Fishing for crucian carp in the river during the current. How to catch crucian carp using different methods and choose the right fishing strategy. Habitats of crucian carp

In recent years, more and more crucian carp are appearing in small and medium-sized rivers. This is probably due to the fact that the bottom of these rivers is becoming increasingly silted, and there is nothing to clean it from silt. During Soviet times, this process occurred regularly. In addition, due to the overgrowing of medium and small rivers with various algae and grasses, their flow slows down. Both the first and second factors have a beneficial effect on the growth of the crucian carp population. That's why fishing for crucian carp in small and medium rivers becoming more and more successful and popular.

With large rivers the situation is somewhat different and the growth of the crucian carp population, as a rule, is generally not too large, although in such reservoirs it has become more numerous. Many anglers claim that catching river crucian carp is much more interesting than pond or lake carp. It is larger in size and bites more actively, and most importantly, it offers stronger resistance when fishing than pond and lake crucian carp, and is also not as picky as its counterparts in the pond.

All places where crucian carp live on rivers have similar characteristics. These are silted bays, oxbow lakes, where there is practically no current. First of all, these are areas that have shallow depths, where there is sufficient aquatic vegetation, as well as where there are shallow areas at a considerable distance from the shore. On such shallows closer to the coastline, the current is either completely absent or barely noticeable. It's in places like these fishing for crucian carp, brings the best results.

On those rivers where there are dams, there is always a current - this is due to the water discharge factor. You should know that the stronger the current and the closer it comes to the shore, the more local the crucian carp will be.

However, crucian carp are not always in the river; they can stand in an area where there is no current, or in places where there is only a smooth, weak current. It happens that crucian carp comes almost to the core and bites along with roach and bream.

Of course successful fishing for crucian carp in the river in its habitat, depends on the correct tactics and fishing techniques. Basically, for catching this fish, float fly rods 5-6 m long are used. Somewhat less often, crucian carp are caught with plug tackle. Since there are much fewer fans of fishing with a plug than fans of a float rod. In some cases, success brings catching crucian carp with a half-bottom However, the success is not as impressive as when catching bream. This is due to the weak current in the places where crucian carp are caught.

In general, bottom gear for catching fish such as crucian carp is used quite rarely. Mainly in cases where it is impossible to reach the fishing point with a fly rod.

Usually, catching crucian carp with bottom tackle mainly occurs on large rivers when it is caught in oxbow lakes or shallow bays. This kind of fishing is not much different from catching crucian carp in a lake. It’s just that on the river the crucian carp takes it more confidently and actively than in a closed, non-flowing reservoir.

The active bite of crucian carp in rivers throughout the season is explained by both competition in a limited space and excellent oxygen conditions. However, in conditions of polluted water and muddy bottom, it is unlikely that any other fish will be able to compete with crucian carp. However, crucian carp can sometimes be picky and if, for example, it has a choice between an oxbow where the water is blooming and a shallow bay with a weak or medium current, then the crucian carp will choose the bay. In addition, it happens that crucian carp can be caught perfectly at the very border of the current and vegetation.

When it happens fishing for crucian carp on a big river, A very interesting fact is that in catches from one place, as a rule, only large crucian carp are caught, and there are practically no small ones. And vice versa, if small crucian carp bites, then large ones will not be taken there either. Most likely, crucian carp in large rivers form in schools of only one size.

For example, on the Volga you can fish almost only in the “mud” in the smallest areas, where, in principle, predatory fish do not wander.

However, it is much easier to find places where large crucian carp are caught in a large river than to look for small-sized carp sites. And since river crucian carp is always more active than pond and lake crucian carp and, moreover, river crucian carp usually has a decent size, it attracts more anglers.

However, it is worth noting that fishing for crucian carp in the river may not always go smoothly. Often river crucian carp can become unpredictable and picky about the bait, depending on the time and season. It’s also not a fact that today you catch it in the bay and tomorrow it will also be in the same bay. It is likely that it is quite possible to find it only on the current.

Such fishing for crucian carp in the river can largely become purely random, and the presence of this fish can only be detected after a random capture in some place. However, even after catching the first crucian carp, you should not be sure that this is not an accident. Only good knowledge of the reservoir, where fish stay in it and its behavior in a given season can become a reliable guarantee of success.

Since crucian carp can be found in a variety of places, and its fishing is mainly local (takes place in a limited area), the gear for catching it can be very diverse. However, to successfully catch crucian carp, it is enough to have a float tackle, since the distance for catching crucian carp is in most cases small.

The tackle for catching crucian carp does not differ in any remarkable features. However, it is not recommended to use too thin fishing line for equipment. After all, for crucian carp, the main thing is that the bait suits the taste of the fish; the crucian carp does not pay special attention to the thickness of the fishing line or the method of retrieving it.

Typically, either holding the rig in place or free swimming is used. When holding the rig in place, the bait or bait is usually placed on the bottom along with the underbait. Therefore, the wiring technique is practically no different from the technique used for fishing in still water.

Usually when it happens fishing for crucian carp in small rivers , then after the first crucian carp is caught, then by throwing bait in small quantities you can catch a couple more crucian carp and then the bite ends. And even if you add more bait or throw bait of a different composition, the result will be the same.

But if you are fishing for crucian carp in a big river, then everything is the same as on the lake. Bait is thrown either more or less depending on the concentration of fish. Depending on the strength of the current and depth, the consistency of the bait is changed, and the frequency of feeding is changed depending on the activity of the crucian carp.

To successfully catch crucian carp in the river, you need to be absolutely sure that this fish is present in the intended fishing location, and only in this case the probability of a good catch will be high.

Crucian carp is considered the most popular fish due to its wide distribution. He is so tenacious that he can live in any ditch as long as there is water in it. It survives in the most extreme conditions, when other fish simply die. It is found both in bodies of standing water and in rivers.

