Albano biography of their children. Romina Power: Paradise Lost. Do you help your husband with wine tasting?

42 years ago, Al Bano and Romina Power, future performers of the world famous “Felicita,” were married in the Italian church of Cellino San Marco. At that time, Al Bano was 27 years old, Romina was only 19. Al Bano had been a popular singer for several years; in 1967, he recorded the disc Nel Sol, which sold more than a million copies.

When, at the age of 16, Albano Carrisi decided to conquer Italy, he left for Milan from his large, cozy parental home in Cellino San Marco, where his family was engaged in grape cultivation. The boy owes his name to his father’s stay in a concentration camp on the territory of Albania: for some reason Carmelo Carrisi did not want to erase the sad episode from his memory and, as a reminder to his descendants, he named his son, born in 1943, Albano - “Albanian”.

In Milan, Albano Carrisi changed his name to the later famous Al Bano, as well as a dozen professions - painter, waiter, cook, laborer. Having become popular, Al Bano toured all over Italy and Switzerland with concerts, his work was so loved not only by ordinary listeners, but also by people of art that the titles of his songs migrated to the titles of films shot, perhaps, under the impression of what he heard.

On the set of one of these films, Al Bano met Romina Power. She was the daughter of Hollywood actor Tyrone Power, who left the family when Romina was five years old. When Romina met Al Bano, the former was barely 16, and she had already starred in four Italian films.

Romina's mother, actress Linda Christian, spoke out against her daughter's marriage to the Italian singer, and the Al Bano family was initially quite hostile towards their young daughter-in-law. Al Bano's mother tried to influence the girl, for example, forcing her to quit smoking, but all these attempts had no result.

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After the wedding, Romina insisted on moving into the Al Bano family house in Cellino San Marco: she wanted her husband to live surrounded by his family, and not in someone else's rented apartment somewhere in Rome or Milan, as he intended to do That. In 1970, the newly-made couple had a daughter, who was named Ilenya.

Five years after the wedding, Al Bano and Romina released a joint disc, which became incredibly successful, and one of their songs took seventh place at Eurovision - only then Al Bano’s mother developed feelings for her son’s family and even hung a magazine clipping on the wall with photo of Al Bano and his wife. Not only did the mother-in-law fall in love with her daughter-in-law, but the whole of Italy gradually began to forget about Romina’s foreign roots, considering her their own.

In 1982, the duo took third place at the prestigious music competition in San Remo with the song "Felicita". In 1984, they already won the same competition, performing the composition “Chi Sara”. In the same year, the semi-documentary musical film “The Magic White Night” was released, filmed during the duo’s stay in Leningrad. By that time, the duo of Al Bano and Romina had already become world famous and beloved, their records sold millions of copies, they were welcome everywhere not only because of their creativity, but also because of the genuine feelings that they, without hiding, had for each other .

By 1987, Al Bano and Romina already had five children; the eldest daughter, Ilenia, grew up and sometimes performed on stage with her parents. But Al Bano became more and more boring over the years, counting every lira, although during their popularity he managed to become a very rich man. He began to find fault with his wife’s allegedly exorbitant expenses, and in the same 1987, despite Romina’s poor physical condition after the birth of another daughter, he persuaded her to perform again in San Remo, where the popular couple was eagerly awaited.

In 1994, the 24-year-old daughter of Romina and Al Bano, Ilenia, went on a trip to America; she was very sociable, easily made acquaintances, loved to sing, perform on stage and travel around the world. According to rumors, in New Orleans she joined the ranks of a certain sect that practiced drug use and human sacrifice. After that trip, it was as if Ilenia had been replaced; she left home and disappeared. In the early days of her disappearance, Al Bano and Romina reported seeing a girl similar to Ilenia, who threw herself into the Mississippi, shouting “I belong to the water!” The search for the girl did not yield any results, Al Bano and Romina repeatedly appeared on television asking them to tell at least something about her fate, even if the truth was terrible, the unknown is what they suffered most from.

