Italian character and frank. Married to an Italian. Family traditions in Italy

Not all travelers manage to see and understand Italy as it is here and now. A country not of history, not of sights, but one in which people live. It’s so simple and prosaic - not everyone understands the special culture and special mentality of the inhabitants of this country. What are they, these Italians?

  • Visitors to Italy are immediately struck by the relaxed attitude of the Italians. The two-hour siesta, when even the shops go to rest, is both delightful and annoying at the same time. They say, we work here for days, while Italians sit in cafes and restaurants, pamper themselves with wine and coffee, eat, relax and generally parasitize. But this is a feature of Italian culture - life is a pleasure. The pleasure of good food, the pleasure of good clothes, of a good rest.
  • Europeans from other countries, such as Germans or British, sometimes "precipitate" from the behavior of Italians. The latter talk loudly, gesticulate wildly, and, to be honest, often become impudent. Cutting off on the road, squeezing into the middle or even at the beginning of the queue, not giving way on a narrow path - this is, in general, normal. For Italians, this is an indicator of self-confidence, determination, and strength of character. Although in England this would be considered almost a crime against the public.
  • In my quest "keep up the brand" Italians are similar to Slavs. In Germany, women dress in a way that is practical: low-rise shoes, pants, a sports top, a minimum of cosmetics and accessories. The same applies, for example, to English women. But in Italy everything is different. Here ladies wear skirts even when they go out to the grocery store. And men are not far behind them in their pursuit of beauty.
  • What surprises many visitors from other countries about Italians is the cult of family. Its presence in itself is very good, even commendable. The Italian phenomenon is that about 70% of men aged 30 live at home with their mothers... We, residents of the CIS, are accustomed to the fact that marriage at 22 and even earlier is completely normal. And in Italy there are practically no early marriages. Until the age of 35, a man lives in his parents’ house. How women cope with such “mama’s boys” remains a question. Italian women have to be strong, domineering and persistent. Even though in Italians who left their mothers closer to 40, this same “I’m a man!” I am strong!" regarding the same everyday life.
  • By the way, about the attitude towards women. In Italy, compliments will be given to a lady of any age, with almost any figure and appearance. Psychologists even advise women experiencing a difficult breakup to go to Italy. This is a country where love in its best manifestations is in the air: love for women, for relaxation, delicious food and... for football.
  • By the way, football can safely be called a national religion. Absolutely everyone is a fan there - both old and young.

That's how they are, Italians. It is hardly possible to fully understand them without being born in Italy. However, it is all the more interesting to communicate with Italians, so strange and different from us.

Mass vacations, church tax, constant strikes and saving tricks - we studied the peculiarities of the Italian mentality.

They're in no hurry

When you arrive at a store that is open from 10 o'clock, don't be surprised to find the door closed. Better look for another one. After all, this one may open an hour, or even two later. This is especially true in the south of Italy and small towns. The schedule of trains, buses, and planes is also approximate. Rome Fiumicino Airport is periodically included in the ranking of the most unpunctual airports in the world, compiled annually by FlightStats. And by the way, lunch breaks in Italy can last three hours. So, if you are at a ski resort, come to the store either before 12:00 or after 16:00. Indeed, for whom to work during the day - everyone is on skis! And since Italians do not consider unpunctuality a disadvantage, all that remains is to treat the issue accordingly - calmly.

They pay church tax

More than 90% of the residents are Catholics, and this is not surprising. Italy is the cradle of Catholicism. Therefore, the church tax is taken for granted here. Although payment is voluntary, almost every resident of Italy gives 0.8% of their income tax to the church. And in the taxpayer’s document it indicates for which purpose.

They celebrate holidays with relatives

Many Italian men live with their parents until they are 30 or even 40 years old. They are in no hurry to start a family because they are afraid of making a mistake in choosing their chosen one. The official divorce procedure is complex and sometimes lasts several years. But even after a divorce, the court may oblige a man to support his ex-wife if she does not have enough funds. Therefore, Italians marry consciously, and family comes first for them. Family values, respect for elders, dinners together and evening walks - this is all about them, about Italians. On weekends they visit each other and even celebrate holidays not with friends, but with relatives.

