What kind of fish is best to breed in a pond? Who lives in the pond? Pond from a ravine

By organizing fish breeding in a pond, pool or cage method, the owner can sell an environmentally friendly product to the market at a high cost, and the suitable climate of our country and the growing demand for carp and trout make this business profitable and very profitable in all regions.

The products of the world's oceans have been competing with livestock products for many millennia. Many treatises have been written about the benefits of these products. The World Health Organization recommends eating fish at least 2 times a day. The content of specific fatty acids (Omega-3) has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and heart. The presence of vitamin D is essential for proper bone growth. The consumption of salmon, trout and mackerel is very important for the normal development of the fetus and is recommended for pregnant women and children. Fish farming in Russia is a fairly relevant business area and is constantly developing.

Methods of breeding fish in artificial conditions

Business should be fun. Fish farming is best associated with relaxation and can bring a lot of pleasant emotions. In addition, this is a fairly profitable and uncomplicated process. Setting up your own farm does not require large investments, and the economic effect is quite noticeable and with proper farming, you can receive regular profits and an environmentally friendly product for your table. The demand for typical river inhabitants, be it sturgeon or trout, is constantly growing in Russia. A huge number of ponds, lakes and reservoirs, as well as the climate in our country, make it possible to successfully engage in this type of activity in almost all regions. Artificial cultivation of fish was practiced in ancient times. Currently, this method has reached a high level of development and provides for implementation in the following conditions:

  1. In a swimming pool.
  2. In the pond.
  3. Cage method.

A guarantee of success in this case will be the preparation of a detailed business plan, taking into account many risk factors.

Features of breeding in artificial pools

The advantageous quality of fish reproduction in artificial pools is that it can be located absolutely anywhere. This could be a garden or another part of a personal plot. Another positive point is the ability to choose the volume, material and shape of the tank. Such tanks are very durable, as they are made of fiberglass, metal or reinforced concrete construction. They require little maintenance and do not require very frequent cleaning. If desired, you can order pools of any shape, which will allow you to install it based on the availability of free space. As a rule, the walls of the tank, made of various types of plastic, have a smooth surface, which prevents significant contamination, reduces the cost of water treatment and the likelihood of a fish epidemic. The ability to artificially regulate temperature and hydrochemical conditions allows the use of reservoirs of this type all year round.

The installation of closed water exchange, as the most advanced method of cultivation in artificial conditions, allows for complete mechanization and automation of processes. To reproduce fry in this way, it is best to choose gourmet varieties (sturgeon or salmon), since installing expensive cleaning and water exchange equipment increases costs by about 1.5 times. The saturation of planting in such an environment is calculated based on the rate of water purification and its circulation. The fish productivity rate ranges from 20 to 100 kg per 1 m3. The method is simple, but there are typical errors when starting it.

Typical misconceptions of beginning fish farmers

Features of breeding in a pond

This option is the least risky and is suitable for beginners. A minimum financial threshold and the possibility of using natural reservoirs without additional expenses will allow you to obtain positive developments. In the territories of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, you can easily find a suitable pond or creek. There is an option to use your own artificial pond, which will force you to make additional investments in excavation work and has a certain risk associated with a lack of groundwater and critical shallowing of the pond. Also, to get good profitability, you need a pond with an area of ​​at least 1 hectare.

Cage method

Involves a combined approach to reproduction. It has both positive. So are negative qualities. Natural water areas with certain instrumental support are used. To implement the method, you need to purchase or build a floating cage yourself and stock it with fry. Cage lines are installed in lakes, river creeks or reservoirs. The latter method, provided there is a heated environment, allows for population growth all year round. The main advantages of cage farming:

  1. Small area. Allows better protection of cages and simplifies fishing.
  2. Possibility of sale all year round. Most companies have a seasonal sales vector. This advantage will increase profits.
  3. You can use all types of reservoirs, even complex ones.

What variety should I grow?

Before starting the project, you should ask yourself what type of fish you are ready to put on store shelves. The main varieties for sale are: carp and trout. Methods of breeding, feeding and care are somewhat different. Carp is a very unpretentious variety that can be placed in many types of reservoirs and use less specialized food. There is a lot of information about the features of technology on the Internet and specialized manuals. Raising trout fry is a somewhat more labor-intensive process. You need to have basic experience in fish farming and special education. This variety is extremely demanding in terms of location and conditions.

