Where to go in Heihe? Excursions and attractions. Everything a tourist needs to know about Heihe Heihe attractions entertainment

Heihe is simply replete with bright signs of places where you can eat delicious food. Of course, everything is up to your choice - after all, everyone has different tastes, but it is better to sit in those places where there are fewer compatriots. They are less advertised, but the atmosphere is more comfortable, and the cuisine is sometimes better than in the most popular restaurants. In addition, the attitude towards visitors in small establishments is always very individual and friendly.

Where to eat in Heihe

Restaurants always offer illustrated or “visual” menus.

Visual menu represents the products displayed on plates from which this or that dish will be made. An illustrated menu is a traditional catalog of dishes with accompanying pictures.

Now some restaurants charge an entrance fee 1-3 yuan and offer to buy napkins for a few yuan. Previously, all this was free, but the thirst for money and business returns are doing their job.

If you don't know how to use chopsticks, ask the waiter to bring you a fork. People here are already accustomed to Russian tourists and treat such requests with understanding.

To eliminate the possibility of adding extra dishes to your bill, try to at least roughly calculate how much you ordered.

In addition to cafes and restaurants, the city has many fast food establishments and small pastry shops where you can order coffee and cakes (most of them serve quite tasty dishes).

Street eateries, mainly offering kebabs that are popular in Heihe. They are prepared from a wide variety of ingredients: tofu cheese, mushrooms, offal and other products, which are sometimes completely impossible to identify.
Sausages on a stick and fried chicken necks are no less in demand.

In addition to the most common and popular dishes, gourmets will be able to find more interesting offers: kebabs made from chicken embryos, or, for example, fried barbecue squid.

Must try flatbreads and bean pies, grilled or boiled corn. Street vendors even offer boiled eggs. One of the area's traditional dishes, sweet baked potatoes, is available all year round in Heihe.

Evening entertainment

During the day you can keep yourself busy with sightseeing and shopping, at lunchtime you can go to restaurants, but what to do in the evening? We recommend that all vacationers go for an evening walk through the city streets and the most popular places.

To warn you of your concern for your safety, we note: The most popular public places in Heihe are guarded by police.

Evening pastimes include visiting:

  • massage parlor;
  • bowling;
  • billiard room (they are here at every turn);
  • complexes offering water procedures.

On the embankment you will see mass national dances and songs, “evening discos” and regular Chinese gymnastics classes. There is a lot of music, noise and fun. Not long ago, sculptural compositions were installed. It’s worth at least one stroll along the Embankment, even if you’re not a fan of large crowds of people and loud music.

The city of the Black River is the name of the Chinese city of Heihe translated into Russian. It is located exactly opposite Blagoveshchensk, on the other side of the Amur. For Russian tourists, visiting Heihe does not involve any difficulties. There is a river connection between it and Blagoveshchensk. If you are planning a trip to Heihe in 2017, you do not need to apply for a visa. Any Russian can visit this northern Chinese city freely, without a visa.

Rest and treatment in Heihe

Don’t burden yourself with problems, just go and relax in Heihe. Transfer worries to the specialists http://vheihe.ru.

Dentistry Heihe

Heihe is a recognized medical center in China. Most tourists come here for dental care. The oldest and one of the best departments in the country has been headed by Professor Guan Peng, a luminary of Chinese medical science, for almost 40 years. In addition to him, the department employs 2 more doctors of science, 7 candidates, several graduate students, as well as a staff of the most talented dentists. At the same time, the cost of services is half cheaper than in Russia.


But tourists come to Heihe not only for treatment and recreation. Shopping – for the sake of it, many travel long distances to Blagoveshchensk. It’s easier to name what is not in the shops and shops of this Chinese city. Everything is brought from here: trinkets, phones, household appliances, shoes and even mink coats. The main shopping centers “Huafu” in the center and “Yuandong” near the customs are always filled with Russian tourists. You can buy things for almost nothing at a flea market. True, it only works in the mornings.

Where to stay overnight

There are many hotels in Heihe. There are no five-star ones among them. Three stars is the most you can hope for. But despite the same star rating, the services provided are very different. Therefore, before you pay for your stay, take the trouble to look at the room. The average cost of a night's stay varies from 110 to 130 yuan. There are also cheaper hotels. But the conditions in them are appropriate - minimal, with amenities on the floor.

You can enjoy real Chinese food, considered the healthiest in the world, in one of the many cafes. But if you are not a fan of the exotic, you can easily find a cafe or restaurant with Russian cuisine. The cost of an average check is about 30 yuan.