They create their own schedule of classes at universities

The university education system implies student independence. Despite the fact that lectures and practical classes are conducted, teachers do not even check attendance. If something is not clear to a student, he or she signs up for an individual consultation. You can practically not show up at the university at all, the main thing is to prepare well for the exam. By the way, passing a difficult subject can be postponed until later. After all, students not only set their own study schedule, but also decide in which session to take exams. Despite this freedom (or perhaps precisely because of this), Italian universities are highly rated in the world and their graduates are not without work.

They have national professions

There are professions that can only be found in Italy. For example, tasters of balsamic vinegar (separate for the regions of Modena and Reggio Emilia), who evaluate the quality of the product and decide whether it is worthy of being released into the market. Another fun position: Parmesan cheese trainee at a cheese factory. The specialist’s tool is a silver hammer, with which he taps the heads of cheese as they ripen, listening to the resulting sounds. As it matures, the “notes” change. But while representatives of these professions are quite rare, everyone knows gondoliers in Venice. The profession is considered one of the most prestigious and highly paid in the city. It is not easy to become one of the license holders: you need to be able to operate a gondola, know the routes and currents, understand the history and traditions of Venice, speak foreign languages ​​and undergo appropriate training within a year.

They go on vacation throughout the country

If you decide to visit Italy at the end of summer, don't be surprised to find deserted streets and closed shops and restaurants. Chances are, most establishments will have a sign on the door that says “Closed for the Holidays.” Even factories stop working. And if you suddenly want to order designer furniture in Italy, feel free to add a month and a half to the usual delivery time - for vacation, preparation for it and exit from it. The first streams of vacationers reach the beaches already in the first days of the month, and on August 15, when the national holiday of Ferragosto is celebrated, the official vacation period begins and the cities literally die out.

They go on strike often

A strike for Italy is a common way to resolve labor disputes when employees cannot otherwise reach an agreement with management. Everyone goes on strike: drivers, doctors, teachers, students... When air traffic controllers are unhappy, flights are canceled, when the rights of drivers are infringed, public transport does not operate. Italians fight for their rights passionately and constantly, and the right to strike is enshrined in law.

They heat with wood

Surprisingly for residents of large cities, there is no central heating in Alpine villages. Each chalet has a shed where not only birch logs, but also wooden vegetable boxes are stored for kindling. However, tourists will be reminded of this circumstance only by the special smoky smell in the valley in the winter early morning and in the evenings and the lack of heat in the radiators during the day - why heat it when the sun is shining and there is no one at home!

They prefer a bicycle to a car

Local residents remember that the environment and motor transport are incompatible. In large cities there are days when cars are prohibited from entering the center. In some, for example in Trento, cars with even number plates drive on some days of the week, and odd number plates on others. It makes sense that bicycles are very popular in Italy. The country has an excellent network of bike paths and a large number of bike routes. There are many competitions, marathons, and events. And at special stations you can rent a bike for a day or a week. There are special bicycle seats and bicycle carts for children.

They have a special relationship with alcohol

Drinking in the morning in Italy, as in the rest of the civilized world, is not accepted, but at lunchtime, if an Italian does not have to go to work in the office, drinking a glass of wine or beer is quite permissible. A glass of Chianti will not harm even a driver: the legal limit is 0.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood (and you must have more than three years of driving experience). The permit does not apply to taxi drivers, truck drivers and public transport drivers. And most importantly, if you decide to follow the example of the Italians, do not confuse: beer goes with pizza, wine goes with pasta. Italians accompany food with an alcoholic drink, and not vice versa.

So, the first thing that catches your eye when looking at Italians is their openness and sociability. Yes, these are mostly very positive, relaxed people who love to enjoy good communication, sunny weather, delicious food, tart coffee in the morning, fine wine in the evenings and a pleasant emotional atmosphere.

Italians quickly close the distance when communicating with other people. Once you have met an Italian, after a while you may already notice that you are casually chatting with him as if you had known him for a long time.