Carp breeding technology

This representative of marine fauna occupies a leading position in this segment of the freshwater aquaculture market. For the growth of fry of this species, you can use artificial reservoirs, ponds and the cage method. The following breeds are grown:

  1. Scaly.
  2. Mirrored.
  3. Linear.
  4. Naked.
  5. Ukrainian framed.

Carp can be cultivated in monoculture with various other species, including predatory species. There are three reproduction systems:

  1. Extensive.
  2. Semi-intensive.
  3. Intense.

An extensive environment involves feeding carp with natural derivatives of bottom fauna and zooplankton. The method is characterized by a small increase per unit area (from 200 to 650 kg). The advantage is low feed costs and costs.

The semi-intensive method consists of formulating the diet in such a way that it contains more artificial feed, which is produced in significant quantities by the agro-industrial complex. The lack of caloric intake in the diet is leveled out with the help of carbohydrate-type food additives (various types of cereals). With the correct selection of diet, productivity reaches a level of 650 to 1400 kg per hectare. A clear advantage of this system is the ability to correct the lack of energy value of food with the help of supplements.

The intensive system involves transferring the entire generation to a complex feed that contains protein in high concentrations (up to 40%). The high value of nutrition leads to a large planting of the growth area, which requires additional aeration, if the norms are not observed, there is a risk of death of the offspring. The efficiency of this system makes it possible to obtain from 5 to 20 tons per hectare of water area. A positive feature is the maximum use of water areas. However, there is also a significant risk of infection and epidemics.

Trout breeding technology

There are more than a dozen species of trout in the world's oceans. Two main ones are most suitable for industrial reproduction:

  1. Brook trout.
  2. Rainbow trout.

The first species grows in the waters of the Azov, Black, White and Caspian seas. It has good taste and is one of the most valuable varieties of fish. It lives exclusively in cold conditions and requires fairly high aeration. The Rainbow Trout's native habitat is North America. It can live not only in cold streams, but also in warm rivers. Has excellent growth abilities.

The cage method and the method of growing in ponds are suitable for reproduction. However, trout do not reproduce in ponds and artificial insemination must be used. You should adhere to a temperature range from 4 to 18°C. It takes about 2 years to raise an adult fish ready for sale.

How much can you earn?

The expenditure and revenue portion of the project will vary depending on the scale of production. The cost of carp fry varies from 60 to 120 rubles per kilogram. The minimum price of feed for it is 7-8 rubles. An adult is sold for 100-130 rubles per 1 kg. For example, you can take the average values ​​of the main points when growing carp. With the most conservative calculations and minimal volumes of the final product, the cost part looks something like this:

  1. Malek – 5200 rub.
  2. Staff – 15,150 rub.
  3. Feed – 3350 rub.
  4. Other – 9350 rub.

The regressive part of accounting will be 30,050 rubles.

With a total profitability of 50,000 rubles, the net profit will be 19,950 rubles. A multiple increase in parameters will lead to lower costs and increased profits. Profitability with proper organization of the process can reach 40%.

Examples of successful "fish" business

Successful cultivation of fish on an industrial scale in Russia is carried out by large holdings with a wide network of export connections. However, medium and small fish farms that are successfully increasing production in Russia (Arsky Fish Farm LLC, Vyvenskoye LLC, Nazarovskoe Fish Farm LLC) deserve a lot of attention. Such companies are an excellent example of a proven technological and financial basis for growing fish.

Today, many experts agree that the development of the fishing business as such is a very, very promising direction. Creating conditions for these purposes is the “golden mean” that can largely solve the problem of state food supply. In the case of fish farming in artificial conditions, uncontrolled fishing and poaching are replaced by organized fish farming on an industrial scale. But in order to start practicing this strategically important craft, novice fisheries managers need to learn a certain number of rules, the observance of which will allow them to create an effective plan of action and answer the question - how to breed fish at home.

Of course, the most important criterion for the existence of a reservoir as such is water.

Immediately before the start of construction, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the water to ensure that its quality meets the official standards for fisheries management.

Water quality in fisheries

In general, water quality in fish ponds is determined by the following characteristics:

- regular/irregular temperature;

- general transparency;

- color qualities;

- ratio of dissolved gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia);

- the presence of organic substances and nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen;

- total number of microorganisms, hydrogen index - pH;

- salt composition.

As you can already understand, an artificial stocked reservoir is one and the same thing. Due to the proper organization of fish farming in artificial conditions, the maximum result is achieved: fish farms are never left without work and, accordingly, without income. Without causing any damage to natural fish resources, fish farms can solve many problems of strategic, national and even global scale.

This fact is already being confirmed in the West, where this type of farming has been justifying all the hopes placed on it for many decades. Availability of jobs, improvement of the country's food supply, increased trade turnover, positive environmental effect, etc. - all this is achieved with the intensive and comprehensive development of fish farms.

