Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia: a brief description of the complete route. Golden Ring of Russia: how many cities does it include? A little story about the city of the golden ring

Russia is extremely rich in attractions. Centuries-old history, powerful culture and unique cities constitute the true glory of the country. To get a general idea of ​​the specifics of Russian culture, it is worth seeing at least the Small Golden Ring of Russia. The list of cities included in the route may vary from one agency to another, but traditionally it includes the eight greatest Russian settlements.

What is the Golden Ring

The Big and Small Golden Rings of Russia are tourist routes through ancient Russian cities. appeared in the 60s of the 20th century, when mass tourism of Soviet citizens began across the expanses of their homeland. The author of the name was journalist Yuri Bychkov, who in 1967 published a series of literary and artistic essays about the cities of Ancient Rus' in the newspaper “Soviet Culture”. Later, this name was officially assigned to the route through famous cities.

Features of the route

The specificity of the route lies in the fact that there is no single list of cities included in it, and the exact sequence of their inspection. The differences start from where you start. Where does the Small Golden Ring of Russia route begin? St. Petersburg or Moscow are the starting points for the Big Ring. Small things usually start in Sergiev Posad or Vladimir. A feature of the route is also not only the ability to make circular movements from city to city, but also radial departures from large cities. For example, you can stay in Suzdal and from there go to Kideksha and Yuryev-Polsky. Almost all famous cities participating in the Golden Ring have such outstanding satellites.

List of cities

The Little Golden Ring of Russia route, the list of cities of which varies slightly in each agency, traditionally includes the eight main ancient Russian capitals. These are Vladimir, Rostov the Great, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Sergiev Posad.

However, the route may additionally include small towns such as Alexandrov, Bogolyubovo, Ples, Uglich. Some agencies refuse to visit Ivanovo, whose historical and cultural significance is significantly lower than other capital cities of the Russian principalities. Sometimes routes are built around two or three nearby cities and their environs. For example, in the vicinity of Vladimir there are 23 other cities of significant interest to tourists.


The route of the Small Golden Ring of Russia, whose cities are the pearls of Russian culture, often begins from Vladimir. It was founded by the Grand Duke in 990. The development of the city is associated with the names of Vladimir Monomakh and Andrei Bogolyubsky. The main attractions that cannot be missed are the Golden Gate and the Assumption Cathedral - an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture. Several frescoes by Andrei Rublev have been preserved in the temple.

In total, the city has preserved 10 monasteries and churches from different historical periods, which constitute the pride of Russian culture. These are the Dmitrievsky Cathedral and the Nativity Monastery, the Trinity Old Believer Church and other buildings. Vladimir is interesting because on its territory there are more than 200 cultural monuments of various significance, some of them are included in the UNESCO list. There are many legends about the city, they tell about how the Golden Gate was created, that a ghost lives in the governor’s house and that not a single successful escape has been made from the Vladimir Central. The city captivates with its architecture of different periods and special atmosphere.


This ancient Russian city is included in the Small Golden Ring of Russia route thanks to its ancient monasteries. There are 6 of them in the city, 4 of which are active. The monastery complexes are magnificent examples of ancient Russian temple architecture; from them you can study the history of Russian architecture. The city is located on the shore, which itself is a tourist attraction. It is about 30 thousand years old, its depth is 25 meters, and its area is 50 square meters. km. Not far from the city lies the Blue Stone, this boulder weighing 12 tons reflects the sky and is shrouded in a number of secrets and myths. Interestingly, the stone is not covered with snow; next to it there is a Tree that fulfills wishes. Legends say that the stone moves in a special direction. The city fascinates with its regularity and traditionality of life; the peculiarities of the Russian character are revealed here in the best possible way.


Another outstanding city included in the route of the Small Golden Ring of Russia is Suzdal. This quiet city has preserved the spirit of Ancient Rus'; there are no high-rise buildings or noisy highways; you can endlessly wander through the narrow streets, breathing in the “air of deep antiquity.” The Spaso-Efimevsky Monastery is more than 600 years old; on its territory you can see 30 cathedrals from different historical periods.

In total, there are 5 monasteries in Suzdal, an interesting museum of wooden architecture, where you can see the buildings of ancient masters, created without a single nail. Suzdal, which is almost 1000 years old, contains many architectural monuments from the 12th to the 19th centuries. Every July, a unique and very fun Cucumber Festival takes place here. The city is also a recognized center for the production of mead; there is a preserved factory here that produced this drink for the royal table.


A tour of the Little Golden Ring of Russia would be incomplete without a visit to Kostroma. This ancient city on the Volga is considered the birthplace of Ivan Susanin and is proud of its history. Kostroma was founded in 1152 by Yuri Dolgoruky. The city gained particular fame during the Time of Troubles, when the heir to the throne, Mikhail Romanov, was saved from the Poles by Ivan Susanin and hidden in the Ipatiev Monastery. In subsequent years, Kostroma enjoyed the special favor of the royal family. The city has preserved two outstanding monastery complexes: Ipatievsky and Epiphany. Kostroma is considered to even have its tower, which children and adults enjoy visiting. Slow walks along the Volga give Kostroma a special charm; from the boat you can see magnificent views of this ancient city.