Due to the misfortune that befell their family, the couple broke numerous contracts, canceled concerts, and forgot about creativity. Al Bano was the first to come to his senses, but Romina felt cramped within the walls of their common home, she left to film the series “Sandokan” in India, after which she told her husband that they needed to separate. Al Bano did everything possible to save their marriage, even arranged a concert in the Vatican, after which the Pope blessed their union, but this did not help.

Soon Al Bano took a mistress who gave birth to his child, which was accepted very calmly by Romina, and in 1999 Romina and Al Bano divorced. Subsequently, Romina stated that finally, after the divorce, she would be able to live for herself and take a break from endless tours.

Soviet listeners learned Italian from their songs. This couple publicly demonstrated their love and were not afraid to kiss in front of camera lenses!

The feeling of happiness flowed from them in waves - and not some kind concocted by the yellow press, inflated for the sake of PR.

Their happiness was real...

They met back in 1967 in Italy on the set of a film in which they were invited to play the main roles. It was love at first sight. She was 16, he was 24. She was a rich beauty from a famous Hollywood family, he was the golden voice of Italy, who made his way with his talent.

Ideal couple: Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power

Romina Francesca Power was born in Hollywood, in a dream factory, into a wealthy family. Her father was the famous Hollywood actor Tyrone Power, and her mother was actress Linda Christian.

Since childhood, Romina was a very beautiful girl with extraordinary vocal abilities. She was raised like a princess, without being denied anything. Her mother believed that Romina would make a career as an actress - one that she herself had not succeeded in.

However, the fairy tale quickly ended - Tyrone Power left the family for another woman when Romina was barely five, and died a year later. Romina's mother took her to Mexico, then to Spain, and finally to Italy, her husband's homeland.

Already at the age of 14, Romina began to make a career in cinema, then recorded her first solo record. The mother was proud of her daughter. Still would! Such successes, the beginning of recognition, fame, beauty. A wonderful future awaited my daughter!..

She experienced her first disappointment in Romina when she introduced her to her fiancé - a short, stocky Italian - a bespectacled man with a ridiculous name, who sang some kind of songs and did not have a penny to his name.

Al Bano Carrisi was indeed born into a very poor Italian family. His father plowed the land and raised livestock. He named his son Albano - in memory of the military operations in Albania, in which he participated during the Second World War.

Subsequently, embarrassed by his unusual name, the singer divided it into two parts, becoming Al Bano Carrisi. He wrote his first song at the age of 12, and at 16 he came to Milan to pursue a career as a singer.

He had to work as a waiter, cook, and assembly line worker, until in 1965 he took part in a competition organized by Adriano Celentano. There, luck finally turned to face him - he was noticed!

Al Bano releases his first record, tours around the country and finally becomes famous throughout Italy.

In 1970, the wedding of Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power took place, becoming the most beautiful and talented couple not only in Italy, but in the whole world. Romina Power managed not to be influenced by her mother, who raised two daughters alone and hated all men.

She was able to abandon American stereotypes and build a strong Catholic family, in which the wife is completely subordinate to her husband, the head of the family, whose role was taken by Al Bano. And in Italy they stopped looking askance at Romina, completely calling her “one of their own.” After all, they were an ideal couple.

The epitome of perfection

She wrote poetry, he wrote music. Together they performed their famous Felicita, Ci sara and many others. 7 films were made based on his music, in most of them he played the main roles together with Romina.

Beautiful, talented, rich and happy - they became the embodiment of perfection. They managed everything. In 1970, their first child was born - daughter Ilenia, three years later son Jari, then daughters Christel and Romina Jr. In 1976, their family duet represented Italy at Eurovision and took 7th place. They reached the peak of popularity in 1982 at the festival in San Remo.

The couple toured all over the world, and did not bypass the Soviet Union. In Leningrad they even managed to record a record with their best hits. Album after album, prizes at world competitions, fame and love of millions of fans around the world - one can only dream of this, but, alas, happiness does not last forever.