Before introducing fry into a pond, you should inquire about the temperature preferences of a particular fish. All fish breeds grown under artificial conditions are divided into heat-loving and cold-loving.

The first group includes fish such as carp, crucian carp, grass carp, silver carp, catfish and others. The group of cold-loving fish includes, in particular, salmonids: salmon, trout, peled, sterlet, and others. For heat-loving fish species, the most favorable conditions for growth are at a temperature of 20-30 C, and for cold-loving species - at 10-20 C. The very possibility of life in reservoirs in winter is determined by the properties of the water in the stocked reservoir.

For example, experienced fish farmers know that water has the greatest density at a temperature of 4 C. But at the freezing point of water, at 0 C, water has a lower density. This is why ice forms on the surface of a reservoir and protects the reservoir from complete freezing. In this case, nature thought of everything without human intervention.

In order to choose the right strategy for building a fish farm in advance, you need to know that in a commercial fishery there are several stages of fish breeding:

— spawning stage

— juvenile stage

— wintering stage

— adolescence stage

— feeding stage

Thus, on fish farms they achieve a clear delineation of periods of fish development. In spawning reservoirs, the larvae are hatched from the eggs, and then they are successively transplanted into the fry, hatchery and feeding ponds. From spring to late autumn, the grown and strong young generation lives in feeding ponds.

With the arrival of winter, young fish are moved to a special one. In general, by the end of autumn the fish is able to reach the required marketable weight and can be successfully sold.

The main feature of an excellent fish pond is the presence of a variety of biological processes and their complete control. That is, in artificially created reservoirs they not only raise fish or other fresh water inhabitants, but also independently set the necessary course for these biological processes.

The main indicator of good control in relation to a fish farm is clean, oxygen-rich water in the reservoir. To maintain a favorable microclimate, you need to take care in advance that there is no methane or hydrogen sulfide in the water.

To do this, it is best to initially ask the relevant services for geodetic data of the territory. If possible, it is better to hire specialists yourself and conduct a geodetic survey of the area.

In addition to all this, for the most favorable development of fish, many trace elements and minerals must be present in the water, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, nitrogen, etc. This is achieved with the help of seedlings of special breeds of algae, as well as by artificially enriching the reservoir with useful substances. This is what specialized companies do today.

In general, in order for the conditions of a fish farm to meet all modern standards, you need to understand one simple mechanism: everything in the pond must be interconnected in a ring pattern.

Everyone knows what the process of synthesis in nature is, right? For those who have forgotten the school curriculum, let us remind you that synthesis is the exchange between living organisms of energy that initially enters the earth through the sun's rays.

This is also what we should strive for when creating and operating a fish farm: all living organisms in a reservoir must be interconnected by natural processes.

When intensively growing fish in artificial conditions, you need to constantly monitor the feeding of the fish.

For these purposes, farmers resort to the use of special feed mixtures, which are purchased through dealers or directly from the manufacturing plant. Fish food contains only natural ingredients, such as legumes, grains, bran, cake, as well as some components of animal protein origin.

In order to enrich the natural food supply of a fish farm, you can resort to general fertilization of the water and reclamation of the reservoir. The most intensive methods of growing fish in artificial conditions include breeding fish in cages and pools.

Feeding fish should be taken more than seriously. It is necessary to clearly understand that there are separate special foods for larvae, for juveniles and for adult breeders.

To increase the immunity of fish, fish farmers resort to the use of special feeds, which are called therapeutic-stress feeds.

In addition to the intensive method, there is also an extensive method of growing fish. In these cases, farm owners resort to natural fish nutrition, without the use of any additional fertilizers.

For any method of growing fish in artificial conditions, the availability of high-quality fish seed material is also considered a guarantee of success.

By fish seeding material we mean the process of biological cultivation of eggs, which is under the full control of specialists in narrow fields. Thus, thanks to the high level of selection and breeding work, the overall efficiency of fish farms can be significantly increased.

This method allows you to replace a manufacturer with low productivity characteristics with a manufacturer with the required quality from the very beginning.

For the same purpose, a special reserve fund of fish seeding material is created, which, in unfavorable conditions, compensates to one degree or another the losses that were caused to the fish as a result of a difficult winter or other circumstances.

As a worthy example of the prospects and possibilities of fish farming, we can cite the fact that scientists of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences were the first in the world to obtain valuable black caviar of sturgeon fish that are grown under artificial conditions. Moreover, this unique technology in all respects allows, after obtaining caviar, not only to preserve the life of sturgeon and speed up the process of raising valuable fish species by up to three to four times, but also to take an important step in the conservation of the so-called “Red Book” species.

