Sacred Altai is the center of the universe. Sacred Altai - the center of the universe Altai is truly beautiful, full of eternal novelty chivilikhin

Writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi:

“... I can only tell you in a few words which corner of our country I liked best and liked... This is Altai. I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life. I lived there in my youth - four years - and I still remember this time as a wonderful dream ... "
Volkov A.M.

Mathematician and writer Alexander Melentyevich Volkov:

“I grew up in Rudny Altai. Snowy mountains, bright rivers, mighty taiga - these are all mine. This is forever merged with me, and Altai adds strength to me.”
Gelmersen G.P.

Geologist and researcher of Gorny Altai Grigory Petrovich Gelmersen:

“Whoever has seen Altai will have an indelible impression of this beautiful mountain world and will give it the most pleasant impression throughout his life.”
Grebenshchikov G.D.

Writer Georgy Dmitrievich Grebenshchikov:

“The longer I live in the world, the more countries of the globe I see, the longer I leave the blue Altai, the more majestic its massifs appear before me, the more inexplicable the rapture of thinking about this region, and therefore I cannot speak or write about it without admiration of the spirit . And not because Altai is my homeland, but precisely because it is the homeland of all humanity, it is the cradle of the world, it is the bell of the earth, and therefore its name is so euphonious, like a powerful bell ringing: Altai!
Gushchin E.G.

Writer Evgeny Gennadievich Gushchin:

“I consider the village of Ayu, which is located in Altai, to be my homeland... Nothing would distinguish Aya from other taiga villages if it were not for the famous Ai Lake nearby. Round as a dish, the water is surprisingly clear and warm, and the depth is eerie. How many years have passed since then, how many other places have I seen, but I have never seen more beautiful places than my native ones. This is where I spent my childhood..."
“... How many years have passed since then, how many other places have I seen: Baikal, and Issyk-Kul, and Lake Teletskoye, and the Tien Shan with its celestial peaks and blue spruces... I saw the lotus lakes of China, the pearl mountains of Korea, but I have never seen a more beautiful native place. Aya lives firmly in my memory and pulls me there unbearably.”
Evdokimov M.S.

Fourth Governor of the Altai Territory, Honored Artist of Russia:

My land for me is the Motherland!
And the Motherland is Altai!
Krylov P.N.

Botanist Porfiry Nikitich Krylov:

“The pearl of great Siberia, one of its best corners is undoubtedly Altai, this wonderful mountainous country, rich in the original harsh beauties of its nature, presenting sharp contrasts in its different parts.”
Likhachev D.S.

Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev:

“Love for the native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which only the growth of the spiritual culture of the entire society can take place. A culture is like a plant: it has not only branches, but also roots. It is extremely important that growth starts from the roots.”
Meyer E.E.

Artist Egor Egorovich Meyer:

“In the distance, like an ocean frozen in a storm, eternal ice shone, between which, lost in the light bluish tone of the sky, the Katunya Sailan (Katun Pillars) rose like a jagged giant. Fogs curled like snakes in the gorges. But where are the words, where are the colors to convey this picture?! You’re racking your brains in vain, looking for tones in colors in vain!..”
Obruchev V.A.

Writer, academician Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev:

“Nowhere else in Siberia can one find such a combination of beautiful mountain ranges with snow and glaciers, alpine meadows, rocky gorges, stormy rivers with rapids and waterfalls, large and small lakes, dark spruce-fir forests in the east and light larch forests in the west.”
Radishchev A.N.

Writer Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev:

“The Ural Mountains, separating Siberia from Russia, make it special in every way.”
Rasputin V.G.

Writer Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin:

“For the artist, the Altai Mountains still remain a dream - wonderful and unearthly, woven from predictions, premonitions and portents, from seductive promises and lures. For the artist they remain a dream, but for each of us they can be the last pre-turning memory of the land from which, with the right work, the earthly paradise could be seen.”
Roerich N.K.

Philosopher, writer and traveler Nicholas Roerich:

“It’s strange and wonderful - everywhere throughout the entire region they praise the Russian Altai. And the mountains are beautiful, and the depths are mighty, and the rivers are fast, and the flowers are unprecedented... Where does this general veneration of Altai come from?!”
“There is a mountainous country in Siberia called Altai - the “pearl of Asia”
“On the high slopes of Altai, old pines and spruces are engaged in peaceful communication. They know a lot - these mountain forests. They stand in amazement in front of the snowy mountain ranges. Their roots know what riches, what innumerable mineral treasures are stored in the rocky depths of the mountains for the future prosperity of mankind.”
“Friendly Katun. Calls blue mountains. Bela Belukha. The flowers are bright and the green grasses and cedars are soothing. Who said that Altai is cruel and unapproachable? Whose heart was afraid of harsh power and beauty?
“And when we crossed Edigol, the expanse of Altai spread out before us. It bloomed with all the colors of green and blue tints. Turned white by distant snows. There was grass and flowers as tall as a horseman. And you won't even find horses here. Such a herbal dressing has never been seen anywhere.”
Sapozhnikov V.V.