The route of the Golden Ring of Russia (Big and Small) necessarily runs through the ancient city of Yaroslavl. A settlement existed in this place back in the Neolithic era. But the formation of the city is associated with the name of Yaroslav the Wise. There is a legend about the appearance of the city - here Prince Yaroslav allegedly defeated a bear; in honor of this event, the city's coat of arms is decorated with a bear with an axe. Historians doubt this version and say that the city was founded by a completely different prince with the same name. The oldest landmark of the city is the Transfiguration Cathedral in the Spassky Monastery, which dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. The churches of Elijah the Prophet and John the Baptist are a source of special pride for the city; they are outstanding examples of the famous Yaroslavl architectural school. The unique Tolga Monastery has been operating in the city since the 14th century and is one of the oldest in Russia. Ancient churches and buildings in Yaroslavl are at every step; the city retains the atmosphere of antiquity; many historical films were filmed on its streets.

Sergiev Posad

The route of the Small Golden Ring of Russia often begins from the city of Sergiev Posad, which is located on a convenient route from Moscow. The main attraction of the city is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - one of the oldest stauropegic monasteries in Russia. It was founded back in 1337, Ivan the Terrible was baptized here, and the history of the monastery is closely connected with Russian history.

The city is also proud of the magnificent ancient St. Elias Church, which stands on the shore of the Kelarsky pond. Pilgrims are attracted by the miraculous temple, which is not only a masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture, but also a place of prayer and fulfillment of requests for healing. A miracle of nature is Klyuch in the suburbs of Sergiev Posad. The city is considered the heart of Russian Orthodoxy, and a special spirit of faith and grace is felt here.

Rostov Veliky

Rostov the Great is a real pearl of the Small Golden Ring of Russia route. Reviews from tourists about visiting this city are filled with delight and vivid emotions. Indeed, the city has something to show.

Rostov was founded in 862; it has always played a prominent role in the life of the Russian state. The city has preserved more than 300 historical monuments from different eras. Of particular interest to tourists is visiting the ancient white stone Rostov Kremlin. Also, several of the oldest Russian monasteries continue to operate in the city. Extraordinary views can be photographed on the shores of Lake Nero, which is more than 500 thousand years old. Some interesting things: in Rostov there is an unusual Museum of Jam and the Museum of the Frog Princess.

For many years this route has been one of the most attractive not only for foreigners who decide to visit this huge country, but also for Russians who want to get to know the history and culture of their homeland better. Which cities are included in the Golden Ring of Russia? Where did this term come from? What are its main attractions? We will tell you further in order.

How did the term “Golden Ring” come about?

The author of this term 50 years ago was the Soviet journalist Yuri Bychkov. One day he decided to visit those cities of Russia in which, as he considered, the most significant sights of the country, both cultural and historical, were preserved. The journalist’s journey began from Moscow to Zagorsk, which is now called Sergiev Posad, and continued in Pereslavl-Zalessky, then in Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo and Suzdal. And the last point of the route before returning to Moscow was the city of Vladimir.

Returning home, Bychkov created a series of essays about these places with a rich cultural and historical heritage, published in 1967, to which he gave the name “Golden Ring”. He named his route that way for a reason: if you connect these cities with lines on the map, you will get a solid loop, reminiscent of a ring. Bychkov’s essays attracted the attention of the authorities, who took advantage of the journalist’s experience and laid out a tourist route through the cities described, giving it this apt name. And, I must say, the idea turned out to be very successful: a ticket to the Golden Ring tour in those years was very difficult to get - this circular route turned out to be so popular both among Soviet citizens and among foreign tourists.

So, to summarize: as we have already found out, the Golden Ring of Russia includes the following 8 cities:

This is a classic version of the circular route, the so-called Small Golden Ring of Russia. Small because subsequently, in order to expand tour operator activities and increase tourism income, other cities of the ancient Vladimir-Suzdal principality began to be included in this route, for example, Bogolyubovo, Martynovo, Alexandrov, Uglich, Tver, Myshkin and others. The extended route was called the Great Golden Ring of Russia. Travel agencies offer different routes with a different set of cities, and there are about 20 of them in total. Moreover, the addition of cities continues to this day: in 2016, the idea was approved to include the city of Kaluga in the Great Golden Ring of Russia.

Let's now walk through the cities of the classic Golden Ring of Russia and their main attractions, which everyone should definitely see.

Sergiev Posad

You can get to Sergiev Posad from Moscow in just an hour and a half, and to see the main attractions, one day is enough: the city cannot be called large, its population is just over one hundred thousand people, but in the 15th century it was the cultural and political center State of Moscow.

Here you should definitely look at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, around which the town itself was subsequently built. It is connected with many historical figures: it was founded by Sergius of Radonezh, Ivan the Terrible was baptized in it, and it also served as a refuge for Peter I, who was hiding in the monastery during the Streletsky revolt.

In addition to the Lavra, it will be interesting to look at Krasnogorskaya Square located opposite it with colorful shopping arcades decorated in the “Russian” style, and also visit the Toy Museum.


And here is the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky himself and the city where one of the first white-stone churches in Rus' appeared - the Transfiguration Cathedral of the 12th century. And it’s not for nothing that the city’s coat of arms depicts two vendace, because Pereslavl stands on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, where this remarkable fish was caught right for the royal table.

A visit to the local Steam Locomotive Museum will also be an interesting experience, and those who want to see a monument to the pagan culture of Rus' should go not far outside the city and visit the Blue Stone, shrouded in ancient secrets and legends.

Rostov Veliky

We have finally reached the most popular destination that the Small Golden Ring of Russia can boast of - Rostov the Great, one of the oldest cities in Russia and an important cultural and historical center, on the territory of which there are more than 300 cultural monuments. But, despite the name, this city is very small, with a population of only 30 thousand people.

A must-see is the Rostov Kremlin, which is distinguished by its decorative appearance among other similar buildings in the country. By the way, it was here that some scenes from the popular Soviet film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” were filmed. There are really a lot of monasteries here: among them are Spaso-Yakovlevsky, Abrahamievo-Epiphany and Borisoglebsky, but besides them you can be distracted by the famous museum of Rostov enamel.