Such openness, goodwill, friendliness and ease in communication make Italians very pleasant and cheerful interlocutors. At the first meeting, it is customary to always shake hands, and when saying goodbye, even at the first meeting, it is customary to kiss twice on the cheeks. In general, Italians have a custom of kissing on the cheeks every time they meet and say goodbye.

The Italian mentality primarily reflects their sociality. Their social circle is always very wide, they communicate as much as possible and often like to meet new people. It is considered completely normal to chat about life with a salesman, waiter or bartender.

The sociality of Italians gives rise to various family and friendly traditions. So, in Italy it is common practice to get together after school or work and go somewhere with the whole family or with friends - to a restaurant, bar or cafe, or just to take a walk along the embankment, go to the theater or to a concert. In general, Italians are largely extroverted people.

Family traditions in Italy

Nepotism means a lot to any Italian. Moreover, family means not only immediate relatives, but also distant brothers, sisters, nephews, aunts and uncles.

Grandparents are traditionally the main members in the Italian family who take on the role of moral authority. In general, in fact, matriarchy is developed in families, although outwardly it may seem that the man is considered to be in charge.

In an Italian family, it is customary to spoil children. They are allowed to do almost whatever they want, to express themselves openly. Thanks to this, they grow up sociable, uninhibited and free.

Very often in Italian families you can find a situation where sons even over 30 years old live with their mothers. The fact is that here it is customary for mothers to have a caring and pampering attitude towards their sons throughout their lives, just as sons are very kind to their parents. Thus, Italians are in no hurry to get married and leave their home as quickly as possible. The situation when Italian children stay in their home for a long time is considered absolutely normal.

By the way, divorce in Italy is a very complex process that can last almost seven years. In addition, you need to spend a large amount of money on a lawyer and other expenses associated with the divorce, plus you also have to pay alimony in the amount of 50% of income. Therefore, Italian men choose their life partner very carefully and do not at all strive to get married quickly.

The Italian lifestyle is to get maximum pleasure

Italians have a special attitude towards the pleasures in life. They strive to get maximum pleasure from the very process of life - sunny weather, walks and trips to restaurants and bars with the whole family or numerous friends, gourmet food and wine, an afternoon siesta, and, of course, pleasant communication and getting maximum emotions.

Italian men have a special reverent attitude towards women and admiration for their beauty. Here it is customary to admire women no matter what.

Eating among Italians turns into a real cult. In Italy, they take seriously the choice of restaurant and time for lunch and, of course, the prepared dishes. Typically, lunch in Italy is considered more important than dinner and should be a large one, with a glass of wine. The variety of Italian food, its quality and excellent taste is a vast topic for a separate article!

In general, the Italian lifestyle is as relaxed as possible. Less worries and worries, more pleasure and pleasant communication - perhaps this can be the motto of the Italian way of life. Goditi la vita!


In order to identify the most typical traits of national character, scientists conducted an anonymous survey in which 175 Germans aged 18 to 61 took part. German respondents were divided into age groups based on gender.

The survey results showed that the defining feature of the German national character is the desire to follow the rules, regulations, guidelines in everything, strict adherence to which will allow one to achieve the “real”Ordnung "a" (order.) . “The Germans believe that the world is ruled by Ordnung (order), where every thing and every person has its place in a great plan calculated to achieve maximum efficiency.” Their pedantry and love of order is expressed in the following proverb: Ordnung ist das halbe Leben, which means: Order is the basis of life. The desire to streamline everything and everyone permeates all aspects of German reality, being the source of most advantages and disadvantages. Order is maintained by the law, which is why Germans are surprisingly law-abiding.

Thus, a love of order and a desire to follow the rules was noted in 25.4% of the fairer sex aged 18 to 30 years and in 30% of women aged 31 to 61 years. Representatives of the stronger sex are more firmly convinced that order and law for Germans are higher than common sense: 68% of young informants and 32% of mature ones noted this trait as the most typical of the German national character.