Making sturgeon caviar at home

Under artificial conditions, it is possible to obtain caviar from a species of sturgeon such as sterlet.

Thanks to the same innovative developments, this process today takes two years, although in natural conditions a sterlet is capable of “milking” by about the fifth year of its life, and some sturgeon spawn only after 12-15 years, when they reach sexual maturity. Almost the same applies to the beluga, which in artificial conditions is capable of producing caviar twice as fast as in the wild. But in general, there is nothing extremely difficult in the task of obtaining caviar under artificial conditions. For a good result, it is enough to create and maintain optimal conditions in the aquatic environment: water temperature, oxygen content, hydrochemical characteristics, etc.

“Milking” sturgeon under artificial conditions is far from a simple technological process. To get sturgeon caviar, you need to treat the fish like a milkmaid treats a cow.

Stroking and massaging the abdomen, patting the mother by an ichthyologist, and kind words won’t hurt either. Experts say that with this approach, the amount of black caviar will exceed all expectations. After “milking”, part of the eggs is sent for sale, part is frozen in cryochambers, and part is fertilized, after which the fertilized eggs are transferred using a regular sieve to a “fish incubator”, in which they will remain for several weeks.

By the way, many farmers, after young individuals grow up, implant microchips in them and only after that release them into adulthood. This allows scientists to control the situation and once again enjoy the effectiveness of their technologies.

Modern methods of fish breeding in artificial conditions were developed and implemented taking into account the realities of today. In other words, during development, absolutely all criteria that could affect the cost of the final product were taken into account.

For example, a closed water supply cycle, a balanced three-course diet, divided by season, temperature regime, light regime, and also the speed of water flow in artificial reservoirs were developed.

The technology developed by scientists from the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences is now used both in small farms and in large-scale industrial production. This method allows you to obtain marketable products weighing from 1.5 kilograms per unit in one year, and fish weighing 3.5 kilograms in two years. Edible caviar in general is obtained in 3-4 years of effective work. One of the “secrets” of such rapid rates of development of fish in artificial conditions is the fact that scientists artificially create several years and winters for fish within one year.

So, the main conditions that accompany favorable fish breeding in artificial conditions are the general quality of water, nutrition and diet, as well as temperature and light conditions.

For the most correct selection of equipment, as well as the regime and method of feeding fish, you first need to decide what kind of fish you are going to breed.

An artificial reservoir on the site allows you to raise fish, indulge yourself in fishing on the weekends, and in some cases also make money from it. Do you want to know how to build a pond with your own hands for fish breeding? You will learn how to properly equip a pond, what conditions to create, and what kind of fish is best to grow in this article.

Pond size: how to determine?

It is best to dig a pond in the lowest part of the dacha area. It’s great if the fish pond is in the shade for at least half of the daylight hours. However, the artificial shading effect may not be effective if you plant a lot of trees. They will fall to the surface and pollute the structure. Over time, the ichthyofauna may suffer, and the size of the reservoir may be deformed due to roots.

Before creating your project, it is important to determine the required depth and width of the hole.

This largely depends on what kind of fish will live in it. In any case, you need to dig a fish pond at least 1 meter deep. As for the length and width, focus on the area of ​​the site and shape them at your discretion.

Small in size, but deep for breeding fish is much better than small and wide. The second option will absorb oxygen in large volumes. Even if aerators are installed for fish ponds, oxygen must still be supplied from the natural environment. Vegetation, as well as the influence of air currents, also play an important role in enrichment.

So that the fish can survive the winter, do not forget to make ice holes in the winter. An excellent solution would be cane that is frozen vertically.

Also take into account the fact that a pond that is too small for breeding fish is not suitable for schooling species, especially if the number of fish is large. Due to the large amount of feed, the water will spoil quickly. When planning at least approximate volumes, proceed from the following figures: 50 liters of water for each fish 10 centimeters long.

Who are we going to breed?

A trout pond is a good choice, but creating one on your home property is not that easy. Therefore, we advise you to reduce fish farming to two main types. This is carp and crucian carp. They are unpretentious, grow relatively quickly, and eat any food. Also, if certain conditions are created, you can get tench and cute goldfish.

If we talk about carp, this species feels good even in small bodies of water. The secret is simple: in a small pond, carp have to spend less energy searching for food. That is why it is growing at an incredible speed. This species is also an omnivore; it loves slightly alkaline water and warm, sunny areas. As soon as you create all the necessary conditions, the fish will begin to grow quickly and reach sexual maturity by 4 years.