The ancient city of Yaroslavl, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, features as many as 140 cultural attractions. There really are a lot of churches here! In particular, we suggest taking a look at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky and Tolgsky monasteries - on the territory of the latter you can also look at the beautiful cedar forest, where 193 cedars grow.

The chapel of Our Lady of Kazan and the Church of John the Baptist, founded in the 17th century and also the largest in the city, also attract attention. Here you can also visit the Museum of Music and Time and the Einstein Museum.


Next, the Golden Ring of Russia leads us to Kostroma. It stands on the banks of the Volga, so historically its entire layout was built in relation to the river, representing a radial grid of streets - Catherine II herself decided to make the city resemble a fan. During its existence, Kostroma experienced many events, including two fires - one was set by the Rostov prince Konstantin, the other by the troops of the Mongol-Tatars.

Now the main attraction of the city is the Ipatiev Monastery - a key historical monument, which includes the Trinity Cathedral, the Belfry, the Romanov Chambers, as well as the Bishops' and Fraternal Corps. Don’t forget to look at the monument to Ivan Susanin, the savior of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.


If other cities of the Golden Ring of Russia may be unfamiliar to you, then you have probably heard about Ivanovo - in the sense that it is generally called the “city of brides”. This statement dates back to ancient times, when light industry, in particular textile, developed in the city, where mostly women worked, and was aggravated by the Great Patriotic War, when the male population decreased significantly.

But the city itself also has other distinctive features and attractions: visit the Vvedensky Monastery, museums of industry and art, as well as the museum of the famous Ivanovo chintz. The Horseshoe House, the Ship House, as well as the Shchudrovskaya Tent - a workshop and one of the oldest stone buildings - will attract attention.


Next we move on to the city of Suzdal with a population of 10 thousand people, standing on the Kamenka River. Archaeological research has shown that it began to be built back in the 10th century - and even now it looks like a real ancient Russian city, so it will leave an impression on itself for a long time. Although it is considered provincial, it is not lacking in charm and beauty.

Arriving in Suzdal, you can’t help but look at the Suzdal Kremlin, which is about a thousand years old. And there is no need to even talk about the lack of monasteries here - there are a ton of them here: Pokrovsky, Aleksandrovsky, Vasilievsky, etc. Be sure to stroll through the shopping arcades to look at such traditional things as a kokoshnik, an embroidered tablecloth and a Russian shirt.


And the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia end with a popular tourist center - Vladimir with a huge cultural heritage - there are more than 200 historical monuments protected by the state. During your trip, we recommend that you definitely look at such sights as the Assumption Cathedral with frescoes by Andrei Rublev, the Dmitrievsky Cathedral with unique bas-reliefs and decorative carvings, as well as the local triumphal arch - the fortress Golden Gate, and the house-museum of the Stoletov merchants.

You can learn more about the Great Golden Ring of Russia, its secrets and various interesting facts by watching this video:

The name “Golden Ring” is given to Russia’s largest network of tourist routes, which pass through several ancient cities of the country. A huge number of historical and architectural monuments, museums, and craft centers of applied folk art are concentrated in large and small settlements. This unique name was invented by correspondent Yuri Bychkov, who specializes in writing essays for travelers who want to get to know Russia better.

What is the “Golden Ring of Russia”

There has never been an officially approved list of cities and attractions included in the Golden Ring. It is believed that the main regions where the route passes are: Moscow, Tver, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo. At the same time, the list is periodically updated with new names and today the small “Golden Ring” includes:

  • Vladimir;
  • Ivanovo;
  • Rostov the Great;
  • Suzdal;
  • Kostroma;
  • Sergiev Posad;
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky;
  • Yaroslavl.

In addition to the main cities, the large “Golden Ring” also includes:

  • Bogolyubovo;
  • Kasimov;
  • Alexandrov;
  • Gus-Khrustalny;
  • Ples;
  • Uglich;
  • Dmitrov;
  • Rybinsk;
  • Gorokhovets;
  • Kalyazin;
  • Myshkin;
  • Tutaev;
  • Moore;
  • Yuryev-Polsky;
  • Palekh.

It was not by chance that each of the cities appeared on this list, since they all have a thousand-year history, confirmed by documents, and have preserved most of their attractions almost in their original form. The honorary name of the “Golden Ring” was also given to places where traditional Russian crafts were forged for a long time, including the production of linen and birch bark products, jewelry making, wooden architecture and others.

Small "Golden Ring" and its attractions


The city, founded by Vladimir Monomakh in 990, was the main residence of Russian metropolitans and the capital of the central part of the state until the 16th century. According to the chronicles, Vladimir is the second oldest in the list of the “Golden Ring” and was originally built as a defensive fortress. Today on the territory of Vladimir you can see the remains of temples, buildings and a stone citadel, which are more than seven centuries old. The most attractive sights of the city include the famous Golden Gate, Dmitrievsky and Assumption Cathedrals and the Patriarchal Gardens. Read more about the best attractions in Vladimir.


The city was founded on August 2, 1871. The settlement was formed by order of Tsar Alexander II by merging Voznesensky Posad and the village of Ivanovo. As a result, a city without a district was formed, which today is considered part of the “Golden Ring”. Ivanovo is famous for its textile production, and local linen and chintz fabrics have become famous far beyond the country's borders. Historians claim that Finno-Ugric tribes lived in this area back in the ninth century. The local Zoo is considered the most popular tourist attraction in the city.

