Rake is a creature discovered in the vicinity of Birobidzhan. Rake man. Georgia is being attacked by the mythical monster "rake" Does rake really exist?

Rake Man or The Rake- along with the Thin Man, a popular hero of scary stories. He is an extremely thin humanoid creature with long, sharp claws, which is how he got his nickname. It is believed that there is almost no information about him, since the authorities traditionally hide everything and destroy documents.


In the summer of 2003, in the northeastern part of the United States, mysterious events occurred related to a mysterious humanoid creature. These events attracted brief interest from the local press, which then suddenly faded. Very little information has survived, as most printed and online descriptions of the creature were destroyed for unknown reasons.

Initially, meetings with him took place in rural New York. Witnesses shared a variety of emotions that the encounter with the unknown creature caused them. Some spoke of indescribable fear and horror, others claimed that they experienced something like childish curiosity. And although printed versions of their stories are no longer available, their memory has never lost its power. This year, some of those who participated in those events began searching for answers.

In early 2006, their combined efforts produced nearly two dozen documents dating from the 12th century to the present day and spanning four continents. Almost all the stories were exactly the same. I was fortunate enough to meet one of the members of this group and receive some excerpts from their upcoming book.

Suicide note: 1964

Now that I am about to end my life, I want to alleviate the pain that this action may cause. This is no one's fault but this creature's. The first time I felt his presence was when I woke up. I woke up and saw his appearance. Then I heard his voice and looked into his eyes. Since then I have not been able to sleep for fear that it might come to me again. I'm afraid that I may never wake up. Farewell.

Found in a wooden box which also contained two empty envelopes addressed to William and Rose and one short letter without an envelope.

"Dear Lynnie,
I prayed for you. It said your name..."

Diary entry (translated from Spanish), 1880

I experienced the greatest horror! Yes, yes, the greatest horror of my life. I see him as soon as I close my eyes. His eyes are black and empty. He saw me and pierced me with his gaze. His hand is wet and slimy. I won't sleep, his voice (unintelligible text follows).

Ship's log: 1691 (1991?)

He came to me while I was sleeping. I felt him as he leaned over my bed. He took everything. We must return to England. We will not return here again, this is Rake’s request.

Certificate 2006

Three years ago I returned with my family from a trip to Niagara Falls. We were all very tired after a full day of driving, so my husband and I put the kids to bed and decided that the night had already begun for us.

Around 4am I woke up thinking my husband had gone to the toilet. I took a moment to straighten the sheet, but then I woke him up. I apologized and said that I thought he had gotten up. When my husband turned to me, he suddenly took a sharp breath and pulled his legs towards him so quickly that I almost fell out of bed. He immediately caught me, but didn't say a word.

After half a second, I was able to see what caused such a strange reaction. At our feet sat something that looked either like a naked man or like a huge hairless dog. The position of his body was frighteningly unnatural, as if he had been hit by a car. For some reason, this creature didn't scare me. I was rather worried about his condition. At that moment, I was absolutely sure that he needed our help.

My husband curled up into a ball and looked through the gap between his arm and knee, first at me, then at the creature.

In the blink of an eye, the creature descended to the floor and quickly crawled along the bed until it was thirty centimeters from my husband’s face. For thirty seconds, it was completely motionless, just looking at my husband. Then it put its hand on his knee and rushed into the corridor, in the direction of the children's room.

I screamed and rushed to the switch, planning to stop it before it hurt the children. When I went out into the hallway, there was enough light from the bedroom to see him sneaking and crawling just six meters away from me. It turned and looked straight at me, it was covered in blood. I turned on the light and saw my daughter Clara. The creature rushed down the stairs while my husband and I were trying to help our daughter. She was seriously wounded, and the last words in her such a short life were: His name is Rake.

That night, my husband was rushing to take Clara to the hospital, but the car fell into the lake. He didn't survive. As happens in small towns, the news spread quickly. At first, the police were eager to help us, and the local newspaper showed great interest in us. However, my story was never published, and local television did not react at all.

For several months, my son Justin and I lived in a hotel near my parents' house. When we decided to return home, I decided to find the answers myself. I managed to find a person in a neighboring city with whom a similar story happened. We met and talked about our misfortunes. He knew two people who had also seen the creature now known as Rake.