To breed carp, a depth of 150 cm, a length of 4 and a width of 6 meters will be quite enough. The number of individuals per cubic meter should not exceed 20. Maintain these parameters so that the fish can grow optimally and gain weight.

Crucian carp are also undemanding to water bodies. They can also be grown in standing water with dense vegetation. In winter, feeding becomes less frequent, but 2-3 ice holes are required. They will provide the necessary flow of oxygen. Since the breeding conditions for carp and crucian carp are not very different, they are kept together.

Only tench will not be able to get along with crucian carp. Despite its unpretentiousness and adaptability to changes in acidity levels, tench comes into conflict with other fish species, especially when it comes to food.

Now let's talk about goldfish. They feel great in artificial reservoirs. To grow this species, it is enough to feed them on time and regulate reproduction. The undoubted advantage of goldfish is that they look great in any pond.

For the same reason, people keep koi, as well as Japanese carp. The coloring of these species is impressively diverse; white, black, yellow and even red species are found in nature. The most interesting thing is that no one knows what exactly the next offspring will be like. What to feed and how to keep koi? The fish loves deep, fairly spacious reservoirs and spends a lot of time searching for food in the muddy bottom. You can feed crucian carp with plant foods, but koi will never refuse even small fish.

Pond construction: first steps

How to make a fish pond at home? Determine its dimensions and start digging a pit. As soon as it is dug, the surface is leveled and compacted well. The bottom of the reservoir must be cemented and covered on top with a fairly dense film made of polyethylene. Use it very carefully and it will serve you for many years.

Not everyone can afford this option because of its high cost. Particularly inventive gardeners manage to use rubber tubes as budget flooring, which are glued together.

You can also find special bottom mats on sale. They are made from synthetic or coconut fiber. Due to their structure, the fibers quickly become overgrown with algae that are beneficial for fish and form the bottom.

The dug pit is filled with water. Naturally, it is highly not recommended to take tap water. If possible, try to find spring or at least water. We recommend filling the pit gradually. First you fill in only 1/3 of the total volume of water, then the rest. This allows the film to expand perfectly under the influence of the gravity of the water.

The bottom of the pond can be covered with river sand, after planting underwater plants in it. Only after this can the rest of the water be added.

Before the fish in the pond become its permanent inhabitants, take care of the beautiful design of the pond. For this purpose, the banks are landscaped. To give it a finished look, we recommend planting reeds. Are you planning to start farming crayfish? You should take care of the stones in advance, cover the bottom with broken pots, etc. During the molting period, crustaceans will be able to hide there from the fish.

How to create the desired microclimate in a pond?

Fish in the pond should not swim until the necessary microclimate has been created. This means that launching them into the pond immediately after the water has been poured is the wrong move. The liquid should warm up well and settle for microflora to form. To avoid waiting too long, you can speed up this process. It is enough to add 5-7 buckets of water from a natural reservoir to the country pond, and cover the bottom with withered grass.

A neutral environment is the best option. As for the acidity level, it should be 7-8 pH. Measure the acidity level in a timely manner and ensure that it does not fall or rise. For example, if acidity drops to pH 5, it can negatively affect the life of carp, crucian carp and some other fish.

How to increase the acidity of water? Very simple. Chemistry for a fish pond comes down to adding limestone or soda. Measure the acidity level in 2-3 places to be on the safe side.

And one more important rule. Make sure that the temperature of the reservoir and the water in which the fish were previously kept is approximately the same. If this is not done, the fish in the pond will experience temperature shock and quickly die.

Making a fish pond is half the battle. An equally important issue is proper feeding. The easiest way to feed the fish is if it is tench or carp. They are omnivores and will be grateful for any treats. It is best to mix food in bulk or powder form with water taken from the pond until it reaches the consistency of porridge.

For any other varieties, a mixture of grains and beans works well. Even if you are planning to deal with exotic species and are thinking about how to breed trout, such a mixture will also not be superfluous. Just don’t forget to pour boiling water over it before adding it to the water so that the grains swell.

In addition, all fish, without exception, will not refuse insects and earthworms. Feed volumes depend on the weight of the fish. They can exceed it by no more than 6%.

It is enough to replenish the feeders 1-2 times a day, but this must be done at the same time. Choose a shallow spot, place a small table there, or limit yourself to a pallet. You can feed whatever you like and then simply remove the uneaten food with the tray.

Try to develop a conditioned reflex in the fish. To do this, you can use any external stimuli. For example, the same bell. It is enough for the fish in the pond to hear the ringing - and they will immediately swim to the feeding tray.

