Why is a telescopic spinning rod better than a plug-in one? Telescopic or plug-in spinning rod - which is better and why?

It so happened that in order not to carry my plug-in spinning rod back and forth, I took it and left it for permanent “registration” in a village in the Tver region. And at home, that is. in St. Petersburg, puzzled by the replacement of gear, the idea suddenly occurred to me to return to what was familiar a long time ago - to telescopic spinning rods.

What I don’t like most about spinning fishing is collecting gear before starting fishing. It's not that tedious, but, in my opinion, a rather tedious operation. It is quite possible to avoid these mandatory manipulations if you use a telescopic spinning rod - mount everything on it in advance and then simply and quickly move the rod apart on the shore, immediately hang the bait and immediately catch - what’s not an argument? In addition, the telescope, usually folded half as long as the plug-in telescope in the transport state, is more convenient to transport in the crowd of public transport without much fear that some awkward neighbor-passenger will break the rod. In general, I wanted to take a closer look at modern telescopic gear.

But I began to take a closer look at the modern one with openly Chinese and nameless gear. And it was expected that those of them that I met in stores were not very impressive - I was spoiled enough with good gear and therefore knew perfectly well what I wanted. In literally each of these spinning rods I looked at, I felt that the tackle was “slapped together” and not designed, and that means I couldn’t expect any interesting subtleties from it. I had to turn to “branded” fishing rods, which are already significantly more expensive, but also promise more in their properties.

Having searched with venerable manufacturers, and telescopic spinning rods are in the program of any of them, I settled on a nice tackle 2.2 meters “tall” and with a test of 4-16 grams - in my opinion, the most universal test for light spinning rods both in the village and in city. This test is quite unusual for telescopic spinning rods, they usually come with tests of 10-30 grams or so, but there are still telescopes in nature with tests up to 4 grams of maximum test. And by the way, quite interesting in themselves...

The inspection showed... But it didn’t show anything bad other than good - the spinning rod is very good in appearance and, by and large, there’s nothing to complain about. The handle is comfortable, slightly plump and spaced out. Moreover, it is spaced very well - it is convenient to cast, holding the spinning rod with one hand at the reel seat, and the other at the very butt. The rings are typical for modern times, i.e. anti-overwhelm. I’m not an expert in rodbuilding terminology, I don’t know what this form of rings is called ( seems K-Systems), but it was still one of the main factors in choosing this particular spinning rod. Well, I like rings like this - they look very impressive. If only they somehow influenced the bite, it would be a fairy tale...

K-Systems rings. One?

The first fishing trip was more than satisfying! It turns out that the bait flies exactly where it was aimed and at what a decent distance. For example, when I hung a 12-gram weight on the cord ( with 3 inch bait), then at the very first cast he hit the wall of the opposite bank on the Fontanka near the Anichkov Bridge - the width of the river is 60 meters there, if that... With 10 grams the bait does not reach the same wall, probably 5 meters or so. 8 grams – maybe 2 more meters minus, but no more. I think this is a very good result, considering that the spinning rod left in the village, and it with a test of 2-11, throws the same 10 grams. But for that, this is already almost the top of the test, and for my beginner it’s only closer to the middle - a plus, however.

Now about sensitivity. Believe me, everything here is worthy. Which can probably be considered unusual for a telescopic spinning rod. Let’s not prevaricate, but every connection of any telescope is a purely physical place where mechanical vibrations coming from the bait to the hand through the cord and the spinning rod itself, to one degree or another, lose their strength. And I attribute the fact that my new spinning rod turned out to be very informative to the undoubted professionalism of the spinning rod developers who know their stuff and I wholeheartedly applaud them! And I even ask you to perform for an encore, i.e. please us with some other, but also very interesting telescope.

In my hands I have a pike and a Chinese telescope from a well-known Chinese company and... a good spinning rod, I’ll tell you...