S. S. Takhtarova, who studied the cultural dominants of the German ethnosociety, came to the conclusion that it is the concept that plays a key role in German linguistic culture Ordnung(order). “Representing a cultural dominant and occupying a special place in the structure of the communicative personality of representatives of the German ethnosociety, Ordnung largely determines the dominants of the German communicative style." In this case, the core part of the concept under study is formed as the main features by the following concepts: discipline, law, rule, consistency. Near peripheral layer of the concept Ordnung constitute such concepts highlighted by respondents as accuracy, rigor, correctness, love of design.

These reactions were noted by informants to varying degrees.

To illustrate the national and cultural specificity of the dominant characteristics of the Germans, we will present some comparisons with Russian culture. Thus, I.M. Kobozeva, contrasting the German with the Russian in terms of adherence to order, came to the conclusion that “a German is neat, clean, tidy, smart, collected, obligatory, polite, on the contrary, a Russian is sloppy, loose, careless, unnecessary , unceremonious, impudent." In our opinion, these comparative features are greatly exaggerated and should be considered as relative.

E. Bartminsky, when describing the psychosocial characteristics of Germans and Russians, identifies both negative and positive reactions: “a German is simultaneously attributed: cruelty, intolerance, arrogance, but also such positive signs as hard work, cleanliness and education» .

Thus, the Germans' commitment to order is more pronounced than that of some cultures. This also explains the dislike of formal, etiquette communication among the Russian cultural community and a significant proportion of superficial, polite communication among the Germans.

The Germans’ “anxious” attitude towards the use of time is proven by the results of the experiment. Punctualityb, like the love of order, was noted by the majority of respondents as the most typical trait of the German national character. 35% of young informants and about 20% of mature informants of both sexes consider Germans to be punctual.

According to the male half of respondents, the following trait is also considered typical: diligence): 43% of young informants and 19% of mature informants believe that the Germans are a hardworking people. This opinion was supported by only 4% of the fairer sex.

The remaining national character traits noted by informants find different percentage expressions in the analyzed groups.

Thus, according to representatives of the fairer sex aged 18 to 30 years, Germans are characterized by: isolation,determination And reliability,accuracy, efficiency, coldness, severity, pedantry.

In isolated cases, features such as tolerant, conservative, pessimistic, loud, ready to help, economical, embittered, serious.

It is interesting to note that only women of mature age (from 31 to 61 years old) identified such a character trait as directness. In isolated cases in this group it was indicated that the Germans calm, inquisitive, vain, pessimistic, reasonable, educated, modest, are true, conscientious, intractable, independent. They are characterized, among other things, perfectionism, sense of justice, strategic thinking.

If we compare the answers of men of both age groups, we can note some discrepancies. Thus, the younger generation of men to a greater extent attributes to the typical German such traits as love of order(68% versus 32% of mature age men), punctuality(32% vs. 24%), hard work(43% vs. 19%), isolation(10.7% vs. 8%). On the contrary, men aged 31 to 61 years identified coldness(11% versus 0% of young men), reliability(8% vs 0%), efficiency(2.7% vs. 0%).

The fact that the Germans belong to an individualistic type of culture, in which each individual has an inalienable right to a zone of his own autonomy and “personal needs and goals take precedence over the needs of other people,” was noted by both young and mature respondents.

General distancing from each other, respect for the personal autonomy of the interlocutor, respect for his communicative integrity are also manifested in such traits as restraint, isolation, modesty, which, in turn, indicates that the Germans are considered an uncommunicative people. In communication, they are more reserved, show little information, and answer “I don’t know” to many questions that are not directly related to their studies. Thematic taboo in German communication is partly explained by the increased degree of anonymity. In the German cultural community, it is not customary to interfere in the affairs of others or make requests to strangers.

In this regard, German culture belongs to low-context cultures in which “there are no informal networks of information due to the lack of close contacts between family members, constant contacts with friends, colleagues, and clients.” Therefore, people in low-context cultures are underinformed. On the contrary, high-context cultures (for example, Italian, French, Japanese, etc.) are characterized by a high density of informal information networks. In such cultures, the context formed by “the physical environment, status relations between the participants in the interaction, the previous course of the discussion, the future goals of the participants in the interaction” is very important, as well as hierarchy, a person’s appearance, his manner of behavior, living conditions, etc. .