Rostov Veliky

The city is considered a diamond in the setting of the “Golden Ring”. Rostov the Great has been celebrating its birthday for more than eleven centuries, and its name was first mentioned in chronicles in 862. Rostov has long been the spiritual center of the Russian lands and for more than 500 years it was considered the most beautiful, cultural and developed in the country, for which it was given the prefix “Great”. If you manage to visit here, be sure to visit the one-of-a-kind Rostov Kremlin.


The name of the city was first mentioned in the “Tale of Bygone Years” in the 11th century; since then the number of temples, monasteries, cathedrals, monasteries and churches in Suzdal has increased exponentially every year. Local attractions are the hallmark of Russia and are featured on the pages of popular print media. The most interesting places to visit are the Pokrovsky Monastery, the Suzdal Kremlin, the Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral and Pushkarskaya Sloboda.


The cozy and quiet Volga city amazes everyone who is lucky enough to visit here with its original beauty. Since the beginning of the 12th century, Kostroma has been known as a center of flax and birch bark production. The modern city boasts many objects that have come down to us in excellent condition; on the streets of Kostroma you can see both buildings built according to classical designs of the 16th century, as well as examples of Russian architecture, monasteries of the 16th-19th centuries. Today, more than three dozen jewelry factories operate in Kostroma, so it is not surprising that the city bears the title of the jewelry capital of the country. The most popular excursion sites are the Ipatiev Monastery, a moose farm, a zoo, the Museum of Wooden Architecture and a jewelry factory.

Sergiev Posad

The closest settlement to the capital of Russia of all the “golden” cities. Sergiev Posad received its name in honor of the righteous man revered in Rus' - Sergius of Radonezh, who became the founder of one of the first monastic monasteries in these lands. The monastery was housed in a magnificent temple, built entirely of wood, and a little later it received countless monks within its walls and became the largest monastery. These places are so imbued with holiness that almost every spring in Sergiev Posad is healing. It will also be interesting to visit the museum, whose exhibits include a wide assortment of national Russian toys of all times and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.


A small village located in the vicinity of Vladimir is famous for the fact that here is one of the most revered Russian shrines - the church with the sonorous name of the Intercession on the Nerl. The settlement was named after Andrei Bogolyubsky, who was killed here. Since those times, the princely chambers have been preserved, the remains of fortresses with ramparts, ditches and towers, the date of construction of which dates back to the 12th century. Tourists are most often offered to see another attraction - the Holy Bogolyubsky Convent.

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It is considered one of the most ancient cities in the Ryazan region and is famous for its numerous architectural and historical monuments. The date of foundation of Kasimov is 1152, the original name is Gorodets Meshchersky. Countless times the settlement was destroyed and plundered, but was invariably restored by local residents. The museum dedicated to the Russian samovar, the mosque, and Cathedral Square will be interesting to see.


The ancient name is Alexandrovskaya Sloboda. Contemporaries know this settlement as the residence of the great and terrible Tsar Ivan the Terrible, where he killed his heir in a rage, after which he left the city and never returned here again. Over time, the settlement grew larger and turned into Aleksandrov, which today is part of the Vladimir region. To this day, on the streets of the city you can find amazing witnesses of that time: palaces, merchant estates and objects built under various rulers. The most famous is the local Kremlin and the monument to Alexander Nevsky.


The city was founded in the 18th century by the famous dynasty of Maltsov merchants, who had long cherished the dream of creating a high-quality crystal production facility on the Gus River. Gradually, Gus-Khrustalny became larger, its borders expanded and glass factories were erected everywhere, which you can still visit. The modern name for glass products “Gus-Khrustalny” has become a recognizable brand in Russia, and you can get acquainted with the works of local craftsmen in the Crystal Museum.


Nowhere else in Russia can you find such mesmerizing river landscapes as here. Most of the famous Levitan’s paintings were painted on these shores; Ilya Repin came here for inspiration. And today many of our compatriots and foreign guests come to admire the magnificent pictures of Russian nature.

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In the Ipatiev Chronicle, Uglich was mentioned back in the 12th century. The small and compact town is famous for its picturesque landscapes and numerous buildings preserved in perfect condition. Once upon a time, the Rurik family found its last refuge in these places, giving way to the Romanov dynasty. You can visit the Epiphany and Alekseevsky monasteries in Uglich.


The main excursion site of the town is the wooden Resurrection Cathedral with a bell tower 106 meters high. In addition to the temple, you can visit a dozen ancient churches and the ruins of a prison castle built in the 16th century.


On the site of modern Dmitrov, a fortress was built in the 12th century, founded by Yuri Dolgoruky. Since then, many events have happened in the city, one of which was the successful implementation of Operation Typhoon, designed to stop the fascist invaders on the outskirts of the capital. Guides recommend visiting the majestic Dmitrov Kremlin and the elegant Boris and Gleb Monastery.


It is located on the banks of the large Rybinsk Reservoir and is known as a center for fishing and hunting. Rybinsk has a deep layer of industrial and commercial heritage, and only here you can see ancient hunting rows, gostiny dvors, exchanges, breweries, barns, a fire tower, as well as the Transfiguration Cathedral.


Almost from the day of its foundation, Gorokhovets became a center of trade. Goods from all over the region flocked here, and Vladimir merchants considered it an honor to bring their products here. Today Gorokhovets is the center of uniquely beautiful wooden Russian architecture, and the central object is the magnificent Kazan Church of the 18th century, made in white and blue colors.