Trouble has come knocking on the house...

On January 6, 1994, Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power contacted the police to report their eldest daughter missing. The last time they talked to her was a week ago, when she called from America to wish her family a Happy New Year. She did not answer any more phone calls. 24-year-old Ilenia went to New Orleans for the famous festival of alternative youth.

The children often flew to America to visit Romina’s many relatives. But this time Ilenia did not stop with them. She had other plans. Music, drugs, sexual freedom - this atmosphere of the festival attracted hundreds of thousands of young people from all over the world. Then dozens of parents knocked on the doorsteps of police stations, begging them to find their missing children. Some of them happened to be found. Most disappeared forever.

This happened with Ilenya. Neither Romina's tearful appeals from television screens asking for at least some information about their daughter, nor their influential connections in America, nor expensive private detectives could return Ilenia.

The Carrisi family was in mourning. Romina was simply distraught with grief: she refused a planned surgical operation, putting her life at risk, and stopped noticing the other three children who needed her care. “I have no life without my daughter!” - she told her husband. As a result, another child - Jari's son - left Italy for Boston.

Al Bano suffered no less than Romina, but he was probably luckier - he was able to find solace in creativity. Yes, loss, grief, but we must continue to live on - for the sake of the family, for the sake of the remaining children, for the sake of our fans, in the end.

Once in an interview, he admitted: “Ilenia is dead, and I have already gotten used to this idea.” Romina did not forgive him for these words. “You betrayed our daughter, and I don’t want to live with a traitor!” - such was her verdict. After all, she herself believed and hoped that her daughter would still be found...

Divorce in Italian

Family is the greatest value of Catholic Italy. Getting married here is easy, but getting divorced is not easy. This takes nerves, overcoming bureaucratic obstacles, large sums of money and years of waiting.

No, they didn’t break dishes, didn’t fight in the streets, didn’t cheat on each other - in general, they deprived the public of the opportunity to gossip about their divorce. And many fans and acquaintances did not fully believe that such a wonderful creative and family duo could break up. It turned out that it could.

In 1995, Al Bano and Romina recorded their last album, and a year later Al Bano alone took part in San Remo with the autobiographical song E’ la mia vita (“This is my life”), at the end of which he falls to his knees. The whole world is sure that this is how he asks for forgiveness from Romina...

But days and months go by, and the well-known couple does not appear on stage. And two years later, the paparazzi captured Al Bano with the Slovak journalist Gabriella Skrabakova, who was 26 years younger than him. According to Al Bano, Gabriella interviewed him and was so sympathetic to the family grief that he fell in love with her.

Al Bano and Romina Power

This Italian family duet was known all over the world, for Soviet listeners in the 1980s. their “Felicita” became a favorite song and a classic of the Italian stage. Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power were an ideal couple for 30 years, but their happiness collapsed like a house of cards after a family tragedy.

Famous family duet

Performers of the song *Felicita*

Romina Francesca Power was born into a wealthy family of an Italian immigrant who made a career in Hollywood, Tyrone Power, and actress Linda Christian. Romina first came to Italy at the age of 17 to continue her musical education - at the age of 14 she released her first solo record. At that time, 25-year-old Al Bano Carrisi was a famous singer in Italy and host of festivals in Sanremo. Their romance began immediately after they met, and the following year they got married. The girl's mother was not happy with her daughter's choice - Carrisi was born into a very poor family, he made his way on his own, working as a waiter, cook and assembly line worker, until his talent was noticed at a singing competition. And yet, Romina went against her mother and married Carrisi.

They had four children. Romina, despite her American upbringing, followed the traditions of classic Italian families with a patriarchal Catholic structure: she unquestioningly yielded to her husband the role of head of the family. Perhaps that is why their union was surprisingly strong and durable. In addition, they were united by joint creativity and common interests: Romina wrote poetry, Al Bano wrote music, they performed songs as a duet.

