How to find out about the ban on traveling abroad? Where and how to check the ban on leaving the Russian Federation. Is it possible to travel abroad with debts?

Many Russians prefer to spend their holidays abroad, some have relatives and friends living abroad, some are connected with foreign countries on business issues. But not everyone knows that in some situations it can be very difficult to leave the Russian Federation for a number of reasons - from late loan payments to working with sensitive data.

When a ban on traveling abroad is established, how to find out about existing restrictions and what to do if leaving the Russian Federation is vitally important - we will understand these issues in detail.

Common reasons for travel bans

There are a number of reasons for which restrictions on leaving the Russian Federation are imposed:

These are common reasons for border guards to prohibit leaving a country. An important nuance is that a restrictive sanction is always temporary and no one is deprived of the right to freely leave the country for life. In most cases, the citizen is aware of the existing restrictions. Such moments become known during conscription for military service, criminal prosecution, entry into the civil service, when the impossibility of traveling abroad is reported under the personal signature of an employee.

Banning procedure

Things are a little different when restrictions are imposed by a court decision, if there are debts for various types of payments, taxes, financial obligations to a child or loans . An unpaid fine or loan in itself is not a reason for an automatic travel ban. This is a long procedure. You need to miss a payment without a good reason, for example, on a loan. Then the debtor's case must be transferred to the court, which will issue a decision to collect the debt. After the trial, the case is transferred to the Bailiff Service and the debtor has 5 days to voluntarily repay the debt, of which he is notified in the prescribed form.

If a citizen evades payment of a debt, then the bailiff may decide to seize the property, withhold the required amount from the salary, and so on. Also, the bailiff has the right, at its own discretion or at the request of the claimant, to impose a restriction on traveling abroad. A court decision or court order is usually issued as a writ of execution.

The judgment is made in a courtroom, and the presence of the defendant is possible, but not required, if all regulatory rules are followed and the person has been properly notified of the process. A court order does not require the personal presence of the debtor: the document, already in finished form, is sent to the object in a notification manner. After receiving it, you can challenge it.

Both documents, the decision and the order, which become the reason for imposing a travel restriction, have one goal - to collect a specific amount of money from the debtor. Based on them, a writ of execution is prepared. It is either sent directly to the debtor or transferred to the FSSP. Next, the bailiff sends his decision to the debtor. It contains the amount of the debt, details for its payment and the period during which the debt must be repaid. Usually 5 days are allotted for voluntary payment, sometimes more. If the money is not received within the specified time, the bailiff prepares a new resolution, which he sends to the debtor to the Migration and Border Services. It is clear that the document contains restrictions on traveling abroad.

An important point is that the minimum amount of debt to establish a ban has been 10,000 rubles since 2013. If you have an unpaid fine for speeding, this is unlikely to be a reason for the borders to be closed in front of you.

Ban on travel of minor citizens of the Russian Federation

Minor citizens leave the country subject to certain conditions. They must be accompanied by parents or persons on whom a notarized power of attorney (or more correctly - notarized) is issued. A child’s independent travel abroad is possible, but again with the permission of the parents. In some cases, a ban on the departure of a minor is imposed. This happens when one of the parents expresses his disagreement with the child leaving the country and submits an official letter to the relevant authorities.

Ban on traveling abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and civil servants

Some government agencies restrict the right of their employees to travel. Such prohibitions are due to the preservation of state security and existing legal norms. Due to the escalation of the international stop, possible provocation from local intelligence services At the beginning of 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation issued an order to temporarily restrict travel for personal matters the entire management team. The ban also affected ordinary police officers: the decision on possible travel to a foreign country is made only in exceptional situations.

Due to the difficult situation in Ukraine, a temporary restriction has also been introduced on the travel to this country of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service, the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, judges, some deputies and government officials.

To obtain more complete information, you should contact the personnel department at your place of service.

Video: which security forces are not allowed to go abroad and how is the ban managed?

How to check whether a travel ban has been established?

First, find out if you are a judgment debtor. To do this, visit the official website of the Bailiffs at the link: The search is carried out using the database of enforcement proceedings. You need to select a subject of the Russian Federation, enter your data and the system will provide information whether enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you. If the search does not give a positive result, then you can safely go on a trip, of course, if there are no other restrictions on travel. But if the debt is confirmed, then this is already a cause for concern, since the debt may cause a restriction of the right to leave.

How to pay off debt?

The debt can be paid on the same website or through any bank, for example Sberbank (in the terminal or online, select payment to the “FSPP of Russia”). Payment is also possible through ATMs, from a mobile phone account and some other methods.

The debt record is deleted from the database within 7 days after receipt of money. After paying your debts, you should contact the bailiff. His details and contact information are contained in the request response form. Ask the bailiff if a decree was issued to restrict travel. If the bailiff sent the document to the Border Service, then it will take some time to lift the ban.

Other Internet resources

Another site where you can get a certificate of debts, but this time for taxes, penalties and fines - This is a resource of the Federal Tax Service. To obtain information you need to know your TIN.