Botanist and geographer, traveler Sapozhnikov Vasily Vasilievich:

“Being in Altai only as a tourist is too luxurious for a tourist and too little for Altai...”
Titov G.

Pilot-cosmonaut German Stepanovich Titov:

“The untold country is the Altai Mountains. You have to be Roerich to fully replicate the charm of these places.”
Khokholkov V.F.

Ethnographer Vladimir Fedorovich Khokholkov:

“Altai is the bell of the earth, but not everyone can hear its ringing. Altai is the center of four oceans, but not everyone will feel it. Altai is the home of three gods, but they do not welcome everyone. Altai is a camp of Almys, but you will pass by and not notice them. Erlik’s dissolute daughters have fun here at night, but you won’t see them. At a certain time, the mythical Horse - Argymak - flies from the sky and rushes like a fiery arrow over the sacred Altai, but you won’t catch it, you won’t catch up with it and you won’t ride on it.”
Choros-Gurkin G.I.

Altai artist Grigory Ivanovich Choros-Gurkin:

“And so, among this mighty enchanted kingdom, among majestic nature, among the vast blue mountains, among dense dark forests, through gentle valleys fragrant with flowers, along the golden bottom of Altai, flows the emerald river - the beautiful Katun. It cut deep into the very heart of Altai and meandered like a blue ribbon between the gorges. Stormy, restless, she pressed herself tightly to the giant’s chest and swiftly, noisily flows ahead ... "
“Altai - Everything around is primeval, grandiose and majestic: the mountains spread out in a mighty ring and go into the boundless distance. Soft lines moved one after another, mixed in a labyrinth of outlines and closed in the elusive distance of airy azure.”
“Oh, my Altai! When I come out to your high ridges, like lashes stretching across the blue sky, and from there, from above, I look at your gorges, you stand before me - powerful, untouched, primeval! Wonderful picture!
“There are other famous mountains, but you, Altai, what can you have in common with them? You are not as majestic and magnificent as other mountains, but you are virgin, gloomy and unsociable. You have your own beauty, your own charm. You amaze with your pristineness. It’s as if you are running away from the eyes of cultured people. You are modest and love solitude!”
Shishkov V.Ya.

Writer and engineer Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov:

“I love Altai deeply, and every year my love grows, and I don’t know how I can compensate for the joy and happiness that it gives me every day, every minute. If I were a poet, I would sing of him, I would endlessly glorify his beauty and power...”
“Altai is very good. I've loved him for a long time. I want to sing him, glorify him, but where can I get sonorous strings, where can I get the beauty of the word?”
“... You are mountains, Altai mountains! Who decorated you with flowers and herbs on your spring honeymoon in May! Green, green steep mountains. The rocks jut out and are rough. One, another terrace in front of the mountains. And in the gorges, among the green bushes, pink bouquets of maral are scattered... Isn’t it a white angel at the dawn of the morning that flies from the white peaks of the snow into the valleys and decorates the slopes of the mountains with the hand of heaven.”
Shukshin V.M.

Writer Vasily Makarovich Shukshin:

“Homeland... And some kind of enormous power seems to me there, in my homeland, some kind of life-giving force that must be touched in order to find the lost pressure in the blood. One can see that vitality, that fortitude that our ancestors brought there, lives there with people to this day, and it is not in vain that one believes that native air, native speech, a song familiar from childhood, a mother’s affectionate word heal the soul.”
Yadrintsev N.M.

Writer and researcher Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev:

“My eyes are constantly turned to the blue peaks of Altai, where my heart is left.”
To the point

    Modern library local history What is “local history”, what does it study and what is the benefit of it? Let's look at science using the example of library local history

The image of the Altai region in art is of interest to guests of the region and its indigenous residents. Today, to help those who are looking for good poems about the Altai region, IA Amitel offers its own selection - the editor's choice.

The image of the Altai region in art is of interest to guests of the region and its indigenous residents. Today, to help those who are looking for good poems about the Altai region, IA Amitel offers its own selection - the editor's choice. Enjoy reading!