Al Bano and Romina Power

Their first joint disc was released in 1975. In 1976, the family duo represented Italy at Eurovision and took 7th place. After performing at the Sanremo festival in 1982, the duo became known to the whole world. Their song “Felicita” was among the top three winners. They toured in many countries, including the USSR, where they even recorded a record with their best hits. In 1985, they again took part in Eurovision and again took 7th place.

Famous family duet

Performers of the song *Felicita*

In the USSR in the 1980s. the most popular and beloved Italian performers were Adriano Celentano, Toto Cutugno and Al Bano with Ramina. When the duo came on tour to Leningrad in 1986, the 14,000-seat hall of the Sports and Concert Complex named after. Lenin was overcrowded every day for two weeks.

Some of the most popular Italian performers in the USSR

Al Bano and Romina Power

In 1994, grief befell their family: their eldest daughter, Ilenia, disappeared. The 24-year-old went to New Orleans for an alternative youth festival and never returned. The searches did not yield any results. Romina fell into severe depression and stopped paying attention to the other children. Once, in an interview, Al Bano said: “Ilenia is dead, and I have already gotten used to this idea.” Romina could not forgive him for these words. “You betrayed our daughter, and I don’t want to live with a traitor!” - she said and left her husband after 30 years of marriage.

Famous family duet

Their last album was released in 1995. Many could not believe that this couple could separate. But Romina continued to hope for her daughter’s salvation until the last moment and could not forgive her husband for the loss of hope. In 1999, they received an official divorce. Al Bano continued to write songs and performed solo, Romina left the stage, took up painting, takes part in television shows, writes scripts, and makes documentaries. Both found their happiness with young partners and do not regret what happened.

Performers of the song *Felicita*

Some of the most popular Italian performers in the USSR

Romina Power is a famous singer, an actress very popular in the USSR, a member of the star Italian duet - the winner of the competition in San Remo, who became famous throughout the world for the melodic, life-affirming musical hits “Felicita” and “Ci Sara”. Romina's talents are not limited to music; she paints, writes scripts, participates in television shows, and makes documentaries.


Romina was born in 1951, October 2 in Los Angeles. Her father, Tyrone Power, emigrated from Italy and made a successful career in Hollywood, Romina's mother is also a well-known actress Linda Christian. From early childhood, Romina became famous, appearing as a newborn on the cover of a magazine with her famous father.

Family tragedies began to haunt the girl from the age of five. It all started with her parents' divorce, a year after which her father died of a heart attack. Romina and her sister Taryn, together with their mother, began to travel around the world, constantly moving to different countries. The family lived in Italy and Mexico.


The girl had a complex character; she blamed her mother for the divorce and death of her father. Trying to cope with her wayward daughter, Linda enrolled her in an English school, but Romina did not attend classes and did not listen to the teachers. She had to be taken from school. In order to somehow influence her daughter, Linda decided to arrange her cinematic career. In 1965, the girl successfully passed the screen test and, at the age of 14, starred in the film “Housekeeping, Italian Style.”

Linda Christian believed that you need to earn money from your youth and forced Romina to act in erotic scenes. She herself taught her daughter how to undress properly and take the most spectacular poses. The inexperienced girl obeyed her mother. Subsequently, films of dubious content dealt a serious blow to Romina's career.

In parallel with cinema, the girl was passionate about music; she wrote her first song as a teenager. In 1965, Romina released her first solo album with her songs.

Al Bano

At the age of seventeen, Romina came to Italy to receive a musical education. On the set of the film “Nel Sole” she met the young Italian artist Al Bano Carrisi. According to his recollections, Romina was very emaciated and looked much younger than her age. First of all, he decided to feed her lunch. Despite his rather young age, twenty-five-year-old Al Bano was already a famous singer in Italy and host of song competitions in San Remo. Carrisi grew up in a very poor family, he had to work as a cook, waiter, and laborer before his musical abilities were appreciated. Romina’s romance with Al Bano, which began immediately after they met, soon ended in a wedding in defiance of the girl’s mother, who did not approve of her choice.

