sailor clothing, and chose the compass as the logo for their new line. This is how Stone Island was born.

This ultra-modern approach, along with the brand's masculine, military style, has proven to be very attractive to football fans. Fans traveling abroad for international games have always been on the lookout for new and exciting clothing to bring home and show off their new acquisition. Stonik, with its unique design and rough fabrics produced by Osti, fits perfectly into this paradigm. We can conclude that Osti turned out to be " visionary", and made a real splash in the world of men's fashion. At the same time, he paid special attention to the comfort and functionality of clothes, using innovative materials.

Many fans of this clothing wonder about the origin of the logo. Stone Island, as well as its meaning. Since Masimo Otti was a big fan of military uniforms, he began to study the composition of the fabric, the cut, while at the same time trying to create something special. He drew many of his ideas from the navy, and this prompted him to make a compass and a compass rose as a logo, as a reminder to everyone of the nautical theme. For those in the know, this symbol is directly associated with maritime service, the endless sea, and ordinary sailors who have worn durable, comfortable and practical clothing for centuries. From this we can conclude that Stone Island clothing is characterized by comfort, simplicity and conservatism.

However, the popularity of this brand would not be so strong if the latest achievements of science and technology were not used in these clothes. Some fabrics used in sewing" Stoney" had never before been used in the production of clothing. Nylon, as well as its variations, became a real discovery, and this durable and wear-resistant material showed itself at its best.
After a successful start, Mr Masimo Otti began experimenting with innovative fabrics. So metal threads, monofilament nylon, thin nylon material, as well as fabric that changed color depending on the lighting began to be used in clothing.

In Russia, this clothing is bought precisely for its patch with the company logo, in the form of NATO symbols, which is attached to the clothing with two buttons. Since the 80s, this brand began to gain popularity among football hooligans. Using a patch like this on your products was a really great find, giving the entire line of clothing uniqueness and authenticity. Nowadays, the patch has become something more than just a separate piece of clothing. In fact, this small piece of fabric has turned into a kind of fetish. For some time now, this patch has become a distinctive sign, allowing one to spot people with the same interests and views among a crowd of strangers. In the UK, people wearing Stone Island clothing were not even allowed into some pubs, knowing that these people had a bad reputation because they often started fights.

Since the items from this company are quite expensive, as usual, many Stone Island counterfeits have appeared and flooded the market. And the method of attaching the patch allowed many merchants to create fairly high-quality copies. Making an embroidered label is not particularly difficult, so they are imported not only from China, but are even made in Russia. Counterfeits vary in quality; you can buy a patch that is indistinguishable from the original, but more often you will find a counterfeit with terrible execution. Terrible colors, strange fastening, fake buttons will immediately give away a fake product. Unfortunately, shkololo happily buys fake patches and attaches them to their clothes, feeling a sense of belonging to the caste of football fans.

Stone Island Patches

Total in " nature“There are three types of stripes known to everyone.

First view. It is depicted in black and white, and is used on the most unique items, which use many new technologies and fabrics. This

If this question was relevant five years ago, today it is no longer a secret to anyone, who wearsStoneIsland. Of course, football fans, hooligans and representatives of similar groups. And this is really strange, because the person who created these clothes did not consider himself to be a member of any subculture and was a rather reserved person. With his range of models he challenged nature. After all, each jacket is a kind of fortress that can protect the owner from many troubles.

Reasons for loving Stone Island jackets.

Why do you love clothes? football fans? Let's try to figure it out:

  1. Originality.
  2. The highest level of quality.
  3. There is always a noticeable patch for everyone.
  4. A decent price that makes the clothes unique.
  5. The ability to protect against bad weather and other minor problems.

The company appeared in the second half of the last century, but did not immediately gain popularity. The first people to wear these clothes were fans of Italian clubs. A decade later, fashion came to Albion, Great Britain. It is the fans of this country who set the fashion for their brothers all over the world. World cinema also contributed, constantly depicting hooligans in clothes of this particular brand. The method was used product placement" But there are always a few unpleasant moments, the main one being the price. It's hard to find jackets under £500; many people can't afford to spend that much on clothing.

High quality materials and high price.

The originality of the brand lies in the fact that for the production of all models materials previously not used in men's clothing were used. It was a real revelation nylon. Mono-fiber fabric has proven itself ideally and was subsequently used by many designers and fashion designers. But the clothing creator’s imagination didn’t stop there. Subsequently, he decided to use materials that were used in industry and military affairs. This contributed to the creation of a more brutal image, contrasting oneself with the surrounding world.

It just so happened that the brand described has always positioned its products as “premium class”. Although it was designed for everyday wear, it stood out for its quality and reliability.