In addition, every citizen can find out whether he is a debtor on the State Services website!_description. Here you can get information not only about the presence of judicial or tax debts, but also about traffic police fines. You need to register, then enter your SNILS number and password.

Important point: imposing a travel restriction is the right of a bailiff, but not an obligation. Therefore, if you are on the “black list” of debtors, it does not mean that the road abroad is closed for you. To get reliable information and find out exactly whether it is installed or not, visit the nearest Bailiffs office. You must apply in person, presenting your passport.

For what period is the restriction imposed?

Federal laws do not specify for what period the ban is imposed. The only regulatory act where such information is available is the order of the Office of the FSSP of the Russian Federation. It includes a period of 6 months - this is the maximum period during which the restriction is valid. But after six months, bailiffs can again impose a ban by preparing the relevant documents. Thus, it will become, in principle, impossible to leave the country until the debt is fully repaid.

In the event of a ban on travel, the foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation may be confiscated by authorized bodies. This is, first of all, the Border Service, whose employees can seize a passport and transfer it to the agency that issued the document - the Federal Migration Service of Russia (GUVM MVD). The FSSP does not have the authority to do this. Those debtors who only submit documents to obtain a foreign passport will be denied its issuance.

When can the ban be lifted?

The restriction on travel is completely lifted after the court decision is fulfilled and the debt is repaid in full. The period during which the ban is lifted is not established by law. Usually this the process takes from 7 days to 2 weeks. After repayment of the debt, the restriction on travel is not lifted immediately, since information about payments must be received by the Border Guard Service, and this, naturally, takes some time, since the databases of government agencies are not updated every day.

Therefore, if you are planning a trip abroad, payment should be made in advance, taking into account the time frame for the procedure for lifting the ban. There is no point in presenting payment receipts at the checkpoint and any documents confirming the lifting of the ban: border guards do not have the right to accept this kind of paper from private individuals.

How to travel abroad with debts?

What if you have a debt, but still need to leave the country? Let's figure out how to get around the established prohibitions. The access regime at the state border falls under the powers of the Border Service, and at all checkpoints there are so-called “black lists” of citizens who are prohibited from leaving the country. As noted above, there are several reasons for this. These include professional job responsibilities, appearing as a suspect in criminal proceedings, and unpaid debts.

For citizens with outstanding debt, travel restrictions are sometimes imposed. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that you can become prohibited from traveling abroad under certain circumstances:

  • The existence of the debt has been proven in court, there is a court decision restricting travel;
  • The debt was not repaid on time;
  • The amount of debt is more than 10,000 rubles.

There are two ways to travel to a foreign country with a ban: legal and not entirely legal.

First option: emergency lifting of the ban

Legislative provisions provide for a procedure such as emergency lifting of a travel ban without mandatory repayment of debts. But this requires good reasons. For example, a trip abroad is necessary for urgent treatment, solving important business issues, or a close relative has fallen ill or died in another country. Each individual case is considered individually. The bailiff decides on the possibility of an emergency lifting of the ban, based on legal norms, current instructions and his own convictions.

Option two: abroad through friendly countries

You can leave the Russian Federation through neighboring countries, for example, the Republic of Belarus or Kazakhstan. There is virtually no border control when entering these states. The debtor can freely leave Russia by purchasing a ticket, for example, to Gomel, and from there, where there is no Russian Border Service, travel to the desired country. Of course, this method involves some risk, and documents are sometimes checked by Russian border guards, but if you urgently need to leave the Russian Federation, then it can be used. In principle, the citizen does not commit criminal acts, and it is obvious that there are some gaps in the legislation. Belarusian or Kazakh border guards can check whether a Russian is on the international wanted list, and his material obligations in the Russian Federation are of no interest to them.

The formation of debt entails inevitable sanctions. One of them is a ban on traveling to another state. This measure is preceded by many other measures. First, the bank tries to influence the debtor in other ways. These are negotiations, phone calls, notifications. If these measures do not produce the desired effect, the creditor may appeal to the judicial authority. Enforcement proceedings begin, as a result of which travel abroad is prohibited.

This sanction is a way of putting pressure on the debtor. It is preceded by the person being blacklisted. It is a list of those banned from traveling.

Grounds for being included in the database of debtors restricted from traveling abroad

The grounds for being included in the list of those prohibited from traveling abroad are stipulated in the legislation of the Russian Federation. There is one condition for this - the presence of uncovered liabilities, the amount of which is more than 10 thousand rubles. Where possible, we have already written.

However, the penalty is taken only if the case reaches the judicial authority. The right to travel can only be restricted by bailiffs. If this is a pre-trial proceeding, neither banking institutions nor debt collectors can apply this measure of influence.

How do debtors get on the list under consideration? It is replenished if a case has been opened against a person, and the court has confirmed the defendant’s guilt. Enforcement proceedings begin, as a result of which restrictions on travel abroad are imposed. It is not always the case that a person has information that travel is closed to him. Sometimes information about this becomes clear only when the citizen plans to travel to another state.