Optional equipment

How to breed fish in a pond if you do not have additional equipment? We warn you right away - this will be problematic. Therefore, we advise you to acquire at least the minimum set:

  • Gravitational. Fish “rescuer” filtering water. The device is a hinged type, can be easily installed, and costs no more than 5-7 thousand rubles.
  • Compressor. Additional source of oxygen.
  • Ultraviolet sterilizer. Thanks to him, the fish in the pond will not suffocate due to algal blooms.

Fishing as a means of earning money

In our country, the fish business is well developed, and several decades ago fish farming enterprises were considered the best in Europe. Many went bankrupt, simply unable to withstand competition with foreign farms. That is why pond fish can solve the problem of providing your region with tasty and nutritious products.

Grown at home, this “product” can strengthen your family budget. Many men love fishing and consider it one of the most interesting hobbies. You are given a unique opportunity to turn your favorite hobby into an additional (and in some cases, the main) means of earning money.

It usually takes fish 1.5 - 2 years to grow to the desired size. In a relatively short period, she manages to gain good mass. The rate of development and weight gain is influenced by several factors: the amount of food, its quality, climate zone, water quality, etc. Cultivation can be carried out using an extensive or intensive method. In the first case, the fish grow naturally - you add a minimum of food, and the investment is also small. With the intensive method, a fairly rich food supply is created.

Keep in mind that the fishing business will be profitable only if the reservoir is optimally suited for keeping fish, as well as spawning and subsequent incubation.

Fish farming is a branch of agriculture within which several main tasks are performed: production of commercial fish, replenishment of the region's food supply, preservation of rare species of fish. As a rule, these problems are solved by large fish farms. However, today enterprising people have the opportunity to organize fish farming at home as a business - small but reliable. What is needed for this, and what kind of profit a fish farmer can expect, we will tell you in this review.

How to register a business

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, growing fish as a business is an entrepreneurial activity that is subject to registration with the Federal Tax Service. The purpose of such registration:

  • collection of taxes and other obligatory payments to the treasury;
  • supervision of production safety and product quality.

The absence of this administration on the part of the state prevents the entrepreneur from entering large markets. We recommend that you read about it and find out from the point of view of minimizing costs.

However, enterprising agricultural enthusiasts do not always master fish farming as a business in order to quickly enter the market with large quantities of finished products. Often a small home production is sufficient.

If a novice entrepreneur manages to establish a cycle for growing 1 to 2 tons of fish per year on his personal plot, then he does not have to register as an entrepreneur, but can sell the products as surplus from a personal subsidiary plot.

A home farm is a good start for those starting a fishing business from scratch. In the conditions of private household plots, a novice entrepreneur has the opportunity to:

  • accumulate start-up capital;
  • delve into all the intricacies of fish production;
  • gain experience in the regional market, as well as establish relationships with suppliers of consumables for growing fish.

This is the gold reserve that will allow the farmer in the near future to reach a new level of business such as breeding and selling fish.

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How to grow fish at home

There are several ways to raise fish at home:

  • in ponds;
  • in swimming pools.

There is also a method called cage breeding, but in order to organize it, you need to rent a pond. A reservoir can only be leased to an official business entity, so the development of cage fish farming will have to be postponed until registration as an entrepreneur.

Pond farming

To begin with, it should be noted that the pond for breeding fish must be quite voluminous: length from 8 to 10 m, width from 6 to 4 m, depth from 2 to 3 m.

The most unpretentious fish that can live in an artificial pond are carp and silver carp.

An example for pond fish farming in a private plot includes the calculation of costs, income and expected profit.

Cost calculation:

  • pond equipment - about 10 thousand rubles (filters, aerators, pumps, etc.);
  • purchase of 50 kg of carp/silver carp fry - about 7 thousand rubles;
  • feed - about 7 thousand rubles.

The total costs will be about 30 thousand rubles.

From 50 kg of fry you can grow 1,200 kg of fish per season. The wholesale cost of live carp is about 50 rubles. for 1 kg.

Total income is about 60 thousand rubles. Thus, the profit of the first year will be approximately 30 thousand rubles.

This is a very high profitability, and we can say that breeding fish in a pond as a business is a fairly profitable undertaking.

Fish farming in pools

More expensive fish are grown in home pools. Most often it is sturgeon or catfish. Of course, carp can also be grown in such a pool, but the profitability of such production will be significantly lower.

An approximate cost calculation for a home fish farm for breeding sturgeon in pools is as follows:

  • purchase of a pool with a volume of 10 thousand liters, as well as filtering and aerating equipment for it - about 60 thousand rubles;
  • equipment for additional heating and lighting of the pool during the cold season - about 5 thousand rubles;
  • 500 pieces of sturgeon fry (the price of one fry is about 7 rubles) – 4 thousand rubles;
  • feed costs are about 12 thousand rubles.