It took us two whole years to search the Internet and collect stories that we thought were about Reika. No source provided any details, history of the creature, or consequences of its activities. In one diary, on the first three pages there was an entry dedicated to the creature, but it was not mentioned anywhere else. The ship's log did not say anything about the meeting with Rake, it was only said that he forced the sailors to leave. This was the last entry in the journal.

However, there were cases when the creature appeared to the same person several times. Many people claimed that it spoke to them, and so did my daughter. This made us think that Rake might have been visiting us before we first saw him.

I turned on the digital voice recorder to play all night next to my bed. I turned it on every night for two weeks. Every morning I listened to the recordings with trembling, but heard nothing except my own tossing and turning in my sleep. By the end of the second week, I had gotten used to my random sounds by listening to my recordings in fast forward mode. This still took at least an hour. On the first morning of the third week, I thought I heard something new. It was a shrill voice, Rake's voice. I haven’t listened enough to this voice yet, and so far I haven’t let anyone listen to it. The only thing I'm sure of is that I've heard this voice before. It spoke as it sat on our bed, opposite my husband. I don't remember hearing anything at that time, but for some reason, the voice from the recorder immediately reminds me of that moment.

I feel completely miserable when I think about what my daughter might have experienced before she died.

I haven't seen him since Rake ruined my life, but I know he was in my room when I was sleeping. I know this, and now I am terribly afraid that one night I might wake up and feel his gaze on me.


For the second week, Georgia has been discussing the “Kumys ghost,” as local residents call it. Kumisi is a village in the Gardabani district, Kvemo Kartli region. The “Kumys ghost” has already been seen, according to locals, in neighboring villages - Koda, Borbalo, Asureti and Goubani. Locals say that this is a tall, thin creature with a painted face that makes strange sounds... First, it knocks on the windows to be let into the house, and if they don’t open the door, it begins to break the window. It’s impossible to catch it... It disappears...

“One or several men dressed in black walk around Kumys. They scare the population, enter houses at night, wake people up and grimace in front of them, make strange sounds, and if they cannot enter the house, they scratch doors and windows... Residents fall down from fear fainted, the children lost sleep,” this message appeared on the social network ten days after the appearance of a strange creature in Kumys.

“Residents of the neighboring village also complain about this... Presumably, there are several of them ("ghosts" - editor's note) and they are scattered... A patrol is chasing them, but to no avail (they are extremely fast, smart and dexterous). I don’t know, Who should I mention in this post, but it’s possible to tighten the measures?! It’s acting so smartly that I doubt that it’s crazy. Until victims appear, maybe you’ll wake up?!!!”, the message says.

Mir TV journalist Mikhail Robakidze and cameraman Khvicha Samadashvili went to Kumys last week to prepare a story about the “ghost”. Near the store, at the entrance to the village, they were met by several young guys who assured that a ghost visited Kumysi every day. The day before, it turns out, about 200 people chased him, but to no avail... The creature, as they say, ran across the highway on all fours and disappeared in the direction of the lake.

"Some say that it has long hair, others claim that its hair is thrown back, and for others it is completely bald. Some argue that it is red with a wrinkled face, there are those who believe that it is a former special forces soldier hired owner of Lake Kumys to intimidate residents in order to then take possession of their lands. Although, in this case, it is not clear why this creature visited neighboring villages,” Robakidze said.

After a conversation with the local population, the television company's film crew went up to the cemetery, which overlooks the village.

“We wanted to record on camera that the village was empty, and people didn’t even turn on the lights out of fear. At that time, we noticed someone in the bushes, but we don’t know who it was, because when we called out to him, he disappeared. He was wearing sportswear, about 180 centimeters tall, and he moved quickly even in the bushes,” the journalist told us.

According to him, there is an opinion that the “ghost” is a paranormal creature, a rake, which, according to the Kumys people, was brought from Lugar’s laboratory. Villagers found its resemblance to rake after watching videos of Bigfoot on the Internet.

