Allegro route. High-speed train "Allegro" - timetable. Does the train make any stops on the way

You know, while preparing this article, I had doubts whether in the story about an absolutely superb trip on an excellent and comfortable train from St. Petersburg to Helsinki, it is worth mentioning the tyrant policemen at the Finlyandsky station of the northern capital? And yet I decided that it was worth it, firstly, so that the mess would be eliminated (as Varlamov had already achieved in Moscow), and secondly, so that my readers would not have problems with the authorities out of nowhere. So, while planning this trip, I contacted the press service of Russian Railways and received accreditation for the right to photograph both on the train and at the Finlyandsky station in St. Petersburg. In theory, such permission is useful, but not necessary, because by order of the head of Russian Railways dated July 18, 2010 No. 513, photo-audio-video filming is allowed at all Russian Railways facilities. But if you have received such permission, by definition there can be no claims against you. However, the following shot cost me a lot of blood -

So, I arrive about 30 minutes before the train departs to the Finlyandsky Station in St. Petersburg. At first I entered through the main entrance, but it turned out that you go to Allegro through a special terminal on the left side of the station building, that is, you need to go back to the station square and walk 300 meters. In general, this is a small thing, there’s nothing to talk about, it’s polite for me They told me where to go (for some reason there are no signs) and within three minutes I was there.

Inside there is a very comfortable room, reminiscent of a check-in room at an airport. I take out my camera... and there are about fifteen (I'm not exaggerating) police officers in the room. They make signs asking me not to film, I don’t argue, God be with them. In fact, it’s more interesting for me to photograph the train itself and talk about the trip as such on this one of the best trains in Russia. At registration they ask for a ticket, a passport, check for a visa, everything is extremely polite and correct.

I go out onto the platform, take out my camera again and... but here I won’t just give up! Again the police prohibit filming! In this case, I decide not to put the brakes on the matter, but remind you of the above-mentioned right of a citizen to take photographs at all Russian Railways facilities. In addition, I explain that in addition to the actual right of any citizen to take photographs, I also have pre-issued accreditation from Russian Railways. Then the police call a man in civilian clothes, he introduces himself as Samoilov and says that the Finlyandsky Station is a border and customs control zone, therefore the decree of the head of Russian Railways does not apply to this facility. I called the press service of the Oktyabrskaya Railway to clarify who is right in this situation. Then they talked with Samoilov, all this lasted for 15-20 minutes and the issue was never resolved. I physically did not have time to continue to defend my rights, and less than a minute before the train departed, I was forced to enter the carriage so as not to remain in St. Petersburg. However, as he was leaving, he quickly raised his camera and took the photo you saw above while the police hesitated.


But now let’s abstract ourselves from the tyranny of individual local officials and look at the train. To say that I was pleasantly surprised is to say nothing. You know my critical attitude towards many things in Russia, you know that I don’t like bureaucrats, sloppiness, and Sovietism in their heads. But in this case, I simply have to state openly: they can whenever they want! This train is even better than those that rush under the English Channel on the way from Paris to London and even more comfortable than the Japanese Shinkansens -

I go during the day, when there are fewer people, because people are in a hurry to get to Helsinki in the morning; at lunchtime, as a rule, there is complete calm and there may be only about five people in the carriage, including you -

I take the trump seat on two seats at once, open the laptop -

But before I go to check my email, I take out the “tourist’s lunch” I had stocked up in advance. I assumed that buying food directly on the train would be expensive -

And then there was a funny incident that reminded me of a trip to a luxury hotel in Goa, where I, with my downright comical behavior, you will now understand why. So, I sit, eat pears and bananas, have a sandwich with Gouda cheese, and drink mineral water. And here the guides come with carts, offering not only drinks, but also hot meals. They pass me by - I refuse. They ask, “Maybe some tea?”, but I refuse again, they’re so cunning, they’ll probably charge 300 rubles for tea, and 600 rubles for hot food, we know you! Those three times they offered to take at least something, but I’m a savvy person, you won’t take me with this, I specifically went to the supermarket before the road and bought myself something to eat. Well, the guides shrugged their shoulders and moved on. I just notice that other passengers are calmly taking their food and no one seems to be holding out any money or credit cards. Strange.

Well, put yourself in my place, we all fly around Europe from time to time on low-cost airlines like Ryanair and EasyJet, they also offer meals, but for a fee. Do you agree that we most often refuse it? So it is here.

