Pike fishing in spring. Rating of the most catchy wobblers for pike Baits for pike in the spring on a spinning rod vkontakte

If you ask twenty fans of spinning fishing about which bait is best to use for catching pike, fifteen of them will confidently name a wobbler. This fish can be caught well on a variety of artificial baits of various designs and shapes.

Catching pike with a wobbler is an exciting activity, which is also very successful. Surely there is no fisherman who has not heard of this bait.

A huge assortment of wobblers can be seen in almost every specialized store. This advantage of the bait at the same time complicates its choice. The website will help you decide on the right wobbler for pike.

Wobblers: what are they?

Today's fishing industry is developing very quickly. Many of the newest gear models are hard to keep up with. It is even more difficult for beginners to understand every little detail. For this reason, at the very beginning we will try to give an idea of ​​which wobbler to choose for pike, and what types of wobblers they generally have. Specialized stores are filled with a variety of spinning rods, but not all of them are good. We recommend reading.

Depending on the layer of water in which a particular wobbler is used, they are divided into 3 categories of depth:

  1. Deep sea models . When guiding, they descend to great depths.
  2. Subsurface wobblers. They work in different styles: they can “walk” along the surface of a reservoir, but they can also dive to a meter depth.
  3. Surface Models . When inserted, such wobblers do not go deeper than 10 cm.

Depth directly depends on the buoyancy of the wobbler. It also comes in three types:

  1. Sinking wobblers . After casting, they sink to the bottom of the reservoir. As soon as wiring begins, they either begin to go deeper or float to the surface. It depends on the design of the wobbler.
  2. Floating wobblers for pike. They lie on the water surface. They can go deeper due to the blade when wiring, which is moved forward.
  3. Suspenders (neutral) . They remain at the depth where the wiring stopped.

Such baits are also classified according to their shape. They are bladeless and bladed.

Bladed wobblers:

  • Shad - This is a flat bait, similar to saberfish or bleak.
  • Fat – short, tall model.
  • Wobbler for pike Crank – something between Fat and Shad.
  • Minnow – a long wobbler similar to a minnow. It is in great demand and can be called the most popular of all blade baits.

Bladeless options:

The main advantages of wobblers for pike over silicone and other lures:

  • pike can be caught with a stationary bait;
  • similarity to the fish that pike eat in natural conditions;
  • wobblers can be launched with high accuracy over long distances downstream;
  • the bait imitates the movement of fish;
  • various colors;
  • the wobbler immediately “starts working” at the first touch of the water surface; the longer it is in the water, the greater the likelihood of a bite;
  • the bait is equipped with a rattle that creates a noise effect that attracts the predator;
  • increased fishing efficiency;
  • the fish practically does not leave the bait;
  • the fisherman has complete control over the behavior of the wobbler;
  • wear-resistant and serve for a long time.

You need to pay attention to the size of the wobbler, shape and color. The bait can be “natural”, that is, it has a normal color with clearly drawn details: fins, eyes, scales. There are also so-called “acid” baits. They combine bright, unnatural colors. It is curious, but it has been noticed that pike often prefer them more than “natural” ones. Perhaps because “acid” ones are more visible under water.

The size of a wobbler can range from 3 to 30 cm. The most convenient baits have a size of 5-10 centimeters. Wobblers come in elongated shapes that imitate perch or roach, narrow ones that look like fry, and three-dimensional ones that resemble larger fish. It is pike that prefers voluminous species.

Choosing a wobbler according to your fishing location

Minnow class models (Jackall Squad Minnow 80 SP) and Cranky class (Megabass Griffon SR-X) are excellent for shallow water. Deep-sea pike fishing involves the use of baits that dive 5 m or more. Suitable options: Rapala Down Deep, Stretch 1-Minus.

In rivers without current or if it is minimal, you can use any type of wobbler. But in bodies of water with a current, it is wiser to use sinking baits and suspenders. Cranks and Shads are recommended, such as Ever Green Tiny Predator, Lucky Craft Bevy Shad.