Almost all avid fishermen learned to fish by going after crucian carp. Although, it is possible that the first training sessions were spent catching minnows and perch. Naturally, catching crucian carp is more exciting, since you come across quite weighty specimens. As mentioned above, crucian carp can be found in any body of water.

Despite this, catching crucian carp on the river has its own subtleties related to the choice of place for fishing, preparation of bait, choice of bait and gear. Moreover, the subtleties of catching crucian carp in the current do not end there.

Crucian carp, like most fish species, prefers to lead a schooling lifestyle. Gathered in flocks, it migrates across a body of water in search of food. At the same time, he chooses places where he can hide from potential danger. This is especially important for him if there is a predator in the river. If this place also serves as a source of food for him, then he will always stay close to this place. Therefore, the main task is to feed a promising place. Only in such conditions can you expect effective fishing for crucian carp.

To choose the right place for fishing, you need to have an idea of ​​which areas of the water area are capable of attracting crucian carp. To do this, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the behavior of this fish by reading the necessary information on the Internet. If you also understand this, then a good catch is guaranteed if favorable conditions coincide. The fact is that crucian carp is a capricious fish and its bite depends on various conditions, including weather.

Promising sites for crucian carp may include:

  • areas with snags and trees fallen into the water;
  • areas with various artificial accumulations or buildings;
  • coastal reed thickets;
  • holes and water areas near them;
  • areas of the water area where water lilies grow;
  • places bordering coastal shallows;
  • creeks and oxbows.

As a rule, in cold or too hot weather, crucian carp goes to the depths, escaping there from the cold and heat. As the water begins to warm up, the crucian carp begins its movement to smaller areas where the water warms up faster. As a rule, this is shallow water. These are areas where you can eat something. Here crucian carp can be found even after intense heat, when the water temperature stabilizes to a comfortable state.

If the weather is hot outside, the crucian carp hides from the sun either in the depths or under the crowns of trees hanging over the water. No less attractive for crucian carp are areas with dense, tall aquatic vegetation that can create at least some shade. If there are places in the reservoir where underwater springs flow and saturate the water with oxygen, then crucian carp will certainly be there.

If there are places for fishing on the shore of a reservoir, then crucian carp regularly visits these areas, since fishermen certainly feed these places. This rule applies to almost any body of water. If there are habitable places, and this is not at all difficult to determine, then they can be considered promising, just throw some fertilizer into the water.

If there are no such places, then you should not sit on the first available, especially convenient, place. Usually crucian carp is caught in hard-to-reach places. But the main rule here is the use of fertilizing. Only in this case can you count on a catch. Otherwise, you can only count on catching “trifles.”

Crucian carp begins to be caught immediately with the arrival of spring, but mainly after the flood. In such conditions, when the water has not yet warmed up well, crucian carp is caught throughout the day, without any breaks for lunch. When the water temperature reaches 13-15 degrees, the crucian carp begins to develop a routine: it begins to bite in the morning and evening, and during the day it rests. Here a lot depends on the availability of food supply. If there is little food in the reservoir, then the crucian carp will bite all day, not paying attention to the hot weather. Depending on the characteristics of the reservoir, the diet may also be special: it can be more active at night. As a rule, larger individuals are always caught at night. Moreover, carp or large bream can bite along with crucian carp.

With the arrival of autumn, when the water is no longer so warm, but has not yet cooled down, crucian carp also continues to be caught only in the morning and evening. With further cooling of the water, the crucian carp switches to the daytime feeding mode, showing its activity somewhere from 11 o’clock in the afternoon to 15 o’clock. Therefore, during this period you should not go fishing early in the morning.

Crucian carp begins to spawn in conditions when the water has warmed up to 15 degrees. Its bite during the spawning period weakens significantly, but does not stop completely. The fact is that crucian carp can spawn for a long time in certain groups. Therefore, the crucian carp that has gone to the spawning grounds stops biting, and the one that is not yet ready for this process continues to be caught.

Starting from the end of February, a gradual increase in its activity begins. The peak of its activity comes at the end of May and through the month of July inclusive. With the arrival of August, the activity of crucian carp decreases, but with the advent of autumn it increases again, as crucian carp is already beginning to feel the coming of winter. The months of September and October are considered especially favorable for fishing. As a rule, crucian carp are caught in the fall using baits of animal origin, as they are more nutritious. Somewhere at the end of October, beginning of November, its activity drops sharply, as it begins to move to the wintering pits. Therefore, you shouldn’t really count on the fact that in November you can be happy about catching a crucian carp. It is better to switch to fishing for other types of fish that do not significantly lose their activity.

It is better to catch crucian carp on the river either with a regular float rod or with bottom tackle (feeder). Although there are fishermen who do not recognize sport fishing, but prefer poaching gear. The choice of gear depends on the nature of the reservoir, as well as other factors. In the case of a small reservoir, it is enough to arm yourself with a float rod; if the reservoir is large, then it is better to give preference to bottom tackle (feeder). Although, under certain conditions, a float fishing rod is also suitable.

Float rod equipment

When fishing for crucian carp on small rivers, it is enough to have a rod with a length of 3 to 5 meters. If it is a medium or large river, then it is better to opt for a rod with a length of 5 meters or more.

A fishing line with a thickness of 0.1-0.15 mm is selected as the main one. But if you take into account that a reputable specimen can bite, then the thickness of the fishing line can be increased to 0.2 mm. The leash, up to 20 cm long, should be somewhat thinner so that when snagged you do not have to break off the main line.

The size of the hook should correspond to the size of individual specimens. This should be a hook with a straight shank, of the most ordinary shape. As a rule, most of the fish caught are small crucian carp and a hook No. 17 according to the international classification is enough to catch them. If there is information that large crucian carp are biting in a given reservoir, then it is realistic to arm yourself with a carp hook No. 6. For catching medium-sized crucian carp, hooks No. 10-No. 14 are suitable.