The total cost is about 80 thousand rubles.

The weight of sturgeon for sale is from 500 g to 1 kg. Out of 500 fry, with good care, they will grow up to 200 kg of live fish. The purchase price of live sturgeon is about 1000 rubles. for 1 kg. Thus, the total profitability is 200,000 rubles.

The profitability of the project is 120 thousand rubles. per season. It should be taken into account that next season the volume of expenses will be significantly lower.

Technical aspects of setting up a home farm in the following video:

Prospects for the fishing business

Before starting a fishing business from scratch, an entrepreneur does not always think about moving to an industrial scale. But after mastering this business and receiving the first profits, it makes sense to think about building a full-fledged fish farm.

Yes, starting your own farm is not cheap. Thus, the construction of a hangar for sturgeon pools and complete equipment with cycle automation can cost about 500 thousand US dollars.

This is a lot of money and there is hardly a beginning farmer who is willing to take such a risk. In this case, can a businessman turn to the state for help? Yes maybe.

Important! The current state program for supporting small and medium-sized businesses provides that small farms can count on assistance from federal and municipal authorities in many matters of doing business.

Current federal support programs are posted on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation economy.gov.ru.

However, it is the regional authorities that offer the largest number of programs. You can find out about current programs to support family farming on the websites of regional authorities or by contacting directly local centers for supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

Most of these programs provide the following benefits for beginning farmers:

  • a significant reduction in interest rates on loans;
  • provision of government guarantees for loans;
  • payment for participation in exhibition events;
  • free training for farmers in the basics of entrepreneurship.

In order to become a participant in a municipal or federal program, a farmer must:

  • register as an entrepreneur;
  • have equity capital of about 30% of the required investments;
  • entrepreneurial venture;
  • have an impeccable credit history and be a law-abiding taxpayer.

A well-organized fishing business, according to reviews from entrepreneurs, gives its owner good income and allows it to become self-sufficient in a short time, so if you have entrepreneurial ideas and the strength to implement them, don’t stop, build a profitable enterprise.

" Fish

A person's diet must include a product such as fish. You can buy it in any store or market, but you can also grow it yourself: Of all freshwater fish species, the most profitable for breeding is a relative of the wild river carp - carp. This article will discuss exactly how to breed this fish in a garden plot in small ponds or pools.

Growing carp yourself has both its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Fast growth– unlike other representatives of its family, this cultivated species grows very quickly, reaching a weight of 400-500 grams by the end of the first year. At the end of the second year, the fish can reach a marketable weight of 1 kg.
  • Unpretentiousness– carp is not as picky about the oxygen content in water as most river freshwater fish.
  • High quality meat– this fish is soft, tasty and has a relatively small number of small bones.


  • Frequent incidence fish when the container is very densely populated
  • Initial costs for the purchase of fry and the construction of a pool are quite high

Home breeding technology

Purchase of fry

You should only purchase fry in specialized fish farms having a good reputation and working for quite a long time.

You should not purchase fish seeding material from untested and unreliable suppliers - private individuals involved in carp breeding and reproduction, or recently established fish farms.

It is better to transport purchased fry in spacious buckets or fishing canals. It is better to take water from a pond or lake, as a last resort - rain.

Catering - what and how to feed

You should feed neglected carp twice a day:

  • Early in the morning– when the sun has risen and warmed the water sufficiently
  • In the evening, before sunset

It is better to use as food:

  • Finely chopped rainwater worms
  • Stern bloodworm
  • Larva caddisfly (shitika)
  • Steamed cereals– oats, wheat, barley
  • Bread rye

In order for all kinds of bottom microorganisms and small crustaceans that the carp feed on to be present in the pool, it is necessary to periodically add water from a nearby pond or lake. You should also periodically feed the fish with special feed.

In order to periodically catch the largest specimens The fish should be fed in the same place, making a small tray in it into which food will be poured

The food should be poured in small portions so that it is completely eaten by the fish and does not fall to the bottom of the container, rotting there over time and causing a deterioration in water quality.

Launching fish into the pool

The purchased fry should be released either in spring or autumn.

Spring stocking is preferable - the fish have time to gain weight and adapt to living conditions before wintering

It is necessary to launch fry in the spring when the water warmed up to a temperature of 22-25 0 C.

Conditions of keeping and growing

Swimming pool, location and dimensions

You can either buy a ready-made plastic pool or fill it yourself.