The best wobbler for pike: rating

You can catch an active predator using almost any wobbler. But with a passive pike it’s more difficult. In this situation, Minnow class lures have proven themselves to be excellent. TOP 10 most catchy wobblers:

  1. Ima Flit 120 – a narrow elongated suspender bait with metal balls that, rolling, provoke the wobbler to play unpredictably in the water. Price – 700 rub.
  2. Megabass Vision 110 - a slowly rising bait controlled by two tungsten balls, which are built into the body. After casting, the latter increase the flight distance of the wobbler. When reeling, the balls add vibrations, which stimulate the wobbler's play. The bait costs from 1000 rubles to 1500.
  3. ZipBaits Khamsin SR – a small, plump wobbler with a tungsten weight. The bait is cast far enough and balances well. Works great on slow wiring, has many color options. The average price is 700 rubles.
  4. Lucky Craft Pointer 100 SP - a wobbler that is recommended for use in almost any body of water where pike are found. It makes a good noise, attracting pike. When idle, it does not stop oscillating. Approximate cost – from 900 rubles.
  5. Owner Cultiva Rip'n Minnow 112 SP – a great bait for a large predator. Balances well, allowing you to perform. Price – from 300 rubles.
  6. Jackall Squad Minnow 80 SP – suitable for twitching. It sinks well to the required depth and contains all the wiring. Cost – from 600 rubles.
  7. ZipBaits Orbit 110 SP – long-bodied bait with a brass weight. In the water it looks like a fry feeding on plankton. You can purchase it at a cost of 700 rubles.
  8. Rapala X-Rap 10 – a sensitive bait with good catchability and aerodynamics, allowing long casting. Wobbler price – from 600 rubles.
  9. Jackall Tiny Magallon – a two-piece narrow-body suspender for fishing in shallow water. Cost – 1100 rubles.
  10. Yo-Zuri L Minnow 66 – a sinking bait with good flight and play characteristics in the water. It is equipped with a cylindrical weight, which at the same time plays the role of a “rattle”, attracting pike. Price – from 350 rubles.

Wobbler for pike in spring

It is very difficult to catch, since she is not yet active. From the beginning of the ice melting to spawning, the water in the rivers is still quite cool, and the predator prefers to move less. And when spawning is completed, the pike rests until the reservoir warms up. As an exception, young, immature specimens can be distinguished.

The best wobblers for spring fishing:

  1. MEGABASS FLAP SLAP – looks like a small crucian carp. The most suitable is uniform. Works great all year round. Also, this is one of the best wobblers for catching pike from the shore. In the spring, it is recommended to increase pauses during wiring.
  2. EVERGREEN SLEDGE ESCARD - a bait that goes down a meter. It is recommended to use straight wiring without stops. There is a weight for long casts.
  3. MEGABASS X120 - looks like a minnow. The recommended type of wiring is jerking with two-second pauses.
  4. JACKALL SMASH MINNOW 110 - a flattened wobbler that dives to a depth of one meter. It is recommended to fish in spurts. The tees on the wobbler will practically not give the pike a chance to get off.
  5. MEGABASS Х80 TRICK DARTER – is Shad, any wiring. Pauses also don't really matter.

Wobbler for pike in summer

When summer begins, the predator becomes active and hunts more zealously. Pike likes to set up ambushes, waiting for prey in thickets, between snags, in various holes... The fish prefers to be at depth. Therefore, the wobblers also need to be changed.

Let's look at which wobblers are best for catching pike in the summer:

  1. ZIPBAITS ORBIT 110 SP – immersed in water to a depth of 1.2 meters. Fishermen note this wobbler as one of the best today.
  2. RAPALA X RAP – they call him “The Pike Killer.” Fishermen recommend it to both professionals and beginners in hunting toothy predators. Recommended wiring is jerking.
  3. JACKALL SQUAD SHAD – working depth – two meters. The weight with which the bait is equipped has a sound effect. When guiding, it “dives” perfectly in different directions.
  4. YO ZURI L MINNOW – attracts pike by plunging into the depths and beginning to sway. It is recommended to wait until the bait sinks, and then start retrieving in jerks, making short pauses.
  5. ZIPBAITS RIGGE 90F – this wobbler comes in two types: floating and sinking. The latter is buried to a depth of two meters. The first one has proven itself at a meter depth. Ideal for twitching.

