What you need to breed fish in a pond. Fish for the pond. What equipment will you need?

2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

By approaching the formation of the pond correctly, studying the water parameters and preparing everything for the launch of the fry, the owner will be able to grow the fish to the optimal size. Careful care and cleaning of an artificial reservoir will allow you to increase the amount of fish for sale, and therefore increase the volume of profit received.

At the moment, many experts in the field of fish farming consider the fishing business to be a rather promising area. Therefore, by creating conditions for its development, it is possible to solve the problem of providing the state with fish and help fish farms in such a difficult task as growing various fish species.

Previously, it was popular to breed fish in artificial reservoirs, but in this case, poachers prevented the growth and development of young and older individuals, which is why fish farmers began to engage in organized reproduction and cultivation of fish on mini farms and at home. But in order for fish breeding to be successful, a novice fish farmer needs to study the breeding instructions and adhere to all the prescribed rules. Without what will home fish farming not bring the desired results?

Home fish farming from scratch

The most important resource for growing any type of fish is water. The growth, development and health of young animals will depend on its quality.

Step one. Creation of an artificial reservoir.

Before you start creating a pond, you need to devote time to a complete analysis of the water, studying all the indicators and quality standards necessary for populating the reservoir with new residents.

For this purpose, it is best to contact Epidemiological Surveillance and ask specialists to conduct the necessary analyzes of the aquatic environment and provide advice on improving it, if necessary. If the water quality does not meet standards, do not despair. It is enough to aerate and clean the pond and everything will return to normal.

Step two. Determining the quality of water resources.

The water in a fish pond must have the following characteristics:

  • Optimal salt ratio;
  • Regular and irregular temperature conditions;
  • The total number of microorganisms living in it and PH;
  • General transparency;
  • The presence of minerals necessary for future fish;
  • Color qualities;
  • The ratio of gases dissolved in water;

If all these characteristics meet the stated standards, then it will be possible to grow fish without any problems.

Step three. Launching the fry.

Before you release the fry into the pond, you need to know what temperature conditions are suitable for the breed of fish you have chosen. There are fish that are more suited to cold water, and there are fish species that will only feel comfortable in warm water.

Cold-loving species include grass carp, carp, catfish, crucian carp, sterlet, silver carp, trout, peled, etc. Heat-loving fish need to ensure the water temperature is not lower than twenty degrees, and for those who prefer cool waters, from ten to twenty degrees. Wintering in a reservoir will also be determined by the species of fish.

Step four. Stages of growing fish.

In order to properly build your mini fish farm, you need to know that when growing fish, the stages of breeding are taken into account. First, the fish spawn, then the fry appear, followed by the wintering stage, the next stage of growth, and experienced fish farmers consider the feeding stage to be the last step.

Taking them into account, it is possible to clearly distinguish between these periods and create the necessary scheme for the growth and development of young animals and grown individuals. For each of these stages, it is best to equip your own pond or use plastic pools.

In a pool or spawning pond, fish farmers hatch fry from the eggs. The hatched fry are transplanted into a pond where they will grow. Upon reaching a certain age, they are placed in a nursery pond, where they will gain weight. When the generation gets stronger and there is no longer any need to worry about its health, it is transferred to a feeding pond, and for wintering a special wintering pond with conditions appropriate for fish is used.

In order for fish to grow and develop well, the water in the reservoir must be clean and enriched with oxygen. Also, it should not contain hydrogen sulfide and methane. To avoid their occurrence, the pond must be created in an appropriate area, which can be determined using a geodetic map. Also, the reservoir must have appropriate vegetation that will saturate the water with substances beneficial to fish.

Step five. Feeding.

Not only water plays an important role in growing fish, but also the use of appropriate feed additives. In order to grow healthy fish, it is necessary to use feed mixtures appropriate for each breed. They consist of fats, fiber, legumes, grains, proteins, minerals and vitamins that fish need. The secret of success is simple: in order for the fish to grow well, fish farmers fertilize the reservoirs and mineralize them.

For each age of fish, it is necessary to use their own feed additives, just as to boost immunity, they use therapeutic-stress food to help the fish cope with the disease and gain immunity to it. That’s basically all that fish farmers who decide to grow fish at home need to know.

Breeding fish at home as a business

For growing fish, the most important thing is water; without it, it is simply impossible to breed any of the fish species. It is for this reason that before deciding to grow fish at home, it is necessary to build a suitable artificial reservoir for it.

For this purpose, you can rent a state reservoir, but it is better to abandon this idea. Because it will take you a lot of time to obtain various permits and approvals, and in addition to all this, your “fishing place” will also be threatened by poachers trying to catch as much fish as possible in your reservoir. For this reason, it is best to forget about renting a pond from government agencies. Moreover, the cost of a business based on state lease will be very expensive for you.

Another option is to create an artificial pond on your country or summer cottage. Creating an artificial reservoir will also not be cheap, but it will still require significantly less material and stress from you, and you will also be one hundred percent confident in the reliability of your business.

If you want to breed fish for which fresh water is suitable, then you can use a polycarbonate greenhouse with a plastic pool installed in it. It is also necessary to purchase compressor and filtering equipment, which will cost three thousand dollars. If you can create such equipment yourself, you will significantly reduce the cost of equipment for the pond. But before you start creating or purchasing it, you need to find out exactly what equipment and materials you will need.

Pond equipment

Water purification in a reservoir should be done using a gravity filter. Installing it is quite simple and it will not take much of your time. It costs about five thousand rubles. It is used not only for water purification, but also allows you to remove microorganisms that cause water blooms and the appearance of mud.

In order to saturate the water with oxygen, compressor equipment is used. Its cost can reach ten thousand rubles. In order to prevent the water in the reservoir from blooming, sterilizers with ultraviolet diodes are used. To pump water out of a reservoir, you need to purchase a hydraulic pump (about five thousand rubles). You can also make it by assembling it yourself from tubes. In this case, the reservoir will be filled with water from underground sources and springs. Feeders can be purchased at stores that sell fishing tackle. Also, do not forget about drainage equipment.

Costs and technology of fish farming

The benefits of fish farming are obvious. On the market, let’s take sturgeon, for example, a kilogram costs about two hundred rubles. By buying fry or breeding them yourself, you can get up to a ton of fish per year, which is about one and a half thousand kilograms, which means three hundred thousand rubles.

By spending one hundred and fifty thousand on your fishing business, you can work off the costs in a year and still make a profit. The main thing is to find sales points and then you don’t have to worry about profits.

Of course, only those people who understand all the risks and are ready to take them can engage in fish farming, because this type of business is quite competitive. And if you are not ready to fight and breed really high-quality and selected fish, it is better not to start it.

And now, finally, you have made a firm decision to create your own fishery. What documents will you need? Since you will be starting a business, you will need to register your business. This will also require additional costs. Also, to grow fish you will need a license, which will need to be issued. And when you receive the first “harvest”, you will still have to undergo product quality control and obtain special permission from the relevant structures.

What is the best fish to choose for breeding?