"According to Wikipedia, rake is a snowman, the existence of which has not been scientifically confirmed. This is a cross between a Neanderthal primate, a species whose evolution was interrupted. In 1957, a special commission was created at the USSR Academy of Sciences, the purpose of which was to study rake. Scientists were even sent to expedition, but the results of their research are classified,” Robakidze noted.

According to the journalist, local residents are afraid of the strange creature and demand that the police install night vision cameras to record the “ghost” and then detain it.

“The villagers say that if the existence of a “ghost” is not confirmed by video materials, it turns out that they are crazy, and the police are normal. Law enforcement officers make one circle in the evenings and return back. In addition, the police say that there is also no reason to detain this creature, because it did not commit a crime,” Robakidze said.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, law enforcement officers did not ignore a single message about the “Koumys ghost” and even opened a case under Article 160 of the Criminal Code, which implies violation of the inviolability of housing or other property.

“The investigation began on the basis of the appearance of scratches in the house of a local resident of Kumys, and all reports are checked very carefully. All facts that the population associates with this unidentified object are included in the case. At this stage, something significant has not yet emerged,” the press said - service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that all witnesses describe the “ghost” differently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted.

“There are mutually exclusive messages, and when there is nothing concrete, it is difficult to do anything. Whether it is a ghost or something else, no one knows yet, it did not cause physical harm to anyone, and no houses were seriously damaged,” the press noted. service.

The police are also on duty at night, and say that they have not yet noticed the “Koumiss ghost”. And local residents are convinced that the police themselves are afraid and try not to go out into the street again.

People have always been interested and attracted to everything that is commonly called “paranormal phenomena.” Ghost stories, stories about mutants who appeared after unsuccessful experiments of some special services, meetings with representatives of an alien race - all this excites the mind and makes one shiver. In this article we will talk about what is commonly called the Rake - a creature that lives next door to people, on the same planet, and maybe in the same city as you.

Name and appearance

Rake is a creature with very elongated limbs, pale in color. He is thin, with well defined and prominent ribs. The hands end in long claws, and it is because of this that the second name for this creature is often used - Rake Man.

Very often he is confused with the so-called Thin Man. The latter is a kind of “Mr. Fantastic” from the Marvel comics series. Just like a character in American culture, the Thin Man is able to stretch his body to incredible lengths, literally seeping into holes where it would seem difficult to push even a straw. When describing him, eyewitnesses always call him a black tailcoat - apparently this is his everyday wear.

The Rake Creature: Evidence of Encounters

The first mention of a meeting between people and a monster dates back to the 17th century. Then Reik came at night to the captain of one of the merchant ships of the English Royal Navy and, warning of danger, demanded the return of the ship to the port. We now know about this only from an allegedly preserved entry in the ship’s log.

Another mention of this creature that has reached us dates back to the 19th century. The memories of a man who complained about Rake constantly coming in his dreams have survived to this day. The latter disturbed his sleep, muttered something, calling the names of people close to him. The creature is described as very wet, slimy, with a blank look.

The twentieth century is very rich in such statements. This is also the suicide note of a young man who, under unclear circumstances, died in his sleep. This happened in 1964. On his desk they found a paper with text that said that the terrible creature Rake constantly visits at night, telling terrible stories and promising to deal with all his loved ones. At the bottom there was a note that spoke of the young man’s love for his bride and his fear that a creepy creature would visit her too.

In addition to the described case, the monster, which many call the “Rake Man,” has been seen dozens of times, mainly in the United States.

The story of one family

Perhaps the most sensational story happened in 2006 in America. According to the witness's description, Rake woke her and her husband late at night. Seeing that he had been discovered, the monster jumped out of the room and, while the adults came to their senses, turned on the lights and rushed in pursuit, he managed to escape, attacking the children along the way. Due to the wounds she received, the girl was losing blood profusely, which could not be stopped. Her father took her to the hospital, but on the way the car flew off the road, overturned and fell into the lake. Everyone in the car died.

Albeit not for long, but this story was picked up by almost all the more or less significant media. These events were discussed, and almost immediately many people from different parts of the world responded that they had encountered a creature named Rake, a description of which even appeared in the newspapers. But gradually interest faded away, and now information about this can only be found by searching thoroughly on the Internet.