Romina stopped acting in films, deciding to devote herself to music, she recorded several songs, but her musical career did not work out. The composition, performed together with Al Bano, although the audience liked it, did not live up to the hopes placed on it.

Romina devoted ten years to family life, and Al Bano performed, participated in competitions and recorded songs. His only seventh place at Eurovision in 1976 greatly upset the singer.

Family and creative union

The couple made a new attempt to conquer the musical Olympus in 1982, recording the composition “Felicita”. At the competition in San Remo she was one of the top three winners and caused a lot of talk. Romina's vocal abilities and Al Bano's appearance were discussed, but they did not pay attention to the criticism. Almost immediately recording the song “Angeli”, they completely captivated the audience. The couple achieved stunning success; they traveled around countries with concerts, earning millions of dollars.

Two years later, the new musical masterpiece “Ci Sara” brought the family duet first place at a song competition in San Remo. Photos of the star couple appeared in all magazines and newspapers. This time was the peak of their creative rise, Al Bano wrote hit after hit, his song “Liberta” became the unofficial anthem of Italy.

In the early nineties, Al Bano filed a lawsuit against Michael Jackson and won the case, proving that the king of pop's hit "Will You Be There" was plagiarized from his composition "I Cigni Di Balaca". After the trial, Al Bano became very famous in America, and Jackson had to pay him huge financial compensation. Romina was always there and supported her husband in every possible way.

Their musical and family duet broke up in the late nineties. Each of them began a solo career. During a concert dedicated to Al Bano’s seventieth birthday, they appeared on stage together for the first time after a long separation at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall and since then they sometimes perform together.

Personal life

Romina's personal life was very sad. The problems started even before the wedding. Both the groom's parents and the bride's mother opposed their marriage to Al Bano. In order for the mother-in-law not to interfere in the life of the spouses, Al Bano offered her a large sum of money. Linda accepted her, but appeared at the last moment of the family celebration, thereby expressing her attitude towards the future union.

Photo: Romina Power with family

The couple gave birth to four children: in 1970 - daughter Ilenia, three years later - son Iari, in 1986 - daughter Kristel and in 1987 - Romina Jr. The head of the family, adhering to classical Italian traditions, was undoubtedly Al Bano, Romina unquestioningly ceded this role to him. Their union was strong and long-lasting, and joint creativity played a significant role in this: Al Bano wrote music based on Romina’s poems, and they performed songs as a duet.

On constant tours, the singer always worried that she had little contact with children, but consoled herself with the fact that this was all being done for the sake of their future.

Tragedy struck in 1994 when Ilenia, their eldest daughter, disappeared. The girl went to an alternative youth festival in New Orleans and did not return. Since then, nothing has been known about her whereabouts. Romina looked for her daughter, hired detectives, turned to psychics, but the search was fruitless. In addition, it became known that Ilenia used drugs.

Romina fell into a terrible depression, blamed herself and her husband for what had happened, and stopped caring for the other children. Trying to get out of this situation, heartbroken Romina went to India and started practicing yoga. She returned from there calm, but when she heard her husband say in one of his interviews that he had already gotten used to the idea that Ilenia was dead, Romina considered his act a betrayal towards her daughter. She could not forgive him for these words and her lost hopes of saving Ilenia. After thirty years of living together, Romina left her husband. No one believed that this perfect couple could break up, yet it happened. In 1999, the couple received an official divorce.

About today

Romina left the stage, she is engaged in painting, and in 2006 an exhibition of her paintings was held in Milan. She makes documentaries, appears on television, and works on scripts.

Photo: Romina Power now

In 2007, Romina left Italy, where she continued to be perceived as Al Bano’s ex-wife and was pestered with unbearable questions about her daughter. She bought a house in Arizona and started a new life. Fans of Romina Power's beauty and talent hope that she will delight them more than once with her new creative successes.