If the ticket has already been purchased, the trip can most likely be considered invalid. Even if a person covers his debt immediately, a certain time must pass before information about him is removed from the list. Standard terms are 30 days.

It is better to check in advance whether you are included in the list in order to protect yourself from getting into trouble when crossing the border.

Types of lists prohibiting travel abroad

Is there really a special database that displays information about people not allowed to travel abroad? Such a bank actually exists, and it is divided into two formats:

  • A list compiled by collectors and banking institutions;
  • A bank created by bailiffs.

Banking institutions create private lists necessary for employees. This is an internal resource, information from which cannot be transferred to third parties. If private information is published in the public domain, debtors have the right to sue the bank, since this is a violation of the law on confidentiality and personal secrets.

What is it for? Such banks are a resource with credit histories of individuals. If a person with an outstanding debt and similar restrictions comes for a loan, bank employees will quickly discover unpleasant information about him, which will affect the decision to issue a loan.

The list of debtors compiled by bailiffs is a more serious problem for several reasons:

  • This is evidence that enforcement proceedings already exist and are already being carried out against the person;
  • Data from this bank is made publicly available. Any interested person can find out information that a person has been restricted from leaving due to an outstanding debt. To do this, you need a minimum list of data.

The debtor himself can obtain information from the FSSP database. To do this, he needs to go to the official resource of bailiffs. After this, he will be able to get information about whether he is allowed to travel abroad.

The right to travel can only be restricted by bailiffs.

Why are such checks necessary? They allow you to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises. This particular punishment is not always provided for debtors. This is just one of the sanctions. If you have a debt, but you do not know whether travel to other states is prohibited for you, you need to visit the FSSP website and check the necessary information. This will allow you not to purchase hot vouchers that will simply disappear, and not to plan business trips.

How can I check if I have any travel restrictions?

If you want to find out whether you have been banned from leaving, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Go to the official resource of the bailiff service;
  2. Select, in the appropriate column, your status - legal entity or individual;
  3. Indicate the bailiff service that is located at your place of residence;
  4. Indicate your full name;
  5. Indicate the date of birth;
  6. Click on the “Find” button.

Information about whether you are on the list of those banned from traveling can also be obtained directly - through bailiffs. However, this method has many disadvantages. The judiciary is overcrowded, which means you have to wait in line to get information. The institution operates on a specific schedule, which is inconvenient for people with a similar schedule in the service.

Accessing information via the Internet is the simplest solution. In just a few minutes you will learn the following information:

  • Are you prohibited from traveling to other countries?
  • Amount of debt;
  • Start date of the trial;
  • Sanctions imposed on the basis of outstanding obligations.

But these are not the only advantages that the site offers. On it you can not only find out the information you are interested in, but also immediately pay off your debt. After this, you must inform the bailiffs about the fulfillment of your obligations.

What is it for? This will speed up the process of removing you from the list of persons prohibited from traveling to other countries.

It is worth considering that funds to repay the debt do not immediately go to the bailiffs’ account. You'll have to wait anyway.

Is it possible to speed up the lifting of restrictions?

What to do if a travel ban has been issued against you, and you need to visit another state? The most basic way out is to pay off the debt, and the “doors” abroad will be open for you. However, this is not always possible as the debt may be large. Often a person simply does not have the means to pay it off immediately.

There is a more accessible way out. Those who are not allowed to travel can negotiate with a banking institution or bailiffs. The subject of negotiations is finding a compromise option for paying off the debt. This may be the provision of installment plans by the lender. Both parties agree that the debtor will pay certain amounts per month. The collector, in this case, can cancel his demand that the debtor be prohibited from traveling to other countries.

Most often, restrictions on traveling abroad are lifted after the debtor has made several payments and has not violated the terms of the contract.

The lifting of the travel ban may be due to valid reasons. For example, such a reason is the debtor’s work, which requires him to visit other countries. A valid reason is considered by the claimant. He may compromise, and information about the person will be removed from the list. But this option is not always possible. The creditor may refuse. In this case, the debtor will have to resolve the issue of further continuation of work related to travel and flights.

A ban on traveling abroad is one of the sanctions applicable to debtors.

Another option related to the lifting of restrictions without covering the debt is to wait until the court proceedings are completed. It can be completed if the debt is considered hopeless. However, this is only a theoretical option and is not very feasible in practice.

How the legal procedure for banning travel abroad is carried out, watch in this video:

When the enforcement proceedings are completed, the travel ban and other sanctions will indeed be lifted automatically. But you will have to wait for this for at least a year. During this time, all means of influence will be applied to the debtor, including seizure of accounts, real estate, property with their subsequent sale. For this reason, the easiest way to go abroad if you are on the list of defaulters is to pay the debt or get it in installments.

Summer is the time for vacations and travel to warm countries. Many Russians prefer to spend this time abroad. But it’s not always enough to buy a ticket, apply for a visa and pack your things. In some cases, traveling abroad may be prohibited. For example, if there are debts that are not paid on time.