Wobbler for pike in autumn

Many fishermen love it, since it is during this period that the “hunt” for pike is successful and interesting. The water temperature drops, predators become more active and move from the depths closer to the surface. In September, before the vegetation in the reservoirs disappears, twitching wobblers with a length of up to 15 cm are recommended. Minnow class. First, you can fish with them in windows that are clear of plants, and then on top of vegetation that has sunk to the bottom.

The autumn pike feeding season lasts the longest. At other times of the year, this predator does not bite so often. In October, the predator begins to move to depth and Fetas and Cranks with a good diving depth are excellent for catching it. Any experienced fisherman can tell you which wobbler is best for catching pike in the fall. It is better to select wobblers that can sink to the very bottom. The recommended length of the bait is up to 13-15 cm, the size should also be impressive.

If there is spring warm no special preparation is needed. Go fishing and have fun! If a strong wind blows , then you should think about the comfort of your stay on the pond. Don't forget a warm sweater, raincoat, gloves, and hat. Put life jackets in the boat, do not neglect safety.

The main thing to remember is that springthe weather is changeable,and the sun quickly gives way to a cold piercing wind. Therefore, warm clothes and tea in a thermos will certainly come in handy at this time. You understand that if you get cold, you won’t get pleasure from fishing, but you can easily get a cold.

Features of spring pike fishing

Pike is a predator that can be caught well with a spinning rod. Fishing in the spring is not difficult, since during the winter the fish have become hungry and are actively biting on bait. Trophy specimens are rare; they live in places where it is difficult for fishermen to reach.

You can catch pike in the spring in any body of water after it got sick and spawned. If this does not happen, you can’t expect active fishing.

And yet, experienced fishermen divide the spring fishing of this predator into 2 stages:

  • pre-spawning feeding stage;
  • stage of post-spawning zhora.

After the end of winter, pike tries to recover before spawning. However, this period is short-lived, only a few days, so due to bad weather and bad roads, fishermen do not try very hard to catch it. Afterwards the active throwing of the game begins, when the pike, busy with spawning, doesn't pay attention on bait.

Pike exhausted by a long absence of food actively peck after spawning. This period lasts up to two weeks.

Read about the fishing ban in your region during this period. Spinners can find points concerning their hobby in the legislation of Russia and Ukraine.

River pikes differ from their lake relatives. They are much more energetic, so active wiring is necessary.

For successful fishing, choose early in the morning from 7 to 10 am or the period after 16 hours.

The best place for fishing is shallow water areas, where last year's vegetation has been preserved.

The predator shows its presence with characteristic bursts.

Which equipment should you choose?


Depending on whether the cast will be cast from the shore or from a boat, the choice of spinning rod is made. Pike are practically not afraid of the fisherman, so it is possible to get close to the fish. Length suitable for shore 2.7 m, for a boat - 2.1 m. It is better to opt for models with flexible tip. Self the rod must be stiff, in order to successfully cut through a large toothy pike mouth.

On the river there is a need for long casting.

  • Graphiteleader
  • Tenryu,
  • Daiwa,
  • valley hill,
  • Fujitsu,
  • Megabass.


It's better to choose lightweight spinning reel.

Make sure you have an extra spool.

The coil is in constant motion, so the main requirement for it is strength and the presence of at least five bearings.

Eliminate backlash completely, otherwise you will be left without a catch or with a broken reel.

  • Ryobi,
  • Banax,
  • Mitchell,
  • Shimano.

fishing line

The main criterion is dark color fishing line, blue or green. It is better to use monofilament no thicker 0.4 mm. The amount of fishing line wound on the reel depends on the depth of the fishing spot. If it's 8 meters, that's enough 15-20 m. fishing line

It's worth paying attention to the data fishing lines:

  • Fire Line,
  • Power Pro
  • Sunline super.

The best baits suitable for spring fishing or what to fish with?


After using wobblers numerous times, you will learn to jerk, which will make the fish attack the bait even more.