My newbie also feels a considerable amount of power, i.e. You don’t have to worry too much about fishing for something really trophy, and not a “sporting” little thing - the spinning rod is very durable! This, by and large, applies to all telescopic spinning rods in general - they are simply stronger than plug-in rods. I can’t explain why this is so, but my own experience of fishing with telescopes, which I already mentioned above, fully confirms this - over many, many years of fishing experience I have not broken a single telescopic tackle, but I break plug-in gear of various brands at least one per year. In general, this telescope is a tricky little thing..

In any case, the conclusion is that I have found an excellent spinning rod for myself, with which it is convenient for me to travel on the subway, make transitions through bushes and thickets, and even take it into a boat. Can I recommend a telescopic spinning rod to someone? Undoubtedly! It would be a shame not to recommend a tackle that is easy to use - I recommend it to everyone! Be sure to pay attention to telescopes. You don’t lose anything with them and all the subtleties and nuances remain with you - an example of this is the one I just talked about. Moreover, please note that I do not specifically name the brand of my spinning rod. This is so that you can see and feel for yourself all the charm and convenience of a telescopic spinning rod without looking at my opinion and the loudness of the brand. And believe me, the fishing market is not limited to spinning rods like mine - I mentioned above that telescopic spinning rods are in the program of every self-respecting manufacturer, both much and little advertised. In the photo with the pike, you just see the product of one of these, which has a quiet name, but makes very strong tackle. And if only you knew how much fish they over-caught... oooh...

Oh yes! You are waiting for the answer to the question asked in the title...
Yes, because... telescopic spinning rod is more convenient!

In this video you can see exactly my telescope. You can evaluate its structure. Bait 8 grams Cheburashka + a couple grams of silicone.

The telescopic spinning rod is the most mobile, but is inferior in strength and sensitivity to the plug-in rod.

Telescopic spinning rods have introduced the joy of fishing to millions of people around the world. Not everyone can afford to have an expensive item, for the transportation and storage of which it is also necessary to have a special case.

Cost of telescopes quite accessible to the widest segments of the population. When folded, such spinning rods take up no more than half a meter, which eliminates any problems with their storage and transportation.

In case of breakdown or the need to replace individual parts, they are easily repaired and modified. The guide rings fit over the knees, and replacing even the entire set of rings will not cause much trouble.

It is believed that telescopic rods are less reliable than plug rods. Their weak points are the connecting points where the parts of the rod are connected to each other. There may be 5-6 such nodes, and each of them is a potential point of failure. Therefore, when purchasing a telescopic rod, you need to especially carefully check the joints of the knees: the connections must be reliable and not loose.

Choosing a telescopic rod

Spinning rods have certain characteristics, combining which you can choose the most suitable option for each specific case. These characteristics are:

  • material;
  • test(class);
  • system;
  • length.

The telescopic design of the rod imposes some restrictions on all these characteristics, but the choice still remains quite large.


The materials for making fishing rods are usually:

  • fiberglass
  • composite materials
  • carbon fiber

The cheapest models are made from fiberglass. They show good rigidity, but their strength is often insufficient and their weight is too high. Therefore, fiberglass rods are commonly used for feeders.

Composite rods are made from fiberglass, to which carbon components are added for strength.

Carbon fiber rods They are characterized by high strength and sensitivity, due to which they have become more widespread. But at the same time, they are the most fragile, so they require careful treatment.

A fiberglass telescopic rod can be quite heavy. The choice of this material will be justified if we are talking about a spinning rod of short length. Otherwise, it makes sense to take a closer look at more expensive rods made of lighter materials.


A spinning test helps determine what weight of bait is more preferable for a given spinning rod.

The rod test is the weight range of the bait that can be cast with it. The minimum and maximum weight is indicated in grams or ounces. Depending on the test, there are four classes of rods:

  1. Ultralight— when testing up to 7 grams;
  2. Easy– from 7 to 15 grams;
  3. Average– test 15-40 grams;
  4. Heavy– more than 40 grams.


The structure of a fishing rod shows the degree of its flexibility and elasticity. According to different classifications, tuning can be fast, medium and slow, or differ in types: A, B, C and D.

