Amur Adonis (Adonis amurensis Regel et Redde). Adonis Amur - treatment methods, preparation, storage of Amur adonis

Adonis Amur is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the buttercup family, which can reach a height of no more than 40 centimeters. It blooms with pale lilac flowers with yellow petals. It has pubescent fruits with a hook-shaped, pressed and curved nose.

The flowering period is April, the fruits ripen in May.

Adonis Amur is distributed mainly in the Far East, the Amur region, Primorye, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands. It grows in damp places, near bushes, in forests where there is good soil with humus.

In folk medicine, all above-ground parts of the plant are used.

Chemical composition

Carbohydrates and related compounds were found in the roots of Adonis Amur. The fruits contain ester compounds with benzoic and nicotinic acids, coumarins, flavonoids, flavonoids and other substances. The entire above-ground part of the plant has a similar composition.


Adonis amur is very close in its composition and action to Adonis vernalis. Used to treat colds and various diseases of the respiratory system.

Adonis amur has sedative properties. It is used as a sedative. Preparations of this plant are effective for convulsions, various spasms, as a good remedy, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.

Adonis preparations are used for headaches.

Methods of application

Infusion: from 5 to 10 grams of dry herb per glass of boiling water, leave for at least an hour. Take 20 grams (one spoon) 5-6 times.

Decoction: 20-30 gr. pour half a liter of water over the herbs and boil for at least 10 minutes. Take a teaspoon 2 times a day.

With the arrival of spring, the Far Eastern forests turn bright yellow. It is in bloom, or adonis. Low, only 20-30 cm in height, it attracts attention not only with its rich coloring, but also with its unusual appearance.

It grows mainly in deciduous forests, on the edges, in thickets of bushes on sufficiently moist soil rich in humus. Selects well-lit places. In the photo, Adonis Amur pleniflora is a perennial plant with bright flowers and pointed leaves. The flowers, like the leaves, are completely double and have bright green feathery petals on a yellow background. The bud, compared to the entire growth of the flower, is large and stands out against the background of the leaves and stem.

The Far East, Primorye, Amur region, Sakhalin, Kunashir and the Kuril Islands, Japan, and Korea are considered the homeland of adonis.

The flowering period is from March to May. Residents of the Far East often call it “snowdrop”, because there are no real snowdrops there.

Main characteristics

Adonis Amur is a perennial herbaceous plant. It has a short and thick rhizome and weakly branched, low, erect stems about 30-40 cm in height of a light purple hue.

The lower part of the stem is covered with scales. The leaves are shaped like an oval or pentagon, sharply dissected into narrow linear strips. The flowers do not exceed 5 cm in diameter, are collected in a bunch and are located at the top of the stem. An interesting feature: the Adonis flower has a large number of stamens of varying lengths, sometimes up to hundreds, covered with fine bright yellow pollen. This is one of the early pollen bearers, especially loved by bees. One flower produces from 3 to 6 mg of pollen.

Adonis Amur blooms in March-April, bears fruit in May and June.

The fruits are complex, in the form of numerous single-seeded nuts or sacs.

But be careful: despite its attractive appearance, the plant is poisonous.

Adonis of the Amur. Planting and care

People often call it adonis or starodubka.

This is a perennial plant. Propagated by seeds and division. The usual flowering period is 2-3 weeks, with double species a little longer.

Each of the flowers has 20-30 petals, the outer side of which has a bronze tint. In July, flowers and stems die off, and the root system goes dormant. But even in this state, constant moisture is required; drying out will destroy the plant.

Adonis is planted in areas with well-moistened and drained soil.

Reproduction in ordinary flowers occurs by freshly collected seeds. Unfortunately, double species do not produce seeds. Therefore, in early spring or immediately after flowering, the bushes are divided. In this case, they need to be planted in the soil as soon as possible, otherwise the plants will not take root. As you know, Adonis does not tolerate drought well.

The average planting density is 5-6 bushes per 1 m2.

Care and reproduction

The plant does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots, so soil drainage and regular loosening are necessary. Adonis loves the sun and does not develop well in low light.

An alkaline environment is preferred. To do this, it is useful to add a little lime to the soil.

Adonis in a duet with other primroses can become a wonderful garden decoration. Yes, it is considered a complex flower. But if all conditions for planting and care are met, it can settle in the garden for many years.

Medicinal properties

Adonis Amur has long been used in medicine and is part of drugs that have a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Its biological activity is very similar to Adonis vernalis; it can successfully become its substitute. The use of Adonis Amur in medicinal practice is safe, although its composition is more toxic than its relative.

This plant is also included in medications that regulate cardiac activity, helps with kidney diseases, colds, malaria, colitis, convulsions, hysteria, removes excess fluid from the body, and has an analgesic and sedative effect.