Recreation places

There are no historical sights in the city. This drawback is completely offset by the natural beauties of Udalyanchi Park. For relaxation, local residents also recommend taking a walk along the Amur embankment and enjoying the panorama of the majestic river. Fans of more active recreation will find an amusement park near the customs in the summer, and the Longzhu ski center in the suburbs in the winter. Reviews of trips to Heihe often contain stories about visiting the Tian Yi baths. You can not only sweat in them, but also take a course of massage and spa treatments.

Heihe always welcomes guests. The locals, no, no, and will delight you with Russian words. Even the signs here are written in our own way. It’s not surprising, since up to a thousand Russian tourists visit Heihe on weekends. And this is the main source of income for the city and its citizens.

In terms of recreational entertainment, Heihe is still far from Harbin, Dalian or Beidaihe, where there are many entertainment and cultural centers. But there are still places in Heihe where you can have a great rest and have fun, and they will be discussed in the article.

In the summer, Russian tourists love to relax, just walk along the Chinese embankment of the Amur River. In all the reviews about Heihe, people say that the waterfront in this city is simply magnificent! Fortunately, it is very cozy and beautiful there - there are many flower beds and green spaces, you can sit on clean benches and listen to unobtrusive Chinese music.

Things get interesting in the evening.

On weekends, elderly Chinese gather, dress in bright national costumes and perform a peculiar dance with wushu elements. The music, of course, is performed live.

For the soul and meditation

Do you want something exotic? Then be sure to visit the Buddhist pagoda, it is located on an island in a forest 100-200 meters behind the Yuandong shopping center. Of course, this is not 100% a temple for Buddhists, but everything you need to perform rituals is there.

Night clubs

Do you love nightlife? Then you need to go straight to a nightclub to relax. It’s not quite the usual place for a Russian tourist, but you can have a great rest in pleasant company.

Chinese baths in Heihe

Many Russians, as strange as it may sound, upon arrival in Heihe, go to the bathhouse to wash, steam and relax after hard everyday life in Russia. All baths there are open 24 hours a day, and your purchased ticket will provide you with a 24-hour stay. Some don’t even go to check into a hotel (there is a list of hotels), but spend the night right in the bath complex, especially if they have few things (those from Blagoveshchensk generally travel with one small handbag, as long as they have somewhere to put documents, phone and money ). The ticket price is determined by what is included in the services of the bath complex. In good baths (Tian Yi, for example), tickets are more expensive than in others, but there are also more prepaid services. In most baths you will receive: a towel and slippers, a choice of gels and shampoos, plus bath clothes for the relaxation room, where you can relax after the steam room and sleep. You will also have steam rooms, showers, a swimming pool and even a jacuzzi at your disposal.

By paying a little extra, you will be given a choice of tea, juices or beer. You can do body cleansing in the bathhouse, rubbing it with salt, milk or honey. In the relaxation area, be sure to order a massage; they will give you any of your choice - from a therapeutic massage of the head and feet to a full-fledged Thai massage (if a specialist is available, of course). You will pay for all additional services at the exit.


You can rent roller skates and bicycles on the embankment. And if you decide to exercise, then various outdoor exercise equipment are at your service.

If you wish, visit the bowling alley or billiard room. There are a lot of them in the city now. In the suburbs of Heihe, there has long been an aquatic complex, as well as a “Russian Village” and a botanical garden. But you need to go to all these places for the whole day.

And many people go to the other side solely for shopping.

I wish you a great holiday in Heihe!

In terms of recreational entertainment, Heihe is still far from Harbin, Dalian or Beidaihe, where there are many entertainment and cultural centers. But there are still places in Heihe where you can have a great rest and have fun, and they will be discussed in the article.

In the summer, Russian tourists love to relax, just walk along the Chinese embankment of the Amur River. In all the reviews about Heihe, people say that the waterfront in this city is simply magnificent! Fortunately, it is very cozy and beautiful there - there are many flower beds and green spaces, you can sit on clean benches and listen to unobtrusive Chinese music.

Things get interesting in the evening.

On weekends, elderly Chinese gather, dress in bright national costumes and perform a peculiar dance with wushu elements. The music, of course, is performed live.

For the soul and meditation

Do you want something exotic? Then be sure to visit the Buddhist pagoda, it is located on an island in a forest 100-200 meters behind the Yuandong shopping center. Of course, this is not 100% a temple for Buddhists, but everything you need to perform rituals is there.

Night clubs

Do you love nightlife? Then you need to go straight to a nightclub to relax. It’s not quite the usual place for a Russian tourist, but you can have a great rest in pleasant company.