The experiment conducted to identify the dominant features of communication of the German cultural community also confirms the conclusions of I. A. Sternin, who noted that “Germans... demonstrate a high level of everyday politeness; in communication they are reserved, uncurious,<...>the share of superficial, etiquette communication is significant, especially when visiting.” The main features of “national character” can be recognized as love of order, adherence to rules, regulations, laws, punctuality, and hard work.

Some respondents (from 7 to 19%) found it difficult to answer the question about the typical traits of the national character of Germans or completely refused to do so, guided by the fact that all people are different. Compare the following answers : I don't think there are national character traits. After all, all people are different, and so it is in every country. (employee, 50 years); In my opinion, such questions give rise to prejudices (teaching­ tel university, 30 years); In any country there are friendly and unfriendly people, polite and impolite, ready and not ready to help others (teacher, 27 years); Since there are no specific Germans and Russians, I find it impossible to name national character traits. From a psychologist of Turkish origin from Berlin's Kreuzberg district to a farmer from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern born in the GDR, everywhere I see rather individuals and differences (project coordinator, 28 years old).

In our opinion, these respondents are right in the sense that no two people are exactly alike - neither in appearance nor in character. However, there are still such features or traits that unite the majority of representatives of a particular cultural community, forming a single psychological image, or the makeup of the nation. Moreover, these national character traits significantly influence the communicative behavior of a certain cultural community. Knowledge of the dominant national features of communication helps to prevent a “conflict of cultures” in the communication process, helps to overcome cultural shock and adequately perceive the actions of the interlocutor.


Italians are a people whose character is dominated by expressiveness, that is, the tendency to completely submit to one’s emotions and express them openly. To love and hate, to be happy and sad means to completely surrender to feelings internally and externally. They consider suppressing their emotions to be something unnatural, identifying it with hypocrisy.

The Italian combines liveliness, gaiety, seriousness, firmness. Its natural character is taste associated with effect. His temperament reflects a tendency towards the high. The Italian’s facial expressions reflect a strong interplay of his feelings, making his face expressive. Italians frank and eloquent.

Note that an important feature of an Italian is his humanity. He has every right to respect due to his intelligence, liveliness, dexterity, subtle sense of beauty, and has a natural artistic taste. An Italian from the provinces will surprise his politeness, understanding. He always and everywhere enjoys nature and art - this is historically determined.

Italians are distinguished from others by their love of songs. Italian Neapolitan songs and Italian folk music are known throughout the world. The level of Italian vocal art (a capella singing) has always been high. The warm climate and the varied Italian language contributed to beautiful singing. Italy has provided the world with the largest number of outstanding singers, such as Enrico Caruso, Mario del Monaco, Mario Lanza, Luciano Pavarotti.

Let us note that Italians like brushed paintings, mosaics, and ancient works of high style. In ancient times, Italy was called the land of luxury. During the Renaissance (XIV-XVI centuries) art flourished in the country. The work of Leonardo Da Vinci dates back to this period. He became famous not only as an architect and artist, but also as a sculptor, physicist, and inventor.

Italians - this one is exceptional freedom-loving people. Quite a lot of leaders and revolutionaries came from the Italian environment.

Let us point out that among the negative character traits of this nation it is necessary to highlight the extreme ardor, vindictiveness. Even today there are cases of support for old traditions.

Nevertheless, despite all that is known about Italian treachery, hatred and vindictiveness, it can be argued that Italy is one of the countries where manifestations of kindness, friendship, respect, spirituality.

Italy is the birthplace of carnival, which is mainly held in cities, accompanied by masquerade, fun games and laughter. Italians are lovers of processions, performances, and any performance. This could not but give the typical Italian a certain theatricality in behavior.

According to other nations, Italians are excessively liberal in their upbringing of children. A typical scene of a mother-child relationship is accompanied by noisy screams, tears, beatings, and after that - displays of tenderness and kisses. Paradoxically, a gentle attitude towards children is sometimes combined with an unmerciful attitude towards pets.