Is it possible to travel abroad with debts?

Debt is a common occurrence in our time, since many citizens take out loans to realize their desires right now, rather than wait for the required amount to accumulate. There is an opinion that any debts to a bank or other organization inevitably impose some restrictions, including the prohibition of travel abroad. This is far from true.

According to Russian laws, if a debtor does not comply with a court order without serious reasons and does not pay the debt, then the bailiff has the right to decide on a temporary restriction on leaving the Russian Federation. The paper is sent to the border service. The document is valid for 6 months. If after this time the debt is not paid, the measure is extended for a similar period.

What amount of debt limits travel abroad?

The minimum amount of debt at which a sanction is imposed is established by law. This is 10,000 rubles. But again, we emphasize only if the debt is confirmed by the court. The regulations specifically clarify that both the bailiff himself and the recoverer upon a corresponding application have the right to initiate a ban.

A debt of 10,000 rubles can arise not only in one case, but also in the aggregate for several decisions. The subject of execution can also be anything - from a traffic police fine to a loan not repaid on time.

If the debt is less than the limit, you can fly abroad without any problems. For example, once the traffic police issued a fine for speeding in the amount of 500 rubles, but the citizen conveniently forgot about it. In this case, no one will be able to prohibit him from traveling abroad.

To make a decision on a ban, the amount of debt must exceed 10,000 rubles; if it is less, no one has the right to introduce restrictions.

Video: Russians cannot go abroad due to debts

Duration of the ban

Only a court can impose a ban on free travel, and only for a certain period - the maximum permissible period is 6 months. To re-introduce the restriction, the bailiff will have to go through the entire procedure again, that is, prepare documents, go to court, and wait for a decision. In other words, a ban imposed once is not automatically renewed after 6 months.

Is it possible to travel abroad with a loan and mortgage?

The border service or the migration department will not simply prevent you from leaving. And they are definitely not interested in the credit history of citizens, the presence of a mortgage and other debts.

The right of the FSPP not to release debtors outside the Russian Federation is enshrined in Federal Law No. 229 “On Enforcement Proceedings”. However, restrictive measures can only be imposed by a court. Bailiffs implement the court decision by sending the restriction order to the border and migration services.

Who establishes a travel ban and how?

To prohibit a Russian from traveling abroad, the bailiff must have a court decision that has entered into force. Having this document in hand, the bailiff opens enforcement proceedings. If the debtor is within reach, he is given 5 days to pay the debt. Then the bailiff, at his own discretion or at the request of the creditor, decides to restrict travel and sends the necessary documents to the border and migration services. After a sanction is imposed, the citizen will not be allowed to travel abroad; their passport may be confiscated or its issuance may be refused. The seizure takes place at the border, then the passport is sent to the issuing agency.

You must understand that the presence of debts, even with open enforcement proceedings, does not mean a mandatory ban on leaving. A bank or a private individual does not have the right to prohibit an issue abroad if the issue has not been examined in court, there is no decision and proceedings have not been opened in the case. In other words, the creditor must first sue the debtor, obtain a decision, and transfer the writ of execution to the FSPP (Federal Bailiff Service). And only then can he demand restrictive sanctions against the debtor. Most often, bailiffs make such a decision precisely at the request of the creditor.

Types of debts that prevent departure

We have already found out that the debt must be confirmed by a court decision. A missed loan payment will not be an obstacle to leaving if the bank has not gone to court and received a decision.

The restriction threatens citizens with debts under various headings:

  • alimony;
  • taxes;
  • overdue loans;
  • utility bills, housing and communal services;
  • debt to private individuals, confirmed by the court;
  • administrative fines imposed by the State Traffic Inspectorate, police, Federal Tax Service, customs service, labor inspectorate, and so on.

The traffic police will send the material to the court if the fine for violating traffic rules is not paid within 60 days. The police will do the same if the violator neglected penalties and did not make payments on time.

In other words, any debts in 2018–2019. may lead to restrictions on leaving the Russian Federation.

How to check debts before traveling abroad

Usually, citizens themselves know about late payments on loans or rent, unpaid alimony and outstanding fines. And they are also most often aware of the consequences that usually arise due to debts: court decisions arrive by mail, the bailiff sends a summons, and so on. But there are times when debt becomes an unpleasant surprise. For example, a person does not live at the place of registration, letters about payment of fines from the traffic police or other authorities simply do not reach him. Or the ex-wife may unexpectedly file for alimony, and this fact will remain unknown to the defendant. There are plenty of options.

To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation when leaving the country, it is advisable to inquire in advance about the existence of debt. How to do it?

Naturally, bailiffs and border guards have information about restrictive measures. It is not advisable to directly address this issue to the bailiff service. The FSSP is interested in collecting the debt from the debtor; a citizen’s attention to this issue may provoke a situation where the bailiff, at his discretion, initiates an appeal to the court in order to close the exit. The best option is to make an official request to the border service.