Chinese baths in Heihe

Many Russians, as strange as it may sound, upon arrival in Heihe, go to the bathhouse to wash, steam and relax after hard everyday life in Russia. All baths there are open 24 hours a day, and your purchased ticket will provide you with a 24-hour stay. Some don’t even go to check into a hotel (there is a list of hotels), but spend the night right in the bath complex, especially if they have few things (those from Blagoveshchensk generally travel with one small handbag, as long as they have somewhere to put documents, phone and money ). The ticket price is determined by what is included in the services of the bath complex. In good baths (Tian Yi, for example), tickets are more expensive than in others, but there are also more prepaid services. In most baths you will receive: a towel and slippers, a choice of gels and shampoos, plus bath clothes for the relaxation room, where you can relax after the steam room and sleep. You will also have steam rooms, showers, a swimming pool and even a jacuzzi at your disposal.

By paying a little extra, you will be given a choice of tea, juices or beer. You can do body cleansing in the bathhouse, rubbing it with salt, milk or honey. In the relaxation area, be sure to order a massage; they will give you any of your choice - from a therapeutic massage of the head and feet to a full-fledged Thai massage (if a specialist is available, of course). You will pay for all additional services at the exit.


You can rent roller skates and bicycles on the embankment. And if you decide to exercise, then various outdoor exercise equipment are at your service.

If you wish, visit the bowling alley or billiard room. There are a lot of them in the city now. In the suburbs of Heihe, there has long been a ski resort, an aquatic complex, as well as a “Russian Village” and a botanical garden. But you need to go to all these places for the whole day.

The city of Heihe, bordering Russia, is one of the popular areas of China among tourists. Here you can find interesting excursions that characterize the features of the region and entertainment for every taste. Before traveling, you should familiarize yourself in advance with where to go in Heihe, where the main attractions of the city are located, and also take into account the features of visiting them and the cost of entry. You can find out more on the website about Heihe vhiehe.ru

Attractions in Heihe

Educational excursions in Heihe can begin with a visit to the embankment of the Amur River, which offers a picturesque view of the surrounding area and Russian Blagoveshchensk, located on the other side of the river.

Active tourists may be particularly interested in visiting the following natural sites and historical monuments of Heihe:

  • Russian-Chinese Park of National Traditions. This place contains interesting exhibits dedicated to the ancient tribes that lived in this territory. There is also a Russian village built here; entry to it is free for everyone. Many historical reconstructions, a small Orthodox church, brick houses and many inexpensive cafes attract many tourists here. A remarkable fact is that the village is based on the scenery of the Chinese version of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”;
  • The Botanical Park in Heihe is still very young and is only gaining fame as a picturesque and cozy place. You can get there over a magnificent bridge that follows the outline of the Great Wall of China. Entrance to the territory is free for all visitors;

  • Longbin Park will captivate anyone with its color, natural surroundings and buildings of traditional Chinese architecture. The park's special pride is the lotus pond. It is located next to the railway station;

  • The ancient city of Aigun, which is part of the Heihe urban district, was founded in 1683 to monitor the progress of Russian pioneers in the Amur lands. Here, in 1858, the important historical Treaty of Aigun was signed, according to which the left bank of the Amur came under the control of the Russian Empire. The historical settlement is located 30 km from the center of Heihe and is definitely worth a visit to get acquainted with the history of these places.

Where to go in Heihe for fun

The city offers a wide range of entertainment throughout the year. Moreover, Heihe is a duty-free trade zone, and therefore cheap shopping, this is especially evident in the cost of clothing. Since the city is located just 800 meters from the border with Russia, the main tourists are citizens of our country. In this regard, the numerous inscriptions in Russian, translated with errors, look especially unusual. These signs are a kind of landmark of this trading city.

Important information for shopping enthusiasts:
  • the most famous shopping destination is Great Heihe Island;
  • on Culture Street there is the so-called Morning Market, which is open strictly from 5.00 to 9.00;
  • In Heihe, you definitely need to bargain, then you can make a really good purchase.

For travelers with children, you can have a wonderful time at the General Vansu amusement park. There are many attractions here and there is also a small zoo. A notable feature of the park is the Ferris wheel, which rises above the Amur. It is the largest park in terms of area in northern China after Harbin Park.

Important information for visitors:

  • The entertainment area is located on Great Heihe Island;
  • Opening hours: 10.00 to 17.00. Entrance to the territory is free, each attraction is paid separately, but there are single tickets.

After an active day, you can continue your relaxation in Heihe in one of the cozy cafes on the city’s Pedestrian Street. In summer it would be nice to take bicycles and ride along old houses, small streets and natural parks. And in winter, you can have a good rest at the Longzhu ski resort, located in the suburbs of Heihe.

The city of Heihe is a remarkable place for many travelers, because here you can successfully combine profitable shopping with viewing interesting sights and take a gastronomic tour of small Chinese cafes and restaurants.

gastroguru 2017