The most convenient for growing carp in a personal plot or country house is a round container made of plastic or polypropylene with a diameter of 2 to 3 meters and a depth of at least 1.2-1.5 meters.

It is better to position the container in such a way that part of it is illuminated by the sun most of the day in summer, and the other is in the shade. This arrangement will help avoid overheating of the water and will allow the fish to take cover in the cool shade in the heat.

Pools can also be located in frame greenhouses or garages.

Water quality

The water in the pool must be renewed. To do this, the following system is installed:

  • Filter with pump drawing water from a nearby stream or small river
  • Main line made of polyethylene pipe connected to the pump and supplying water to the container
  • Drain line from a polyethylene pipe with a larger diameter than the supply pipe. Place the drain line at the bottom of the container and lead it into a stream or river, installing a tap or plug at the end

If there is no river or stream nearby, then it is necessary to use water from a well, pumped into the pool by a submersible pump with a filter. In this case, the water should be drained through a filter into the sewer.

Tap water rich in chlorine and mineral impurities should not be used for breeding specks.


Pool water during the period of fish growth and development should warm up to a temperature of at least 22-25 0 C, but not more than 30 0 C.

This temperature background is achieved by placing the container in a sunny place and periodically replacing (draining) part of the water.

Although carp is unpretentious to the content of dissolved oxygen in water, it a deficiency can lead to slower growth or complete death of the entire livestock.

To increase the oxygen content, special aerators or low-power compressors should be used.


Reproduction of carp is a rather painstaking process. To do this, when catching 2-3 year old fish in the fall, it is necessary to leave several large individuals of different sexes in a container so that they spawn in the spring:

  • In order for carp to reproduce it is necessary make two separate ponds for spawning and rearing. The spawning tank should be 3x3 meters in size with a depth of no more than 0.5 meters. The nursery should be slightly larger in area and depth. Its optimal size is a square with a side length of 4 meters and a depth of up to 1.5 meters.
  • In ponds it is necessary provide a fresh water supply system from a river or stream, well, as well as its drainage
  • In early spring when the water warms up to 18-20 0 C, it is necessary to first transplant 1-2 males into the spawning pond during the day, and 1 female in the evening

  • In order for the females to have something to lay eggs in the pond in advance, they should plant with reeds or cattails, or place freshly cut meadow turf at the bottom
  • After fertilized larvae hatch, large carp must be returned back to the pool
  • After 6-8 days the spawning pond should be drained, and the larvae should be caught with a fine-mesh net and transplanted into the nursery pond
  • In the nursery pond larvae should be fed with small bloodworms, special feed, powdered milk
  • Before winter, the nursery pond must be drained, and grown fry weighing 15-20 grams. transplant into a pool or large home aquarium

What to do in winter with carp in a pond

  • In winter, in a sunken or solid concrete pool carp can survive the winter provided ensuring that the container does not freeze to the bottom and sufficient oxygen will enter it
  • In order for the container not to freeze after an ice cover strong enough for walking has formed on it, it must be cover with a large layer of snow, in the absence of such - insulation mats and film, providing places for drilling holes
  • In order for oxygen to enter the pool in its ice cover using a fishing ice auger several holes need to be made and make sure they don't freeze

  • If the container is located indoors or in a greenhouse, then in winter, carp feeding should be reduced, produce additional feed depending on the activity of the fish

Business payback for beginners

Breeding carp is not only an opportunity to always have fresh fish grown by yourself, but also quite a profitable business. Let's try to calculate its approximate profitability


  • Pool made of polypropylene with a volume of 2.7 m 3 – 26,000 rubles.
  • Malek–3000 rub. (500 pieces) for the entire capacity

  • Feed– purchased feed with consumption of 1 bag per month and the duration of feeding minus autumn and winter from May to September (5 months) the cost of its purchase with the cost of one bag weighing 40 kg is 640 rubles. for two years will amount to 6,400 rubles.

The total amount of all expenses is 35,400 rubles.


  • Taking into account the population density of a tank of a given size with at least 200 one-year-old fry per 1 m 3 and the percentage of their death in the first year with normal feeding, no more than 5% in the second year in the pool you can grow about 500 carp weighing about 1 kg - 500 kg fish
  • Carp of commercial weight of 1 kg has an average cost of about 130 rubles - the sale of all farmed fish will bring 65,000 rubles.

  • Minus all expenses equal to 35,400 rubles. profit is 29,600 rubles., and the estimated profitability of growing carp at home is:

Profitability = (Profit/Expenses)×100 = (29,600/35,400)×100 = 83.6%

Growing carp in a personal plot can be not only a good hobby, but also a fairly profitable business even for a novice fish farmer.

gastroguru 2017