Will do suspender (sinking wobbler), with it you can recreate the effect of a sinking bait. This will work in favor of the fisherman, since in the spring the pike is not yet very active and You don't need a fast-moving bait. The fish may simply not pay attention to such bait.

Wobblers are distinguished:

  • floating(remains in the water after casting);
  • drowning(they have a large mass, suitable for long casts);
  • suspenders with neutral buoyancy (the bait hangs in the water, imitating a sick fish).

Types of wobblers:

  • Minnow. Outwardly they resemble the body of a bleak. With the help of a special “tongue” they vibrate in the water column. Some imitate the movement of a snake, others waddling from side to side.
  • Sheds. Designed for fishing in water bodies with fast currents. The shad's body is quite wide.
  • Fet. A good choice of bait for pike in the spring on a spinning rod. With a thick body and blob-like appearance.

You might want to make a wobbler with your own hands. For this it is better to use wood or foam. Cut out 4-10 cm the shape of a small fish, make a slot near the mouth, install holders near the tail and belly and cover with paint and varnish.

You can select several companies:

  • Jaxon,
  • Owner C'ultiva,
  • Strike Pro.

Spinner (rotating spoon)

Favorite equipment for experienced fishermen. With her hesitation she is capable lure a hungry pike. It is necessary to cast at a short distance from the fish. The pike will not resist throwing during a long retrieve. At the beginning of May, spinners displace all other baits in terms of the number of fish caught.

For pike fishing, rotating spoons of the type "Comet". Mepps and Bluefox have proven themselves.

Leading the turntable straight forward(controlling the spinner, sometimes changing the fishing horizon), undulating(similar to a jig, just don’t let the spoon fall to the bottom by making 3-4 turns with the reel).

We suggest considering the following companies:

  • Mepps,
  • Kuusamo,
  • Spinnex,
  • Wirek,
  • Jackson,
  • ACME,


Having determined that the water is cold, use a lower speed with the oscillator and vice versa. Pike in cold water metabolism decreases. However, exceptions are not uncommon. Use the wiring method that is optimal for you.

Oscillators often used in the fall, therefore, in the spring they are not in particular demand among fishermen. If you use them in the spring, they should be in provocative colors with a holographic sticker or a fish with painted scales, reminiscent of a perch.

Pay attention to these manufacturers How:

  • Atom,
  • Successful,
  • Colored,
  • Syclops,
  • Effzett,
  • Rassanen,
  • Kastmaster,
  • Eira.


Optimal for overgrown reservoirs. They must be large (from 12cm in length to 20 in height). The silicone skirt should be full and long. Firmly hook the hook onto the frame. Small petals will not attract large pike, and we are not interested in small fish.

It's good to use a spinnerbait along the edge of the grass, near the reeds. Completely unsuitable in areas with duckweed on the surface of the reservoir. Beware of stumps and snags, so as not to lose the bait.

If you have not yet decided on your choice, then we bring to your attention several worthy options:

  • Pike,
  • spinner,
  • Bomber,
  • Booyah.

Silicone baits

Pike can bite on any silicone and still give preference twisters and vibrotails. The choice in fishing stores is great; you can buy worms, lizards, and leeches. The leash when casting silicone bait is characteristic long casting and waiting to touch the bottom. Afterwards there is a slow retrieve at the bottom.

These are popular silicone baits like:

  • Mr. Twister,
  • Mann's, Relax,
  • Bass Assassin.

3 ways to increase your fish catch

There are many ways to increase your fish catch, but the most effective ones are. Below, the site editors share with you the 3 most effective ways to increase your catch:

  1. . This is a pheromone-based additive that activates receptors in fish. ATTENTION! Rybnadzor wants to ban this bait!
  2. Any other baits with flavorings are less effective; it is better if they contain pheromones. But it’s most effective to use new 2016 — !
  3. Learning different fishing techniques. For example, it is written about spinning wires.

Foam rubber baits

We can say with confidence that these are the best lures for catching pike with a spinning rod in the spring, if they self-made fisherman The purchased ones have many disadvantages.

There is a small selection of sizes and colors on sale, and the polyurethane layer of large types gives the bait unnecessary weight.