When fishing for crucian carp in the current, the shape of the float plays an important role. Moreover, its shape depends on the intensity of the flow. As a rule, in such conditions, flat floats are used, which create a minimum of resistance to moving water.

Floats such as a goose feather are not suitable for such conditions, since during the current they will always be almost in a horizontal position.

Such floats are suitable for fishing where the current is very weak or there is no current at all. But on the other hand, these floats are very sensitive, especially for catching crucian carp.

How to equip bottom tackle (feeder)

Nowadays, this is the most common gear when fishing on the river, including crucian carp. As a rule, they use a feeder rod, where the tip serves as a bite indicator.

The equipment requires the presence of a feeder and a massive sinker, and therefore you will have to take a thicker fishing line. Basically, the feeder also serves as a sinker. The weight of the feeder is selected depending on the magnitude of the current.

There is a rig called the “crucian carp killer,” which can be purchased at the store if you don’t want to bother too much.

Groundbait and bait for catching crucian carp in the current

Some experts believe that crucian carp is not a picky fish. In fact, crucian carp is quite capricious and you never know what kind of bait it is going to be caught with. Therefore, it is better to take with you baits of various origins: both plant and animal. The main baits when fishing for crucian carp are:

  • Muckworm.
  • Bloodworm.
  • Maggot.
  • Pearl barley.
  • Bread.
  • Semolina.
  • Mastyrka and others.

If a large crucian carp bites, then it is better to use corn, peas, crawling or a whole bunch of dung worms to catch it. The minimum number of attachments is one attachment of animal origin and one attachment of plant origin. This can be a dung worm, which is the most common bait, or pearl barley, which is both the most accessible and the most common. You don’t need to boil the pearl barley, just pour boiling water over it, and by morning it can already be used. It is better to do this operation in a thermos.

Nowadays, without bait, it makes no sense to go fishing at all. The same applies to crucian carp. In addition, other fish like to eat, such as bream, roach, rudd, silver bream, etc. Therefore, there is a chance, especially on the river, to catch large bream. As a rule, crucian carp does not dominate on the river due to the presence of predators such as pike and perch, which love to feast on crucian carp.

If there is a current, especially an active one, bait of a special consistency will be required. Good results can be obtained by using macaque, which slowly dissolves in the water column. In this regard, the most common equipment that is used for fishing in the current is a makushatnik. Its advantage is that you don’t need to invent anything special, just attach a pressed fragment of the crown and a couple of hooks. Moreover, makha is quite often present in various bait recipes. It has an attractive aroma, so it is recommended for use when catching many types of peaceful fish.

It is difficult to catch crucian carp in the river, since for better access to food it usually moves alone or in small schools.

The coastal zone and inflows are usually shallow places in the river with a slow flow. This is where crucian carp most often stay and find the largest amount of food. Technically, fishing here is not difficult, you just need to maintain absolute silence and avoid noise. To catch a record-sized crucian carp, you need to feed it twice before fishing: one day before and 12 hours before, and immediately before starting, throw in a few more handfuls of bait.

The crucian carp travels throughout the oxbow lake, mainly focusing on collecting insects sitting on the stems and leaves of underwater and floating plants. Large crucian carp are cautious, it is very difficult to lure them out of the vegetation into open water, so it is worth throwing the tackle as close to the plants as possible. Use loose bait, which easily crumbles after splashdown. This is done due to the very soft bottom of the oxbow lake. This place often attracts many crucian carp, and they stay here even during the winter.


Fish most willingly stays near the shore and stones that strengthen the shore, that is, near the piers. A good place for fishing is a riffle with a depth of at least 1.5 m with fast water flow, i.e. with a counter flow. In this case, a zone of calm water is formed in the middle of the riffle, in which the crucian carp stop to rest.

Coastal strip.

The fish easily swims against the current even in shallow water with a good current. Crucian carp systematically searches the area of ​​stones, feeding on mollusks, snails and other animal organisms. He does this at any depth, but it is best to catch him with a float rig, and put the bait on a slope, at half depth. It is necessary to abandon dense and heavy balls in favor of compressed lumps, throwing them on a slope near the coastline.

Dorofeev Vladimir

Quite a lot has been said about crucian carp in fishing magazines and literary publications. I will not go into an in-depth description of the biology and life activity of silver crucian carp, since many works have been written about this by the respected L.P. Sabaneev, and other equally competent fishermen of his time. In this material I want to pay attention to catching the so-called white (oblong) crucian carp, but not in its usual habitat, but in small rivers and even streams in central Russia, where the capture of this clumsy beauty is in most cases quite accidental.

For novice researchers and future ichthyologists, it will certainly be useful to recall its Latin name - carassius auratus gibelio. You can distinguish river crucian carp from their counterparts by the number of scales on the lateral line, and they have from 28 to 34, and by the gill rakers, numbering from 39 to 50. And of course, by appearance - the silvery color of the purlin body and yellowish fins is hardly possible confused with the bright outfit of the almost oval goldfish.

Few people intentionally hunt for it on rapids and rapids of rivers. However, I often had to catch it all summer, until the water cooled significantly in September, in the rivers of the Moscow, Kaluga and Lipetsk regions. But this is not what deserves attention, but the fact that it was caught on a fairly significant current, in the typical habitats of nimble roach, gudgeon and chub, which, however, were also found. And although there were silted areas and oxbow lakes in the rivers, the bite was most active in places with a rocky and pebble bottom, on the border of a strong current with calm waters, where it would seem there was no place for it to be. And this, in my opinion, is not accidental.

It would be ignorant to assume that it is absent in oxbow lakes and swampy floodplains. The important thing is why his bite was active on the rapids, and what attracted this clumsy (one can argue with that) representative of the cyprinids to such unpromising places for him?

Several options can be assumed.