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Al Bano and Romina Power (Al Bano & Romina Power) are a duet of Italian spouses, their composition “Ci sarà” (“So it will be”) won 1st place in 1984.

The singer's birth name is Albano Carrisi. He was born to poor peasants living in the small village of Cellino San Marco. My parents could neither read nor write; they spent their entire lives working in the fields and raising livestock, and were strict Catholics. Don Carmelito Carrisi (don Carmelito Carrisi, died in 2005) left his village only once, when the Second World War engulfed Albania, where he served under the banner.

On May 20, 1943, while Carmelito was still at the front, his wife Yolanda gave birth to a boy. The father, in honor of the military operations, named his son Albano, which meant “Albanian”; such a name did not exist in Italy. Subsequently, Albano had a brother named Franco.

Of all his inheritance, the boy had only talent and passion for music. In 1955, he composed his first song, and at the age of 16 he realized that he did not want to cultivate the vineyards for the rest of his days, like his mother and father, so he packed up and went to. The young man’s career began with working as a waiter in a cafe, then he got a job on an assembly line and tried himself as a cook.

Six years after moving to Milan, Albano decides to try his hand at the competition of musicians (Adriano Celentano) “New Voices”, where the successful debut of an aspiring musician leads to victory and a contract with the recording studio “Clan Celentano”. The producer came up with a different name for the young man, advising him to split Albano into Al Bano. In 1965, the album “La strada” (“The Road”) was released. With the composition “Devo dirti di no” (“I have to tell you no”) from this record, the singer tried to become a participant in the Sanremo festival, but it did not work out. The fashionable and popular festival left no chance for the song to win at the strict selection stage.

At the age of 24, the musician released the album “Sole” (“In the Sun”), which brought him fame, glory and the love of his future wife. The single was used to make a film of the same name, in which Albano and Romina Power met for the first time.

Biography of Romina Power

Romina Francesca Power was born on October 2, 1951 in Los Angeles, to Hollywood actor Tyrone Edmund Power and his second wife Linda Christian.

Romina became famous from birth. The photo of Tyrone with his newborn daughter in his arms was seen by readers of all American and European newspapers. After 5 years, the father left the family, and a year later he died of a heart attack. A mother with two daughters: the eldest Taryn Stephanie and the youngest Romina moves to Italy.

From the beginning of the divorce, Romina blamed her mother for all the troubles: the divorce, the death of her father, the move. She grew up and rebelled more and more, expressing her protests through outright disobedience. Linda, unable to resist her daughter’s behavior, enrolls her in a closed English school. Romina behaved terribly there too, did not want to obey the teachers, and skipped classes. As a result, six months later the careless student was asked to pick up the documents.

The mother, trying to curb the irrepressible energy of her eccentric 14-year-old daughter, arranges for her a screen test, which she passes with flying colors. Romina received her first role in the film “Housekeeping in Italian” (“Menage all’italiana”, 1965).

The girl’s partners on the set were: Ugo Tognazzi, Iolanda Gigliotti, known as Dalida, and Anna Moffo. The same year was marked by the release of Romina’s first album, “Quando gli angeli cambiano le piume” (“When the angels change their feathers”). Before meeting Al Bano on the set, Power had already taken part in 4 films. All the paintings had a touch of eroticism, that’s what the mother wanted. She attended all her daughter’s shoots and tried to give her advice. The woman believed that youth passes quickly, you need to have time to earn as much as possible from it.

Birth of a family

A 16-year-old girl came alone to the shooting of the film “Nel Sole”. Director Aldo Grimaldi and the main character of the film saw a tired, frightened girl in front of them, whom they decided to feed first. This is where the romance between a simple village guy and a rich Hollywood bride began.

The twenty-four-year-old singer became a friend and mentor for the girl. She liked his concern, and he was flattered to be a mentor.

Soon Romina gave up cinema and began spending all her time with her loved one. Linda was horrified by her daughter's choice and greeted Carrisi with outright contempt. How could this homely, bespectacled man without money or position in society claim the hand of her beautiful daughter! But the stubbornness of the young bride knew no barriers, in the spring of 1970, she told her fiancé that she was preparing to become a mother.