Check by last name in the register of the Federal Bailiff Service

You can find out about debts already recognized by the court on the FSSP website. You will need to enter your personal data, and the system will issue a certificate of open enforcement proceedings indicating the amount of the debt, its origin and the contact details of the bailiff. The site allows you to immediately pay your debt in one of several ways. You can also pay off your debt during a personal visit to the FSSP office. If you pay using the latter method, the money will be entered into the database much faster than with a non-cash transfer.

The very fact of open enforcement proceedings does not mean that exit from the Russian Federation is closed. The bailiff will clarify the nuances of this issue.

There are several ways to pay your debt on the FSSP website:

  • through Sberbank Online, for Sberbank clients there is also a corresponding tab in their personal account;
  • through the FSSP mobile phone application;
  • through a payment system (Yandex. Money, Qiwi, WebMoney, Robokassa);
  • on a printed receipt at any bank branch.

How to find out about unpaid taxes on the website of the Federal Tax Service

Before your trip, it’s a good idea to make sure you have no debts on taxes and fees. To do this you need to do several steps:

  • go to the Federal Tax Service website, create a personal account (TIN number is required);
  • select the section “Find out your debt”;
  • Enter information in all fields and click the “Find” button.

After processing the request, the system will provide information about the existing debt.

Video: when a child support worker may not be allowed to go abroad

Where to check debt according to the lists of the traffic police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

To find out information about debts for unpaid fines for administrative traffic violations, you need to go to the State Services portal. In your personal account you can check whether there are fines issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Where and how to see the availability of credit debt

Loan debts will also prevent you from traveling to another state. To find out about the debt, you need to contact each banking institution with which the agreement was concluded and clarify information about the debts. To do this, you can either visit a bank branch yourself, go to your personal account or call the credit institution’s hotline.

When visiting in person, you must have your passport with you. To obtain information over the phone, you will have to answer several clarifying questions asked by the operator.

How to lift a ban on traveling abroad

The simplest and most correct way to lift the ban is to pay off the existing debt. Moreover, this must be done in advance, and not a few days before leaving Russia.

It is important to pay off debts in advance. The bureaucratic machine is designed in such a way that it is impossible to instantly free yourself from restrictive measures. Both the imposition and lifting of a ban is the prerogative of the bailiff.

The bailiff must make sure that the debt is repaid, issue a resolution to cancel it and send the document to the control services, which, in turn, are obliged to remove the Russian from the “black list” of those prohibited from traveling abroad. The procedure takes several days or even weeks.

You should not expect that it is enough to pay the debt and take the receipt with you. The border service will not let you out of the country in this case either.

If a citizen is sure that the ban was introduced illegally and violates his rights, he can file a complaint against the actions of the bailiff. You can also send a complaint through the prosecutor's office website. It's completely free. But here you need to be completely sure that you are right, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

Is it possible to bypass the ban?

Until 2017, many debtors resolved the issue of the ban by leaving through Belarus. In February 2017, a border zone with document checks was introduced between Russia and Belarus. Border posts are equipped with terminals with access to various databases, including the database of Russian debtors. In other words, at present debtors will not be able to freely travel through Belarus.

Video: how to legally get abroad while on the travel ban list

Departure via Kazakhstan

Another option for emergency exit from the Russian Federation if you have debts is to travel through Kazakhstan. To circumvent the ban, debtors must act as follows:

  • purchase two tickets (transit and to Petropavlovsk);
  • cross the border with a transit ticket, for the authorities the debtor will be considered a transit traveler;
  • after passing border control, present a ticket to Petropavlovsk and move in that direction;
  • get off in Petropavlovsk and head to the destination country.

Departure via Kaliningrad

This option is only suitable for Schengen visa holders. Purchase a train ticket to Kaliningrad. But the transport leaves in Vilnius, and from there you can fly to any country in Europe.

These methods are not completely illegal. They are simply exploiting gaps in Russian laws. The border services of Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and until recently Belarus are not interested in the Russian debts of foreign guests; moreover, they simply have no information about them. You can return back in any way; no one has the right to deny entry to Russia to a citizen of the Russian Federation. Another question is that upon returning to your homeland, your passport may be confiscated.

  1. Periodically visit the FSSP website and check for any enforcement proceedings open against you.
  2. Visit the website of the justices of the peace in your area, go to the “Judicial Proceedings” section. This way you can find out about the probable debt even before a court decision is made.
  3. Do not contact the bailiff for information about the ban. Perhaps the official did not have time to take a closer look at your issue or extend the existing ban, and the creditor himself did not demand this.
  4. If, in your opinion, the restriction was established illegally, feel free to contact the prosecutor’s office with a complaint. This can even be done on the website of the regional prosecutor's office.
  5. To avoid a travel ban, pay any outstanding debt on time. The need to travel abroad may arise unexpectedly; you need to be prepared for such an option in advance.
  6. Do not forget that it will take several weeks to lift an already established ban, even after the final repayment of the debt.