Let us point out that an Italian woman, as a rule, is not distinguished by the intelligence of the British, the wit of the French, the efficiency of the Americans, the sensitivity of the Germans, or the passion of the Spaniards. Italian women are more passive and prosaic. In Italy, however, quite a few women hold leadership positions. Social thought keeps the Italian woman within the walls of her home and family more than in other European countries. Less than half of Italian women work outside their native walls.

Italian women love to discuss clothing style: what, in their opinion, looks good and what looks bad.

Italians are clear about the rules of business ethics. But at the same time, they agree to resolve many issues in an informal setting, in a friendly atmosphere.

Let us note that Italians are a people insufficiently organized and punctual. It is not a sign of disrespect for Italians if they do not meet business partners.

Italians like to resolve business issues not at the negotiating table, but in a small restaurant. Italians "easy to climb", but after signing mutual business documents, continuing contacts with them often becomes difficult.

Italy is a multi-ethnic country, the majority of believers are Catholics. The character of Italians is dominated by expressiveness, Italians are frank and eloquent. Italians smart, dexterous, naturally have artistic taste.

Thus, having examined the features of the national cultures of the Germans and Italians, in the practical part we will try to analyze how these features are reflected in travel notes.

Italian men are the dream of many women around the world. They conquer hearts not only with their bright appearance and innate sense of style, but also with some character traits that were formed under the influence of national traditions. However, you should not think that all Italians fit the stereotypical parameters, because there are always exceptions to the rules. In addition, a lot depends on the region in which a person lives.

External characteristics

The first thing that attracts men is their bright appearance. They are dark-skinned, dark-haired and brown-eyed. Growth is low, but this only applies to residents of the southern regions. In the north of Italy, men have a more European appearance (skin, hair and eyes are much lighter), which does not make them less charming.

In addition to national characteristics of appearance, it is worth noting that Italian men love to take care of themselves and have an innate sense of style. They love beautiful things, charming women and strive to look perfect. An Italian is always shaved, combed, dressed to the nines and exudes a pleasant aroma of expensive perfume.


Italian men value their parents (especially mothers) above all else. Loyalty to family values ​​and traditions can be called a national trait, which is inherent at the genetic level. Sometimes men remain under their mother’s wing until they are 30-40 years old. And even when they start a family, they prefer to live in their parents’ house.

Mom is the main authority for Italian men. She has a huge influence on her son and can manipulate him in every possible way. Italians consult their mothers in everything, listen and submit (even when it comes to relationships with women). Therefore, do not expect that when you leave you will become the unquestioning mistress of the house. If you want your family to be friendly and strong, you will need to make every effort to please his mother and establish good relations with her. Then you will definitely become the queen in the house.

Despite the fact that Italians have long been labeled as “mama’s boys,” many women prefer to build relationships with them, because it’s rare to see such a commitment to family values ​​and a sense of respect for the opposite sex. Nevertheless, you should be careful not to run into a parasite who does not leave his parents’ house only because he does not want to work.

Ardent temperament

Italian men have a reputation as seducers, because flirting can be considered their way of life. Compared to other Europeans, they look like real macho men with their own and respectful attitude towards women. In addition, Italians read a lot, and therefore they have an excellent sense of humor and extraordinary intelligence, which no beauty can resist.

It is worth noting that flirting for an Italian is not just a way to meet the girl he likes. It is as natural as walking, breathing or eating. Perhaps this is why ladies are confident in the sexuality of these men. Italian machos not only respect women, but idolize them. Even if a lady does not have outstanding external characteristics, she will receive a lot of pleasant compliments. And if you manage to catch an Italian in your net, you will be surrounded by attention both in life and in bed.

What kind of family man is he?

Italian men are very sensitive to family life. What are they like in marriage? On the one hand, caring and faithful husbands. But on the other hand, their natural tendency to flirt periodically makes itself felt. They cannot remain indifferent to long-legged beauties. Therefore, an Italian wife should always take care of herself in order to remain attractive and interesting.