There can be no talk of any low prices in such conditions. Even by the standards of Italy and Britain, the cost of the goods is quite high. Considering that incomes in our country are somewhat lower, there are not many opportunities to acquire a jacket from Stone island. Considering that the company's main audience is young people under 30, the problem becomes more significant. Some solve it with the help of stock stores and second- hand.

What emblem will always show that you belong?

Another important point is the patch worn on the shoulder or arm. The emblem is strongly associated with NATO - it’s still the same “ Rose of Wind" It also looks like a compass, the emblem of a military unit. Such a sign of distinction will make a person stand out in the crowd and will help hint to others who and what the person wearing this clothing belongs to. In the football community, the patch itself is usually called “ patch", the image itself is usually associated with a compass. The sign does not show which club you support or which organization you belong to. This is a common way to get to know someone who is also a fan of making noise at the stadium, or relaxing with friends in a bar. In Britain, at one time, visitors wearing such jackets were not even allowed into bars. The owners were afraid of the noisy celebrations and fights that often accompanied the visits of young people. But even now you can notice sideways glances on yourself in any country in the world. We have stone island strongly associated with the right-wing movement, Nazis and skinheads. Given the historical characteristics, representatives of these subcultures have never been held in high esteem, so you can run into trouble at any time. But if you are always ready for them and are able to defend your point of view, your desire to wear a certain brand, you can not be afraid of anything.

What will happen to the jacket after the first fight?

As already mentioned, in the production of clothing only high-quality materials used in military ammunition are used. Of course, this is not a bulletproof vest and the jacket will not protect you from attacks or any blows. But the nylon material will prevent an opponent from grabbing you, and the density will provide some protection. Thanks to her, clothes will not deteriorate after several outings, a couple of conflicts or walks in the forest. Even if you are not very worried about the safety of your wardrobe, the items you buy can be worn for years. They practically do not lose their chic original appearance.

What does the Stone Island patch mean?

Clothing from the Stone Island brand is becoming more popular every year. But its target audience is still football hooligans and ordinary fans, the patch usually means that you belong to one of these groups. But it is unlikely that this brand in Russia will ever reach a wider level. The reasons are still the same - price and traditions. Production costs cannot be expected to decrease in the foreseeable future. Prices will remain at the same level, but quality will not suffer. There is one more point related specifically to style. Jackets were positioned as clothing for closed people, those who like to oppose themselves to the world around them, to isolate themselves from it behind durable and reliable clothing.

It was these indicators, together with practicality, that ensured the popularity of the company. But the fact is that few people are interested in such reliable and at the same time fashionable clothes. At least within the city limits. Hunters, sailors and fishermen will prefer equally practical, but cheaper and less stylish options. When there is no one to impress with quality, it is easier to save money.

If you meet a young man on the street with a compass emblem on his shoulder or sleeve, you will know who is wearing a stone island. But you shouldn’t immediately form and demonstrate your hostile attitude towards a person or brand. After all, the presence of any clothing does not guarantee the presence of any political or ideological views. And especially not a call to action. If you were given a jacket from this company, think carefully about whether you can eliminate possible conflicts.

Video about the brand

"Forbid me from wearing Stone Island":

Stone Island has always made very high quality clothing that should serve its owner. This, of course, played on the price of clothes. Therefore, now you can find many Chinese copies. Today we will tell you about the differences between the original Moan and the fake one.


    • Material
    • Everyone's favorite patch
    • Shortcuts
    • It's the little things that matter
    • Conclusion
    • Video

In stores you can find good copies that are difficult to recognize, but in any case you will also find a really “fierce” Chinese copy.


Fans love this brand because it uses unusual materials that also last a long time. Touch the thing that the seller offers you, is it of high quality? Look at the seams, there should be no threads sticking out and there should be no crooked seams. Everything must be perfect.

You can also smell the material; if it gives off some kind of chemical odors, then it is better to refuse the purchase. By the way, the seams should not tighten the fabric, and the thread should also have the same color as the product itself. Also, the threads are very strong, but it is unlikely that anyone will allow you to try to break them.

Everyone's favorite patch

This is the most frequently counterfeited product; the Chinese sell it separately, which is not what the official manufacturer does. But let’s say you are going to buy a jacket with a patch, then you definitely need to study it in order to determine the originality of the thing.

The patch itself is counterfeited so often that it will be difficult to distinguish it. The patch should be held in place with buttons that have 4 holes and are stamped with Stone Island. As you already understood, the threads with which the button is sewn should also match the color of the item.

Useful: History of the Stone Island brand

The original patch has yellow stitching, on the reverse side you should definitely find black silk fabric. The compass itself must also be made perfectly. But believe me, the guys from Asia can do this too, so let’s move on.


Look at the photos, this is exactly how it should be. The manufacturer invented Certilogo technology, which is an application for a smartphone. With it, you can scan the label and find out the whole truth about the products offered to you.