Firstly, it is most often caught in sections of rivers below the discharge of water from dams. Its numerous flocks, drawn by the call of nature to spawn, rush upstream to the warmed shallow waters. The spawning of crucian carp in the river, due to the fact that river waters are subject to more frequent changes in water temperature and chemical composition, often extends for 2 months, and sometimes more. Those. from the end of May until the first days of August. And accordingly, during this period, in a section of the river 100-200 meters below the dam, it is often the most numerous representative of the fish diversity.

Secondly, occupying all kinds of oxbow lakes and pools, it still goes out into the current in search of more varied food, which is washed out of the bottom with greater intensity in such places, and especially from the banks when the water rises after rains. Having many competitors in the river, most of the food ration does not have time to reach its sites. This prompts him to become like fish such as roach, dace and gudgeon.

And last but not least, in most rivers it is not native, but gets into them by accident, when dams in ponds break. Like, for example, the Sosenka River in the Moscow region. And he naturally has to adapt to new conditions.

Selecting a location

The first key to success in a targeted search for crucian carp is the choice of location. This can be a challenging task, but care and patience will always help the observant angler. In small rivers with a fairly fast flow, where crucian carp are widespread, their schools stay at the border of the channel flow with coastal shallows, in small ponds or in areas with reverse flow (Fig. 1). Although, even with slight feeding, it comes out into the stream and does not leave a place for attachment until the bait is finally washed away by streams of water. And even the awkward sharp movement of the fisherman does not scare away a school of crucian carp, unlike bleak and roach, which in such a case disappears for several minutes.

Particular attention should be paid to the bends of the river. One of the banks, as a rule, is washed with sand or silt. Crucian carp come to such shallows in feeding areas on particularly hot days and their gluttony of course decreases. But for this he gives himself away with frequent outbursts and constant fussing.

But during periods of activity, it is drawn precisely to the current and, like typical river fish, picks up organic “trash” that has fallen into the water with gusts of wind, or insect larvae and other invertebrates washed out of the coastal soil during prolonged rains. Usually, caught river crucian carp have the same composition of food in their stomachs as roach. These include filamentous algae, and, in small individuals, daphnia and cyclops, and larvae of aquatic insects, depending on the season.

It is easy to spot the fish with the help of polarized glasses by carefully approaching the shore. The river can be either 2-3 meters wide and half a meter deep (for example, the Sosenka or Velya rivers in the Moscow region), or 25-30 m (the Krasivaya Mecha river in the Lipetsk region or the Protva river in the Kaluga region). Areas near old mill pools, spills and depressions below the dams, trees fallen into the water, which somewhat slow down the flow and serve as shelter for non-predatory fish from the robber pike and bright sunlight, deserve attention.

At shallow depths, river carp usually stands under the shore, hiding from all sorts of threats under the grass hanging over the water. Several times, wearing an underwater mask, I observed strings of crucian carp in such places at a depth of only 30-40 cm...

Often schools of crucian carp go to open, well-warmed “beaches” with a faster current and stay together with roach.

In rivers, its bite most often becomes active from mid-June to the end of August. In my practice, the bite reached its apogee by noon. In the early morning hours and late afternoon the bite was weak or absent altogether

If active fishing in ponds continues until frost, and in some reservoirs even from ice, depending on the rate at which the water is cooling, then in small rivers the activity of crucian carp, as a rule, fades away. And in September, during the current, he usually stops feeding altogether. At this time, the crucian carp leaves the fast waters and slides into pits and lower reaches of rivers. But most often it “buries itself” in sunken fallen leaves, which in the fall are packed in abundance under snags and sunken tree trunks, and only occasionally comes out to feed not far from the planned winter hut.

During the current, crucian carp is not so timid and cautious, unlike species that live in closed reservoirs. If the water is sufficiently transparent, you can watch with interest its behavior and habits. One has only to throw a little bait into the water and after a few minutes the first scouts appear in the river, which seemed to show no signs of active life. Lazyly moving their fins and reflecting the silver of reflected sunlight, individual pioneers gather to smell the aroma. Having risen to a vertical position, they, like bream, absorb particles of bait. When the current is strong, they are carried down, but appetite and competition again force them to rise to the “dining table.” After all, lively minnows and bleaks are already scurrying around.

The crucian carp's sense of smell is quite developed and after some time an impressive flock gathers at the feeding area. On the Neznayka River in the Moscow region, in an area about 5 m wide with a depth of about a meter, I once counted more than 30 individuals at the same time, and the caught fish practically did not scare away the school - the bite lasted all day. And it seemed that the number of fish in the fishing area was not decreasing...

River crucian carp rarely reaches 1 kilogram of weight in small rivers. More often, the fisherman, and especially when actively fishing in the current, comes across fish from 50 to 200 grams. But you shouldn’t forget that in a school of standard fish there will also be a “monster” weighing about a kilogram.


If you don't feed, you won't catch. This truism is more suitable for crucian carp. The sense of smell in this fish is quite well developed. And the right choice of bait when fishing in the current will ensure your further success.

When catching crucian carp in the current, you will need more bait than in still water. Since the feed mixture is washed out, it must contain good binding components. In my opinion, when hunting crucian carp you should not use many components. It will be sufficient to use equal shares of cake, breadcrumbs, fried and well-ground hemp seeds and, for a better binding, a little crushed and sifted oatmeal. For a day of fishing, usually 1 to 3 kg of this composition is enough, depending on the biting activity and the speed of the river flow.

In recent years, a lot of both domestic and foreign ready-made mixtures have appeared in fishing stores that can also be used. This will save your time to some extent. The only thing to keep in mind is that not all of them are effective. I consider carp baits to be the most suitable, but not all of them are suitable for fishing in the current. You need to use either one that you have tested on the reservoir, or after consulting with experienced fishermen.

Of the well-known feed mixtures that I use when fishing for crucian carp in the current, I can recommend “Unikorm”. But if there are a lot of roaches in the fishing area, they will prevent you from catching crucian carp. And your catch will accordingly be dominated by roach, which is much more agile than the object of your intended fishing.