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First, a monastery arose on this site, then a settlement began to settle in there, and the official foundation of Klyazin is considered to be the 15th century. The only attraction of the town is the flooded bell tower, around which in 1940, as a result of a technological tragedy, a large reservoir was formed.


A classic Russian city with wooden buildings decorated with carved elements and patterns. The houses in Myshkin resemble toy houses, and the art of the craftsmen who created attractive shutters and fences shakes modern people to the core. The provincial simplicity and outlandish appearance of the city annually attracts crowds of tourists, and the Mouse Museum is considered the most interesting attraction.


The town is located in the Volga region and is famous for its perfectly preserved temple complex. The attraction is located on seven hills and therefore looks quite unusual. Tutaev is famous for its Resurrection Cathedral and its sheep skin souvenirs. Local leather workers have long been producing fleece, from which fur coats were made throughout Russia.


The city of Murom was first mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. According to legend, it was in this city that the Russian hero Ilya Muromets, who defended the Oka from the bloodthirsty Polovtsians, was born. During the reign of Catherine, Murom became a thriving trading center, where merchants brought their goods and sold them at numerous fairs. Orthodox Christians know Murom as the city in which the relics of two righteous people are kept - Peter and Fevronya. Today you can visit the active monasteries here - Resurrection, Blagoveshchensky and Spaso-Preobrazhensky.


It was also founded by Yuri Dolgorukov, who created powerful fortifications on the banks of seven-meter walls and huge ramparts. The defensive structure has survived to this day, and outside the fortress a town gradually began to develop, which became famous after the Golitsyn dynasty stayed here. The city has many interesting sights, including St. George's Cathedral and the princely estate.


It is considered the cradle of Russian icon painting and the craft of lacquer miniatures. Bright and colorful boxes, caskets, painted trays, cutlery, powder compacts and caskets, which are stored in the best museums and private collections around the world, are famous all over the world. It is almost impossible to leave Palekh without a fancy souvenir.

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The number one direction near Moscow, which ensured a stable influx of foreign currency into the state treasury back in the days of socialism, the Golden Ring on the map rather resembles a calligraphic capital “O”, striving to break away from noisy Moscow and rush into the foggy distance of the glorious history of Rus' and the blessed silence of the outback.

8 ancient cities with majestic monasteries and golden-domed churches, chambers of commerce of Volga merchants and workshops of famous folk crafts - the brilliant crown of the mother throne. Not visiting them means missing out on a lot of interesting and important things from the eventful Russian past.

But you shouldn’t think at all that there is nothing to do here besides walking around religious and secular architectural complexes - on the contrary! For example, in Yaroslavl you can eat to your heart's content with perhaps the most delicious donuts in the central region, and from Kostroma you can take away a couple of heads of cheese in a Kostroma birch bark container; Suzdal will lift your spirits with the International Cucumber Festival, and Pereslavl-Zalessky will enchant you with the blue expanses of Lake Pleshcheevo. In addition, the path to this fairy-tale kingdom is not far at all: just a couple of hours from Moscow, and the tourist infrastructure is fully developed - you can eat and spend the night in style and for a reasonable price.

What is the Golden Ring: cities and monasteries

First, let's define the terminology. The classic Golden Ring is 10 cities, significant for their historical and cultural monuments, located on a virtual circle to the northeast of Moscow. Clockwise from the city closest to the capital these are: Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great and Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir. In 2015, the city of Kasimov joined them, and in 2016, Kaluga.

Along with the classic route, there are also expanded ones, depending on the imagination of the tour operators, including neighboring cities (by the way, no less remarkable in terms of landscapes, traditions and culture): Kalyazin, Murom, Plyos, Rybinsk, Gus-Khrustalny, Palekh, Alexandrov, etc. Let us forgive them for such confusion of thoughts: in the territory of the central regions of Russia there really is something to see, and in spirit these settlements fit well within the framework of the Golden Ring - cozy towns topped with domes glowing in the sun, rich Central Russian landscapes around and magnificent examples of applied art as a calling card - let's take, for example, Gusev's crystal or a lacquer miniature of Palekh.

Rostov Veliky

Routes along the Golden Circle

There are a lot of options for excursion programs around the Golden Ring. In addition to the classic “ten” mentioned above, an extended route with a loop around the Yaroslavl region is popular - with a visit to Myshkin, Rybinsk and. Its length is about 1000 km.

You can travel along the Golden Ring not only in a circle, but also radially: for example, from Rostov the Great - to the Boris and Gleb Monastery, from Yaroslavl - to Tutaev, from Kostroma - to Plyos and Shchelykovo, from Ivanovo - to Shuya and the places of folk crafts Palekh, Kholui and Mstera. Most often, such mini-programs include visits to only 4-7 cities.

In terms of duration, trips can be designed for either 2-3 days (weekend tours) or for a full 9-10 days required to explore the main cities and other “cherubim like them”. The most popular options are from 2 to 5 days, although there are also many who want to embrace the immensity, especially in the summer.

What to ride

The most convenient way to travel around the Golden Ring is an organized excursion. Despite the inevitable “gallop across Europe” in such cases, the advantages of this option are obvious: they will bring you and take you away on schedule, accommodate you, feed you and tell you about it.

Travelers on their own should rely on personal vehicles (ideal) or intercity buses. The railway is more suitable for individual visits to the cities of the Golden Ring, since it only connects regional centers (which is convenient, say, for Yaroslavl or Vladimir). In many small towns, stations are located tens of kilometers from tourist spots. To quickly get to the opposite side of the “ring”, you can use an airplane: for example, flights from Moscow Domodedovo depart to Kostroma twice a week. Travel time is just under 1.5 hours.

  • Which cities of the Golden Ring can you visit by boat during a cruise?