An untimely fine paid can become a serious obstacle to traveling abroad of the Russian Federation during the summer holiday season. In order not to spoil your vacation and not get into an unpleasant situation when you have to cancel your trip, you need to make sure in advance that there is no debt and no travel ban.

When going on vacation and treatment outside the Russian Federation, many citizens check their debts on the websites of bailiffs and the tax inspectorate. Thus, they want to protect themselves from problems at border checkpoints. Not many people know that traveling abroad with a debt is possible. We will tell you what debts you can leave the country with. You don’t have to unpack your suitcase, even if the debt exceeds 30 thousand rubles. In this case, you don’t have to look for “cunning” ways - everything is in accordance with the letter of the law. So, what to do if the debt threshold has been exceeded and you are on the “black list of those not allowed to travel”?

With what debt will bailiffs be released from Russia?

Not only malicious debtors may be at risk of being banned from traveling. The legislator determined the monetary debt threshold: 30 thousand rubles in total. The norm is new - introduced in 2017. Previously it was three times smaller. But this is just a premise.

Only a bailiff can impose a temporary restriction on travel by a court decision. This process is lengthy: from the moment of the court’s decision to the initiation of enforcement proceedings, at least two months will pass. The debtor is given a 10-day period to appeal the decision.

If it remains in effect, you still have a full 60 days to voluntarily pay off the debt. During this time period, you can freely leave your country of residence.

Need to know, that the bailiff has the right, and not the obligation, to impose a temporary restriction on the debtor’s freedom of movement.

It is not a fact that he will make such a procedural decision specifically in relation to you, and you will end up on the lists of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. But you can only find out about this at the checkpoint. There is a risk of postponing a paid trip. In this case, it will not be possible to return the money for the ticket and the “burnt” tour. All responsibility falls on the debtor.

So, debtors will be released abroad, despite the debt, in the following cases:

  • If the amount of debt does not exceed 30,000 rubles.
  • If the debt is not confirmed by a court decision.
  • If the court decision has not yet entered into legal force.
  • If the bailiffs did not initiate compulsory enforcement proceedings.
  • If measures have been taken to pay off the debt in installments or partially, there must be a private court ruling on this point.

Why won't they let you go abroad?

Restriction of the debtor's rights to free movement outside the Russian Federation begins from the moment procedural decisions are made. If you have not received a court ruling, which often happens due to the work of the post office, you can find out about the initiation of enforcement proceedings on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service:

Access to the database is free and easy. Information is provided after entering personal data into the request fields: name, year of birth, region of residence.

The portal informs about the debt for which enforcement proceedings have been initiated:

  • tax debts;
  • rent payments;
  • fines for traffic violations;
  • alimony;
  • private loans;
  • loan payments (including guarantees for loans from third parties);
  • debt to bailiffs.

An obstacle to traveling abroad is the total amount of debt exceeding thirty thousand rubles. It could also be various fines for administrative offenses, old debts, the total executive liability for which exceeded the fourth ten thousand rubles.

Only a court decision and the initiation of enforcement proceedings by bailiffs can become an obstacle to the debtor leaving the Russian Federation.

The absence of debts on the FSSP website is not a 100% guarantee of the absence of travel bans. Data arrives in the database with a delay of two weeks. You can find out the latest information on all debts and unclosed loans, which may not be in the FSSP database, and the probability of a successful departure from the report by filling out the form below:

How to leave if there is a debt on a loan, taxes or rent?

There are several ways for debtors to end up abroad of the Russian Federation. Some of them are completely legal, others are clever tricks for unscrupulous debtors.

Let's consider legal ways to resolve the border conflict:

  1. The easiest way to travel abroad, having debts and court penalties - fulfill the requirements of the bailiffs. Expect the procedure to take more than two weeks.
    You pay off your debts, the bailiff makes sure that the money has been transferred to the correct account in full. Preparing a resolution to lift travel restrictions. Result: in the updated border service database, you are excluded from the stop list.
  2. A debtor from the “black list” can go abroad, if his goal is to travel for treatment under an urgent quota.
  3. A long way if the debt is huge and there is not enough cash. In agreement with the bailiffs, you are preparing a petition to the court for debt restructuring, partial repayment in exchange for freedom of movement around the world.
    The process will take an indefinite amount of time - it all depends on the speed of the “judicial machine” and the resourcefulness of the bailiffs.
  4. The method is legal, but cunning. The temporary restriction is valid for six months. After the statute of limitations expires, the judge must again make a decision, and the bailiff must initiate enforcement proceedings. Thus, a “window” appears to travel outside the country.
    Sometimes you have to prove that the ban is illegal if the border service has not excluded such a debtor from its stop list.

Restrictions on the rights of debtors who fall under the system of court decisions are not immediately lifted. “Clearing” your debt history requires several stages, lasting at least 14 days.

How to quickly remove the ban after payment?

Even if you pay off your serious debts very quickly, even at the airport, you will have to go through certain bureaucratic delays before the ban on travel is lifted.