Mark Yudalevich

In Altai
I have lived here not for years, but for centuries,
and I remember clearly - a furious snowstorm
copper-faced troops are raging
Great Khagan Genghis Khan.
I remember other riders
flying horses steep necks.
What an unkind verse attacked them,
where were the black Tatars rushing?
I saw the Dzungar king here,
unpeaceful king Galden-Tseren,
soaring like a gray eagle over the steppe,
he drove by stern and arrogant.
In the artel of Olonets masters
I worked through the whole season, right up to the snow,
then they dug a protective ditch here
and the fortress was erected for protection.
And they burned piles of bricks,
and built powerful smelters.
From those ovens, bubbling with wealth,
a stream ran, silver, abundant.
In those days I saw a sorcerer
they used to say: he caught the firebird
and put him in the car. And she
will work for people for centuries.
I saw Kolchak's officers
and the pikars of the peasant Commander-in-Chief.
I have lived here not for years, but for centuries,
I know a lot of things in my native place.

David Samoilov


The Barnaul night is high and cold,
And apparently far away on the Ob.
And the wave breaks the star into pieces
About the stern of a wooden boat.

We are having a conversation, looking closely at the darkness,
Where chattering waves rush.
A reddish lantern burns at the stern,
Where the heavy nets lie.

Steamboats sail to the sound of a whistle,
Looking through the lights of the cabins.
The Barnaul night is cold, high,
And on deck they sing a song.

This life flies by, glowing and screaming,
Splash blades along the Ob.
And the fisherman leans on the oar from his shoulder,
And by dawn the sparrows are making noise.

We are going to the islands where the willow turns black,
To fall asleep, leaning against the fire.
There, in the wind, the birch tree sweeps like a broom,
Sweeping away the constellations by morning.

And the dawn is pink, and then silvery,
And then it’s light on the river.
Steamships leave for Novosibirsk
And they hum and hum in the distance.

Alexey Mashevsky


Buckwheat fields, and further, in Barnaul -
Not a cloud, but rain from the azure skies...
All my affairs are here, all my thoughts are drowned
In sliding minutes, your lost weight.
When you're far, so far from home
For thousands of kilometers, scrolled, in a hurry,
Life seems to be barely familiar to you again,
Like a woman in a second floor window.
And Cinderella’s soul rested on the road,
And you are waiting for new secret words, and new faces,
Let not other worlds, but only Barnaul,
Unexpectedly and easily pushed boundaries.

Boris Kaurov

... Come and see with your own eyes,
how they live here in Altai.
Everything is here. Only rivers of milk,
Unfortunately, they don't flow yet.

But we are going to the treasured shore
along his highway.
We are not only neighbors - America
we call for a labor dispute.

We have a precise task.
Heroic work calls into the distance.
There will be time - and rivers of milk
The Ob will flow more abundantly.

Come and any profession
choose for yourself.
Let's work together and sing
glorify our hospitable Altai!

Ivan Frolov

Throwing off my dark blue dress,
In the languid heat of the glow of grief,
Threw herself into Lake Yarovoye
Bright evening dawn.

Only for her, cutting through the glass of water,
Trembling in the azure near the bottom:
Only iron will sink here,
But there is not one living soul.

In a white-foamed salt frame -
The bitter exhalation of foamy water,
Spring Lake by right
It is called Kulunda salt.

In a hurricane I waited in vain for a wave
Between sparkling salt blocks:
The spring storm doesn't bother me
Only slightly strokes the swell.

Let the Kulunda thunderstorms pass,
And behind them - cold, snow and ice...
The frosts do not bind Yarovoe,
And any heat won’t take it!

The lake is mine, isn't that why
We can breathe so easily in the steppe,
What pinches of this strong salt
Is it in our blood, Siberians?

Nikolay Rubtsov

1. Spring on the banks of the Biya
How much litter washed up on the birch trees
Playing hollow water!
Tractors, draggers with manure,
Foals with a passing train,
Geese, horses, golden ball,
Bright ball of the rising sun,
Chickens, pigs, cows, rooks,
Gorky drunkard with a new chervonets
At the counter
and a bush under the window -
Everything swims, drowns, laughs,
Wading through water and mud!
Along the shore of the mad Biya
They drive a herd of bulls on horseback -
And, bending his mighty necks,
The bulls raise a menacing roar.
I tell you: - The deaf will hear! -
And what kind in the vicinity of Biya -
Look - the skies are blue!
I tell you: the blind will see,
And their roads will be easy...

I also say to the dear girl: -
Don't look at me so sadly!
Darkness, snowstorm - it was all
And it passed - smile quickly!

Smile! - I repeat dear, -
So that we are not washed away by the flood,
So that it is not in vain with inescapable strength
The sun was beating like a fountain of rays!