Protect and protect

Often, unreasonable human behavior, mistakenly called economic activity, fires, and unjustified recreational load lead to sad results. Many species of plants and animals have disappeared forever or are on the verge of extinction.

Adonis amurensis is also among the endangered species. According to preliminary estimates, there are now no more than 5,000 units of it in nature.

Today it is included in the list of rare and endangered plants in the Amur region, and in the Khabarovsk Territory it is included in the Red Book. Adonis Amur is protected by the Khingan State Reserve and is cultivated by many botanical gardens in order to increase its numbers. The quantity of this species is also monitored, especially near populated areas and large-scale economic facilities, and work is carried out with the population on a complete ban on collecting the plant.

Such actions make it possible not only to preserve endangered plants, but also to increase their population and preserve nature for future generations.

(Amur adonis)

adonis amurensis rgl. et radde

Ranunculaceae family - Ranunculaceae

Adonis of the Amur description

Adonis of the Amur- a perennial herbaceous plant with a short thick rhizome, thin roots, and triply pinnately dissected leaves.

Spreading. Within the Far East, the range of Adonis covers Primorye, Amur region and Sakhalin.

Habitat. Adonis Amur grows in moist, humus-rich soil. Does not form large thickets.

Flowering time. A characteristic feature of Adonis is its early flowering. From mid-March, bright yellow flowers bloom in thawed areas, on leafless, succulent stems whose height does not exceed 15 cm. After the end of the flowering period, the length of the stems increases to 20-30 cm and a few leaves develop on them.

Collection time for Adonis Amur. Adonis grass is harvested from mid-April to mid-June, until the fruits fall off. It should be cut at a height of 5 cm from the ground, leaving the basal scale-like leaves. The collected grass must be dried quickly. To do this, it is better to use a dryer with a temperature of 50-60°. With slow drying, the activity of drugs prepared from Adonis herb will be low

Adonis Amur application

In medical practice, only drugs obtained from Adonis vernalis are used. They are the most common mild agents for the treatment of moderate cardiac decompensation. Initially Adonis drugs They were also used for severe cardiac decompensation, but now they have been replaced by drugs obtained from other plants, which are more effective. However, very active medicinal substances with cardiac effects can also be isolated from Adonis. Adonis herb also contains a certain amount of substances that have a sedative (calming the central system) effect.

In practice, an infusion of Adonis herb and the drug “Adonizide” (in drops and for injection) are used. Adonis herb extract is part of the ankylosing spondylitis mixture, which is prescribed for certain diseases of the central nervous system. At one time, the so-called Bekhterev tablets, which are identical in composition to the mixture, became widespread. They are still available in pharmacies, but are used less frequently, since the mixture is more easily absorbed from the digestive tract (Fruentov, 1972). Adonis Amur is a relative of Adonis vernacular; according to experimental studies, it is practically no different from it either in character or in strength of action in the body. Clinical use of Adonis amurensis is safe, although it is somewhat more toxic than Adonis vernalis.

The simplest medicine from Adonis is an infusion of 6 g of dried and crushed herb per 200 ml of water. Take it 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. The infusion prepared according to this recipe is enough for about 12 doses. It is not recommended to prepare it in larger quantities, because the infusion deteriorates during long-term storage.

To prepare the infusion, a weighed amount of crushed herb is placed in a glass, earthenware, porcelain or enamel vessel and the amount indicated in the recipe is poured with cold boiled water. Then the vessel is placed in a pan of boiling water and, with frequent stirring, the contents of the inner vessel are heated for 15 minutes, after which it is cooled for at least 45 minutes. The resulting infusion is filtered and it is ready for use.

In no case should you “simplify” the preparation of infusions by placing the vessel with medicinal raw materials and water directly on the fire. Many medicinal substances are not very stable and can be destroyed by such rough processing of raw materials.

Harvesting Adonis grass from mid-April to mid-June, until the fruits fall off. It should be cut at a height of 5 cm from the ground, leaving the basal scale-like leaves. The collected grass must be dried quickly. To do this, it is better to use a dryer with a temperature of 50-60°. With slow drying, the activity of medicines prepared from Adonis herb will be low.

A perennial herbaceous plant with a short rhizome and numerous black-brown adventitious roots. Shoots are erect or ascending, simple or branched, with 3-6 scale-like leaves up to 3 cm long, single-flowered or very rarely multi-flowered. The stems are rounded, slightly ribbed, their height during the flowering period reaches 15 cm, after flowering it increases to 30-40 cm. The leaves are odd pinnately dissected into narrow linear segments, short hairy. The flowers are bright yellow, 2.5-5 cm in diameter. Sepals 5-7, petals 5-15. The petals are oblong-elliptical, rounded at the apex, narrowed towards the base. The stamens are numerous, greenish-brown, densely pubescent, 3.5-5 mm long and 2-3.5 mm wide. The fruits are pubescent.