As a rule, 300-400 grams are initially thrown into the fishing area. Then, at intervals of 10 to 20 minutes, 1-2 balls the size of a table tennis ball are added to the baited area, depending on the biting activity.

I noticed that light-colored bait with good water clarity keeps the fish in the fishing spot longer. This may be some bias, but I still suggest you check this when fishing for crucian carp in the current. As you understand, this color of the bait is ensured by a high content of ground rolled oats in the feed base or by the addition of a small amount of steamed “pearl barley”. You can't overdo it with it. Otherwise you will simply saturate the fish. 50 grams will be enough. per 1 kg of complementary foods.

Steamed peas also work well when fishing for crucian carp. It can also be added to the above listed components, but in very limited quantities. It is best to steam the peas before adding them to the bait until they are easy to mash with a masher. You can also grind dry peas in a coffee grinder, and add them to the composition you prepared while fishing. It is important not to feed the fish - but to feed it and keep it in a certain area for a long time... It is advisable to add a few drops of anise or sunflower oil, as well as bee honey.

You should also not forget about animal components. Maggot is most suitable. Adding only 30 g. These larvae per 2 kg of bait will greatly increase your advantage over other anglers.


A little about the tackle... The fishing rod for a small river width should be from 3 to 5 meters in length. This ensures a certain efficiency when fishing. As well as comfort and mobility, especially if your rod is made of fiberglass. But it’s worth giving preference to carbon fiber ones, especially since in recent years they have become available to almost every angler at a cost. Usually a fishing rod with a blind rig is used. Classically, a rubber shock absorber is attached to the tip, to which a fishing line is attached. The shock absorber dampens the jerks of the fish being caught. However, in most cases I use a rod with guides and a reel, which allows for more maneuverability with the tackle, especially when fishing conditions are not ideal, i.e. there are a lot of bushes and tree branches hanging over the river, steep banks, etc. Or when for some reason you have to change your fishing location several times. The reel makes life easier by allowing you to more quickly adjust the length of the main line.

For some reason, most fishermen try to install an inertia-free reel even on light carbon rods. Personally, I don't see the point in this. A lightweight wire reel of any diameter with a fixed brake is best. It does not upset the balance of the tackle and, in my opinion, contributes to greater efficiency when landing small fish. And besides, the original weight of the rod is practically preserved, which does not lead to fatigue during long-term fishing.


The main line is monofilament, with a diameter of no more than 0.15 mm. It is advisable to use, as with any wire fishing, a leash of smaller diameter. A leash from 0.08 to 0.12 mm, about 20 cm long, is suitable. The thickness of the fishing line during active biting will not affect the number of bites.

It is better to use a hook with a short shank. Even when fishing with a worm, or rather with pieces of it, which wriggle into a ball when reeling.

When fishing for crucian carp, I use sports class floats for the current, with a load of 1 to 1.5 g, at a river depth of about 1.5 meters. You can also develop a small scheme in which you can fine-tune the tackle more clearly. For example, at a depth of 0.5 m, and at this water level the crucian carp stands the same and feeds quite often, I use a float with a weight of 0.5 g. At a depth of 1.5 m – 1 g. etc. The choice of float also depends on the speed of the current. Naturally, if the water flow is fast enough, you should use a heavier float so that the sinker can deliver the bait to the bottom faster. In the last two years I have begun to prefer Colmic floats. Although they are a little expensive compared to other sport floats, the quality that makes them easy to ship and the behavior when retrieving does not allow me to skimp.

Accordingly, the sinkers are selected according to this scheme. I would like to draw your attention to their choice - the pellet sinkers should be easily fixed on the fishing line with the help of your fingers and at the same time not pinch the fishing line. Those. the lead from which they are made must be sufficiently soft and homogeneous. And also correspond to your weight marked on the package. Typically, weights weighing from 0.09 to 0.9 grams are located in sections in plastic packages. The weight of high-quality sinkers, as a rule, corresponds to what is marked on the packaging. And equipping high-quality floats with such pellets usually does not require preliminary shipment at home.

Crucian carp is caught in the current using the same baits as other river fish - its neighbors. I consider the most suitable bait to be a dung worm. To activate the bite, the worms can be additionally scented with garlic. It is necessary to add heavily crushed garlic to the container with the prepared worm the day before fishing. Crucian carp usually take more actively on such a bait. Don't forget about pearl barley. I prepare it in a liter thermos. I pour boiling water over a glass of cereal and add a quarter teaspoon of honey or a few drops of anise oil. In 10-12 hours, pearl barley is steamed and ready for use in the pond. When the bite is weak, maggot larvae and large bloodworms help out the angler. A day before going fishing, you should add a little wheat or corn flour to the box with maggots. Flour cleanses the insides of the larvae and eliminates the unpleasant odor. And the larvae do not stick together and are stored for a long time without pupating. It’s better to add a pinch or two of dry bait into the container with maggots - the one you are going to use on the pond. Place 2-3 maggots on the hook, but so that the last larva covers the sting. Be sure to take at least two attachments with you - both animal and plant.

Biting and fishing

Place the bait, as when fishing for roach, at the bottom. And often in the manner of a half-bottom, when the lower sinker slows down on underwater rocks or drags directly along the bottom of the river, which, accordingly, has a different effect on the movement of the leash with bait on the hook.

The bite of river crucian carp is quite sharp and completely different from that in a lake or pond. Biting small crucian carp is very similar to sinking a float with small roach. Having taken the bait, and usually the crucian does not have to wait long, small specimens slow down the float several times, tasting the menu with their lips, following it downstream. And then, drawing in water with their gills along with the bait, often swallowing deeply, they sharply go to the side or upstream, dragging the float with them.