2. Katun makes noise
...How I listened to this noise for a long time,
When the sunset flame burned in the darkness!
Facing the river I sat on a stone
And he kept looking, thoughtful and gloomy,

As we pass by towers, idols, tombs
The Katun rushed like a wide avalanche,
And someone wrote ancient cuneiform birds
I recorded the tune of her epic...

Katun, Katun - a fierce river!
She sings mysterious myths
About how the warlike Scythians walked,
- They trampled these shores!

And Genghis Khan's dark shadow
Over the whole world the sun was eclipsed,
And black smoke flew over the passes,
To the sites of bright Russian villages...

Everything was swallowed up by a hundred-year-old dark mouth!
And everything is in a fabulously fiery expanse
Katun runs sobbing and whistling -
She can't calm her anger!

Sunny June will go out in the mountains,
Sad villages fall asleep in the darkness,
The flowers are silent, the graves are silent,
And you can only hear the noise of Katun...

Irina Serebrova

Altai is a starry sky over the steppe,
Decorated with the surface of lakes;
Altai - clouds leaving in a chain
On the slopes of blue mountains;

Stormy rivers and the song of a waterfall,
The life-giving air of the forests,
Midday heat and night coolness,
Flowers like from rainbow dreams...

Altai! Many songs will be composed
About your wondrous beauty!
You are so many-sided and so wonderful,
Like a fairy tale about a bright dream!

Nadezhda Balakireva

The night over the Ob is black,
Like a black currant, hazy.
The shore collapsed yesterday
Throwing branchy birch trees into the river.
This leafy fleet

Waving branches, asking for help,
And the night boat
Carefully swims past drowning people.

The flash will flash
August midnight with lightning,
And the Ob will pierce to the bottom
Hot thin knitting needles.

Infinitely black
This stormy midnight of August,
And the light of the fire faded,
Thickly painted with darkness.

And bushes and flowers -
Everyone has lost their former appearance.
I'm just part of the darkness
Just a drop in the black night cloud.

Georgy Vyatkin


1. Bobyrgan
As a gatekeeper, standing since time immemorial
Bobyrgan at the foot of the mountains,
Lonely and gloomy, majestic and powerful,
He ascended to the top of the clouds.

In front of him is a boundless, flat steppe,
And behind it there is only a mountain range.
Only mountains alone - both near and far -
Like the frozen sighs of the earth.

He frowned and looked around vigilantly:
"Who are you, wanderer? Our enemy or friend?
If you are a friend, your path will be both bright and quiet
In your endless wanderings.

If the enemy is from thunderstorms, from the breath of storms
The azure above you will turn black."
Wild and wonderful Altai. Fair and harsh
Bobyrgan, lord of the winds.

Bobyrgan is a mountain standing alone on the eve of Altai from the Biysk Valley.

2. Katun
Queen of rivers in an unfading crown,
Born unknown when
In the snow of the peaks, in their immaculate womb,
The Katun is bright, its water is fast.

Between wild rocks in indestructible armor,
To the sound of the forests, silent for years,
Her countless horses are flying
And they never know rest.

Foamed, with a restless mane,
Sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s tender and playful,
Having fled to the steppes, they make noise along the shores.

And up there, new ones will be born,
Rise and leap and rush
In the diamonds of splashes and in the foam of pearls.

3. Proteins
What burns at dawn like a bloody ruby,
Over the expanses of mountains and valleys?
Khan-Altai, aren’t these your squirrels?

What shines in the hot noon hour,
Like a huge, colorless diamond?
Khan-Altai, aren’t these your squirrels?

What glitters under the moon, between the stone piles,
How transparent is an emerald always?
Khan-Altai, aren’t these your squirrels?

What is immortal and in the bosom of future centuries,
Like a wreath of wreaths?
Khan-Altai, aren’t these your squirrels?

Squirrels are the local name for snowy mountain peaks.

Vladimir Korzhov

The Telets whitefish slides in the depths,
Leaning overboard, I peer into the water.
The nutcrackers crackle in the echoing silence,
There is no sign of bad weather.
To Chulyshman, oh, how far!..
Let my reliable engine rest,
The fog, like a goblin, moves easily,
In the steep fall of the cosmos it blossoms...
"Breeze" passes - and Captain Smirnov
Shouts: “Well, what’s wrong with you!..”
I answer Volodya: “Everything is fine!..”
I’m ready to ride the waves further...
We will meet on the beaches of Karagay,
Where is the restless flock of seagulls
Drives shoals into shallow water, -
Belovodye used to stretch here.