If you decide to make a foam fish at home, you need to cut it in half, insert the hook into the cut and glue it with glue. For an offset hook, cutting is not necessary.

This type of bait does not have its own trajectory, so you need to get used to it. change types of wiring, constantly carrying out wave-like movements and movements along the bottom.

Jig, twister and vibrotail

The most successful among jigs is edible, and then regular silicone. Try to choose twisters and jigs bright colors, which will provoke the pike to hunt. The size of the jig head must match the bait and the fishing location.

In still water Ten-gram weights are optimally convenient, and in the presence of a current, a weight of fifteen grams is needed.

At great depth and strong current You can’t do without thirty-gram weights and massive silicone baits. When fishing, take a variety of different jigs with you, as pike sometimes cut them off.

Bait as bait

Small ones work well perch or roach. Be careful when baiting with live bait; it is better if the pike bait on the spinning rod is still alive in the spring. Check the activity of the live bait as you go.

For fishing in lakes, live bait is placed on a hook by piercing its back with the hook. On a river, pierce through the gills or attach the bait by the upper lip. When hooked in a timely manner, the hook will pierce through the corner of the pike's mouth or the roof of the mouth.

To catch live bait, use hoist-lifter. You put it in the water and it attracts a lot of fish. Abandon or create turbidity. After you see the fish flickering, raise the trap sharply. You can use a float rod to catch live bait.

Somewhere in early March, the spring feeding of pike begins. This is the period when the ice begins to actively melt and places appear on the river where there is no longer ice and the pike begins to prepare for spawning. At this time, she can rush to any bait, since before spawning she needs to gain strength and energy. This is the so-called pre-spawning zhor.

The moment of pre-spawning feeding goes unnoticed for fishermen, since at this time the weather is not favorable for fishing. As a rule, at this time there is a lot of mud, which makes travel to reservoirs difficult, and who would want to walk along the shore of a reservoir in rubber boots for a long time, especially since this period does not last so long: only a few days.

Then the pike spawns. During this period, it does not rush to any bait, so there is no point in going after the pike.

After the pike spawns, you can count on a catch. She comes out of the spawning period hungry and is not averse to catching something and profiting. It is during this period that she is again able to rush in pursuit of bait that she likes.

Using all these periods in the life of pike, you should remember that fishing is prohibited during the spawning period, although the legislation contains some exceptions for spinning anglers.

The best ways to catch pike

During the post-spawning period, pike can be found in dense vegetation, where it lies in ambush and waits for its prey. The best biting time is from seven to ten in the morning, and also after 16 o’clock, in the late afternoon.

It should be noted that there are lake and river pikes. The difference is that river ones are more active, since they constantly have to fight the current. Based on this, different types of wiring are used: for lake pike, slower wiring, and for river pike, more intense wiring. This is due to the fact that life in the river is more active, and the fish in the river behave somewhat more lively.

Spring baits for pikes

During the spring zhora, the pike becomes greedy and is able to attack a bare hook, and nevertheless, there are baits that can provide a good catch.

Oscillating spoon

This type of spinner is always present in the arsenal of an amateur fisherman, capable of provoking a pike to attack during the spring feeding period. The pike can take the bait the moment it hits the water and slowly lowers it in the water column before the start of the retrieve. This can happen when the lure falls close to the pike's anchorage. Otherwise, it may chase the bait after it is detected, or attack it from cover when the bait is held close to the cover. When fishing for pike, spinners use several techniques for guiding an oscillating spoon.

Roach, perch, and crucian carp are best suited for this purpose. Usually small specimens are chosen, from 5 to 7 centimeters long. As a rule, a live, freshly caught and quite active specimen is used. In order for the baitfish to remain alive as long as possible, it must be properly placed on the hook.


Such baits are also used for catching predators. Among them there are models that always make fishing productive. Wiring techniques are somewhat different from wiring other lures. You can learn more about them by watching videos that present the most catchy wobblers, and also get acquainted with the basic wiring techniques. This is due to the fact that wobblers can be floating, sinking and neutral, and each of these types requires its own technique.