Larger individuals act differently. Their style is reminiscent of river bream biting. First, there are several twitches of the float's antenna, barely noticeable to the eye, and then, when the nozzle is completely in the fish's mouth, the crucian carp holds the float for a few seconds, which sinks, as if hooked. And only then, lazily turning around, slowly swimming against the current.

In both cases, hooking should be done slowly. When the bait suits the fish in every way, there are practically no gatherings. He takes it confidently. The unusual habitat for it and the already strong competition among typical river representatives are also to blame for this.

If a crucian carp is hungry and is interested in bait from a gastronomic point of view, it begins to actively dig into lumps of bait. Then the worm or maggot must necessarily drag along the bottom. If he was attracted only by the smell of bait, but for some reason the crucian carp is not satisfied with it in terms of nutrition, it is better to place the hook with the nozzle 10-15 cm from the bottom. It is this niche that the crucian carp occupies in the river in this case.

River crucian carp resists more stubbornly than their lake counterparts. But catching it is not particularly difficult. Only when there are snags in the fishing area does he try to hide in them and tangle the tackle. And then, this only applies to large individuals. The main thing is not to force things. Large crucian carp are easily caught in the landing net, and small fish can be easily brought into the hand.

River crucian carp spawn much faster than pond and lake carp. It is better to keep the caught fish in a long cage. You can bring fish home alive by covering them with sedge or nettle.

River crucian carp is very tasty, as it does not have the typical smell of grass and bitterness characteristic of pond species. If you are on a hike, I will recommend you a quick way to prepare an appetizing dish. Salt the gutted fish from the inside. There is no need to clean the scales, just rub some salt into them. Next, “pack” the fish in alder or hazel leaves and bury them in the hot coals of the fire. After 10-15 minutes the dish is ready.
Dorofeev Vladimir
[email protected]
2002-05-30 08:01:23

Fishing for crucian carp on the river has some of its own characteristics and differences, which will be discussed in this article. In rivers, crucian carp choose areas where water movement is minimal or practically non-existent. Therefore, you can often find it in small bays, in shallow water near the shore, especially if there is aquatic vegetation. Crucian carp is caught well at the borders of the current and thickets.

Do not ignore the bends of the river. In such places, usually the coastal area is washed with silt or sand, and crucian carp often go there in hot weather. Its bite there is not particularly intense, but it’s still worth a try. At times, river crucian carp can be found literally near the very shore, where it is hidden under thickets hanging over the water.

Bait for catching crucian carp on the river

River crucian carp is less cautious, unlike its counterpart that lives in closed reservoirs, and bait here is of no small importance. It is enough just to send a small amount of complementary food a little upstream from the fishing site, and after 15-20 minutes the whole flock will gather there.

The composition of bait for river crucian carp differs, first of all, in the presence of binding components, such as crushed oatmeal or cake. The main thing here is its naturalness, so I don’t advise you to get carried away with all kinds of store-bought mixtures. Components such as breadcrumbs and cake have proven themselves to be the best. You can use peas, either steamed or ground. Some fishermen add various animal components to the bait, which in some cases can significantly improve the bite.

As bait they use everything that crucian carp is usually caught with - bloodworms, maggots, dung worms, and from plants - dough, wheat, pearl barley, peas and corn.

Tackle for catching crucian carp on the river

No special gear that differs in design is used here. They catch crucian carp using all available methods, both with a float rod and a donka and a feeder equipped with a light feeder. On large rivers, you can use a donka with a rubber shock absorber, since with this tackle you have a good opportunity to catch large crucian carp.

Compared to others, crucian carp takes the bait more decisively, and often drags the float to the side. This applies to small and medium-sized individuals. The bite of a trophy crucian carp is more accurate - first it tries the bait for a few seconds, then, grabbing it, it goes upstream.

Fishing for crucian carp in September

For crucian carp in September

September begins autumn and is already characterized by low night temperatures, and daytime temperatures force the fisherman to dress warmer. Naturally, the water in the reservoirs where crucian carp lives also cools down. At the same time, the fish begins to feed less actively, and it becomes more difficult to catch them.

On cold September days, crucian carp bite very poorly, but when it warms up, biting activity increases. The truth is that this does not start in the morning, but later, around 10…11 o’clock and stops completely by 15…16 o’clock. Fishing is also difficult on days with strong winds.

Among the features of catching crucian carp in September is that in this month it begins to move around the reservoir in schools; therefore, having caught one, you can hope for a good overall catch.

September crucian carp on a fly rod

Flying tackle in early autumn, as in summer, is often used by anglers going to catch crucian carp. It gives the best results on a pond where the water is calm; but on large reservoirs and rivers with it you can be left without a catch, which is explained by the fish moving away from the shore to a distance for which this tackle is not designed.

You should choose a light fishing rod, as with a good bite you can simply get tired. The fishing line is set to 0.12…0.15 mm, which is quite enough to fish out a kilogram specimen (with a landing net, of course). Hooks No. 12...No. 20 (international classification) with a relatively long shank.

Float 1.5...2 g load capacity. If you have the desire and opportunity, it is better to make the latter yourself from a light goose feather - this type of feather will provide the necessary sensitivity of the tackle, and it is not so costly to lose it when hooked.

The weight of the fly rod, which relates to the subtleties of catching crucian carp, should be done in a composite manner, from at least two weights. For the bottom they choose light, at the top they put it heavier. This combination ensures the visibility of a bite on the float at the slightest action of the crucian carp and does not frighten it with its weight.

The weights for the tackle are selected so that the float rises above the water surface only by the working tip of the antenna. This position is the most optimal and informative for the fisherman in any case of crucian carp bites.

They catch crucian carp with a float rod in September on ponds near the shore, trying to cast the bait closer to thickets of aquatic vegetation, reeds, cattails, trees, bushes that have fallen into the water, and stumps of flooded trees.

Most fishermen consider areas of clear water between the stems of reeds to be the most successful place. Moreover, they throw the bait literally into 5...10 centimeter openings between plants and to a small (25...50 cm) depth. In this case, they often use short (2...4 m) rods, which allow them to make a very quick and timely bite.