Valentin Orlov

We are Talmenians!
Rain and thunderstorms are not uncommon here,
And in winter it’s so cold!
But Talmenka is our ancestors
Founded above the river.
Where the forests stood like a wall,
There the river flowed by itself,
The ancestors plowed the land
And they built houses...
The wind has been blowing for hundreds of years
Over the Chumysh wave,
Our home village is bright
On a bright day and under the moon.
On days of alarm bells
Raised the whole country
And the Talmen soldiers
They went to war...
It is sacred on the land of Talmenskaya
We keep the memory of those
Who died in battles once,
He gave his life for us, for everyone.
Waking up early in the morning,
We see a peaceful dawn,
Thank you, veterans,
We have been without war for many years.
The expanse of forests, fields without edge,
The hum of engines at night and during the day.
On the land of our native Altai
We work, we live.
Our corner of the earth is heavenly,
He is far known
There is no better place than the Altai region
And Talmensky is our district!
Our village, flourishing,
Brings joy to every home.
We are Talmenians, we are from Altai,
We invite you to visit, we are waiting!

Traveling through Altai.
I was hanging against an icy rock. The thought belatedly flashed: “You can’t get through here... We’ll have to go back... But how?!!” The tips of the fingers frantically grabbed the shiny cover of the majestic Mount Aktru, the legs went down, tearing off a thin layer of small stones and exposing the merciless icy essence of the Altai giant. My heart began to beat faster from an excess of adrenaline. But at first glance everything seemed so harmless. Who could have known that a seemingly stable rock embankment hides underneath the icy crust of a mountain, which there is not the slightest possibility of moving without special equipment... But something had to be done urgently - the idea of ​​making the last flight down onto the sharp stones was me I wasn't happy with it at all...

So... The last days of summer, the three of us (me, Vadim and Andrey) decided to spend the last days of summer in the Altai mountains. Altai is a paradise for those who are tired of the bustle of the city and love wild nature. When looking at the numerous lakes, mountains, rivers and waterfalls of Altai, all problems evaporate, and a feeling of peace and tranquility is born in the soul. But Altai can also be harsh towards those who challenge to learn its secrets. Dangers can await unlucky travelers at every step... These are bottomless abysses, which will take your breath away, and the morals of some local residents of the wildest and most remote corners of Altai, who, without regret, can shoot at someone who has frightened numerous goats, sheep or cows grazing in picturesque intermountain valleys and who, on horseback and with sawed-off shotguns, can happily pay a night visit to lovers of wild travel. As our guide said: “Here the law is the taiga, and the prosecutor is a bear...”. The main dangers also include small but deadly ticks and, naturally, poisonous snakes, which are found in abundance in the high mountainous regions of Altai. We were “lucky” to meet one such cute snake when returning from the “king of beauty” Uchar waterfall.

The huntsman warned us that the mountains were teeming with vipers and copperheads, and for the first few hours of ascent we carefully looked at our feet, but after our thoughts were completely occupied by the amazing and beautiful Uchar waterfall, consisting of giant boulders that blocked the path of the stormy stream and formed dozens of new waterfalls (5-10 meters each), vigilance was slightly dulled and, walking first along the mountain path, I almost stepped on a viper basking in the sun... At the last moment, I jumped back with a scream and remained unharmed. The understanding that I was “in the balance” came a little later... But all is well that ends well - Altai spared me and taught me a good lesson - in dangerous places you should never lose concentration, otherwise the price of laxity could be your own life.. .

But let's return to the ascent to Aktra... The road to the top begins in the steppe, surrounded by bizarre desert mountains of a grayish-yellow color and goes through amazingly beautiful places where mountains, forests and rivers alternately replace each other. At the foot of Aktru there is a valley of rivers that merge to form a single powerful stream that washes away everything in its path. In spring, the river valley turns into a lake and getting to the mountain becomes extremely problematic.

On the way to the Aktru glaciers, we learn that a week ago four tourists from Tomsk died here... The mourning slab at the beginning of the path inspires even more pessimism... As we climb, the rock becomes more and more vertical, and here is the first ice... A thin shiny crust covers a dangerous area right on our way... One of our team (Andrey) decided not to risk it and try to get around this place from below, but Vadim and I didn’t like making an extra detour and Vadim decided to take a risk and try to get across. through the icy section without making a detour maneuver, but the very first steps in this direction made it clear that his idea was impossible... I decided to look for a place where I could climb over the slippery section and again feel the rocky soil under my feet. The mountain periodically responded to our presence with small rockfalls, so we had to look not only at our feet, but also up, in order to dodge the falling boulders in time and not fall down with our heads pierced by the rain of stones. I found a place where the ice strip was the narrowest and decided to cross here, but everything went wrong... The seemingly reliable soil on the other side turned out to be just a light dusting of the ice mountain... And now, with the last of my strength, I hold on to the small holes in the cold cover of the stone giant and feverishly thinking what to do next!? But Altai was again favorable to me and I saw the only solid stone, not affected by the ice, reaching which I pulled myself up and returned to solid ground with several quick jerks.
Altai saved our lives and gave us an indescribable feeling of delight from contemplating such wonders of nature as Stone Mushrooms, Uchar Waterfall, Chulyshman Valley, Aktru Glaciers, Teletskoye Lake and many other magical and beautiful places created by Mother Nature!