They decided to celebrate the wedding in the groom's village, inviting only the closest relatives and some friends. The young man’s parents also did not approve of their son’s choice, since a spoiled actress cannot become a good wife and mother. But Romina managed to inspire their trust, convincing the peasants of her sincere love for their son.

Linda was furious; she suggested that her daughter give birth to a child and send him to a closed school, forgetting about the baby’s father. Al Bano had to offer his mother-in-law a large sum of money as ransom in order to obtain permission for the wedding.

4 months after the celebration, baby Ilenia was born. Albano and Romina Power adored their daughter. The satisfied father promised, if necessary, to bring his daughter the moon from the sky and bought his family a large house in Apulia.

The head of the family turned out to be a powerful and decisive man. And previously, the wayward young wife gladly obeyed her decisive husband. She happily did household chores and tried to please her husband.

The birth of a duet

But the Italian’s wishes were contradictory. He, gratifying his own vanity with his wife’s submissiveness, did not want to see her only as a housewife. And after a few months of married life, the couple records a joint composition “Storia Di Due Innamorati” (“The Story of Two Lovers”).

Listeners received the song well, but it was still far from world-famous fame. The musician was obsessed with the idea of ​​fame, he took any steps and Albano and Romina Power, together with the press, covered every significant event for the public from all sides. During the birth of their second son, Yari, the young father gladly made contact with journalists and showed many photographs of his son.

In 1976, Al Bano went to Eurovision with the song “Noi Lo Rivivremo” (“We Would Live It Again”), where he was awarded seventh place. The wife did not particularly take into account that her husband was upset. This is a worthy result of painstaking work, but what he had was not enough for the musician. The first time Romina saw how stubborn her husband was was when he promised to participate in the competition again and get 1st place.

A faithful and devoted wife, a true mistress of the Italian house, Romina did not seek public recognition of her talents, believing that one celebrity would be enough for a couple. After 10 years of marriage, she accidentally ended up at a recording studio to sing in place of the absent lead singer on backing vocals.

Unremarkable individually, husband and wife as a couple turned out to be capable of working miracles. Their duet in 1981 sounded unexpectedly harmonious and strong.

Collaborative creativity

In 1982, their finest hour came. The couple’s composition “Felicita” (“Happiness”) was included in the top 3 at the competition in San Remo and it was a sensation. The song by Felicita Albano and Romina Power has caused a lot of conversation. Journalists argued that the girl made up for her insufficiently good vocal abilities with her beauty, and Al Bano’s rustic appearance was good in photographs only when paired with his significant other.

But they didn't pay attention to the press. Happy musicians achieved worldwide fame. In the same year, the recorded composition “Angeli” (“Angels”) fully established the couple as conquerors of the world stage. Giving a concert every day, Albano and Romina Power toured many halls, their fortune amounted to millions of dollars, they were in love and happy with life.

Two years later, the festival in San Remo brought another victory to the couple. Albano and Romina Power again created a masterpiece called “Ci Sara” (“It Will Be”), deservedly taking 1st place with the song. The newspapermen were eager to start asking the winners tricky questions, which Romina and Al Bano countered with the dignity and wisdom of a loving and harmonious couple. Proof of their love was the birth of their daughter Christel in 1984. In 1986, Romina Jr. saw the light.

Creative maturity

In 1987, the couple’s composition “Liberta” (“Freedom”) practically became the anthem of the Italian Republic. Albano and Romina Power Liberta sang at numerous concerts, the composition won the hearts of music lovers around the world and took the top of the charts. Al Bano wrote hits one after another. He was only interested in work. Although Romina missed her children very much, she could not leave her husband alone and followed him everywhere.

The young woman was worried about the fact that their children knew and valued their grandparents more than their parents. She reassured herself only by the fact that she and Albano were working for the future of the children.