Modern stories. Is the hunt starting?

Now, due to the developed Internet, it is possible to discuss any problem together. That is why various online communities and forums began to emerge, where Rake became the main topic of discussion.

There are a large number of videos made either simply walking in the dead of night through abandoned buildings (you never know, maybe for some it’s more than romantic), or specially climbing into places where they are most likely to meet monsters. There are entire groups of “stalkers” who search for various creatures. Among other things, they are also interested in the Rake Man.

The most significant case occurred in 2014 near Birobidzhan. A group of young people, who were part of the local branch of “stalkers,” were examining the abandoned buildings of the Dalselmash plant, intending to discover Reik. The guys coped with this task perfectly, not only finding the monster, but also recording everything on camera. There are two videos: in the first, strange and frightening sounds are heard, in the second, the boys collide almost point-blank with someone. This “someone” is a strange humanoid creature without clothes, with long and disproportionately developed body parts.


To believe or not to believe is your choice. Many believe that the videos are falsifications and the evidence is fiction. Someone, on the contrary, demands that measures be taken to catch and destroy the evil spirits. Or catch and study. This matter is absolutely unscientific, so the attitude towards such things in general and towards Rake in particular is everyone’s personal matter.

1880 Diary entry.

“It was the greatest horror of my life. He comes as soon as I fall asleep. His eyes are black and empty. Rake is a creature that simply pierces with its gaze. His hand is slimy and wet. He tells me... (more illegible text).”

1964 Suicide note.

Before I leave this life, I want to alleviate the pain that this action will cause. Please don't blame anyone for this except Rake. I first felt his presence as soon as I woke up. This is the strangest creature I have ever seen. His look and voice are terrible. I can't sleep because of fear. Suddenly he will come again. I'm afraid I might not wake up. Farewell". This note was found in a wooden box. There were also a couple of empty envelopes and a short letter: “Dear Lynnie, I prayed a lot that Rake would not come to you. The creature said your name."

Certificate from 2006.

“Three years ago, my family and I went to Niagara Falls. Returning home very tired, we put the children to bed and went straight to bed. I woke up around 4am, straightened the sheets and accidentally woke up my husband. Turning to me, he sharply pulled his legs towards him. And he did it so quickly that I almost fell out of bed. It's good that he managed to catch me. Half a second later I understood the reason for his strange reaction. At our feet there was something that looked like either a hairless dog or a naked person. Of course, I knew that there were strange creatures in the world, but I did not think of encountering one of them in person. His position was very unnatural, as if after a car accident. For some reason I wasn't scared at all. On the contrary, I was worried about his condition. At that moment it seemed to me that it needed our help. In the blink of an eye, the creature crawled up to my husband and began to look into his eyes. All this lasted for about half a minute. Then it touched his knee and ran out into the corridor towards the nursery. I screamed and ran out after him to protect my children. Once in the corridor, I noticed him creeping along the wall about six meters from me. I will never forget this piercing look. The creature's body was covered in blood. I turned on the light in the nursery and saw my wounded daughter Clara. While my husband and I were trying to help her, the creature ran down the stairs. Our daughter's last words were, "His name is Rake." The husband picked up his daughter and carried her into the car to take her to the hospital. But on the way the car fell into the lake. He also died. In our small town, this news spread quite quickly. The police wanted to help us, and the press showed remarkable interest in us. However, my story was never published, and local television did not react at all. My son and I could not return home. And we spent the next few months in a hotel not far from our parents’ house. But to find answers, I decided to return. With great difficulty, I managed to find a person from a neighboring city with whom the same story happened. We met and discussed our misfortunes. He knew two other people who had seen Rake. We spent about two years looking at websites that described unusual creatures, trying to find references to Reika. But not a single source provided a detailed history or description of the consequences of his activities. Only in one diary were three whole pages devoted to the creature. Sometimes there were cases when Rake appeared to one person several times. He even spoke to someone, as was the case with my daughter. This made me wonder if the creature had visited us before. Every night I sleep with the recorder on, and in the morning I listen to the recordings. I don’t hear anything except my tossing and turning in my sleep. But one day a shrill voice was heard in the headphones, Rake’s voice. I'm very scared. I wouldn’t wish even my enemy for strange creatures like Rake to appear in his life. Since he took away everything that was dear to me, I haven’t seen him, but, judging by the recording, he was in my room. And now I feel fear every day. I’m afraid to wake up and feel his piercing gaze on me.”