Municipal educational institution

"Belokurikha secondary school No. 2"




Lesson objectives:

1. Getting familiar with the poems of Altai poets, getting acquainted with the statements of famous people about Altai, collect during the lesson material that will help students collect material during the lesson that will help students create creative work on the topic of the lesson;

2. awaken in students a conscious feeling of love for their small homeland;

3. promote the development of associative thinking and speech.

During the classes.

Calm beautiful music sounds

Teacher. Sit more comfortably, close your eyes. Remember that today you are not in a lesson, but in a creative workshop. The teacher is your master, and you are not just apprentices, but creators. Relax. Set yourself up for success and active work. Close your eyes. Mentally repeat after me:

"I've calmed down. I try to understand and comprehend as best as possible what will be discussed. Now I can easily express my thoughts in words. I become a sociable person, an interesting conversationalist. I have correct, beautiful speech. Everyone listens to me with pleasure, and communicating with people gives me pleasure.”

Draw a globe. You will get a circle. The circle is a symbol of eternity, eternal life. In the upper half, where Russia is located, we will draw a heart.

-What is the heart a symbol of?

A symbol of love, affection...

Mark the location of our small homeland – Altai – with an asterisk inside your heart. An asterisk is a symbol of happiness, good luck, light.

Take a closer look at the resulting image: in your heart, in every heart, the image of a small homeland (i.e., the star in your drawing), the place where a person was born, grew up, spent his childhood, the place where his roots are located, lives invisibly.

I want to continue our lesson with the best, in my opinion, words that have ever been spoken about our homeland. These are the words:

“Altai... My beautiful homeland. Its beauty, its heavenly clarity are rare on earth... My homeland. My. I say this with a feeling of deep righteousness, because all my life I carry my homeland in my soul, I love it, I live by it, it gives me strength when difficult and bitter things happen in life.”

Announcing and recording the topic of the lesson.

“Altai... My beautiful homeland,” these are the words we will call

our lesson.

How many wonderful words have been said about our homeland by poets, artists - and

our fellow countrymen, and those who, having been here once, were forever bewitched, bewitched by its extraordinary beauty, power and grandeur. The famous children's writer lived in Altai for only four years (). But when, in 1958, a soldier asked him for advice on which place to choose for permanent residence, Bianchi replied:

“...I can tell you in a few words which corner of our country I liked best and liked... This is Altai. I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life. I lived there in my youth for four years - and still... I remember this time like a wonderful dream... I would

chose Altai..."

Music. Slides with views of Altai nature are viewed. Poetic lines are read against their background.

In every blade of grass there is a soul,

And the giant cedars are not soulless...

Dear land, how beautiful you are

And the road from the bump to the top!

A. Adarov

And I see my dear land,

There is no more beautiful region in the world!

The triangular Khan Altai rises,

Sparkling in the cold sun.

A. Adarov

This is the music of nature! Who will convey the wonderful harmony of these rocks, these colors? Where is Beethoven, where is Mozart?

I read about Switzerland, I know about Nice,

The region is good, I don’t argue

But with such beauty

Can it really compare?

One hundred Swiss are more beautiful

My dear Altai!

M. Dlugovskoy

At the top of Altai the cedar was swayed by the winds.

It has a golden bark, like the sun.

He is the slenderest and tallest in these mountain forests.

It has an abyss of blue cones on its branches.

Flowers scattered along the slopes,

Like fighters storming the heights...

I. Vetlugin

Flowers are blooming. The grass is growing.

The sun is shining in the clear sky.

And the bird sings merrily.

Oh, how simple and beautiful everything is!

V. Timofeeva

The lake is calm and drowsy.

The mountains are majestic and quiet.

And they lay down their hearts willingly

First autumn flowers.

L. Merzlikin

Like throwing a torch

In the foothills of Altai:

Over the spills of grass -

Lights, lights...

I repeat that Altai is beautiful -

Trees, mountains, sun, clouds!

A. Adarov

Students perform the song “Branch of a Mountain Cedar” (music by M. Starikov, lyrics by G. Panov)

Tired winds rest on the rocks,

Tomorrow we are leaving and taking with us,

Like a good song, a branch of a mountain cedar,

A branch of a mountain cedar and the Teletskoye surf.