While it is easy to calculate the costs of creating an artificial reservoir, the costs of purchasing and growing fish are very difficult. It is for this reason that it is necessary to draw up a clear business plan.

The most unpretentious fish to eat and keep is carp. It is also affordable. When purchasing a ton of carp fry, you will need to spend about a thousand dollars. Moreover, this fish breed will not begin to reproduce immediately, but only after three years. In addition, during the cold season, carp grow twice as slow.

In industrial terms, all varieties of sturgeon are considered the most profitable fish species. An adult sturgeon weighs on average five hundred grams. A kilogram of sturgeon sold wholesale will cost approximately ten dollars. In your artificial pond, you can grow about a ton of such fish in six months. And this means that this business can really be called profitable.

Growing fish at home on a mini-farm: how to organize it correctly?

If you follow all the tips described above, then growing fish in your pond or pool is not a problem. This is exactly what farmer Mikhail Atamanov does, growing sterlet and trout on his farm in Yaroslavl. Over the course of a year, he grows and sells up to ten tons of fish and does not intend to stop there. According to him, such a business brings him not only tangible profit, but also pleasure.

Perhaps every owner of a summer house or country house dreams of having a personal pond for fish farming on his property. A small one can be a place of rest, a source of water for irrigation, and a supplier of fresh fish to your table.

Artificial fish pond

Build an artificial pond for fish small but sufficient size and depth is a technically simple task, but it will also require a lot of effort. You should also be aware that a personal pond and its inhabitants will require constant care from the owner. Many users website have already acquired their own ponds and are happy to exchange experiences on their creation, arrangement and fish breeding. If you are planning to make a pond with your own hands and start fish farming in a summer cottage format, use their advice.

Before you build a pond, you need to decide on its location and size. The optimal size for breeding a small amount of fish is 30-50 square meters. A large pond requires significant investment, while a small one requires constant maintenance. But keep in mind that in a pond of two to three hundred square meters in area, growing fish for years, leaving them for the winter, will be too troublesome and expensive, such a fish will turn out “golden”. The best option is to buy fish seeding material, grow it over the summer, and catch it in the fall for the table. The optimal depth for a small one is about two meters; you can swim in such a pond, and the fish will be comfortable. You can also grow fish in a so-called cage - fenced off mesh wall of part of the pond.

The fish pond on the site should be located on an open place that will be well illuminated by the sun in the morning, and by the middle of the day - remain entirely or half in the shade so that the water temperature does not rise too much: in warm water algae multiply faster, and the fish may lack oxygen. There is a rule: direct rays of the sun should not illuminate the pond for more than ten hours, optimally - no more than six.

It is better to build a pond that is elongated in length than to have a round or square shape: it is more convenient to swim in such a pond, plant plants along the banks and take water from it for irrigation.

To fill reservoirs, various sources are used - streams, high-lying groundwater, wells. And it is worth conducting preliminary tests to determine the suitability of the water for fish farming. Such analyzes are done in sanitary and epidemiological services or fisheries laboratories.

You also need to examine the soil at the construction site of the future pond: how well it will maintain the water level. Soil with a high content (above 30%) of clay and loam is suitable for fish farming, but for sand you will have to create artificial waterproofing, which means serious additional costs, especially if we are not talking about a film, but about capital, concrete waterproofing.

The bottom topography of the reservoir in which fish is supposed to be raised must be complex - with alternating shallow and deep water areas.

After the bowl of your reservoir is filled with water, it should be allowed to settle for at least ten days, and only then begin landscaping and planting. It is best to do this in early summer. Underwater and above-water plants in the pond will not only perform a decorative function, but also maintain the natural biological balance in it and serve as a kind of filter for the water, especially if concrete was used for waterproofing.

Calculating the number of fish

We count how many fish we cankeep in a small garden pond. One fish 10-15 centimeters long requires a minimum of 50 liters of water. The calculation is not difficult to make, but it is important to consider that the fish grows quite quickly. In an overpopulated pond, its inhabitants will lack oxygen and food, and the water in it will deteriorate faster, especially if there is insufficient or no filtration.

What types of fish to breed

The answer to this question depends on the geography of your region, climatic conditions, water temperature in the reservoir and many other factors. Among the most popular representatives of the aquatic world for growing near Moscow are carp, crucian carp, tench, grass carp, silver carp. Many people successfully grow predators such as perch and pike, as well as crayfish, in their ponds. Frequent inhabitant of country water bodies is koi They are trying to get this fish do not dilute for benefit, but for aesthetics: it is different some unusual, very beautiful coloring, and it is always interesting and pleasant to look at. However, like its relative, carp, in search of food, actively digs in the bottom of the reservoir, creating turbidity, That's why If there are a large number of individuals, you can forget about the transparency of the water in your pond.

Fish that live in a large reservoir with a large number of plants and microorganisms most often do not need additional feeding; they already have enough food. But when farming fish using a small pond, if you want to get well-fed products as a result, you will have to feed the fish. But even here you need to strictly observe the measure: excess feed mixture that is not eaten by the fish quickly turns sour and spoils the water in the reservoir.

Anyone who dreams of building their own a pond on a fish breeding site must remember that even a very small artificial reservoir is a complex ecosystem that requires close attention to all processes and proper care. To avoid making mistakes, it is better to study all the necessary nuances in advance.

The topic of fish farming is very popular on the site, and a lot of materials on it have accumulated. We offer you a guide to the topic, where all useful information about all stages of the construction and maintenance of reservoirs and fish farming is collected and structured. Read about what plants can be planted in.

We offer you data from fish farms in different regions where you can purchase fish seeding material.

Our video contains useful tips for those who dream of becoming a pond owner and creating a small fish farm, but do not know where to start.

It would take a very long time to list all the advantages of a country house: air, nature, and the opportunity to grow your own environmentally friendly products. For example, you can start raising livestock or poultry, but this is not the entire list of what you can do on your personal plot. Pond farming is becoming increasingly popular. At dachas, as a rule, all conditions are favorable for this.

fish pond

Growing fish in your own pond is quite an exciting activity., especially if there are fishing enthusiasts among your household or friends. Watching a fish grow in a pond, feeding it, then hunting for it, and, in the end, always having fresh fish for the table - isn’t it a joy for the owners?

In addition, organizing a pond on your site is not particularly difficult. This process can be completed in a few days, but for this you need to know and follow some rules. First of all, you should choose a suitable location for the future pond. How to do it?

Choosing a suitable location

Choosing a location for a future pond is the very first step, which must be approached with all responsibility. The quality of life of its inhabitants will depend on the correct position of the reservoir. When choosing a territory and its further improvement, you need to take into account the following features:

After all the necessary conditions have been met and the reservoir is ready, you should not rush to immediately introduce fish there. It must stand for some time in order to acquire its own microflora and microorganisms, as well as to achieve the required temperature indicators. To speed up this process, you can pour several buckets of water taken from a regular reservoir. To “revive” the water, you should leave some wilted grass at the bottom of the pond.