Locals say that this is a tall, thin creature with a painted face, making strange sounds... First, it knocks on the windows to be let into the house, and if they don’t open the door, it begins to break the window.

Can't catch it... It disappears...

“...One or more men dressed in black are walking around Kumys. They scare the population, enter houses at night, wake people up and grimace in front of them, make strange sounds, and if they cannot enter the house, they scratch doors and windows... Residents faint from fear, children lose sleep..."

“... Residents of the neighboring village also complain about this... Presumably, there are several of them ("ghosts" - editor's note) and they are scattered... A patrol is chasing them, but to no avail (they are extremely fast, smart and dexterous). I don’t know who I should tag in this post, but surely the measures can be tightened?! It acts so smartly that I doubt it's crazy. Before the victims appear, maybe you will wake up?!!! ... "

- the message said.

Mir TV journalist Mikhail Robakidze and cameraman Khvicha Samadashvili went to Kumys last week to prepare a story about the “ghost”. Near the store, at the entrance to the village, they were met by several young guys who assured that a ghost visited Kumysi every day.

The day before, it turns out, they chased him around 200 man, but to no avail... The creature, as they say, ran across the highway on all fours and disappeared in the direction of the lake.

“... Some say that it has long hair, others claim that its hair is thrown back, and for others it is completely bald. Some argue that it is red-haired with a wrinkled face, there are those who believe that it is a former special forces soldier hired by the owner of Kumys Lake to intimidate residents in order to then take over the lands that belong to them. Although, in this case, it is not clear why this creature visited neighboring villages..."

- said Robakidze.

After a conversation with the local population, the television company's film crew went up to the cemetery, which overlooks the village.

“... We wanted to record on camera that the village is empty, and people don’t even turn on the lights out of fear. At this time we noticed someone in the bushes, but we do not know who it was, because when we called out to him, he disappeared. He was wearing sportswear, height ─ approximately 180 centimeters, moved quickly even in the bushes..."

- the journalist told us.

According to him, there is an opinion that the “ghost” is a paranormal creature, a rake, which, according to the Kumys people, was brought from Lugar’s laboratory. Villagers found its resemblance to rake after watching videos of Bigfoot on the Internet.

“...According to Wikipedia, Rake is a snowman, the existence of which has not been scientifically confirmed. This is a cross between a Neanderthal primate, a species whose evolution was interrupted. IN 1957 year, a special commission was created at the USSR Academy of Sciences, the purpose of which was to study rake. Scientists were even sent on an expedition, but the results of their research are classified..."

- Robakidze noted. According to the journalist, local residents are afraid of the strange creature and demand that the police install night vision cameras to record the “ghost” and then detain it.

“... Villagers say that if the existence of a “ghost” is not confirmed by video materials, it turns out that they are crazy, and the police are normal. In the evenings, law enforcement officers make one circle and return back. In addition, the police say that there is also no reason to detain this creature, because it did not commit a crime..."

- said Robakidze.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, law enforcement officers did not ignore a single message about the “Koumys ghost” and even opened a case - under article 160 Criminal Code, which implies violation of the inviolability of housing or other property.

“... The investigation began based on the appearance of scratches in the house of a local resident of Kumys, and all reports are checked very carefully. The case includes all the facts that the population associates with this unidentified object. At this stage, something significant has not yet emerged...”

- said the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The situation is further complicated by the fact that all witnesses describe the “ghost” differently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted.

“... There are conflicting messages, and when there is nothing concrete, it is difficult to do anything. Whether it was a ghost or something else, no one knows yet, it did not cause physical harm to anyone, and the houses were not seriously damaged...”

- noted the press service.

The police are also on duty at night, and say that they have not yet noticed the “Koumiss ghost”.

And local residents are convinced that the police themselves are afraid and try not to go out into the street again.

gastroguru 2017