Of course, any relationship can crack. In case of divorce, an Italian can sever all contacts with his ex-wife, but he will never forget about the children. The man will see them often and support them in every possible way. Moreover, he will not turn them against their mother, but will try to instill respect for her.

with the Italians

There are so many different legends about Italian men that it’s hard to tell what’s true and what’s fiction. Nevertheless, many women dream of how to conquer a brown-eyed brunette. To make a good impression, follow some rules of communication, namely:

  • Don't flirt, don't give out your phone number and address if you're not in the mood for a serious and long-term relationship. The man will perceive this as a victory over you, and it will be quite difficult to get rid of him.
  • Don't let your guard down. Wit and intelligence can quickly lull your attention.
  • Don’t bring up the topic of diets and sports in front of him. The fact is that Italians love curvy ladies.
  • Don't have high hopes for continuing the relationship. Italians know how to speak beautifully and make compliments, but this rarely ends in a wedding. Make every effort to leave an indelible mark on his heart.
  • If you are already in the mood for a serious relationship, try not to give reasons for jealousy, otherwise you will face loud scandals and theatrical scenes.

Stereotypes about character and behavior

There are many stereotypes about Italians. However, they are not always true:

  • Many women consider representatives of this nationality to be incredibly romantic and passionate. But this is a myth - in intimate terms, they are no different from other Europeans.
  • Despite the fact that Italians have earned the reputation of being mama's boys, this does not affect their relationships with their wives. Rest assured that he will never compare you to his mother.
  • Do not delude yourself that, having fallen in love, an Italian will marry you immediately. Modern young people are in no hurry to start a family and carefully consider the pros and cons.
  • There is an opinion that Italians are very expressive, they can loudly sort things out in public and actively gesticulate. But you will be surprised how modest the representatives of this nation can be.
  • It is a mistake to think that Italians are flighty and cannot be trusted. Yes, they are amorous, but they are very reliable in relationships.

Despite the fact that Italy has given the world many famous actors, singers and artists, unfortunately, there are not so many talented men.

Beautiful Italian names

Italian names for men sound very beautiful and romantic. This is another factor that attracts ladies to people from this country. Many people are so passionate about Italian culture that they even give their children names accordingly. So, the most popular are:

  • Bertoldo (translated as “wise ruler”);
  • Bernardo ("brave man");
  • Valentino ("possessing strength and health");
  • Gustavo ("balanced");
  • Dario (translated into Russian as “saint”);
  • Isaiah (“bringer of salvation”);
  • Leonardo (“comparison with a lion”);
  • Luigi ("brave warrior");
  • Matteo (“gift from the Almighty”);
  • Macario ("blessed");
  • Orazio ("sharp-sighted");
  • Patrizio ("noble");
  • Renato ("reborn");
  • Romeo ("pilgrim");
  • Severino ("severe");
  • Umberto (“support”);
  • Fabrizio (“talented master”).

Handsome Italian men

Italian men are considered among the most beautiful in the world. If we talk about celebrities, the most attractive, according to the fair half of humanity, are the following people:

  • Eros Ramazzotti (singer and composer who became famous throughout the world);
  • Alessandro (not just handsome, but also one of the best football players in the world);
  • Luca Argentero, who gained worldwide popularity after participating in the show “Big Brother”);
  • (became famous for his role in the melodrama “Three Meters Above the Sky”);
  • Eduardo Costa (former footballer and now a successful entrepreneur);
  • Clint Mauro (not only a model, but also an aspiring actor and talented writer);
  • Antonio Zupo (rock musician and star of Italian TV series);
  • Raoul Bova (professional swimmer, actor and model).


The dream of many women is Italian men. The photos show us dark, dark-haired handsome men with burning brown eyes. Italians take care of their appearance and always try to look neat. They are one of the few who understand that if you want to have a beautiful woman next to you, you need to live up to her.

Many legends and stereotypes have been invented about Italians. Of course, they are jealous, expressive, and amorous, but to a much lesser extent than is commonly believed. Italians are witty, educated and very attentive to women. However, be prepared for the fact that his mother may have an influence on your relationship. You shouldn't fight with her. If you are serious, then it is better to make friends with your mother-in-law.

gastroguru 2017