Fish farming equipment

To create comfortable living conditions for fish in the pool, it is worth acquiring the necessary equipment. To protect water from blooms and pollution, you will need a gravity biofilter. The compressor will provide the required level of oxygen, and the ultraviolet sterilizer will prevent the water from blooming. Among other things, you will have to clean and periodically change the water in the pond, for which a hydraulic pump will be useful. It is also necessary to install fish feeders.

Features of fish breeding

Even in the process of creating an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to follow some rules. Before deciding to populate a pond with aquatic inhabitants, you should take into account the depth, temperature, pH level of the water, as well as other factors:

All these conditions must be met for a successful fish farming process.

Pond inhabitants

Among the many varieties of fish, you should choose the most suitable for a particular type of pool and living conditions. The most popular fish species for breeding in your own pond are carp, crucian carp, tench, cold-water trout, goldfish, as well as decorative Japanese carp - koi.

It is necessary to populate these fish into a reservoir at a rate of 10 to 20 individuals per 1 m³ of water. Accordingly, a small pond can accommodate several medium-sized carp and 20-25 crucian carp. In this case, the pool must have a perimeter of 4x6 m and a depth of at least 1.5 m. Thanks to this, the water in it will warm up evenly and quickly enough. The most suitable temperature for keeping these fish species is about 26 °C. A decrease in temperature to 10−12 ° C or an increase to 30 ° C negatively affects them: the fish becomes less mobile, the processes of feeding and reproduction slow down sharply.

There are also types of fish that are well suited for breeding at home:

Depending on the purpose of breeding, the owner will be able to choose the most suitable species from the entire variety of underwater inhabitants.

Food for aquatic inhabitants

Artificial fish breeding can only be successful if there is a responsible attitude to the issue of feeding them. The most unpretentious species is carp, which eats almost everything. It can be fed with feed for pigs or poultry, and the loose powder should be thoroughly mixed with water to form a porridge, and then sent to a pond.

Other breeds prefer a pre-steamed and swollen mixture of grains and legumes. The volume of this food should not exceed 3-6% of the weight of the fish itself. It is recommended to feed 1-2 times a day in a certain place in the reservoir at the same time. For convenience, a specially equipped table-pallet is used. This convenience lies in the fact that it can be lowered to the bottom without any problems, and then taken out from there with the same ease. With the help of such a design, it is easy to track how much food has been eaten and whether there are any pieces left that will pollute the water.

It is very interesting to observe how the ringing of a small bell gradually creates a conditioned reflex in the fish and they gather in a flock to feast on the food brought by the owner.

Undoubtedly Breeding fish in an artificial reservoir is not an easy task, because all conditions must be met to make their maintenance as comfortable as possible. In this case, the fish will live a long time and delight their owners.

Fish farming is a suitable business for those who like to spend hours fishing in water bodies. Having skills in this area, it is enough to devote 4-5 hours a day to production to make a profit. You can raise fish at your summer cottage: in a pond or pool. The market values ​​the products of small farms, considering them environmentally friendly.

First of all, when starting a business, you need to decide where you will breed fish. Possible options:

  1. Under natural conditions (pond farming).
  2. In the pool - the method is suitable for growing salmon, carp, bream, perch, pike.
  3. In cages - for large fish.
  4. In barrels or baths with an artificial air aeration system.

Draw up an individual business plan for your future enterprise. Be sure to include:

  • stages of project implementation;
  • necessary equipment and personnel;
  • calculation of costs and payback period;
  • marketing strategy.

An example of a business plan can be found below. When planning, take into account the features of feeding and maintenance - they vary depending on the type of fish.

Scheme of an automated fish farm - several pools and a water supply and purification system

Benefits and risks

The fish farming business remains profitable even during periods of declining market prices for finished products. Thus, with the cost of carp being 60 rubles/kg, the profitability of medium-sized production is 10%.

Organizing your own pond or swimming pool involves some difficulties, such as:

Documents for company registration

You can register a fishery in the form of a limited liability company (LLC), an individual enterprise (IE) or a peasant farm (peasant farm). Necessary documents for company registration:

  • application for state registration of a legal entity;
  • protocol on the creation of an organization (for individual entrepreneurs - the decision on creation);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • the organization's charter in two copies and a request to receive a certified copy of the document (except for individual entrepreneurs);
  • copy of passport (for individual entrepreneurs).

Be careful when filling out the application, as the registration authority has the right to refuse to accept documents, even if it discovers an error in the formulation of sentences or page numbering.

Application forms:

  • P21001 – for an individual entrepreneur;
  • P11001 – for LLC;
  • R21002 – for peasant farms.

To start work, you also need permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Location and installation of the reservoir

When choosing a pond for fish breeding you must:

  • estimate its area, depth and volume;
  • check the acidity and temperature of the water. The optimal range for trout is 16-19 degrees, for carp – 24 degrees Celsius;
  • find out information about settlements within a radius of 50 km from the reservoir and access roads for transporting fish.

Large reservoirs have an even temperature regime and hydrochemical structure. To adjust parameters, use cleaning and disinfection units and oxygen generators. Clear the bottom of silt and algae, and monitor the amount of vegetation in the reservoir.

Types of ponds of natural origin:

  • channel;
  • floodplain;
  • beam

Reservoirs for breeding and raising fry:

  • feeding;
  • growing up;
  • spawning;
  • wintering

A swimming pool or bathtub can be installed in a utility room on your own property. To maintain an artificial reservoir, closed water supply installations are required.

Scheme of organizing a fish farm based on several ponds

Equipment for raising fry

The process of growing fish is ensured by closed water supply (RAS) installations. They create an artificial environment close to the natural one, eliminate wintering conditions, and accelerate the process of population growth.

RAS components:

  • pool;
  • filtration systems – mechanical and biological;
  • a group of pumps for supplying purified water;
  • denitrification plants;
  • acidity control units;
  • oxygen generators for saturating water with oxygen;
  • heat generators.

In natural reservoirs, gravity filters, compressors that provide oxygen access to fish, and ultraviolet sterilizers are used. Equipment varies depending on the size of the reservoir and the types of its inhabitants.

Elements of a fish keeping system in a pool

What type of fish to choose for breeding

Fish species suitable for artificial breeding on an industrial scale:

  • tench;
  • crucian carp;
  • perch;
  • trout;
  • carp and others from the carp family.

Study the literature about the characteristics of different types of fish. If you decide to grow several at once, then select them in such a way that they do not conflict with each other. So, perches are predators and can eat fry.

Fish breeding can become a profitable business if the reproduction cycle of the stock is properly organized. When choosing a type of fish, fish farmers have to take into account their nutritional value, requirements for growing conditions, maintenance costs, rate of weight gain and much more.

This delicious fish is a domesticated carp. The first carps were bred by the ancient Chinese. They look like crucian carp. But carp are larger. Their body is more elongated and cylindrical. The back is thicker and wider. The lips of carp are similar to bream - they are large and thick. The scales have a golden tint. A wide fin runs along the entire back. The tail is red and the lower fins are dark purple.