In short, at Allegro they provide food in first class, and it’s included in the price. Only alcoholic drinks are available for an additional fee. I admit, I experienced slight embarrassment. And the food is very tasty, you can choose from fish, meat, or vegetarian food -

By the way, the Internet on the train is quite fast, I absolutely calmly not only published a post about it, but also uploaded photos to the server -

Tea and coffee freely, at any time -

Newspapers and magazines in assortment -

On the notice board there are customs and border regulations of the Russian Federation and Finland, plus the necessary forms and declarations -

Absolutely clean toilet -

We go at an average speed of 200 km/h and reach Vyborg in an hour -

It's time to fill out the Finnish immigration form, where I write that I am going to the zoo. Funny? And by the way, this is exactly what I’m going for, haven’t I told you yet? Yes, yes, I have long dreamed of visiting the Helsinki Zoo. I remember the Finnish border guard, taking the questionnaire in his hands, asked “What do you mean by Helsinki zoo?”, I answer that that’s where I’m going, and today I’ll return back to St. Petersburg. He laughs, “Hopefully you”re not going to stay in lion’s cage?” No, I say, I will sleep with the bears until spring. To which the border guard replied that I definitely wouldn’t see the bears, because they really hibernated; he was there with his daughter a week ago. It's a pity!

By the way, this is what the border between the Russian Federation and Finland looks like:

On the right is still Russia, on the left is Finland, right behind the fence -

Border posts -

Finnish station Vainikkala, where my conversation with the Finnish border guards actually took place -

Lahti station -

And here is the main railway station of Helsinki. Here, fortunately, you can take photographs absolutely calmly, unlike the Finland Station in St. Petersburg, where the police still have spy games and the machinations of imperialism in their heads -

The station is most interesting -

Before going to the zoo, I take a short walk around the center of Helsinki, there are many unusual monuments and buildings -

Ferry to Suomenlinna Fortress -

Then I return to the station; There is a bus station adjacent to it, from where bus No. 16 goes to the zoo every 15 minutes -

The fare costs 3 euros -

Actually, the zoo is the purpose of my trip. I’ll tell you about it separately, just a few pictures for now -

The zoo is located on an island and is connected to land by a bridge -

In the summer, a ferry runs from here to the city center to Kaupattori Square, but in winter everything is covered in ice -

In three hours I’m going back to the city center -

My train back to St. Petersburg leaves in about 40 minutes, there is still time to walk a little -

Since the last time I was in Helsinki (4 years ago), it has been noticeable that quite a lot of gypsies have appeared in the city. There are especially many of them, of course, around the station. In the form of beggars -

Homeless -

Or “feigned” disabled people pestering people -

About 20 minutes before departure I go to the train. By the way, another Russian cast is standing nearby, this is “Lev Tolstoy”, going to Moscow -


Allegro is certainly a great alternative not only to the bus, but also to the plane. Departure from the city center, very comfortable, the journey takes just over 3 hours. For comparison, the bus will take 6-7 hours, but on the plane add the need to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure, plus luggage, traffic jams on the way to the airport, and so on.

My other articles about rail travel

By train in Vietnam

The schedule, ticket prices, as well as the most common questions about traveling on the Allegro train are in our review.

You can quickly and comfortably get from St. Petersburg to Helsinki by the Allegro train. You will spend only 3 hours 27 minutes on the way (when landing in Vyborg - 2 hours 32 minutes). High-speed trains run four times a day, seven days a week.

Allegro train schedule for 2018

In Russia, Allegro makes a stop only in Vyborg (10 minutes).

In Finland the train stops at the following stations:

  • Vainikkala – 7 minutes
  • Kouvola – 2 minutes
  • Lahti – 2 minutes
  • Tikkurila – 1 minute

How to buy a ticket for Allegro

Tickets for Allegro trains can be bought both in Russia and in Finland:

  • at station ticket offices (at Finlyandsky Station, tickets for “Allegro” are sold in the “Express” hall around the clock, break from 5.50 to 6.00).
  • on the Finnish Railways VR website;
  • on the Russian Railways website;
  • in travel companies and agents.

Ticket sales for the Allegro train open 60 days before the travel date. Current ticket prices can be viewed.

The most convenient and fastest way is to issue an electronic ticket on the Russian Railways website. To do this, you will need to register on the company’s website, log into your personal account, select the train route and date in the “Passengers” section and follow further instructions.