They catch crucian carp in September with a fly rod from the shore and from a boat using various baits. This month he responds well to worms (dung worms) and maggots. Often prefers barley, dough, semolina. The latter probably has no competitors when fishing in the reeds.

When catching crucian carp you need to constantly use bait. It is advisable to immediately feed (but overfeed) the place chosen for fishing and periodically add bait further afield in small portions. You can feed them with branded bait purchased in the store. You can prepare the bait mixture yourself, for example, by mixing corn, barley and wheat chaff and corn flour in equal proportions with half the amount of semolina and flour.

September crucian carp on a match fishing rod

Match gear allows you to fish places both close to the shore and remote. This is its main advantage over fly tackle. True, it is heavier than the latter, therefore it tires the fisherman faster.

In mid-September, large crucian carp are already beginning to settle in depths far from the shore. The distance to them on some reservoirs is 20...30 m, so you can’t do without a match fishing rod. Choose a rod that is not very long (4...5 m), and put a spinning reel up to number 1000 on it. The main fishing line of 0.20...0.25 mm is wound onto the latter, to which a leash made of monofilament of 0.10...0.12 mm and a hook No. 12...No. 20 (according to the international classification) are attached, preferably with a long shank. The float is either sliding or regular, whichever you like, but with a large (4...5 g) load capacity and with a large antenna, noticeable from a distance.

The place of fishing in early September and during other periods is usually supplemented with food. If distance allows, throw balls of bait with your hands. If not, use various devices (for example, a slingshot). You prepare the bait yourself or buy it ready-made in the store. The first, of course, is cheaper, so it is used more often.

You can make bait, for example, according to the following recipe: steam pearl barley, add millet and peas to it (the ratio to pearl barley is 1:1 and 1:0.25, respectively); the mixture is left for 2 hours. brew; drain excess water and mix; add a drop of anise oil and mix again.

They catch crucian carp with match gear in September using worms, maggots, dough, pearl barley, and semolina. For the latter, special hooks with a spring are used; the latter prevents the bait from quickly flowing off the hook. “Sandwiches” made in different combinations give good results.

Fishing for crucian carp in September on a feeder

The feeder today is widely used by fishermen when fishing for crucian carp in ponds, and especially on the river, where there is often a need for long casts. With its help, it is easy to fish in strong winds on lakes, in pits where large crucian carp hide, short among algae in the summer, when ponds are almost completely overgrown, and even in areas with a muddy bottom.

The pessimism of some fishermen about the insensitivity of the feeder to cautious bites of crucian carp is not understandable. By choosing the most sensitive rod tip, you will be able to even notice the fish touching the bait. Those who are most likely to oppose a feeder for catching crucian carp are those who either do not know how to use it, or are categorically against changing their traditional gear. What speaks for the feeder is its lack of alternative, especially in difficult conditions - with strong winds, high waves, etc.

You can find crucian carp in September:

  • in “puddles” where it traditionally lives and there are practically no other fish; here you need to look for deeper places, holes where this beauty goes when it gets cold;
  • in classic ponds, on the lake; but among such reservoirs there are those in which, with the onset of autumn, crucian carp for some reason stops biting at all; therefore, when I go fishing, I need to ask my local friends about it; Some observations can help in this matter, one of which connects the early fish bite in the spring and its obligatory activity in the fall.

In early autumn, when it is still relatively warm, you can use a feeder to catch crucian carp in shallow waters, near grass and reed thickets. However, after a cold snap, it leaves such places and may appear later, when the water warms up noticeably.

It has been noticed that at the first cold snap the crucian carp leaves the thickets, but not far. It lingers at its edge, especially if at least a small drop into depth or a small hole begins next to it. At this time, places with depths of 2...2.5 meters become interesting.

At the end of September, crucian carp can only be found at significant depths (3...3.5 m) and most often in snags or something similar. This is a time of uncertainty, so you need to take 2…3 feeders for fishing and try to catch all interesting places with them, including distant and coastal ones. After the fish bite, you can switch to one rod and fish in a specific place.

As in spring and summer, crucian carp can bite well in September, but on some days the weather for catching crucian carp in September turns out to be unsuitable, and it refuses any bait. Among the patterns that allow you to calculate successful days:

  • 2...3 days before it warm winds blow from the south; luck in the form of a catch of crucian carp awaits the fisherman near the surf shore; True, there will be a lot of rough water, but this is not a problem for the feeder;
  • when frequent but warm rains begin; True, on such days the fish bite more in the water column - you will have to install a long leash with a pop-up bait on the feeder;
  • There are days when crucian carp eat in September, but they are rare and pass quickly.
  • At night in September you can still go fishing for crucian carp with a feeder, but the intensity of bites noticeably decreases during the month.

Especially for – V.A.N.

All about crucian carp and its fishing

Almost every boy begins his fishing journey by catching crucian carp on the nearest pond. It seems that there is no fish more familiar and easier to catch. However, few fishermen can boast of a decent catch, which includes trophy golden, also known as common, or silver crucian carp.

We will devote this review to a description of the life, nutrition of this fish, and habits according to the seasons. Let's touch on the issues of how to catch crucian carp and talk about fishing methods.


Let’s immediately dot the “E” in the crucian carp classification. There are only two types of “peasant carp” - golden, aka golden, aka round, aka common, and silver crucian carp.

Despite their external similarity, representatives of these species are easy to distinguish not only by their color: yellow and white, but also by their body shape - the common crucian carp has a taller and thicker body, silver fish look more runaway.

The persistent Chinese bred the goldfish out of its golden appearance. Silver crucian carp received the following nicknames among the people:

  • hybrid;
  • buffalo;
  • dushman;
  • mestizo;
  • Karabaz.