Golden Circle Cards

Communications and Wi-Fi

Finding a free Wi-Fi hotspot in the cities of the Golden Ring is not a problem. The Internet is not available everywhere, but we can’t even talk about a shortage; after all, it’s a tourist route. So, in small towns like Sergiev Posad, access is available in central cafes and well-known restaurants. Some establishments offer free Wi-Fi only to clients, so you need to make an order to receive a password.

In larger cities, such as Vladimir, the net can be caught in large squares and around attractions.

As for hotels, it is better to study this issue when booking. Tourists from big cities, spoiled by the default service, may encounter partial or no Wi-Fi coverage. Access problems may arise in small mini-hotels or guest houses.

Golden Ring Hotels

Fortunately, the times when a trip to the Russian outback was invariably fraught with difficulties in finding a suitable hotel (more precisely, with a complete lack of decent accommodation options) have sunk into oblivion. Today, in any city of the Golden Ring there are at least a couple of nice hotels, as well as many options in the private sector: from cozy mini-hotels with homely furnishings to apartments and even cottages for daily rent. There are also business hotels designed for wealthy foreigners.

A pleasant highlight and, if you like, exotic even for us, residents of big cities, is accommodation in old houses in suburbs or real village huts.

Accommodation prices range from 550-1500 RUB per room in the private sector, sanatorium or tourist center to 2400-5100 RUB for a well-furnished room in a modern hotel or well-kept private hotel. Business accommodation will cost 6,000-10,000 RUB for a double room with breakfast. Prices on the page are as of November 2019.

What to bring

Handicrafts and souvenirs from the cities of the Golden Ring are perhaps more attractive to travelers than monasteries, temples and museums. In addition to the standard assortment - all sorts of things depicting local architectural monuments - almost every town is famous for the exceptional products of its craftsmen. In Kostroma, for example, they make magnificent birch bark items - tueski and boxes, boxes and baskets. Linen clothing and home textiles are also brought from here - regular and embroidered. From Pereslavl-Zalessky it is worth grabbing wonderful interior and kitchen items made of carved wood. Vladimir is famous for patchwork, enamel and jewelry made from semi-precious stones, and Suzdal is famous for tapestries. In Ivanovo, be sure to pay attention to the products of local weavers - calico and printed fabrics, textiles for the home and bedroom. The towns of the “big” Golden Ring - Kholui, Mstera, Palekh - are famous throughout the world for the art of lacquer miniatures.

Traveling through the cities of the Golden Ring

Cuisine and restaurants of the Golden Ring

Thanks to the unabated tourist interest, largely from foreigners, there are no problems with nutritional establishments on the Golden Ring. From sandwich shops and wine bars (and you say, exotic - abroad!), where you can kill a worm, say, with meat and potatoes in a pot and have a glass “for sightseeing,” to restaurants of Russian haute cuisine in the spirit of the famous Moscow “Cafe Pushkin” .

In the cities of the Golden Ring, you should definitely try local gastronomic delights: in Yaroslavl - donuts, in Kostroma - cheese, in Suzdal - mead and cucumbers in all forms - from fresh to pickled, in Rostov the Great - pike dishes.

It is worth noting that in inexpensive establishments they serve food in a native way: the products are fresh, the portions are impressive, the prices are affordable - the soulful Russian hinterland, after all, is not the shameless shawarma makers of megacities. Buffets are rarely offered in hotels: breakfasts are usually continental, and dinner can be ordered à la carte in the hotel restaurant.

The best photos of the Golden Ring

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All photos of the Golden Ring

What to see

Vladimir continues the theme of New Year's miracles, where even fairs in winter turn into theatrical stages, and the main enemy of New Year's matinees, Baba Yaga, rules the ball. In the children's favorite fairytale museum "Grandma-Yagusya" miracles happen - the hook-nosed old woman suddenly becomes kinder and even treats guests with sweets.

People have noisy fun on New Year’s days in the “Birth of a Fairy Tale” complex, 25 km from Pereslavl-Zalessky (website). It’s worth returning to this city in the summer to visit the Russian Park, which offers dozens of programs for children’s recreation.

A unique place in Suzdal is the Shchurovo Settlement Museum, where the atmosphere of ancient Russian life is recreated. At the beginning of spring, a unique festival “Russian Fairy Tale” takes place here.

In Yaroslavl, children are accepted into heroes at the Aleshino Compound museum-theater. The zoo and dolphinarium are worthy of attention.

Luxurious Kremlin Christmas trees are organized in Rostov the Great. It would be a good idea to take a look at the Lukovaya Sloboda museum and the Pike Dvor fish soup academy in the Rostovsky complex (website).

Ivanovo and Sergiev Posad cannot boast of such an abundance of entertainment, but there is something to do here too. The Ivanovo Zoo, for example, is home to more than 800 representatives of the animal world (website). And in Sergiev Posad, an excellent place for a family holiday is the “Wonder Park” amusement complex.

Holidays and Events

In the cities of the Golden Ring, people live and have fun in the best Russian traditions - to the envy of the residents of megacities, they ride sleighs, noisily see off the winter by burning effigies, have round dances, and dress up in all sorts of ways.

The most vibrant folk festivities take place in the regions on New Year and Christmas. In this regard, Vladimir, Kostroma, Rostov Veliky and Yaroslavl delight with entertainment programs. A complete immersion in the atmosphere of fair life is guaranteed on Maslenitsa weekend. Celebrations are accompanied by songs, noisy performances and eating pancakes with dozens of fillings. The demand for the Golden Ring and Easter is high.