To speed up the process of lifting the temporary restriction on travel outside your home country, personally visit the bailiff who is handling your enforcement case.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Give the bailiff a copy of the payment for the entire amount of the debt.
  2. You receive a decree (copy) on the lifting of restrictions. The document must be certified with the appropriate signatures and official seal.
  3. Specify the timing of sending the resolution to the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation.
  4. Start waiting for the final stage, counting a couple of weeks to be safe.

As practice shows, the information will not be processed by the intelligence services before 10 days, which means it will not be possible to lift the ban. These are Russian realities.

Is it possible to fly through the countries of the Customs Union?

For Russian citizens, nothing is impossible if they have a very strong desire to leave; they find workarounds for the border ban. Debtors leave the borders of the Fatherland through friendly neighboring states, where there is no border control at entry, and for exit there is no access to the lists of Russian special services.

To date, two transits have received relative reliability:

  • through Belarus (in a western direction);
  • Kazakhstan (in the east).

There is nothing illegal in these actions: border guards of transit countries check departing Russians only for involvement in an international search. As a rule, the debts of a tourist in Russia are not of interest to the departure-controlling party of the Customs Union countries.

The debt threshold for the ban is 30 thousand rubles.

Voyage through Belarus

You can get to a neighboring European state in three ways:

  • by car (bus) along the international highway M1;
  • by rail all the way to Brest, where you will go through border control at the international airport;
  • by air to the capital, from Minsk take the desired flight to your destination.

If the Belarusian border guards do not have bases for their Russian counterparts, you are in luck - you can easily board a plane going abroad.

This option is not considered a 100 percent win-win. In 2017, the work of the special services of Russia and Belarus began to unite stop lists for debtors of both countries.

Banning travel outside the country is one of the ways to deal with citizens who do not want to answer for their obligations. Due to bureaucratic delays, you can end up on the list of those who are not allowed to leave the country, without even knowing about the existing debt. To avoid such unpleasant surprises, we suggest reading this article.

The legislative framework

The law obliges to inform people who are banned from traveling abroad. This is done in writing, indicating the reasons and deadlines.

Documents limiting the right of a citizen are:

  • court decision;
  • the basis document for the commencement of enforcement proceedings (acts on debt collection, agreement on the payment of alimony).
The debtor has no chance to cross the state border before paying his debt if the following conditions are met:
  • the debtor and border guards received copies of the resolution.
  • the court decision has not been challenged by the defendant;
  • the three-year period of the writ of execution has not yet expired;
  • the terms of debt repayment do not imply payment with property.
You can successfully cross the border only if the following conditions are met:
  • the plaintiff and defendant will come to an understanding and document this in a written agreement;
  • the defendant will pay off the debt.

The plaintiff has the right to apply for a ban, even if the debtor does not repudiate his obligations, but fulfills them in a timely manner. The veto will remain in effect until the defendant pays the entire amount in full.

The issue is regulated by law:
  • The list of government authorities that restrict the right to travel outside the country of residence is indicated in Law No. 229-FZ.
  • The categories of citizens restricted from traveling abroad are listed in Law N114-FZ.

Grounds for a ban on traveling abroad

The following reasons will be considered sufficient grounds for not allowing a citizen to leave his homeland:

Work is closely related to state secrets

Such information is usually contained in the employment contract. The limitation period is from 5 years. Citizens with security clearance of at least “top secret” and “special importance” will not be released.

If the employment contract does not stipulate a restriction on travel, the employer will be able to achieve this by other legal methods.

Work in state security agencies

You can travel abroad only upon receipt of written permission from management, which is given for a period of up to 15 days. To extend this period, you need to agree on a decision with senior management.

Completion of military or alternative conscription service

Male citizens over 18 years of age will be prohibited from leaving if they are subject to a decision on conscription into service (including alternative service). The ban will remain in force until the end of the service.

This prohibition does not apply if there is:

  • deferment from service;
  • contract service (if there is written permission from the commander);
  • obtaining release from service.

Suspicion of committing an offense

The category of suspects includes citizens who were taken into custody until the circumstances are clarified or against whom a criminal case was initiated by taking.

Conviction or serving time for a crime

A citizen is considered an accused if, after the inquiry into the indictment, a document was drawn up involving him in the case in this status.

If a citizen is released on parole or given a suspended sentence, he does not have the right to leave Russia for the entire period of his sentence.

The exceptions will be:

  • amnesty;
  • termination of the case;
  • reversal of the sentence;
  • expiration of the statute of limitations.

Providing incorrect information for travel documents and visa

In order not to fall under such restrictions, it is important to indicate only true data and carefully check what you write in the information columns about yourself. It is important to exclude the possibility of accidental typos or errors. Otherwise, you may be subject to a ban that will last for 1 month.

The presence of an unfulfilled administrative penalty

Information about lists of persons falling under this clause is kept by border guards. The reasons why an administrative penalty may be imposed on a citizen, as a rule, are the presence of an unpaid debt to a government agency, legal entity or individual.