A spinning spoon can be more effective than an oscillating one. She plans the fish's movements more realistically. This plausibility is ensured by a rotating petal, which also creates vibrations in the water, additionally attracting pike. The most catchy ones are the spinners with a narrow petal, such as the “Willow Leaf”. It imitates the movement of the fry very well.

Silicone baits

Silicone baits are a more “advanced” and more modern type of bait, which has several varieties. Moreover, pike can peck on vibrating tails, twisters, crustaceans, worms, etc. These are baits that more realistically imitate the movements of fish and other animals or insects. Recently, the types of silicone baits have begun to be replenished with toads, crustaceans, mice, etc. This amazing material has made a major breakthrough in fishing technology.

Spinning fishing for pike requires not only the presence of bait, but also other accessories that are also necessary during fishing. Here are some tips:

  1. A fisherman must have a special tool in his arsenal that allows him to pull hooks out of a predator’s mouth. This is due to the fact that pike have sharp teeth. The wounds received from its bite may not heal for a long time.
  2. During the feeding period, the pike spends more time in shallow water, so there is no point in making long casts and fishing in the depths. This is due to the fact that shallow water warms up faster and the pike becomes more active in search of food. In this regard, fishing the water area should begin in shallow water with constant movement to depth. If you do not follow these recommendations, then the very first cast to depth can ruin your entire fishing trip.
  3. In the period after, it is recommended to use a slow retrieve technique, since pike are not so active that they chase fast baits.

Common mistakes of beginning spinning players

Choosing gear that is too rough

Novice fishermen, in general, are not critical of the choice of gear, coarsening it with thick fishing line. In addition, they incorrectly select the rod structure in relation to the baits used, and this is very important. A spinner should have at least two rods in his arsenal: one soft and one hard. A soft rod with a test weight of up to 15 grams will be suitable for lures up to 10-15 grams, and a harder rod with a test weight of 15 grams and above will be suitable for heavier lures.

Long cast

Sometimes it is simply necessary to use the long-casting technique; for this you need the appropriate gear. First of all, you need to make sure that it is not a thick, but reliable fishing line. You won't be able to cast a thick line very far. For long casting it is better to use braided fishing line. It has a greater breaking force than monofilament line, with the same diameter. The ability to cast far and accurately, especially when fishing distant snags, is an integral part of a spinner’s skill.

The pike fishing season begins in early March, often when there is still ice on the water. At this time the so-called zhor, when the pike begins to actively take any bait, trying to reward itself for the long hungry winter. It is at this time that it begins Golden time spinning fishing."

What's good about springtime?

Active pike fishing in the spring can be divided into two stages: pre-spawning zhor (pike fishing in early spring) and post-spawning zhor.

Pre-spawning zhor gives the pike the opportunity to recover from winter in anticipation of spawning. It does not last more than a few days and is rarely subject to the close attention of fishermen due to not very favorable conditions, such as muddy roads and fairly windy and chilly weather.

This period ends the beginning of spawning, during which the fish come very close to the shore and stop paying attention to what is happening, busy throwing eggs. Attempts to catch pike at this stage are doomed to failure.

Post-spawning zhor begins after pike, exhausted by a long lack of food, stop spawning - I think this is logical. Fishing is especially successful over the next four days, although active behavior of predators is observed for at least two weeks.

The best ways to catch pike

The optimal time for a good pike bite is in the morning (from seven to ten) and evening hours (after 16) in places where there is lush aquatic vegetation. It is there that pike, weakened by spawning, hide in anticipation of prey.

Should distinguish between lake and river pikes, the latter are much more energetic than their slower sisters, accustomed to the absence of current. Therefore, on a river, fishing with a spinning rod should be much more intense than in still water.

Fishing is the most successful during the pre-spawning period, at the moment when the ice has not completely melted. Experienced fishermen cast the bait as close to the edge of the ice floe as possible and begin to lead it in the upper layer of water, since pikes have a habit of rushing after the spoon from under the ice.

Spring baits for pikes

Pike is known to fishermen as a greedy and not very cautious fish, especially in the spring, when it is ready to grab an almost bare hook.

But, although it is not picky, there are certain types of baits that invariably bring success to fishermen.