Adult carps reach 30-60 cm in length. On average, young fish weigh 0.5-0.6 kg. But this is just the beginning; carp, growing over the years, can reach 1 m in length and weigh up to 25 kg.

There are two types of carp - scaly and mirror. The latter is distinguished by larger scales, which cover only certain parts of the body.

Conditions. Carp is unpretentious. Loves warmth. The water temperature favorable for growth is from 18 to 28-30 °C. As the temperature drops, growth slows down. Oxygen concentration – from 5 mg/l. When oxygen drops to 2 mg/l, carp may die. The optimal acidity of water is pH 6.5-8.5. The pH should not fall below 4-4.5 and rise above 10.5.

Feeding. Carp is omnivorous. For carp to gain 1 kg per year, they must receive 4000-5000 kcal. Proteins should range from 35-60%, fats - 1%, carbohydrates - no more than 25%. They need vitamins and minerals. Carp are fed with special feed mixtures made from cake, meal, grains, bone meal, etc.

Reproduction. Sexual maturity occurs at 3-6 years, depending on the climate. For reproduction, mature females and males are purchased, which are placed in a pond of 5-10 square meters. m. The depth of the pond is 30-50 cm. It is connected to the main pond by a ditch and a screen with a mesh is installed.

Breeding. The easiest way to purchase fry is from a fish farm. It is almost impossible to raise fry from eggs on your own. You can also buy one-year-old carp that are bred in:

  • Ponds. If it is a natural body of water, it is enough to clean it and provide the fish with plant food. You can build an artificial pond - its depth should be from 1 m, area - 15-150 cubic meters. m.
  • Swimming pools. They are populated only after the microflora has formed. The water is periodically enriched with oxygen, pumped up and drained if necessary.

Wintering. In nature, carps hibernate. To prevent the fish from dying, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is maintained at 0°C and the water is aerated. The second option is suitable for amateur breeding - wintering in indoor aquariums.


The crucian carp has a long fin and a tall body with a thick back. The sides are moderately compressed. Grows up to 50 cm, maximum weight – 3 kg. There are the following types of crucian carp:

  • ordinary or golden - common in Europe;
  • silver – from the Pacific Basin;
  • goldfish - bred in China from goldfish.

Conditions. Tenacious and unpretentious fish. It grows even in swampy and shallow waters. Unlike carp, it easily tolerates a lack of oxygen - up to 1-2 mg/l and pH fluctuations. Withstands temperatures up to 36°C.

Feeding. Crucians are omnivores; in nature they eat mollusks, larvae and other living creatures. When breeding, they are fed with special food, but you can also give them pork feed and porridge without salt.

Reproduction. Sexual maturity is at 3-4 years of age. Spawning is in spring. The eggs are laid on vegetation.

Breeding. Gold and silver crucian carp are usually bred. Moreover, when living together, the first one displaces the second one. Crucian carp is not as tasty as trout or carp, but it is still bred - the demand for it is high. Bred in natural and artificial reservoirs. Breeding begins with the purchase of fry. The downside is that they grow slowly, are light in weight and are inferior in taste to carp. Plus - ease of breeding, feeding and low cost of cultivation.

Wintering. It can easily withstand the cold - golden crucian carp can come to life, even freeze into ice.

Silver carp

Large deep-sea fish, growing up to 1.5 m. Weight – up to 27 kg. There are individuals up to 50 kg. Color – from silver-white to white. The head is large, with a wide forehead. The head weighs up to 20% of the total mass. The eyes are at the bottom of the head - it seems to be upside down in the silver carp. There are three types of silver carp:

  • ordinary or white - the most common;
  • motley - larger, but its head makes up 50% of the body;
  • hybrid - combines the best features of white and variegated species.

Conditions. They love warm water - preferably it should be heated to 25°C. This temperature is needed for maximum weight gain. They grow best in muddy reservoirs up to 4 m deep. Oxygen content is up to 4 mg/l.

Feeding. In nature, it feeds on plant foods and phytoplankton. Pied also eats zooplankton, so it grows faster. Eats artificial food.

In terms of diet, silver carp gets along well with grass carp, and bighead carp competes with carp.

Reproduction. Can reproduce from 3-5 years. Spawns in early summer, after the water warms up to 20 °C. Caviar is floating. Separate from the main pond, spawning areas are organized. Spawning grounds are needed in May-June - for two weeks.

Breeding. acquires marketable appearance after two to three years - the fish gain 0.5-0.6 kg. It has delicious tender meat. It is better to breed silver carps in unshaded ponds with a muddy bottom. The ideal depth is 3-4 m. This fish spends dawn and sunset in shallow water, and at lunchtime goes to depth.

Wintering. Individuals left for the next year for posterity overwinter in a separate pond, in which they are kept until spawning.

A specialist talks about breeding silver carp at home:


Fish of the order Cyprinidae. The closest relative, or rather the ancestor of the carp, which is the fruit of the domestication of carp. Carp, unlike carp, always has scales. It has a more elongated body, and it grows in length, and not in width, like carp. Adults grow up to 50-60 cm, rarely more than 1 m. Maximum weight is 20 kg.

Conditions. It grows fastest at 25-29°C. If the temperature drops below 12°C, the carp practically stops feeding. Does not like temperatures above 30°C. The fish may die from lack of oxygen.

Feeding. Not picky about food. Young animals eat plankton, adults are omnivores - they eat larvae, algae, insects, and crustaceans. Carp are fed with food of animal and plant origin - cakes and meals, sunflower, castor beans, etc.

Reproduction. Sexual maturity is in the 3rd year of life. Spawning takes place at 18-20 °C. Spawning occurs from April to mid-July.

Breeding. The most difficult thing is to buy wild carp fry. “Savages” are not bred in “sterile” conditions - the water must settle before the carp is released there - a living biological environment is needed. The ideal pond depth is 1.5-2 m.

It is distinguished by its golden color and dark eyes. Grows up to 20-40 cm, maximum – 70 cm. Weight – up to 7.5 kg. The body is tall and thick, covered with small scales and thick mucus.

Tench has always been appreciated by gourmets - it is especially good when fried. It was also used by healers - for example, headaches were treated with the liver.

Conditions. Unpretentious to living conditions. Thanks to thick mucus, it is protected from many diseases. Able to survive where other fish cannot take root - in muddy and peaty bodies of water with low oxygen content. In winter, it can withstand a decrease in oxygen and pH levels, respectively, up to 0.3 cubic meters. cm/l and 4.8.

Feeding. It feeds on small crustaceans and algae. Adult tenches also eat insect larvae and mollusks. During artificial breeding, they are fed the same feed as carp, but with finer grains. For 1 kg of growth, 2.5 kg of feed is consumed.

Reproduction. Becomes sexually mature at 3-4 years. It is thermophilic, spawning begins in the summer, when the water warms up to 18-20 °C. Very prolific, the female lays up to 800 thousand eggs.

Breeding. Tench is extremely shy, so they try to combine all stages of rearing in one pond. Breed by fry. They reach marketable weight in the second year of life. It is recommended to grow in overgrown and silted ponds along with carp.