Before you start booking your ticket, make sure you have a valid passport and Schengen visa.

Very often you can find information that a ticket from Helsinki to St. Petersburg can only be bought on the Finnish Railways VR website. This is wrong. We tell you how to issue a ticket on the Russian Railways website. The algorithm of actions is the same as when buying a ticket from St. Petersburg. The only difference is that there is no information about the cost of the ticket. This should not stop you: log in, select the route Helsinki - St. Petersburg and the date. You will see the train schedule for the desired date. Next, click on the “Get information about available places” tab. Then go to the “Select train and seat” tab. The ticket price will appear after you select a seat and enter your details. You will have 12 minutes to complete your booking and payment. If you are not satisfied with the price, you can start your search again.

Ticket sales for Allegro trains from Finland to Russia open in the Finnish Railways online reservation system at 04.00 Finnish time and close at 23.00.

Special weekend prices valid from March 25 to October 27, 2018

If you purchase tickets at least 14 days before the train departure from Friday to Sunday, the cost of tickets for Allegro will be:

  • from April 16 to June 3: 28.97 euros – for 2nd class, 60.22 euros – for 1st class. In this case, no additional child discount is provided;
  • from July 23 to August 31: 38.99 euros for 2nd class, 74.31 euros for 1st class. In this case, no additional child discount is provided.

During the FIFA World Cup period (from June 8 to July 15, 2018), this discount is not available.

Who gets a discount on a ticket?

Children aged 6 to 17 years old receive a 30% discount on the adult ticket price. Children under 6 years of age are entitled to free travel when accompanied by an adult without being provided with a separate seat.
If there are more than six of you, then you are entitled to a group discount of 20% of the cost of the travel document for an adult passenger. A child, if he occupies a separate seat, is considered an adult passenger.

Another good way to save on tickets is to become a member of the Russian Railways Bonus loyalty program and accumulate points for trips to Allegro. Then you can pay with points when purchasing a ticket. Premium points are awarded by February 23, March 8, Student Day. Becoming a member of the program and receiving a personal membership card is quite simple: follow this link and register. To do this, you will need to provide your passport details, phone number and email address.

Facilities on the Allegro train

  • Free Wi-Fi. You shouldn’t count on perfect Internet performance on the road: you’ll most likely be able to check social networks and email, but it’s better to download the movie in advance.
  • Each place is equipped with an electrical outlet and air conditioning.
  • All carriages have coolers with spring water.
  • You will be offered press in Finnish, Russian and English.
  • There are hooks for clothes next to each seat, and hangers for coats can be found in the middle of the carriage.
  • All announcements are made in three languages ​​(Russian, Finnish and English).
  • Car no. 7 has a small children's play area. There is also a place for baby strollers, and for caring for infants, the spacious toilet room has a changing table, a shower for washing, a baby potty and even an apparatus for heating formula milk.
  • The 1st class carriage has a separate compartment for private negotiations. To use the meeting room, you need to purchase a group ticket for six people no later than a week before departure.
  • For passengers with disabilities, carriage No. 2 has separate seats and a special toilet room. The car is also equipped with a special lift.
  • First class passengers will be offered cold snacks during the trip, which are included in the ticket price, and there is also a self-service area with unlimited tea and coffee.
  • There is a dining car.

Please note: in the dining car, rubles, euros, dollars and bank cards are accepted as payment. The carriage is closed while crossing the border.

Quotes from the dining car menu:

  • Coffee/cocoa/tea – 2.90 euros
  • Ham bun – 3 euros
  • Cold smoked salmon sandwich – 6.5 euros
  • Club sandwich with salad or chips – 7.70 euros
  • Salmon soup with cream, bread, spread – 11.9 euros
  • Meatballs with mashed potatoes - 12.9 euros
  • Croissant with jam or Nutella – 3.10 euros
  • Breakfast: coffee/tea + rye sandwich with cheese/ham + juice/yogurt – 7.9 euros; porridge with berries + coffee/tea + juice – 6.90 euros.

Attention! Smoking is prohibited on Allegro trains.

Ride the Allegro train: step-by-step instructions

Baggage and hand luggage. Each carriage has a small compartment for suitcases. Places for hand luggage are located above the seats,

With one ticket, a passenger has the right to carry:
- hand luggage that fits freely in the places provided for hand luggage (100 x 60 x 40 cm, no more than two pieces per person with a total weight of no more than 35 kg);
- golf bag;
- skis and poles, alpine skis and snowboards covered;
- a bicycle, unassembled, in a package measuring no more than 100 x 60 x 40 cm.