Even with millions, the husband was in no hurry to spoil his wife with precious trinkets, fur coats and cars. He invested in real estate and Romina supported her husband’s aspirations. Four children had to be raised, trained, educated and provided with a decent life.

The exemplary family never gave any reason to denigrate their relationship to the ubiquitous paparazzi. They were always together, donated a lot of money to charity, and happily took pictures with their own and other people's children.

Decline in popularity

In the early nineties, Albano and Romina Power did not abandon their songs, but the emerging crisis of their directions in music spurred the Italian to write even more and look for new approaches to the listener.

Attempts to conquer the American music market were blocked by the fame and scale of the legal dispute launched by Albano against Michael Jackson. He claimed that Jackson's song "Will You Be There" was a plagiarism of his song "I Cigni Di Balaca" ("The Swans of Balaca").

The court confirmed the fact of plagiarism and Jackson paid Albano a fabulous sum of money. The litigation, providing Al Bano with American fame, lasted for more than one year.

Ilenia's disappearance

Albano and Romina Power loved children and always tried to give them the best. Ilenia grew up as a calm, balanced girl, causing no trouble to her parents. She sometimes said that she wanted to go to her mother’s homeland, but she successfully studied at the university and worked on television.

One day the girl fell asleep right at the festive table and from that moment her parents began to notice some inadequacy in her behavior. They could not even imagine that Ilenia’s lethargy could be a consequence of drug use.

Albano and Romina allowed her to go to America, her daughter was going to write a book about street musicians and, it seemed, a change of scenery was supposed to improve everything. On January 1, 1994, Ilenia called her parents from New Orleans for the last time, and then disappeared.

The concerned couple contacted the police, but no trace of their daughter could be found. For several years, Romina was severely depressed; she could not get used to the idea that Ilenia would not return. The husband supported his wife as best he could, until one day he made a statement to the press that Ilenia was dead and he had already accepted this idea. Romina considered such words a betrayal. Al Bano began to work even more, completely abandoning his family. Romina never tired of consulting detectives, priests and psychics until she took up yoga and left for India. She came from there reassured. The husband assumes that his wife cheated on him for the first time in India.

Romina decided to divorce. She stopped recognizing a simple village guy in a show business shark constantly chasing money. The husband paid practically no attention to the children; he forced his wife, after a difficult fourth pregnancy, to get up and start recording a new album.

It was not easy for Romina; her health, as well as her love for her husband, were undermined. Al Bano's stinginess has crossed all boundaries. He counted every lira and demanded from his wife a full account of the money spent.

New life

In 1996, Al Bano began his solo career. His voice changed, became more colorful and effective, he no longer needed to adapt to the small range of his wife’s sound. The song “E la mia vita” (“This is my life”), presented in San Remo in 1996, reflected all the tragedies in the musician’s life: the loss of his daughter and the breakup with his wife.

For six years the couple hid their separation from the press. Everything became known after Al Bano appeared with a journalist from Slovakia.

In 1999, the couple officially divorced.

Albano and Romina Power today

Albano's second wife, Italian Loredana Lecciso, gave birth to another daughter, Jasmine, and a son, Albano. The union turned out to be short-lived, after 5 years it broke up. Al Bano’s last passion was Maria Osokina, a student at the Moscow State University philology department and organizer of the musician’s tours. The press knows nothing more about her.

  • The Italian has his own wineries, recording studio, and hotel.
  • Romina bought a house and lives in Rome. She is unmarried and writes books and paintings. The singer's paintings were exhibited with great success in Venice.

Daughters Crystal and Romina became show stars, like their parents.

  • In 1996, during the performance of the song “This is My Life,” Albano knelt at the finale. Perhaps this was his way of trying to ask Romina for forgiveness.
  • All the characters in Romina’s paintings stand with their backs to the viewer.
  • In October 2015, in Moscow, Romina Power and Albano gave a concert together again, the first after 15 years of silence.


gastroguru 2017