If the rod has a fast action, then this means that only the very tip bends, and slow action rod capable of bending from the handle itself. In the letter classification, type A is the fastest and type D is the slowest.

The presence of docking connections on a telescopic rod imposes strong restrictions on the choice of action. It is quite difficult to provide the necessary level of flexibility to the connecting nodes, so the vast majority of these spinning rods have a fast action - only the very last link is sensitive.


The length of a spinning rod usually ranges from 180 to 360 cm. The choice of length is influenced by future fishing conditions.

If you plan to fish in cramped conditions, where bushes, trees or terrain may interfere with casting, it is recommended to choose the shortest rods - 160-180 cm. The maximum weight of fish that can be caught with such a spinning rod does not exceed 2 kg.

To catch fish weighing 2-3 kg from a rubber boat, it is best to use rods 210 cm long. If the weight of the fish exceeds 3 kg, or fishing is done from a large, stable boat, then a rod 270-300 cm long will be optimal.

— how to choose a spinning rod for ultra-light baits and save money.

— a guide to the selection and characteristics of jig gear.

- equipment that you will definitely use when fishing with ultralight.

The best models of telescopic rods

Branded models are preferable to Chinese-made Noname (Shimano Exage in the picture)

The best models of telescopic spinning rods, which are distinguished by excellent quality and versatility, are produced by Shimano, Daiwa and Kosadaka. Their cost varies from 1,500 to 6,000 rubles. The following models have proven themselves well:

  • Daiwa Megaforce Big Fish MFBF29TXH;
  • Diawa SC-FA 510L;
  • Kosadaka VOYAGER;
  • Kosadaka Blaze Tele;
  • Kosadaka Voyager Tele.

Budget options

Fiberglass rods are the most affordable. They are durable enough to be in demand by a large number of fishing enthusiasts.

Another great budget option is carbon rods. Even though they can bend, they are extremely difficult to break. Popular models of carbon spinning rods include:

  • MAXXIMUS Solid Carbon

Video “How to choose a telescopic spinning rod”

Feeder - a chance for the fisherman

In today's hectic world, it is extremely important to be able to abstract yourself from the hustle and bustle, take a break and give yourself a rest in peace and quiet. Many people have long come to the conclusion that the best form of such recreation is fishing. The ancient craft of fisherman, which for thousands of years had strategic importance and provided billions of people with food, is also a very popular hobby and way of spending leisure time today.

Today there are many types of fishing. Experienced fishing craftsmen have been improving them for many years, sometimes arriving at quite unique, but no less effective options. More than half a century ago, UK anglers used homemade feeders to catch fish. Most often it is used for catching fish that feed and live at the very bottom of the reservoir - primarily carp and bream.

One of the most important components of this fishing method is the correct and careful selection of a feeder rod. This article will publish some recommendations for its selection.

Choosing a rod

Feeder rods have gained popularity in our country not so long ago. In essence, they are modernized donks. Bottom rods themselves were a rather clumsy means of catching fish. Modern fishermen use technologies that include only the best functions and qualities.

When choosing feeder rods, you need to take into account several important parameters:

1. Rod length.

One of the most important criteria. The casting distance directly depends on the length of the rod. In addition, a feeder with a long rod allows you to quickly lift the feeder from the bottom of the reservoir, which, in turn, significantly reduces the likelihood of it getting caught. Today, models are known in the length range from two to five meters. Special attention should be paid to the transport length, on which the ease of moving the feeder depends.

Experienced fishermen have several feeder rods of different lengths. For example, if fishing is carried out in a small and densely overgrown reservoir, it is more advisable to use the so-called picker - a more compact and lighter type of feeder with a shortened handle. It is easier to use when casting short distances in shallow waters. Typically, with such equipment, fishing is carried out for crucian carp, white bream, rudd and other small fish.