In an age when Easter cakes are bought in supermarkets, a trip to the bell-ringing city of the Golden Ring on Easter will give you an unforgettable experience.

The summer season on the Golden Ring opens with the May holidays and continues with night festivities on Ivan Kupala. A spectacular event on Yaroslavl soil in July is the Aeronautics Festival. In Vladimir, at the beginning of autumn, the “Princely Fun” competition of heroes takes place.

Suzdal boasts a kaleidoscope of holidays. In mid-summer, tourists from all over the country come to the city to celebrate Cucumber Day. Local bast racing competitions are widely known.

Climate and season

The climate in the cities of the Golden Ring is classic, moderate with a pronounced seasonality - warm in summer, cold in winter, stormy in autumn and spring.

High season is the end of December-January, when crowds of tourists flock to the outback to celebrate New Year and Christmas. Winter here is “correct” - with frosts that decorate the windows, snowdrifts and crunchy snow, without which the tourist attractiveness of the cities would probably suffer greatly. It’s crowded on the Golden Ring and on Maslenitsa, when people rush to take part in colorful folk festivities.

In spring, as in autumn, life in the cities calms down - the route is slushy and it rains. The flow of tourists resumes in May. Summer in ancient Russian cities is undoubtedly the ideal season for relaxation. Firstly, trees grow here, not high-rise buildings, and it’s beautiful. Secondly, there are a lot of street festivals on the Golden Circle at this time of year - they're fun. Well, the not-Moscow-style clean rivers and lakes found along the route will significantly brighten up the holiday for those who like to swim.

I believe that the best way to understand our country is to take a ride along the famous Golden Ring of Russia. Here you can not only see the places where history was made, but also touch the life and art of the past, awaken the long-forgotten genes of the Russian people.

In this article I will try to explain why the Golden Ring is called golden, which cities are included in it, give a brief overview of each city, explain how the small ring differs from the large one and talk about the sights and ways of traveling along the route.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, Yaroslavl

The Golden Ring of Russia - tourist routes through ancient Russian cities, with unique monuments of Russian history and culture, centers of folk crafts.

The term “Golden Ring” became widespread back in the 1960s thanks to journalist Yuri Bychkov, who published a number of articles in the newspaper “Soviet Russia” about ancient Russian settlements around the capital.

There is another ancient and very melodious-sounding name for these lands - Zalesye. In ancient times, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was located here. Rus' began in Kyiv, and the Vladimir-Suzdal lands were located behind dense forests (in relation to the Dnieper region), which is where the name Zalesye came from.

Currently, tourist routes around the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia are very popular. Moreover, they are in demand not only in our country, but also among foreigners. Residents of America, Europe and Asia dream of traveling through the cities of the Golden Ring, getting to know their sights and the rich history of these places.

In addition to the Gold Ring, there is also the Silver Ring of Russia and the Great Ural Ring.

Where is?

The Golden Ring of Russia is located in the central federal district of Russia and includes 6 regions:

  • Moscow;
  • Vladimirskaya;
  • Kostroma;
  • Tverskaya;
  • Ivanovskaya;
  • Yaroslavskaya.

List of cities

Small ring

List of all cities of the Small Golden Ring of Russia and their photos:

Sergiev Posad








On August 17, 2017, these cities signed an agreement on the creation of the “Union of Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia.”

Big ring

How many cities are included in the Big Ring depends on the guidebook that describes the route. Usually the list includes about 20 pieces. Cities included in addition to those listed above:

Is Moscow included in the Golden Ring of Russia?

Yes, many guidebooks include the capital in the extended list of cities.

On the map the route looks like this (red indicates the route along the small ring, yellow - along the large one):


Each city of the Golden Ring is a concentration of unique, priceless monuments of history and art.

The architectural attractions of the Golden Ring are city fortifications, Kremlins, and numerous monastic ensembles, and the first stone cathedrals of Rus', massive and heavy, and examples of the later Romanesque style of temple construction, as well as the architecture of the Peter the Great era - noble estates with a touch of antique style.

Frescoes of the Rostov Kremlin

Driving along the route of the Golden Ring, you can see the greatest works of ancient Russian painting, which are kept in churches and monasteries of cities in the form of frescoes, icons and wall paintings.

Examples of ancient folk art have also been preserved here - ancient Russian jewelry, wood and bone products, various types of lace and weaving.

Another attraction of the Golden Ring cities is their atmosphere and lifestyle. There is no bustle of big cities here. You can fully enjoy the silence and peaceful tranquility that is created to a greater extent by the almost reserved local nature, whose picturesqueness fascinates no less than the monumental architecture or majestic painting.

What to see:

  • Sergiev Posad- a beautiful ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral with icons by Andrei Rublev.
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky- several monasteries, many churches, the boat of Peter I (after all, it was in Pereslavl that the Russian navy was born).
  • Rostov Veliky- Rostov Kremlin, famous belfry.
  • Yaroslavl- Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the Volga embankment, many different churches, museums, beautiful buildings in the central part of the city.
  • Kostroma- Ipatievsky Monastery, Epiphany-Anastasinsky Monastery, complex of Trading Rows.
  • Ivanovo- architectural monuments of the era of constructivism (30s of the XX century) - ship house, horseshoe house, museums.
  • Suzdal- Suzdal Kremlin, wonderful monastery ensembles, quiet streets that have preserved the atmosphere of the ancient city.
  • Vladimir- Golden Gate, Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals.

Golden Gate, Vladimir

Which route to choose?

The Golden Circle is a route for travel at any time of the year, which lasts on average 14–16 days, provided that each city is allocated 2 days. If you plan to visit more than eight main cities, you should increase the duration of the tour. Only in this case can you fully enjoy the route and understand its essence.