Wintering. Tench usually spend the winter burrowing into the mud, like crucian carp. With artificial breeding, tench overwinter in ordinary wintering ponds or in cages.

The roach has an oval body, flattened laterally. The scales are dense and small. On the back there is a small truncated fin. Green back, white belly, silvery sides.

Conditions. Avoids wetlands. Loves quiet backwaters. Unpretentious - survives where other fish cannot. The limiting indicator is pH. For juveniles it should be at the level of 6.3-8.2.

Feeding. The young eat zooplankton. From two years - shellfish. When breeding, you can feed them with mixed feed, bread, potatoes, cereals - then the growth rate will accelerate.

Reproduction. Spawns when the water warms up to 8-12°C.

Breeding. Cannot compete with carp. Moreover, previously it was classified as a trash fish. But it can grow without special feeding. The disadvantage of artificial feeding is littering the reservoir with food. It is not profitable to spend money on food on fish such as roach. It can only be an addition to a pond where more valuable herbivorous fish are bred. However, dried roach is in high demand on the market.

Wintering. It stays all winter in quiet backwaters, in winter shelters. During the thaw, it approaches the shore in search of food.


Rudd is a conspicuous fish. Its body reaches a height of 36 cm and is covered with small scales. The fins are bright red. Eyes are orange. It is similar to a roach in both appearance and habits. Toothed - two rows of teeth. Weighs 0.3-2 kg.

Conditions. She got used to living in quiet creeks and bays - among reeds and reeds. Rarely moves away from its habitat. Stays deep. It is as unpretentious to living conditions as tench, and can tolerate poor water quality. More tenacious and hardy than roach. Favorable temperature for growth is -18…-24°C. The optimal oxygen content for rudd, as well as for other herbivorous fish, is from 3.5 to 5 cubic meters. cm/l.

Feeding. It feeds on plant food, as well as insect larvae and worms. In winter, herbivorous fish do not need food.

Reproduction. It breeds later than other fish - in May-early June, when the water warms up to 15-20 °C. The female lays 100 thousand eggs.

Breeding. It is bred in ponds along with other cyprinids; they practically do not breed rudd specifically. But if you need to fill the pond with all kinds of fish, then rudd will do.

Wintering. Young animals winter among the reeds; adult rudds lie down for the winter in October, choosing deeper places.

The narrow, long, saber-shaped body is compressed from the sides. The back is gray-green, the sides are silver, the belly is light pinkish. Grows up to 30-37 cm. Weight – up to 1.5 kg. It looks like a herring.

Conditions. Lives mainly in fresh water. This migratory schooling fish is able to survive in water of any salinity. Loves large and deep bodies of water; saberfish do not go near the shore.

Feeding. In the third year of life, it eats juveniles of other fish. During spawning it hardly eats. He loves insects and jumps out of the water after them.

Reproduction. Spawning begins in May when the water temperature rises to 15-20°C. The depth of the spawning grounds is up to 1 m. The caviar of sabrefish differs from the caviar of carp. The eggs, swelling in water, increase to 5 mm in diameter.

Breeding. Previously, sabrefish were a commercial fish. It was caught on a large scale. Today even fishermen have little interest in it. She has bony meat. True, it is tasty, fatty, and dried sabrefish is valued on the market. This fish has high populations, high growth rates and feed efficiency. Like other cyprinids, it can be bred in artificial ponds. They are bred extensively - without complementary foods, and intensively - with complementary foods.

Wintering. For the winter it lies deep and looks for holes at the bottom. During wintering, saberfish are inactive and hardly eat.

Small schooling fish. The length reaches 16-20 cm. Bleak is a tasty and fatty fish. It makes excellent sprats. The bleak has silvery shiny sides and a dark, shimmery back.

Conditions. Habitat: lakes and flowing ponds. They live in small flocks that do not attract predators. Prefers to swim at a depth of 80 cm.

Feeding. The young feed on zooplankton and microalgae. Adults eat flies, mosquitoes, insects, eggs, vegetation, plankton, fry and larvae.

Reproduction. The bleak becomes sexually mature by the age of three, reaching 7-8 cm. Spawning begins in May at a temperature of 15-16°C. Females lay three batches of eggs at intervals of 10 days. Enhanced reproduction is a distinctive feature of bleaks.

Breeding. They are kept only in heavily overgrown ponds, as bleak quickly eats aquatic plants. Despite their small size, bleaks need a lot of space to swim; they cannot be kept in small ponds. This fish is often bred in aquariums.

Wintering. Bleaks overwinter in the deepest places with slow currents.

This predatory fish has a body similar to a spinning spindle. It is flattened on the sides. The scales are strong, but extremely small. There are no scales on the top of the head. Perch has many teeth. There are three species of freshwater bass:

  • river;
  • Balkhash;
  • yellow.

Perch has fins - ventral, caudal and anal - of a bright red color. Reaches 2 kg, up to 45 cm in length. It is better known as an object of amateur fishing; there are reservoirs in which it is of commercial importance. In Russia, perch are considered trash fish, but in the USA and Canada they are bred. Perch is considered a dietary fish in these countries. It reaches marketable weight in the third year of life.

Conditions. Optimal temperature conditions are 18-25 °C.

Feeding. In nature, perch eats freshwater fish. Small fish are specially released into the pond as food.

Reproduction. Spawning begins in early spring. The female lays eggs in the form of a gelatinous ribbon. Average fecundity is 3000 eggs. Spawning is carried out in ordinary carp spawning grounds. Caviar yield is up to 80%.

Breeding. Perch can be bred in overgrown lakes, ravine ponds - where carp will not give good productivity. Fingerlings can be raised together with 2 yearlings of carp and silver carp. Planting density is up to 5000 per hectare. If the density is higher, artificial feeding is needed.

Wintering. For a safe wintering, aeration is organized. Through ice holes, perches are fed with earthworms. Fingerlings overwinter in winter carp ponds.

– a predatory fish that prefers clean waters. It has an elongated body with small scales. Large head and elongated snout. Large mouth with well developed teeth.

Conditions. Pike perch becomes vigorous at temperatures above 8 °C. The minimum oxygen content is 5 mg/l. The optimal temperature is 12-22°C.

Feeding. They are fed live low-value fish - weighing up to 25 g - once a week. The entire stock of fish is released into a cage or other body of water.

Reproduction. Spawning begins at 8 °C. Fertilized eggs can be obtained using bottom spawning grounds or by organizing spawning in cages - on a plant substrate.

Breeding. Can be successfully bred in carp ponds, lakes and cages. Pike perch grows especially well in reservoirs saturated with oxygen, where there are a lot of trash fish that feed it. By the age of five it reaches a weight of 2.4 kg.

Wintering. For wintering, the fingerlings are transferred to flow-type wintering ponds. The minimum depth is 2 m. Pike perch transplanted into winter cages must be immersed to a depth that prevents them from freezing into the ice.


Sturgeon fish have always been valued for their taste. - a delicious product. Today, many of these fish are safely bred in ponds, cages or pools. This is one of the most profitable enterprises in the fish farming industry.