2. Feeder test.

The test is a characteristic of the strength of the whip, equal to the range of possible weights of the baits. Manufacturers indicate a numerical range that determines what weight of bait will be optimal when using this particular rod. According to the test, feeders are divided into:

lungs(weight range up to forty grams), used for fishing in shallow standing waters (pickers);

average(weight range from forty to eighty grams), used in reservoirs with standing water or weak currents;

heavy(weight range from eighty to one hundred and twenty grams), used in the presence of strong water flow;

super heavy(weight range from one hundred and twenty grams), which are used for fishing in reservoirs with strong currents when casting long distances.

3. Build a feeder.

A characteristic showing how much the rod bends under load. There are fast and slow feeders. The fast action feeder bends at the top of the whip, and the slow action feeder bends approximately in the middle. The first is convenient for long casting and the presence of a strong current, the second has additional shock absorption when hooking and fishing for active fish.

4. Alarms.

To determine the beginning of a bite, brightly colored tips of varying hardness are used in the feeders. They are usually made of durable monolithic carbon fiber, since when biting they bear quite a large load. Signalers painted with fluorescent paint have recently become very popular.

5. Rings.

The guide rings of the fishing rod must be made of high-strength material - rather stringent requirements apply to them. The number of rings also plays a big role. The more rings, the more evenly the load is distributed along the entire length of the rod. Another important point is the number of legs of each ring. The most reliable rings are those with the largest number of legs – three.

Which feeder is better - telescopic or plug-in?

There are two main types of feeder rods – telescopic feeder rods and plug-in rods. The first ones are usually purchased by beginners. Experienced fishermen, who have had a lot of practice, choose plug-in rods: a plug-in feeder is much more convenient for casting, as well as the ability to install rings in convenient places, which is not possible when using a telescopic feeder. At the same time, a feeder telescope is more convenient to transport and much cheaper than a “plug”.

A budget “telescope” does not mean low-quality

Among budget telescopic feeders, rods from the Volzhanka and Trimm companies stand out. Volzhanka telescopic feeders are made of durable high-modulus fiberglass. On average, the optimal weight of a feeder varies from fifty to sixty grams, and the casting range is about fifty meters. This is a fast action rod that has quite a few disadvantages. These include too small rings on the tips, far from the standard sizes. In addition, there are also the standard “diseases” of all telescopic feeders - a thick handle and a hum when biting. But all this is more than compensated for by the very, very budget price. Trimm rods are often made from a high-tech composite. The casting is much further compared to the rods of the previous company - on average about seventy meters with the same weight of the feeder. The disadvantages are also common “illnesses”, which are also more than compensated for by the low cost.

Thus, it becomes obvious that with the correct selection of parameters and following the recommendations outlined in this article, it is quite possible to purchase a decent telescopic feeder rod at a very budget price. Of course, a plug rod is more suitable for professional or sport fishing - but why overpay in vain if your main goal is simply to enjoy the fishing process itself? Be careful when choosing your first feeder - and you will be provided with complete rest from the hustle and bustle.

Which spinning rod is better, plug-in or telescopic – we will try to answer in this article. The basic principle of fishing is to cast the bait and draw the line towards you using a reel. The main specialization of spinning is catching predatory fish. It can be used when fishing from a boat or in an overgrown coastal area as a bottom rod.

The fishing rods offered for sale are made:

  • made of carbon;
  • fiberglass.

The design provides the ability to fold the spinning rod, which greatly facilitates its transportation. We are talking about plug-in and telescopic spinning rods. The components of a fishing rod are a reel with fishing line and guide rings.

Manufacturers set us difficult tasks when choosing a fishing rod. With so many options, it can sometimes be difficult to choose one. Therefore, a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of plug-in and telescopic spinning rods should benefit our readers. Let's get to the pole comparison!

There is no clear answer to this question. Therefore, a comparative analysis will give you the opportunity to choose the fishing rod you like. A lot depends:

  • from the test;
  • building;
  • stick length.

Comparative analysis of material

Carbon fiber: carbon/graphite. Gives the stick a high modulus of elasticity and rigidity. At the same time, rods made from this material are very light. The main disadvantage is its fragility.

Fishing products made from fiberglass. Flexibility, strength and practicality. This is how you can briefly describe a stick. Spinning rods made of fiberglass are heavier than their carbon fiber counterparts. This is their minus.