Also, some models do not have this technology, and therefore the article must receive a label. These are the numbers that matter:

  • The first two numbers are the season;
  • The next two are brand (15-Stone Island, 18-C.P. Company, 20-Denims), they are all connected;
  • The next number is the type of item (1-shirt, 2-t-shirt, 3-pants, 4-blazer or jacket, 5-knitwear, 6-sweatshirt, 9-accessory) sometimes there will be a letter instead of a number - this is normal;
  • Next one number is the model;
  • The next two give information about the type of fabric;
  • And the last two digits after / are the technology code.

This should not be the only tag; there should also be labels on which washing instructions are written. There should also be a label with information about the country of origin. He can help you too. The original is released only in the following countries:

  • Italy;
  • Romania;
  • China;
  • Indonesia;
  • Tunisia.

If what you are holding in your hands has a different country indicated, then it is a fake.


This is the most important part, go to the official website and make sure that the items of this brand are worth a lot. Therefore, the cost on the official website should not differ much from the one that the seller tells you in the store. This factor can be used, most often it allows you to easily distinguish the original Stone Island from a fake, but some sell fakes at the same prices as the manufacturer.

It's the little things that matter

Pay attention to the zipper, namely the tongue. It should have YKK, Ston Island or Lambo embossed on it. The Chinese sometimes forget this little thing.

Now let's go back to the patch. An indicator of a very bad fake is the patch on the right sleeve. All signature items of this brand have it only on the left sleeve.


In fact, there is nothing complicated here, just use Certeigo technology or check the article. If everything is fine, then you don’t have to check the remaining nuances. Also, if you feel sorry for 50 thousand or more thousand rubles for the original, and you want to buy a fake, then we have to disappoint you. The materials that Stone Island uses are of very high quality, the Chinese do not use them, and plus there is a markup from supplier to supplier.

In the end, it turns out that you will pay less, but if you do the math, the price-quality ratio is much higher for the original. If your budget allows, then you can conduct an experiment, buy a fake and an original model, and after a while you will understand everything yourself and be able to calculate.

Brief history of the Stone Island brand

The birth of the Stone Island trademark occurred under the wing of the C. P. Company, being one of its products. Thanks to the creativity of designer Massimo Osti, the development of the Stone Island brand was incredible. Therefore, it very quickly became an independent entity, a separate company and a well-known brand.

After the first models of jackets, the company began producing trousers, shirts, and T-shirts. But it was the jackets that remained her constant calling card.

The amazing and unsurpassed maestro Massimo Osti worked tirelessly not only on the design side of his product, but also strived for the highest quality.

The meaning of the Stone Island patch and its origin

This trademark also had a distinctive sign, which was a black patch attached to the left sleeve with two buttons, depicting a compass and a compass rose. A strange choice of logo at first glance. But if you delve deeper into the history of the brand’s creation, you realize that all the designer’s decisions are quite logical and consistent. The Stone Island patch is no exception, which means the brand’s attachment to marine clothing.

After all, Massimo Osti initially intended to create clothes that were comfortable for everyday use. The initial goal was jackets and raincoats made of high-quality and durable fabric. This thought came to the designer because of his passion for military uniforms. Studying the technology and other details of its production and at the same time experimenting with completely new, proprietary technologies, Osti gave preference to the fabrics of heavy marine pea coats. And it was in this direction that technologies were developed and introduced into his first design works. These jackets and raincoats made the name of the young Stone Island brand famous. Which means the chosen path is correct.

Later, nylon products became a sensational story for the future brand. A unique, very light new fabric, classified as non-woven materials, had the ability to change its color with changes in air temperature. And again success!

Growing popularity in Europe

Now Ost's design works attracted the interest of English fans, gained popularity throughout England and soon became in demand among connoisseurs of quality clothing in European countries. And it was quite natural for them to appear in European brand stores.

This is how Stone Island’s popularity grew rapidly, which means the talented designer’s inspired and creative approach to work. It is sincere love for one’s work that creates miracles and allows talents to reveal themselves. This happened with Stone Island.

And almost all football fans in Great Britain soon began to stand out from the large crowd by wearing clothes with a black patch on their left arm. By the way, the drawing itself could be of different colors.

The emergence of counterfeit

Soon, due to the growing popularity of the brand and the high price of its products, a lot of fakes appeared with copies of the company logo. But an understanding person easily distinguished them from real products. First of all, the quality of the material and tailoring, the buttons, the color of the products.

A lot of time passed, but still on the left hand there was always a patch from Stone Island, which means a patch that has taken root as the company logo with reference to the marine theme.

“>By the way, there were three types of such patches, differing in the color of the compass and wind rose embroidery:

  • traditional blue and yellow colors;
  • black;
  • white.