Over the belated fire there are farewell sparks,

A branch of a mountain cedar will smell resinous

At my head from the taiga in the distance.

A branch of a mountain cedar, like a green flame,

It will enchant you, make you spin, fall on your shoulder,

A mountain cedar branch will reach behind the locks,

A branch of a mountain cedar will call you to Altai.

Living far from Altai, he wrote: “Whenever they say “Altai”, you will tremble, an instant hot feeling will lick your heart painfully.” What feelings are you experiencing now? Write down one or more words that you would use to describe your state of mind at the moment?

Socialization. Read what you wrote. Listen carefully to others and add to your notes what resonates with you.

Write down the word ALTAI. What epithets would you choose for this word? What Altai is in your imagination?

Socialization. Reading out the words . Complete your notes with words that you find interesting and reflect your feelings.

Now listen to what figurative poetic devices our fellow countrymen, Altai poets, and other famous people used in their poems. Find them, write them down.

: “Altai is not only the pearl of Siberia, but also the pearl of Asia.”

Arzhan Adarov:

And the waves run, silvering under the moon,

And the mountains are on eternal guard,

And my whole Altai is in front of me,

Immortal and endless.

My Altai, my dear, my eternal,

Mnolesny They multi-river,

It's not named for nothing golden.

Pasley Samyk:

Altai is my mysterious,

Ancient, pure distance

You god to me donated

Magical and pure crystal!

Erkemen Palkin:

Wherever I am, I hear everywhere

Your calling cry

Fatherland eternal my,

Altai is my marvelous!

Socialization. Read what you wrote down. Underline the words that touched your heart.

When pronouncing a word out loud or mentally, it is often connected in our minds with visual images and pictures. Write down: “When I say the word ALTAI, I see...” Close your eyes for a moment and try to catch what you see when you say the word ALTAI. Write down what you see.

I am distributing photographs with views of Altai.

Look at them and add to your paintings the ones you saw in the photographs.

Next page “The unique world of Altai”. In the group, read the material that you will now receive. Get ready to read aloud.

Altai lies in the very heart of Asia, almost equidistant from the three oceans of the Earth - the Arctic, Pacific and Indian. In area - more than 260,000 square kilometers - Altai is approximately equal to Great Britain, three times larger than Austria, eight and a half times larger than Belgium.

Translated from ancient Turkic languages, Altai means “golden”. This name reflects legends about the countless riches of nomadic tribes, real deposits of gold in the generous land, and the unique beauty of the mountainous country. Of particular interest is the variety of neighboring natural zones: only here you can see dawn on the plain, midday in the taiga, and sunset of the same day on a mountain pass.

The Ob, one of the five largest rivers in Russia, is born in the Altai ridges. Its source is the merger of Biya and Katun. The deepest cave in Siberia, Ecological, was discovered in the depths of the Altai ridges. The highest waterfall in Russia, the 160-meter cascading waterfall Chulcha, also falls from these mountains.

Teletskoye Lake is one of the 15 deepest lakes in the world. Its length is 82 km, width – 5.2 km, depth – 325 m. The greatest peak of Altai, the two-headed Belukha, is unique in its beauty and natural features. It is easy to find on any physical map of the world. The height of Belukha is 4,506 m.

The Altai resort of Belokurikha surpasses the best resorts in Switzerland in terms of the healing properties of mountain air. In Belokurikha, in the vicinity of the village of Chemal, on Lake Akkem there are more sunny days a year than in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Altai’s special pride is the people whose names are inscribed in history in golden letters. He was born in the village of Srostki on the Chuisky tract. Altai is the birthplace of cosmonaut No. 2 German Stepanovich Titov, the creator of world-famous small arms Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, and the famous poet Robert Rozhdestvensky. This is where Mikhail Sergeevich Evdokimov, beloved by the people, spent his childhood and ended his life.

What are your thoughts and impressions from what you read? What new things have you learned? What did you find particularly interesting?

The teacher distributes poems, words of famous people about Altai. What words and phrases made a strong impression on you and did you especially like?

Let Altai be the spring of my song,

And contrary to all the trendy trends,

I am sure that the song will not be born too close,

Because its spaces are wide!

It contains steppes and snow-white peaks,

And the mighty Ob, and the Toposh river,

And in the taiga, if a couple of Belgians hide,

You probably won’t find it right away.

Mark Yudalevich

Look what region you live in,

Rich in gold and bread,

Blooming meadows, sky,

In lakes splashing the dawn.

Native land! Not to be seen

From Belukha its wondrous width!..

Altai - a pearl WITH Ibiri,

He is free to take over your heart!

Valentina Timofeeva

My dear Altai, a wonderful Siberian land!