It is considered the best option for products made from a mixture of fiberglass and carbon fiber. They are reliable and at the same time quite tough. However, they rarely fail.

There are other materials. But products made from them are rarely found on sale.

Comparative analysis of spinning rod structure

  1. Very fast build. The form is bent to ¼ of its length.
  2. Fast build. Bend 1/3 of the rod.
  3. Medium build. Indicators at ½ fold.
  4. The parabolic option is the ability to bend the form by more than ½ of the line.

If you practice long casting, then the most suitable option would be to buy gear with a parabolic action. The bait delivery range is affected by the entire length of the stick. This type of spinning rod reduces the load on the reel and line when casting.

Extra Fast poles are very fast and durable. But it is impossible to make a long cast. Because they can soften the blow and do not control the load on the reel and line.

The best option for experienced anglers is to purchase Fast (fast) or Moderate (medium) action sticks.

Comparative analysis of spinning rod length

The working length of the stick is from 2 to 3 meters. When fishing from the shore in large bodies of water, it is better to use a three-meter rod.

The short fishing tool is mobile and compact. Wins when fishing in cramped conditions.

Fishing for caught fish with telescopic spinning rods is aggressive, since the top works to a greater extent. Plug rods have a softer fishing action.

About cost and brands in a nutshell

When purchasing a spinning rod, you must give preference to trusted manufacturers. The sticks made by Japanese craftsmen are considered to be of the highest quality. Chinese fishing rods do not guarantee that they will last for a long time. The most famous and affordable rods are considered to be Salmo, Banax, Shimano, as well as a number of Italian suppliers: Maver, Milo, Trabucc.

It is clear that you have to pay for a name. But believe me: the products of these manufacturers rarely fail. The cost of spinning rods can be $50 or more. For example, the cost of a 13-meter Sabaneev “TENSOR” plug rod is only 33,000.00 rubles!

In conclusion about spinning rods

There is no point in arguing about which rod is better and more reliable: a plug rod or a telescope. It is important in this matter to decide what type of fishing it is intended for and where (in what conditions) the fishing will take place!

Spinning was born in England. Today he has more and more fans. An experienced fisherman, having one well-equipped spinning rod, can successfully catch almost any fish. This is the versatility of the gear.

Over the years of its existence, the types of spinning rods have undergone many changes; some parts of the gear are even electronic.

At first, the word “spinning” was used to describe a spinning device, that is, a reel, from the English spin - “to twist.” A good blank combines incompatible qualities: strength, lightness, flexibility, elasticity, softness and rigidity.

Classification of spinning rods

The basis of spinning tackle is the fishing rod. With its help, they cast bait, hook fish, and land them. By design it could be:

  • all-component fishing rod - consists of several solid whips, a removable handle;
  • solid - one whip up to 2 meters long, very hard, durable;
  • telescopic spinning rod - consists of several whips that are inserted one into the other;
  • plug spinning - the highest quality whips, consisting of two to four parts connected using connecting bushings;
  • picker rod - equipped with a replaceable tip that allows you to change the stiffness.

What is the difference between a spinning rod and a fishing rod?

This gear requires knowledge of the habits of the fish, its habitat in a particular body of water. There are some advantages over a float rod:

  • very active fishing;
  • fishing in all bodies of water;
  • a wide range of different attachments and accessories;
  • quick replacement of nozzles;
  • long distance fishing.

If you master spinning tackle well, you can find and catch fish in any body of water. The basis of spinning fishing is placing the bait in the water. This game should attract fish, especially predators, to bite.

What types of spinning rods are there?

The most common is the telescopic spinning rod, which is more suitable for beginner anglers. It is the most compact of all gears. And not as expensive as other types of spinning rods.

Disadvantages include low strength and lower sensitivity compared to plug-in versions. Therefore, telescopic spinning rods are not very popular among avid fishermen.