There are several types of sturgeon, and any option is suitable for breeding:

  • Russian;
  • Siberian;
  • Lensky

In 2014, a sturgeon weighing 617 kg was caught in the Amur River. Cases have been recorded when an individual reached a length of 5 m and weighed 800 kg.

When breeding, individuals grow, depending on the species, from 20 to 70 kg. Sturgeons have a spindle-shaped body; it is elongated. The head is small, with an elongated snout, sturgeons are picturesque fish, they are easy to recognize by their characteristic appearance. Sturgeon fish are long-lived fish, they can live up to 50-60 years or more.

Conditions. In order for sturgeon to successfully grow and develop, it is necessary to provide it with optimal water quality indicators. Oxygen content – ​​6-11 mg/l. The content of nitrogen, hydrogen, iron, carbon dioxide, manganese and phosphorus is also determined - exceeding the standards indicates that the reservoir is polluted, and breeding sturgeon in it will be problematic. It can live at +2...+27°C, but the optimal range for growth is +18...+22°C.

Feeding. Sturgeon is unpretentious in food, but when breeding it is important to provide the fish with a complete diet. It is recommended to feed live organisms:

  • bloodworm;
  • insect larvae;
  • shellfish;
  • worms.

Sturgeons are also given balanced feed developed specifically for them. There are also special feeds for fry, young animals, as well as for individuals used for caviar production. Adult fish are fed 4 times a day, fry – 6 times.

Reproduction. Females spawn from the age of 6, and in natural conditions - only at 12-15 years of age. It is extremely difficult to raise fry on your own; it is much more convenient and profitable to buy them from specialized fish farms. It is better to buy fry weighing from 5 g. Place them in warm water.

Breeding. Sturgeons can be bred in:

  • Swimming pools. They are starting to breed sturgeon in small plastic pools - a diameter of 2 m and a depth of 1 m is enough. In them you can get up to a ton of live weight in a year. As the fish grow, the volumes of the pools increase.
  • Ponds– natural or artificial. Requirements for ponds:
    • good lighting;
    • pit with dam slopes;
    • covering the bottom with PVC film;
    • applying organic fertilizers (withered grass or manure);
    • application of mineral fertilizers (superphosphate and ammonium sulfate);
    • planting - tillea, bogwort, water buttercup are suitable.

Thanks to aquatic plants, biological balance is maintained in the pond, and the water is saturated with oxygen. Be sure to install a filtration system.

Wintering. In winter, sturgeon are usually transferred to wintering ponds. They continue to feed the fish, reducing their nutritional standards several times. But Siberian sturgeon, unlike Russian sturgeon, can be kept in cages submerged under ice.

The specialist talks about the features of breeding sturgeon at home:

This is a relatively new fish for Russian fish farmers. It was imported from America in the 70s. Paddlefish is a large fish, reaching a length of 2 m. Weight – up to 80 kg. It has an elongated body that tapers at the tail. The snout is shaped like an oar. Paddlefish meat is similar in taste to beluga. This is one of the most profitable fish for breeding.

Conditions. Prefers to live and develop in water at 20-25°C.

Feeding. Only the paddlefish, of all sturgeons, feeds on zoo- and phytoplankton. Its diet is similar to that of silver carp. Capable of actively capturing small fish and floating food.

Reproduction. Males reach sexual maturity at 6 years of age, and for females at 9 years of age. Spawning occurs in the spring, when the water temperature rises to 15-20°C. The eggs rush to the ground. Fertility depends on the size of the fish and the conditions of detention. Large females (10 kg) lay up to 100 thousand eggs at a time.

Breeding. Fingerlings weigh 200-900 g, two-year-olds - 3-4 kg, adult paddlefish - up to 6-7 kg. Grows well when grown together with herbivorous fish. Breeding material is grown in ponds and cages. Constant monitoring of the water condition is important.

Wintering. Can spend the winter under ice for a long time. This advantage makes the paddlefish in demand in all regions of Russia.

This is a hybrid of sterlet and beluga, bred in the middle of the last century. It is predatory and fast in growth - like a beluga, and is also capable of reproduction early - like a sterlet. These qualities and the excellent taste of the meat make the bester an enviable subject for fish farming. It reaches 1.8 m in length and weighs up to 30 kg. It is considered a gourmet fish, like all sturgeons.

There are five rows of bone bugs on the body. The snout is rounded, there are flattened whiskers, like a beluga. In appearance, bester resembles its “derivatives” - sterlet and beluga.

Conditions. Being a hybrid, the fish can adapt to different breeding conditions - it is equally comfortable in both fresh and brackish water. The best growth is observed at a temperature of 20-25°C, so it is better to breed it in the south of the country. The optimal water salinity when breeding bester is 10-12%. It grows better in brackish water than in fresh water. During incubation and rearing of larvae, the salt content in the water should be no more than 3%.

Feeding. In order for the bester to grow quickly, it requires increased feeding. The diet consists of fishmeal, albumin, krill meal, hydrolysis yeast and phosphatides. They are fed in the mornings and evenings - twice. The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the fish, weather conditions and breeding method.

Reproduction. This hybrid is not sterile, but under artificially created conditions it does not produce offspring on its own. Breeder fish caught in the spring are given special injections that accelerate the maturation of eggs. To obtain the eggs, the females are slaughtered. Sperm from a second type of fish is added to the caviar. Incubation lasts 5-10 days, depending on the water temperature.

Breeding. Besters are bred in ponds, cages and pools. Weight gain in the first year is up to 100 g, two-year-olds weigh 800 g or more. They are grown in ponds, along with herbivorous fish - silver carp and grass carp. Bester competes with carp in terms of nutrition, so they are not grown together. If you create a decent food supply in cages - natural, then you can grow bester without artificial feeding.

Wintering. Winters without problems in reservoirs of any type. Bester is the most unpretentious species of sturgeon, which is successfully bred in household reservoirs and ponds.

Salmon is a collective name. Salmon includes about a dozen species of fish - pink salmon, salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, taimen, coho salmon and others. All of them easily adapt to new conditions, which also determine their appearance - color. Classification of salmon due to their variability is extremely difficult.

In length - from a few centimeters (whitefish) to 2 m. Salmon and taimen gain weight up to 70 kg. They live for several years, some species live up to 15 years. Salmon are similar in structure to herrings - they previously even belonged to their order. They have a long body, laterally flattened, covered with cycloid scales. The fins do not have spiny rays. Meat is a valuable delicacy product.

Conditions. They are very demanding on living conditions, especially on the oxygen content - it should not be less than 7 mg/l. The ideal water temperature for growth is 14-18°C. Young fish do not tolerate sunlight well.

Feeding. Special starter feeds are used to feed the fry. The food contains fish and blood meal, fish oil, proteins and other nutritional ingredients. Adults are also fed with mixed feed, which, unlike starter feed, contains less protein but more lipids.