Oscillating spoon

One of the favorite tools of avid fishermen, an oscillating spoon can attract any pike in the spring with its mesmerizing leisurely movement.

It is best to cast this bait a few meters from the intended location of the predator, which simply cannot resist throwing during a long retrieve.

For such bait, it is best to choose small-sized fish, such as roach or small perch. The bait should still be fresh; it is best if it is still fluttering - this way there is a greater chance of attracting the attention of a predator, so you need to be careful when placing live bait. You can find out more about planting live bait in the article “”


One of the well-proven types of baits are wobblers, and among them there are models that have received popular recognition and respect - “”.

  • One of the necessary tools in spring pike fishing may be ordinary pliers in order to get the hook, because pikes have very sharp teeth, and the wounds they inflict are painful and take a long time to heal.
  • The best time to look for pike is in the spring. in shallow water, where she rests after spawning and then goes deeper. It is also worth remembering that pikes come to spawn in small groups, and where one was spotted, there may well be up to ten more individuals of different sexes (mostly males).

Common mistakes of novice fishermen

Choosing gear that is too rough

The indiscriminate nature of pike has given novice fishermen the impression that the predator is not picky. Therefore, when choosing gear, they are guided by the principle of reliability, choosing rough but strong gear that can withstand a large fish. But such an approach can justify itself only in the very first days after spawning, since the rest of the time a well-fed pike is attentive and careful, and rough tackle will simply scare it away.

Long cast

Another mistake beginners make is excessive love for long casts in search of larger fish. This generally correct approach is spoiled only by the fact that adult individuals are much more more critical of smooth, constant wiring, and beginners do not have this skill.

Chasing a large trophy, they ignore the coastal zone, where most young pike spend their time in thickets and near snags. willing to take the bait.

Of course, there may also be holes and shelters further from the shore, but a good catch is guaranteed only to those who know the bottom topography well.

It is also worth remembering that pike does not like to chase prey, she's a one-shot master and the closer the bait lies to its resting place, the greater the chances of a successful bite.

It's spring outside. The rivers broke free of the ice quite early this year, but I managed to quench my thirst for open water fishing a few days before the ban. I always strive to go fishing during this short period, since I am still active and gaining strength before spawning. In addition, I had the goal of testing several new shallow water wobblers. Looking ahead, I would like to note that they did an excellent job.

Fishing place

For catching pike in early spring, I can recommend shallow areas of reservoirs. These can be bays of large rivers, straits, areas in front of islands and their ends. For my fishing I chose a shallow bay. In summer it becomes completely overgrown with algae and it becomes impossible to fish in it. And now it’s difficult to find a more suitable place. There is no aquatic vegetation, the water warms up well during the day under the spring rays of the sun, in my experience, the predator must be active.

So why shallow water? Firstly, before the onset of spring, all fish (and not only predators) begin to accumulate in schools and move to shallow places where spawning will take place. Secondly, the fry is the first to try to leave the pits and quickly enjoy the spring sun and warm water, attracting a hungry predator with it. Thirdly, at this time many streams flow from the fields and melt water carries with it a lot of food for peaceful fish. Most likely, there will be a pike somewhere nearby.

Fishing tactics

I go ashore. I visually assess the water area in search of a promising place. I see a lot of fry scurrying around and very clean water. The depth at the fishing spot does not exceed 1 m, mostly 30–40 cm. Accordingly, when fishing in shallow water with clear water, the first casts must be made without coming close to the shore. Very often bites happen right under your feet. It is ideal if there are natural shelters for the fisherman on the shore, such as bushes or tall grass. It's a good idea to squat a little and choose gear that allows you to blend into the terrain. Having fished the coastal zone, you can approach the water’s edge and fish distant areas. Casting should be done with a fan. I usually make two or three casts to the opposite bank, as close to the grass as possible. This is where the largest number of toothy bites occur. Then casts along the grass and several diagonal ones. Thus, in seven to ten casts I work out the fishing area quite well. If a fish bites, I pay closer attention to the point. If not, then you shouldn’t stagnate in one place. Active movement and search for fish always bring better results than torture or waiting.