I see him either in his winter attire - in the snowdrifts and snowy sastrugi, when the endless distance glows with thousands of sparks scattered by the sun, then in the lush flowering of gardens, or in the unique fantastic colors of autumn. Yes, Altai is good, its nature is wonderful: if winter is so good winter, with all its delights, then summer is so summer! Nothing is given in half, everything, everything is given to a person in full measure.

German Stepanovich Titov, our countryman,


I love this charming region... I love its sky-high peaks, shining with the whiteness of eternal snow. I love wooded hills, shrouded in purple haze. I love the silence of malachite lakes, the insane chatter of fast rivers, the unique aroma of centuries-old cedar thickets, the thin arrows of fir trees pointing into the sky, and the endless scatterings of flowers...

Afanasy Koptelov

My dear home is blue Altai.

I live in Altai during leaf fall and thunderstorms.

I breathe Altai in colorful May,

Altai basking in the severe frosts!

Yuri Gusev

Ridges stitched

Hunting trails,

Forests, inhabited

By timid birds,

The streams are wild,

The peaks are grey-headed,

The fogs are quiet,

Milky, curly.

And the slopes are smooth,

And strong-trunked cedars,

And in glorious songs,

In the valleys there are free horses.

And the summer is red

With a piercing cuckoo -

The land is beautiful

Altai is my amazing!

Erkemen Palkin

My land, Altai,

Your greatness of spirit -

Steppe Kulunda,

Summit Belukha.

Ob plain reach,

The rock that ancient times saw

He didn’t give us bread

And I didn’t offend you with a word.

Frost - iron tears,

It's hot - the concrete is melting,

And my fellow countryman sings

And it flies in space!

And those on earth

Stars are missing from the sky -

Thoughts on the forehead

About the eternal essence of bread.

They make noise in the fields of grain,

And it is light from the bread.

Enviable fate -

Born in Altai...

Gennady Panov

Work in groups. Each person in the group reads expressively. The one who does it better is assigned to read them to the whole class. Answer the questions written on the board, summarize, speak to the class.

What figurative means did you use?

So, we have come to the most important and interesting stage of our work, the moment for which we worked the entire lesson. Now each of you will write your own literary masterpiece (in poetry or prose), your own creative work. In your work, use the words and expressions that you wrote down during the lesson.

Sample topics of work:

1. “Altai... My beautiful homeland.”

2. We have something to love and cherish.

3. You won’t find such beauties on earth.

4. A wonderful corner of nature.

5. “Dear land, how good you are...”

Reading works.

Let us thank each other for communication and ourselves, beloved, for warm thoughts, feelings, experiences, beautiful words. Pat yourself on the head approvingly, saying: “Like in childhood, I want to pat myself on the head with my hand” ( relieves tension, fatigue)


· How did you work during the lesson?

· Are you satisfied with your job?

· What difficulties did you experience?

· What did you like most?


Creative works of students.

Altai, beautiful and mighty,

You are vast and great.

I stretch out my hands to you

With love, pride. For a moment

I imagine these mountains

Your whitish ridges

And these clean lakes,

That they carried the secret of time.

With its mysterious distance

You beckon more and more.

And these wonderful spaces

I will keep it in my soul!

Makarova Tanya

“Altai... My beautiful homeland,” this is what Shukshin said about him. And for me there is no more beautiful place on earth than the marvelous Altai.

Altai is a place on earth where every person enjoys living and everyone likes it. Altai is so different. There are also large mountains, the tops of which are covered with snow caps, mountains from which small crystal streams flow, turning into fast raging mountain rivers. And then fast rivers flow out into the wide expanses of Altai and turn into quiet, calm ones, along the banks of which there are birch groves, thickets of sea otters and bird cherry trees. What person wouldn't like this?!

Guseinov Rafael

I am happy that I live in Altai. This beautiful crystal temple of holy light is located in the depths of Russia. Altai is rich in majestic mountains that rise high into the airy clouds, and endless, unique forests. In Altai there are the most beautiful lakes in the world, the mysterious distance of which cannot leave a single person indifferent. Poets called Altai golden. Many people go on long journeys to see this pearl. It seems to me that such beauties cannot be found on earth, and we have something to love and cherish.

Astanina Elena

Your beauty, Altai, is unique, you won’t find anything like it on earth. Your meadows are beautiful, you look at them and eat. Immortal, endless distance, mysterious world, silence, ringing rivers and beauty. I look around and can’t take my eyes off. And it seems to me that I won’t find a better person anywhere. There’s a birch tree nearby, a pine tree behind it, and a tall cedar tree stands next to me. A mysterious world, a mysterious land - my native and beloved Altai since childhood!

Chernyshova Olga

gastroguru 2017