Reproduction. Salmon breed only in fresh water. In captivity it does not reproduce on its own. We have to artificially reproduce it:

  • producers are selected and placed separately from other fish;
  • wait for the eggs to ripen;
  • squeeze the caviar into a container;
  • pour sperm over the eggs and mix;
  • add a little water;
  • in 5 minutes fertilization will occur.

To make the collection of eggs comfortable, females can be given anesthesia.

Breeding. They feed well and grow in summer and winter. In Russia, salmon farming is almost undeveloped - trout is mainly bred.

Salmon is raised:

  • in artificial fresh water ponds;
  • in salt water;
  • in swimming pools.

Wintering. Little is known about the winter life of salmon in the ocean; research in this area is still underway. And with artificial breeding, salmon feed all year round. The diet and feeding rates depend on the water temperature. The lower the temperature, the longer the intervals between feedings.

Trout is tasty and easy to breed, which makes it one of the most popular fish in fish farming. Of the 20 species of trout, only two are suitable for breeding:

  • Rainbow. A silvery fish with dark spots all over its elongated body. When artificially reared, it will grow up to 3-5 kg, and in length - up to 50-60 cm. Exceptional taste - this particular type of trout is a priority when breeding in cold water.
  • Ruchevaya. She has a retracted body with small scales. Color – from dark brown to yellow. The back is dark. The whole body is strewn with red and dark spots - for this reason, brook trout is often called pied. The length of adult individuals is 25-55 cm. Weight is about 2 kg.

Conditions. Ideal conditions for trout breeding are water temperature 16-18°C. Oxygen level – 10-12 mg/l. If it drops to 5 mg/l, the condition of the trout becomes critical; at 3 mg/l the fish die.

Feeding. Trout is a voracious predator; in nature it eats all kinds of living creatures. When breeding, they can be fed with dragonflies, beetles, frogs, and small fish. Eats fish from 1-2 years old. It is recommended to feed feed with a high protein content. The fry are fed every 30-60 minutes for 12 hours a day.

Reproduction. Puberty of females is at 3-4 years of age. Males - 2-3 years old. With artificial breeding, the spawning time depends on the temperature. Under favorable conditions, trout can spawn year-round. The female produces 2,000 yellowish-orange eggs at a time. Diameter – 6 mm. Weight – 125 mg. The eggs ripen in 1-1.5 months, depending on the water temperature. For breeding, fry are purchased at the age of one year.

Breeding. It has a high growth rate. Fingerlings weigh more than 20 g, two-year-olds - up to 200 g, three-year-olds - 900 g. When reared in cages and sea water, the fish gains 2-3 kg in a couple of years. A prerequisite for breeding is high-quality water with a high oxygen content.

Trout is bred in:

  • ponds;
  • cages;
  • closed water supply installations.

Wintering. If you transfer trout from a pond to a net cage for the winter, its survival rate increases significantly.

Several dozen varieties of whitefish live in Russia. They have a retracted body covered with small scales and a very small mouth. The meat is white. Belongs to valuable species.

Conditions. Demanding about the environment. Water temperature – from 15°C. Oxygen content 8 mg/l.

Feeding. The juveniles are fed fresh zooplankton. Adult fish are given special food. Moreover, depending on the age, they give different foods that differ in the diameter of the granules.

Reproduction. Spawning begins in October, at low temperatures - up to 10°C. The eggs are incubated for 5-6 months. During breeding, eggs are artificially fertilized.

Breeding. Whitefish are bred in ponds and pools. Fingerlings weigh 16-36 g. Fish productivity is 20-215 kg/ha. The optimal planting density is 20-25 thousand pcs/ha. The absence of other benthophages, such as carp, is recommended.

Wintering. During this period, the feeding rate for whitefish is 0.05-0.4% of the weight of the fish.

Freshwater fish of the whitefish genus. The body, compressed on the sides, is silver in color, the back is dark. The head and back fin are covered with black dots. The size of adult individuals is 40-55 cm, weight – up to 3 kg.

Peled is not safe - it is not recommended to include it in the diet of children under one year old, and adults should not eat it more than 4 times a week. Overeating peled can cause heaviness in the stomach and an allergic rash.

Conditions. Less demanding than other whitefish. Temperature – from 1 to 18°C. The oxygen content in artificial ponds is 5-8 mg/l. Light turbidity is allowed.

Feeding. When grown in mono- or polyculture with other fish species, feed is not needed. It is a planktivore that can also feed on benthic organisms. Eats all year round - at any temperature.

Reproduction. Early maturing - females become sexually mature at 2 years of age. Favorable temperature for artificial incubation of eggs is 1-4°C.

Breeding. Can grow in fresh and salted water (up to 20 g/l). They stock reservoirs in which there are no planktivores. It is profitable to grow together with carp.

Wintering. Peled fingerlings are transferred to wintering carp ponds for wintering. Losses during the winter do not exceed 15%.

Representatives of this order live in the northern hemisphere - in salt and fresh water bodies. Codfish have very small scales and no spines on their fins, and usually have a barbel on their chin.

There are several varieties of cod, differing in size and color of meat - it can be white, red, pink. Cod is distinguished:

  • Atlantic– grows up to 90 kg. Green or olive color.
  • Pacific– grows on average to 1.2 m, weight – 20 kg. It is distinguished by a large head.
  • Greenlandic– less than the Pacific one. Grows up to 0.7 m.
  • Pollock– small cod, weighing no more than 4 kg.

Cod is valued for its tasty and healthy meat, which has almost no bones.

Conditions. The water temperature in the pools is maintained at 1.5-8 °C. Oxygen content – ​​7 mg/l.

Feeding. They feed on fish and scallops. Feeding schemes are selected depending on the age of the fish and water temperature. Usually fed 1-3 times, for example, substandard frozen fish and salmon pellets.

Reproduction. Spawning occurs from February to April. The eggs are taken artificially - after ripening, or collected - caught with a net. If necessary, hormonal stimulation is used.

Breeding. Cod is a commercial fish and has always been caught on a large scale. Previously, cod was not bred in captivity; today they are trying to do this in Norway. In Russia, sea fish farming is not yet developed. But given the depletion of natural reserves, the direction has prospects. Usually they are engaged in growing cod - they catch juveniles up to 1 kg and create optimal living conditions for them in containers with running sea water. The proportions of females and males in the pool are 1:2.

Wintering. In winter, the diet of cod is adjusted. This predatory fish needs proteins all year round; in nature, it eats planktivorous fish.

The buffalo is similar in appearance to the goldfish, with which it is often confused. The meat of this North American fish is much more valuable than that of crucian carp. Buffalo is a hybrid bred in the USA based on crucian carp. Three species were brought to Russia - smallmouth, largemouth and black, which weigh 15-18, 45 and 7 kg, respectively. Fish differ in size and structure of gills. Buffalo meat is more valuable than carp meat.

Conditions. Prefers quiet and calm waters. They grow well in ponds. More thermophilic than carp. They grow faster in warm water.

Feeding. Fingerlings feed on zooplankton. When breeding, they are fed with mixed feed.