Tackle and fishing technique

Hundreds of articles have been written about gear; in my opinion, it’s still a matter of taste. I will only dwell on the main points inherent in the fishing conditions in question. I don't see the point in using rough tackle. A spinning rod with an upper test limit of up to 15–18 g will be quite sufficient, because we mainly fish with wobblers up to 90 mm long. According to my observations, in early spring pike react poorly to large baits. I most often use wobblers 60–80 mm long. This is due to the fact that the large pike is now full of eggs and does not have any living space left for large prey. But let's get back to the gear. Lightweight spinning allows you not only to send small-sized baits far and accurately, but also to delicately move the wobbler in any local place. Be it a nook among the grass, a lonely bush sticking out, or thickets of underwater vegetation. The reel should not disturb the balance of the tackle and have a fairly good laying of the fishing line or cord. In accordance with the gear, and is selected. I recommend using braided cord. It has a sufficient margin of safety and, most importantly, allows you to get full contact with the bait.

Now I’ll focus on the fishing technique. Despite the fact that it is getting warmer every day, the fish are still extremely lethargic. Cold water leaves its mark on the activity of fish. This means that in order to have at least some chance of success, it is necessary to use extremely slow wiring. Of course, this is twitching! Twitching with very long pauses between twitches. I believe that regardless of the activity of the fish, a slow retrieve is always preferable to a fast one. All the requirements are met by my newbies, which I took to try out. These are Tantalisa-70JF-SR and Bent Minnow 76.

Both wobblers in natural colors and their technical characteristics are perfectly suited to the shallow water conditions of this reservoir. The Bent Minnow was the first to go into battle. It must be said that for such a strange non-aerodynamic shape and a mass of only 4.3 g, the bait flies quite far. The mesmerizing play of the wobbler simply amazed me. These unusual somersaults could not leave the predator indifferent. And while I was experimenting with wiring, a good pike bit. This masterpiece from OSP will undoubtedly become my favorite. I slowly fish out the predator. At first glance, it contains about 700 g. As always, a photo for memory - and I let the pike grow further.

Now I have been fishing with the Bent Minnow for quite some time and I can say that single jerks are more suitable for it than a series of two or three jerks.

Now the Tantalisa-70JF-SR is in use. First I make short casts and see how the wobbler behaves in the water. I would like to note that thanks to the two-part design of the wobbler, its game is very naturalistic. Having selected the optimal wiring, in my opinion, I make the first cast. I move the wobbler along the shore, next to the coastal vegetation. The first casts were not successful, despite all the advantages of Tantalisa. But, as we all know, the main thing is to believe in the bait and not give up on it after several empty transactions. I see a small nook on the opposite bank. Something tells me there must be a predator standing there. I make an accurate cast, fortunately I have already targeted enough, and after a series of jerks the long-awaited bite occurs. I fish out a pike - the new wobbler is caught. Then I notice a lonely snag sticking out under my bank. Without hesitating for a second, I make a cast and spend it as close as possible to the snag. I had some kind of inner confidence that there would be a bite there. And I was right. The depth at the fishing spot is no more than a meter, and during a pause, a small bee fly out from under a snag and greedily attacks Tantalisa.

Tantalisa-70JF-SR, in my opinion, requires a longer pause than most other wobblers. When jerking, it turns almost 180°, and when paused it very slowly returns to its previous position. I think that this reversal forces the predator to attack.

Summing up the results of the fishing, I would like to note that the assigned tasks were completed. The fish have been caught, new wobblers have been caught, and I think that they will take their place in my arsenal for a long time. The next very important fact. How often do we see that some kind of wobbler catches with one angler, but not with another. The whole point is that one managed to pick up the key to the bait, and the other did not. The overwhelming number of spinning anglers, according to my observations, use the same, familiar wiring for all wobblers. This is mistake! All wobblers have their own design features and require an individual approach. Therefore, you always first need to select the most attractive bait for the bait: the strength of the jerks, the duration of the pause, the speed of the retrieve. And if you manage to reveal the soul of a wobbler, it will definitely please you with an unforgettable trophy. Have fun fishing!

gastroguru 2017