Today it is difficult to give an exact figure of how many different stripes and chevrons exist. It is impossible to count them. The fact is that thousands of new patches appear every day all over the world. They all differ from each other in design, shape, size, and images. Machine embroidery also allows you to create patches using several technologies. Therefore, some of the chevrons turn out to be voluminous, while others are flat and thin. One of the recent fashion trends is decorating clothes with the Stone Island sign. But some people don't know what the Stone Island patch means. But before you attach the insignia to your clothes, it’s still worth studying its meaning. After all, in some situations you can find yourself in an awkward position.

For those who love fashion and follow its new trends, Stone Island is almost a sacred sign. For example, it can be compared to the chevrons on which the Prada and Chanel signs are depicted. Massimo Osti is an Italian designer who took the heavy and rather rough tarpaulin used to cover trucks. On the one hand, such a tarpaulin was blue, and on the other, red. After several hours of washing the fabric with pumice, a new original material was obtained. It was from this material that the first Stone Island jacket was created. From that moment a new stage began. The Stone Island brand began to produce clothes from the most unusual materials that are used in the industry (for example, clothes made from fabric used in aviation have become extremely popular).

Very unusual products are obtained from original materials. And their demand was clear from the first appearance of clothes on the market. The Stone Island brand has gained immense popularity precisely due to its jackets, which are covered with a bronze mesh, jackets that reflect even very weak light. The original and ultra-modern Ice Jacket, which means “Ice Jacket,” has become very popular. The main feature of the product is that it changes color depending on the temperature. By the way, there are models in which, due to temperature changes, patterns and prints appear on the fabric.

The main feature and meaning of the Stone Island patch.

What does the Stone Island patch mean if it is not sewn on clothing from this company? Such emblems can only mean one thing – recognition and love of the brand. Therefore, even if you sew a Stone Island patch on clothes from another manufacturer, you will make your image brighter. The style of items with the Stone Island patch becomes more laconic. Machine embroidery will allow you to make changes to the Stone Island logo. For example, you can leave the brand sign, but choose a different background color. Or order a patch of any shape and size.

Stone Island is known for its compass, which is worn on the upper sleeve of the left arm. Massimo Osti started his first label C.P. The company in 1974.

Stone Island was established as a secondary line of the main label. A brand specializing in fabric surface treatment and dyeing techniques. GFT bought the company in 1983, Osti left in 1994, and it is now headed by Carlo Rivetti. In mid-2017, Stone Island sold its Singapore sovereign wealth fund. Since the mid-1990s, the brand has been popular among football fans in England and throughout the rest of Europe. The brand can also be seen in many football films such as Green Street Hooligans and The Football Factory.

A few years ago, almost no one knew about the existence of this brand, but today it is no longer an innovation. Football fans, street rowdies and people who were involved in gangs wore these clothes. But the person who created it did not belong to any of these categories. As if, with the help of clothes, he challenged nature. Since any jacket of the line was a kind of fortress, protecting its owner.

Features of this brand

Stone Island is especially popular with football fans for the following reasons:

Original clothes,

Incredible quality

A patch that is familiar to everyone and can be seen

The price, which speaks about the uniqueness of the clothes,

Helps protect against bad weather and other troubles.

The company began to develop in the last century, in the 2nd half, but did not immediately gain its popularity. Italian fans were among the first to wear this clothing. Later, fashion reached Great Britain and Albion. And from there fashion spread throughout the world. The clothes began to appear in films, where hooligans were dressed in them. But, if we talk about the cost, it is not small.

This brand has its own originality, and it lies in the fact that the clothes are made from materials that have never been used before, among them nylon. This fabric proved to be excellent and was subsequently used by a large number of designers and fashion designers. And so, it didn’t stop at clothes. Further, fabrics began to be used for military purposes and industry. So, as a result, a brutal image appeared that contrasted itself with its surroundings. This, of course, affects the cost of finished products.

EVERY item is made from high quality and high strength materials, which can be safely used in the production of clothing for the military. The jacket is not body armor as you might think, but the nylon fabric protection will help protect you from the enemy, and the density of the fabric will give you good protection. Even if you get into a fight, your clothes will not be damaged. Such things can last for many years and will not lose their appearance.

The patch, which is always located in the shoulder or arm area, always carries associations with NATO. It also resembles a compass, or the fact that a person is related to military units. Thanks to this sign, you will definitely stand out in the crowd and be noticed. In the field of football, the patch is called a "patch" and the image on it is similar to a compass. The patch makes no allegiance to any clubs or organizations, it is simply a sign of a person who likes to make a little noise during a match or sit in a bar.

There was a time in Britain that people were not allowed into bars wearing such jackets, as the owner was always afraid of noise and rowdy behavior. Until now, in some places, you can see sideways glances if a person wears these clothes and is treated with distrust.

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