Reproduction. They reproduce like carp. Males reach sexual maturity at two years of age, females at three years of age. They reproduce in the spring, spawning begins at a temperature of 17-18°C. During spawning, 20% of the fish die.

Breeding. They are grown in ponds. Fingerlings weigh 200-500 g, two-year-olds - 1500-2000 g. 2-3 quintals of fish can be grown on 1 hectare. The average growth of different types of buffalo is from 700 to 1000 g.

Wintering. For the winter it goes into pits, where it remains in a state of suspended animation until spring - until the water warms up to 13-15°C.

Tilapia includes many fish that are found in the waters of Africa and the Middle East. Mostly Mozambican tilapia and aurea are bred. All varieties have a short body and a massive head. On average, they gain weight up to 1 kg. The fish reproduces quickly and has tasty meat.

Conditions. Undemanding - they live in fresh and brackish water. Salt concentration is 15-21 g per 1 liter of water. They easily tolerate a lack of oxygen. At 25 °C, 1 mg/l is enough for them. At 0.4 mg/l, tilapia die. They survive where other fish die. The optimal temperature for growth is 23-35°C.

Reproduction. Perhaps in ponds - they plant 10 males - 50 females. This is for a pond of 100 square meters. m. Spawning begins at a temperature of 24-28 ° C. Sexual maturity occurs at 3-6 months. Fish spawn about 16 times a year.

Breeding. They are bred in ponds, swimming pools, cages, and aquariums. Commercial tilapia – from 200 g. They grow quickly at 3-5 g per day. The growing cycle is 180 days.

Wintering. The breeding stock is left for the winter - it is kept in artificial reservoirs heated to 20-23 °C. They feed at the rate of 2-3% of the weight of the fish.

Predatory fish that live in fresh water bodies. Species: Amur, striped and common pike. They live on average 20 years.

Common pike grows up to 1.5 m, weighing up to 35 kg. More often - 1 m at 8 kg. The body has a torpedo shape. The pike has a large head with a wide mouth. The color is determined by the habitat - mainly gray and green shades predominate. The meat is tasty and dietary.

Conditions. Resistant to lack of oxygen and elevated temperatures - up to 30 °C.

Feeding. The fry are fed zooplankton. Adults feed on small fish. Because of this, mass rearing of pike is not a profitable business, since the food - fish - requires investment.

Reproduction. You can use natural and artificial production of offspring. The fry are bred by catching the spawners, or by artificially fertilizing the eggs. The temperature favorable for the development of eggs is 8-9°C.

Breeding. In artificial ponds, pike grow 3-5 times faster than in natural ones. The weight of fingerlings – 450-800 g – is a source of valuable meat, and in addition, it increases fish productivity when breeding carp, crucian carp and other fish, destroying their weed competitors. Grows well in overgrown ponds.

Wintering. This predatory fish does not sleep in winter, it simply goes into the depths.

The common catfish is a giant, reaching a length of 3-5 m. Weight – up to 400 kg. But today you rarely see a catfish heavier than 100 kg. The color is often brown, the belly is light.

The family unites about a hundred species; only two species live in Europe. A characteristic feature is the absence of scales.

Conditions. Optimal development at a water temperature of 20-25°C. Oxygen content 7-11 mg/l.

Feeding. Young catfish are fed zooplankton; from 2 weeks of age they eat mosquito larvae, crustaceans, and starter feed. Further feeding is rationed depending on the weight of the fish and water temperature. Two-year-olds are fed 2 times a day - they give trout feed and pasty impurities. The diet of catfish includes all kinds of river animals. They eat shellfish, worms, and frogs.

Reproduction. Sexual maturity is from the age of five. Producers are harvested a year before spawning. In catfish it begins when the water warms up to 20°C. The fish are transplanted into a pond of 500-600 square meters. m. Catfish are transported there in nets. For 1 female – 1 male.

Breeding. do not require large bodies of water. The density of catfish is 400-600 g of fish per 1 sq. m. They are grown in ponds and on special farms that can produce up to 50 tons of fish per year. At the farm, rearing begins with fry. Feed consumption on the farm is 1 kg per 1 kg of live weight. A closed water supply system is used, which makes it possible to unify the breeding of fish of any type.

Wintering. For the winter, the juveniles are transferred to carp wintering ponds about 2 m deep. The catfish sleep and are not dangerous to other fish during this period.

The eel has a long, cylindrical body with an elongated head. The body is flattened at the back. Looks like a snake. In the mouth there are small teeth collected in stripes. It is an anadromous fish that breeds in the ocean.

Eel meat is a delicacy. It has a high purchase price - they ask for 800 rubles for 1 kg of live weight. The price on the market is 1500 rubles.

Conditions. Breeding is profitable if the water temperature is kept at 22-28°C. This requirement is the main problem when breeding eels in ponds at mid-latitudes. Minimum oxygen saturation – 6 mg/l.

Feeding. In nature, this predator feeds on fish, frogs and other small animals. For intensive cultivation, mixed feed and wet pastes are used. Eel food is produced by European manufacturers.

Reproduction. Spawning begins at a water temperature of 16-17°C. Fry are purchased from special farms - they are only available in Europe.

Breeding. Eel is now grown mainly in Japan and Europe. They are bred in ponds and pools. Ponds are made long and narrow. Females grow faster. Farm productivity – up to 5 kg/sq. m. In Russia, eels can only be grown using RAS technology. The equipment requires a lot of expenses - about 2 million rubles.

Wintering. During the winter, eels go into a state of suspended animation. They curl up into balls and lie in the depths. In artificial breeding, eels are transplanted into special eel ponds.

This exotic fish belongs to the order Perciformes, a large family of rock perches. Most of them are inedible, but there are also species of commercial importance, grouper being one of them. This oceanic fish has well-developed jaws and can even swallow a person. Their meat is of interest for cooking.

Representatives of the family live in oceans and warm seas. Dimensions - from 10 cm to 3 m. They are classified as hermaphrodites.

Conditions. They live only in warm regions, so they need water with a temperature of 22 °C. In nature, groupers dive to depths of up to 20 m at temperatures above 28 °C.

Feeding. Groupers are predators and feed on fish and other organisms.

Reproduction. Hermaphrodites themselves produce eggs and fertilize them themselves.

Breeding. These fish are bred in aquariums for decorative purposes. The Russian climate is not suitable for industrial breeding of these giants.

Wintering. This fish is a resident of warm waters, so it needs year-round nutrition.

A variety of Far Eastern mullet. May live in the Sea of ​​Azov. The color is light, the back is darker. In warm waters it grows up to 3-7 kg. Length - 60-150 cm. Until recently, it had no commercial significance. However, the meat of pelengas tastes like trout.

Conditions. Far Eastern fish adapt perfectly to any changes. It withstands changes in temperature and salinity.

Feeding. Eats bottom sediments and invertebrates. This is an orderly for the bottom of reservoirs. When breeding, they are fed with special feed.

Reproduction. The easiest way is to purchase individuals for reproduction. Spawning usually begins in May when water temperatures rise to 18-24°C.

City Novosibirsk

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gastroguru 2017