In other words, this ban applies when a citizen has unpaid:

  • fines or taxes;
  • alimony payments;
  • invoices for services of housing and communal services enterprises;
  • loan payments.
If debts to enterprises in the housing and communal services sector, for fines or loans, exceed 30,000 rubles, the citizen will not be allowed to go abroad. The same thing will happen if his debt on child support payments exceeds 10 thousand rubles. Moreover, if he pays the debt within 2 weeks after receiving the notification, information about the debt will not have time to get to the border service.

If a citizen has several unfulfilled debt obligations, each of which is less than 10 or 30 thousand rubles, but together they exceed this amount, a restriction may be imposed on him.

The decision on whether a citizen should be prohibited from traveling abroad because of a debt or not is made by the bailiffs themselves. If you have such a debt, this does not mean that you will necessarily be detained at the border. .

Attempt to leave a child under 18 years of age without the accompaniment of parents or their consent to leave

Law No. 114-FZ establishes the procedure for children traveling abroad.

The ban applies if the minor does not have certified consent to travel from his parents or guardians and travels abroad unaccompanied by his mother, father or persons acting as a guardian or trustee.

If one of the child’s parents has not issued an official ban, there is no reason to fear that the child will not be allowed to leave the country accompanied by the other parent. Such an official ban can only be challenged in court.

The truck driver has a debt to pay in the Platon system

If such a truck does cross the border, it will not be allowed back until its owner pays the debt.

Is it possible to lift the ban on traveling abroad?

If you are not allowed to leave the country at the border, the ban can be lifted. This can be achieved in two ways.

Full payment of your debt

The fact that a debtor has made the first payment on his obligations does not guarantee that he will be removed from these lists. The debt must be repaid in full.

Bailiffs can remove a citizen from the travel ban list. They will do this if they are shown proof of payment of the debt. The process of lifting restrictions takes up to 14 calendar days.

This period can be shortened if the debtor has confirmation that the trip is necessary for the following reasons:
  • the debtor needs urgent surgery;
  • the debtor's relative needs urgent surgery, and he is traveling as an accompanying person.
In these cases, you will need to confirm the fact of payment of the debt and the emergency need for treatment.

If the debtor has paid the entire debt in full 14 days before the planned departure abroad, this does not guarantee that the information will reach the border service officers on time. If their records do not contain information about debt payment, even a document lifting the restriction will not solve the problem.

Challenging a decision not to leave in court

If there are errors in the document on which the ban was issued, it can be successfully challenged. Such errors include:
  • the debtor was not notified of the debt;
  • the date of the decision coincides with the date of payment of the debt;
  • other violations by the employees who issued the resolution.

In order for your appeal to court to be successful, it is better to seek the help of an experienced lawyer.

How can I find out if a person can travel abroad?

There are many ways to find out about your debt to the bailiffs, which imposes a ban on leaving the country.

Receiving information from the bailiff via mail notification

The notification is sent according to the citizen’s registration. By law, he must be notified of the ban.

Checking for a ban through state Internet portals

The most genuine and reliable information about your debts can be found on government services. Such services have a significant drawback - they take a long time to update their databases.

You can check on the following sites:

  • Bailiffs website (] Here you need to enter the name, date of birth and the subject of the Russian Federation where the debtor is registered. The bailiffs website has all the information about proceedings against a citizen.
  • Government services website ( Here you can find all the information about debt amounts and creditors. To use the services, you need to have an account and access to your personal account.
  • Tax service website ( To check the data, you need to enter the citizen’s TIN.

Checking through special online services

Non-governmental verification services can provide paid and free services.

Free services:

  • Service "Rosdolgi" ( The user is asked to enter his personal data (full name, passport details, TIN number and car details, if available).
  • Service "" ( To check your debts, you need to enter your full name and date of birth.
The paid service includes the “Nevylet.rf” service (ttps://nevylet.rf). With its help, you can check your status by prepaying 299 rubles.

Examples of special situations

Situation 1

The citizen paid off his debts before departure, but when checking the debtor database, he still found himself on the list of debtors.

It will take government services some time to exchange official information, from 1 to 2 weeks. Therefore, you should not put off paying your debt until the last minute.

Situation 2

The citizen's debt is no more than 10 thousand rubles, and he was prohibited from leaving the country.

You can file a complaint with the court about the incorrect actions of the bailiff. In this case, it is possible to receive compensation for “burnt” vouchers, air tickets and moral damages.

Situation 3

The debtor has paid the debt and has a bailiff's order to lift the ban. Will this be enough for border guards?

No, it will not. If information about the removal of the decision has not yet entered the database, paper confirmation is not enough to allow a citizen to cross the border.

To avoid unpleasant situations when traveling abroad, you cannot delay fulfilling your obligations. If you are planning a trip abroad, it is better to check for debts and pay off your loans and other payments in advance, preventing the start of legal proceedings on them.

gastroguru 2017