Most likely, this happened because in different bodies of water the body shape of this species varies greatly. This happens not due to its hybridization, but due to the presence or absence of a predator in the reservoir. Subject to the laws of natural selection, initially elongated crucian carp, in order to be less accessible to the predatory mouth, begin to grow more in height than in length.

The largest crucian carp in the world, mentioned in various sources, naturally golden in appearance, weighed more than five kilograms. And the largest silver crucian carp weighed three kilograms and two hundred grams.

Believe it or not, decide for yourself; reference books on ichthyology note that the maximum weight of the silver species is about two kilograms, and the golden one – up to three.

The growth rate depends on what the crucian carp eats in a particular body of water. So in a poor pond, with a lack of food, a silver crucian carp at the age of three can weigh less than two hundred grams, but already be ready to reproduce. In large reservoirs, and even when fattened at the same age, each individual can reach four hundred grams in weight.

It was the large crucian carp that was fattened in Germany that received the name “peasant carp.” Such specimens are desirable in the catches of every fisherman.

Crucian carp lives in almost every body of water: in a small village pond, in a reservoir, and in a lake. It also lives in rivers, but chooses calm places with weak currents, since its thick body does not resist the current well. Peasant carp overwinter, gathering in schools and occupying wintering pits.

The highest survival rate of crucian carp in difficult conditions is noted. In shallow reservoirs that freeze to the bottom in winter and in summer, when the water dries up from the heat, up to seventy centimeters can be buried in silt.

Crucian carp are rarely propagated artificially, but in every new body of water they appear literally after a couple of years and contribute to the spread of birds, to whose paws the spawned eggs stick.

Crucian carp spawning is quite extended in time and depends on the characteristics of water heating in each specific reservoir. This usually happens when the water reaches a temperature of 18 degrees, but sometimes 15-16 is enough for spawning. Therefore, the spawning period in the same area can be extended from early May to mid-June.

What do they eat?

Peasant carps eat everything that gets into the water. In this respect they resemble real carp. Mollusks, insect larvae and insects themselves, worms, mud - everything is suitable for crucian carp feeding. But crucian carp’s attitude to nutrition is very selective, which is also reflected in its bite.

If yesterday he took well for bread, this does not mean that today he needs to be offered bread crumb; on the contrary, give him maggots in the morning, and a worm or corn for lunch.

Taking into account the above, we state that fishing for crucian carp will be more successful if you take several types of attachments and bait.

Peculiarities of biting by season


Contrary to the popular belief that crucian carp buries itself in the silt for the winter and stops biting, in some reservoirs this fish is also active under the ice. These are rivers and large ponds with currents and depths of over one and a half meters.

It is noted that in reservoirs where catching crucian carp in winter is not uncommon, predators are always present. Even rotan can work as such. Apparently, fearing predatory fish, peaceful crucian carp do not hibernate, but continue to move, burning energy. Therefore, to renew it, our hero bites in such ponds even in winter.

Fishing for crucian carp in winter is carried out with two types of gear:

  • float winter fishing rod;
  • fishing rod with a nod.

In winter, they bite mainly large crucian carp from two hundred grams and above; catching small fish is a rare occurrence. At this time the fish live near the edges and in the pits, near the snags. Moreover, they are picky not only in the deepest places, but also near the shore, the main thing is that there is a pronounced difference in depth.

Bait in winter should only collect fish, but not saturate it, because activity is low and little energy is spent compared to summer. Therefore, crucian carp fishing is carried out either without feeding at all, or using fine-grained dust mixtures based on ground crackers.

The best baits at this time of year:

  • bloodworm;
  • maggot;
  • dough;
  • semolina chatter.


Fishing for crucian carp at the beginning of the open water season begins after the water clears. At this time, he wakes up and bites best in shallow waters warmed by the spring sun. All sorts of summer gear comes into play.

In the spring, when crucian carp begins to bite, it is caught with the following float rods:

  1. Flywheel - near the shore and from a boat.
  2. Bologna - at some distance.
  3. Plug-in – for point baiting.
  4. Match, if you reach an interesting small fish with other float rods it is problematic.

Bottom gear is also used:

  • snack;
  • rubber;
  • a simple “baton”;
  • feeder.

Fishing for crucian carp in the spring is carried out with bait consisting of small fractions. This is done due to the fact that the caviar, which begins to swell, fills a lot of space in the fish’s stomach and large food passes through its esophagus more easily.

Large crucian carp in the spring bites on the following baits:

  • bloodworm;
  • maggot;
  • dough;
  • semolina;
  • worm.

Worms washed away by spring waters are a well-known and desirable food that fish eat with pleasure.

Large crucian carp prefer animal or spicy aromas at this time of year, but they must be used with great care so as not to frighten off the finicky fish.


Catching crucian carp in summer is a true pleasure for an angler. Morning, silence, birds singing over the pond. It is found in the summer almost throughout the entire reservoir, but gravitates to various zones that stand out from the general space of the reservoir.

From June to September, crucian carp are caught in the reeds and under overhanging trees, on the edges, near snags and hydraulic structures.

Summer fishing for crucian carp at night is interesting; for this purpose, alarms and floats are equipped with chemical fireflies. Night fishing can be very catchy and is characterized by the fact that it is mainly large fish that bite.

In summer, all sorts of gear is used, from a float swing to a feeder.

The groundbait is flavored with fruit and sweet components and contains large fractions. Living up to its nickname, the fussy fish bites on all sorts of baits:

  • worm;
  • maggot;
  • dough;
  • bakery and pasta products;
  • dough, including mastyrka and hominy;
  • corn and pea grains;
  • semolina;
  • pearl barley;
  • wheat.


Cooling water leads to the death of vegetation, and crucian carp switches mainly to animal food. It gradually moves into the depths of the reservoir, entering shallow waters only on especially sunny, warm days.

The same gear is used, but the bait changes again. The best option is to feed with plain soil with the addition of bait components: maggots, bloodworms or chopped worms.

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