The distance between the cities of the Small Golden Ring in the table:

Where Where Distance Travel time by car
Moscow Sergiev Posad 81 km 1 hour 30 min
Pereslavl Zalessky 69 km 1 hour 20 min
Pereslavl Zalessky Rostov 63 km 1 hour
Rostov Yaroslavl 56 km 1 hour
Yaroslavl Kostroma 79 km 1 hour 30 min
Kostroma Ivanovo 100 km 2 hours
Ivanovo Suzdal 82 km 1 hour 40 min
Suzdal Vladimir 36 km 45 min
Vladimir Moscow 190 km 3 hours

There are more compact routes that give you the opportunity to experience Russian history in 7, 5 or even 3 days, which you can learn about from this article.

City map:

Map with routes and distances

Where to live?

Fortunately, the times when a trip to the Russian outback was invariably fraught with difficulties in finding a suitable hotel (more precisely, with a complete lack of decent accommodation options) have sunk into oblivion. Today, in any city of the Golden Ring there are at least a couple of nice hotels, as well as many options in the private sector: from cozy mini-hotels with homely furnishings to apartments and even cottages for daily rent. There are also business hotels designed for wealthy foreigners.

A pleasant highlight and, if you like, exotic even for us, residents of big cities, is accommodation in old houses in suburbs or real village huts.

Accommodation prices range from 700–1 thousand rubles for a room in the private sector, sanatorium or tourist center to 2–3 thousand rubles for a well-furnished room in a modern hotel or a well-kept private hotel. Business accommodation will cost 5–7 thousand rubles for a double room with breakfast.


For several decades there has been a unique tourist route “Golden Ring of Russia”. The cities, where tours are organized by many companies, boast comfortable hotels, and their surroundings boast landscaped landscapes. Group excursions or private trips accompanied by a guide - all these activities will become possible after visiting a tour agency in Moscow.

Tourist packages are offered in several types; you can travel through the main attractions and visit only the main eight cities, or you can take advantage of an extended option with visits to places that are no less interesting in terms of historical and architectural features. In any case, the tourist will find out which cities are included in the Golden Ring of Russia and will have the opportunity to visit them.

Travel options:

  • By car.
  • By bus.
  • On a boat. Cruises are very popular in the summer. The cities of the route are framed by the rivers: Volga, Moscow and Oka. Most routes start from the city of Moscow, however, the starting point can be St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, and Yaroslavl.

A week-long tour of the Golden Ring with three meals a day and overnight stays in hotels can now be purchased for 20 thousand - 24 thousand rubles per person. This offer includes visits to all major cities in the ring, as well as several small towns.

The price includes a dozen excursions and the services of a professional guide. You can buy a more modest tour (two days - 5 thousand rubles per person, one night in a hotel, one breakfast), but in this case you will visit no more than 3-4 cities, and the pace of the trip will be simply frantic. Similar tours can be purchased from Moscow, St. Petersburg and any major city in the country.


The brightest celebrations take place on New Year's and Christmas days. With the wide scope inherent in our people - round dances, burning of effigy, sleigh rides, songs and belts.

On Maslenitsa you are guaranteed complete immersion in fair life, filled with songs, colorful performances and eating an incredible variety of pancakes.

The summer season begins with the May holidays. Interesting events: night festivities on the night of Ivan Kupala, competitions of heroes in Vladimir, a spectacular balloon festival in Yaroslavl. In the middle of summer you will find yourself at an amazing cucumber festival, which is celebrated in Suzdal.


It is customary to bring souvenirs from trips. In the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia you can easily find stalls and shops with souvenirs. Moreover, each city is famous for some special products:

  • Sergiev Posad - nesting dolls;
  • Uglich - cheese;
  • Myshkin – mouse figures, felt boots;
  • Kostroma – linen products, jewelry from the village of Krasnoe-on-Volga;
  • Rostov the Great - recording of bells;
  • Gus-Khrustalny – naturally, crystal;
  • Suzdal - mead;
  • Ples – painting;
  • Murom – figures of Ilya Muromets;
  • Vladimir – lacquer miniature;
  • Ivanovo – ceramics;
  • Yaroslavl - figurines of a bear with an axe.

From 2004 to 2008, the Central Bank of Russia issued a series of coins dedicated to the cities of the Golden Ring. There are only 12 coins in denominations of 5 and 100 rubles.

The estimated cost of one coin “Uglich” or “Rostov” is 260 thousand rubles

Traveling along the Golden Ring, tourists dream of collecting a collection, however, the cost of coins starts from 30 thousand rubles per piece, which is why many prefer to purchase for their collection more affordable collectible tokens-medals made of silver, the price of which is significantly cheaper.

The Sergiev Posad medal token costs about 1.5 thousand rubles
  1. The most ancient city Golden Ring - Rostov the Great. It is 300 years older than Moscow and is the same age as Kyiv and Novgorod. In 2012, the city celebrated its 1150th anniversary.
  2. Yaroslavl was officially recognized route capital. Opposite No. 20 on Revolutionary Street there is a sign “Zero kilometer of the Golden Ring of Russia”.
  3. Northernmost city big route - Vologda.
  4. Historical order of founding of cities was as follows: Rostov (862), Vladimir (990), Yaroslavl (1010), Suzdal (1024), Pereslavl-Zelessky (1152), Kostroma (1152), Ivanovo (1608).


Despite my extensive travel experience and desire to constantly discover something new, I return to the Golden Ring routes every year. And every time ancient cities open up to me from a new side.


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