Large sports bags (for example, hockey equipment) or large musical instruments will have to be paid separately.

Boarding the train. Boarding at Allegro is carried out through a separate terminal of the Finlyandsky Station, entrance from Botkinskaya Street. Make sure you have 10-15 minutes left before the train departs, – you will need to go through a baggage inspection and document check by the controller. There is a small Duty Free shop in the waiting area.

Keep in mind

The numbering of cars when departing from St. Petersburg comes from the head of the train, when departing from Helsinki - from the tail of the train.

Passing the border. Russian customs and border control begin inspections immediately after the train departs from Finlyandsky Station, and passengers must remain seated during this time. Border control and customs inspection in Finland is carried out as the train moves on the Helsinki – Vainikkala section. Be prepared to answer questions about where you are going, for what purpose, for how long, and also show your hotel reservation (can be done electronically).

By the way

The maximum speed of Allegro in Russia is 200 km/h, in Finland – 220 km/h.

Processing returns using Tax Free checks. You can issue a refund directly on the train. You must have Tax Free receipts, sealed purchases and a passport with you. You can also exchange currency into Allegro.

How to get to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport by Allegro

For Allegro passengers there is a bonus - free travel on a commuter train to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. The ticket you used to travel to Allegro is valid for travel to the airport within 80 minutes from the time the train arrives in Tikkurila.

To get to Vantaa Airport, you need to get off at Tikkurila station and transfer to the train with the airplane logo under the letter “I”, which will take you to the airport in 8 minutes. The Allegro train arrives at Tikkurila station on platforms No. 1 or No. 2. Then you need to go through the covered walkway located above the tracks to platform number 4. There is a toilet on the train.

FAQ: the most common questions about the Allegro train

Do I need to print out my ticket for Allegro?

There is no need to print the ticket - just save it to your phone or tablet.

How to get from Helsinki train station to the city center and bus station?

Kamppi train station is located in the center within walking distance of the main attractions of Helsinki. If you plan to continue your trip around Finland by bus, there is a bus station nearby (7 minutes on foot). By the way, you can get to the metro directly from the station building.

Can I return my Allegro ticket?

Yes. You can return your e-ticket in your personal account on the Russian Railways website. Please note that you will be charged a return service fee of €10. To receive the money, you must return the ticket no later than 6 hours before the train departs, otherwise no refund will be made.
If you bought several tickets for Allegro from Helsinki to St. Petersburg at the same fare and placed them in one order, please note that a partial refund of such electronic tickets is not possible. Only all tickets can be returned. Tickets from St. Petersburg to Helsinki can be returned either individually or together.

The Allegro train departs from Helsinki Central Station. In Finland, the train stops in Tikkurila, Lahti, Kouvola and before the state border at Vainikkala station. On Russian territory, Allegro makes a stop in Vyborg. The train arrives in St. Petersburg at the Finlyandsky Station. Note! As of March 27, 2016, the Allegro train stop at Pasila station has been cancelled.

Border and customs control

In Finland, customs and border formalities are carried out while the train is traveling between Helsinki and Vainikkala. On the territory of Russia, control is organized between St. Petersburg and Vyborg.

Bistro car "Allegro"

The bistro car opens immediately after the train departs from Helsinki and serves passengers until they arrive at Vyborg station. Upon completion of border and customs formalities, the bistro car resumes operation after the train departs from Vyborg. When the train departs from St. Petersburg, you can visit the bistro car immediately after the check of travel documents by representatives of border and customs authorities. Before arriving at Vainikkala station, the bistro car is closed for a short time.

Currency exchange and returns on Tax Free checks

While the train is traveling through Finland, passengers can exchange currency and receive a refund using Tax Free checks.

NOTE. Control of travel documents is carried out by conductors in all train carriages, so we ask you to carry your passport and travel documents with you throughout the entire trip, even when moving from carriage to carriage. Don't forget to fill out the official
forms required to enter the country.

Passengers boarding the train at the station. Vainikkala, go through border and customs control at the station before boarding the train. In this regard, a single passenger of the Allegro train must arrive at the station no later than 30 minutes before the train’s departure, and passengers traveling in a group of more than 10 people must arrive no later than 40 minutes before the train’s departure.

Allegro™ is a registered trademark.

gastroguru 2017