Plug-in spinning rods are made of fiberglass or carbon fiber; they are more durable and can withstand the jerks of large fish. The action can be between medium and parabolic, which makes it possible to catch fish of different sizes. But the plug cannot be repaired with your own hands - the rings are soldered into the rod itself. Plug tackle is suitable for overgrown ponds and river banks where long casting is required.

One-handed - the most common among spinning anglers, the bait is cast with one hand, the length of the form is up to 3 meters.

Ultralight is a delicate and ultra-light tackle. With this form you can catch almost any fish, both predators and peaceful ones. Ultralight fast action rod up to 2 m long with cast weight up to 10 g. The reel is also light weight, size 1000, or up to 1500. Using ultralight, you can get the pleasure of fishing for a small perch, asp.

These types of spinning rods are the most common.

Spinning rod material

There are a lot of materials for making fishing rods. Stainless steel, aluminum, bamboo, wood are used. But the most widely used are fiberglass, carbon fiber, and composite.

Fiberglass is still common, but is used only for simple budget fishing rods. Among the disadvantages: they have poor sensitivity and decent weight, all of which affects their use.

Carbon fiber (carbon) is a very good material for a spinning blank. Durable, light weight, and has good sensitivity. Carbon fiber contains graphite, the amount of which is indicated on the whip. The higher this indicator, the higher the rigidity and the further you can throw the bait.

Composite forms are made of carbon fiber with the addition of fiberglass. They are characterized by medium rigidity and long range. They are widely distributed due to these average qualities, low price.

How to choose a spinning rod

To do this, you need to know some indicators.


The test is the weight of the bait that can be cast the maximum distance without breaking the rod. The lower value indicates the minimum weight of the bait, the upper value is the largest weight, casting which will not break the whip.

According to this indicator they are divided into:

  1. ultralight (ultralight) (UL) - 5−10 g;
  2. light, or light (L) - 7−15 g;
  3. medium-light (ML) - 18−20 g;
  4. medium (M) - 15−40 g;
  5. medium-heavy (MH) - 10−45 g;
  6. heavy (H) - 60−80 g;
  7. super heavy (XH) - more than 60 g.

Build the form

Determined by the amount of bending of the whip under load. This characteristic affects the operation of the entire gear.

Classified into:

  1. slow system (Slow);
  2. average (Moderate);
  3. fast.


Selected depending on fishing conditions. On small rivers and lakes, using long forms is impractical. On such reservoirs you need to have a compact, lightweight fishing rod in order to quickly cast bait. For a large reservoir, you need plug forms that can fish the most distant areas.

When purchasing gear, it is best to select it for a specific type of prey. For perch, for example, light forms and micro-baits are selected. This fish is found in any body of water and is voracious and schooling.

For a spinning angler, pike is the most difficult object to catch. During the day, its habits change, and it is necessary to select the bait several times. It’s also not easy to get her out. Everyone knows her violent character. Therefore, for fishing you need to take a fishing rod up to 2.7 m long with 15-40 g of dough, medium action. The coil must be power, its size is 2500-3000. It is better to use braid with a leash.

Which spinning rod is better - plug-in or telescopic?

It all depends on the type of fishing. Many people say that you need to have two forms on hand. After all, it is more often used for catching predatory fish.

The plug is good for any fishing. You can fish with it from a bank overgrown with grass. It allows you to accurately cast the bait. They can fish out large specimens without fear of breaking them. They are suitable for more experienced, professional anglers.

Telescopic is best used by a beginner in fishing. When buying a spinning telescope in a store, you need to inspect the appearance and eliminate any abrasions or scratches. The knees must be connected or extended - there should be no backlash. Check the reel seat; the reel should be installed evenly, without distortions. By the way, it is better to buy a reel along with a form.

Which spinning rod is best for different occasions?

When catching a small predator from the shore or boat, a plug will do. Its approximate characteristics are length up to 2.1 m, test up to 25 g, fast action.

When fishing from a clean place, a blank up to 3.2 m long with a dough weight of up to 35 g is suitable. The action should be slow, this will allow you to cast the bait further.

gastroguru 2017