A feature of Adonis is its early flowering. On the Kuril Islands (Kunashir) it blooms from late April to mid-May, fruit ripening begins at the end of May, and the aerial part dies off at the beginning of July. On Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, Adonis blooms after the leaves appear, on the mainland - simultaneously with their development.

Adonis Amur has a habitat of the East Asian continental-island type. In Russia, the species is distributed in Primorye, Amur region, Sakhalin, Moneron and the southern Kuril Islands (Kunashir and Shikotan). Beyond its borders, it lives in northeastern China, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu) and Korea. Grows in deciduous and coniferous-deciduous forests. The species is characterized as moderately moisture-loving, light-loving, preferring moist soils rich in humus. In addition to the Amur Adonis, another related species is found on Kunashir Island - Adonis ramosa Franch., distinguished by branched shoots, thrice unpaired pinnately dissected leaves and other characteristics.

Adonis seeds with a small embryo and powerful endosperm. The species was propagated by freshly collected seeds, with seedlings appearing in June of the following year (Sakhalin). Seeds cannot be stored; they quickly lose their viability. Seedlings grow slowly. It can also be propagated vegetatively by dividing the rhizomes both in open areas and under the forest canopy. It reproduces better by seeds, and blooms in the third or fourth year. Introduced into cultivation, there are many varieties in Japan.

Adonis Amur contains cardenolides, coumarins, flavonoids, carbohydrates and related compounds, and alcohols. Cardenolides in the above-ground part of the plant during the flowering - early fruiting period accounted for 0.6% of the weight of air-dried raw materials. Among the substances of cardenolide nature there are strophanthin, strophanthindin, adonitoxin, cymarin, the latter in an amount of 0.19-0.22%, somalin (only in the roots), corchoroside A, convanlatoxin, strophantidol, cymarol, in addition, digitoxigenin is present in the aerial part, in the roots - isolineolone, ramanone, isoramanone, pergularin, esters of isoramanone and isolineolone with benzoic and nicotinic acids, adonilid, fukuyuzon, lineolone, 12-O-benzoylisolineolone, fukuyusonorone. Coumarins of the roots and aerial parts are represented by umbelliferone, scopoletin, and flavonoids of the aerial part are orientin, homoorientin, and adonivernite. In addition to the above compounds, adonitol, formed from free sugars, was found in the plant, which amounted to 2.1% in the above-ground part, 0.18% in the roots, and about 2% adonitol was found in the leaves. There is known data indicating a significant amount of cardiac nticoside adonidine. When studying the elemental chemical composition of the Far Eastern Adonis Amur plants, Si, Ca, K, Mg, P, Al, Fe, Mn, Na, Ti, Cu, Sr, Ba were determined.

Since the raw materials of the pharmacopoeial plant Adonis vernalis are limited, attempts are being made to search for related species that have similar activity in the treatment of coronary insufficiency and as sedatives. In experiments on animals, when using an infusion, Adonis Amur had a sedative effect, slowed the heart rate, regulated intracardiac conduction, improved blood circulation and had a diuretic effect. In Korea, Adonis Amur preparations were used for heart failure caused by heart defects and atherosclerosis. In Chinese medicine it is considered a cardiotonic and diuretic. In general, according to many researchers, Adonis amur can be a substitute for Adonis vernacular, since their biological activities are similar.

Perennial herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family. In the Far East, this species is widespread, reaching the Amur River in the north of its range. The plants are poisonous. The height of this herbaceous plant is up to 40 cm, the rhizome is thick with cord-like roots. It has numerous stems, erect, ribbed, glabrous or slightly drooping. The upper part of the stems is branched, and the lower part is often covered with scales.

The shape of the leaves is pentagonal or oval, palmately dissected into narrow, linear lobes. The flowers are large, bright yellow, up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in compact “bundles” and located on the tops of the shoots. The fruit is complex, consisting of numerous single-seeded nuts, most often ovoid in shape. Adonis Amursky blooms from March to May, bears fruit from May to June. This plant does not form large thickets in nature. Reproduction by division and seeds.

Application: It is used for diseases such as cardiac decompensation, kidney and colds, malaria, various colitis, convulsions, hysteria, shortness of breath and as a diuretic for dropsy and swelling of the legs. Contains active substances: cardiac glucosides cyarin, adonitoxin, flavonose glucoside adonivernitis, several other cardiac glucosides, saponins, adonitol alcohol, phytosterol and mineral salts.

An infusion of the herb stimulates and regulates the activity of the heart, dilates the blood vessels of the heart and kidneys, enhances heart contractions, evens out the heart rhythm and eliminates congestion. The infusion also has a diuretic, anticonvulsant, analgesic and sedative effect, reducing the excitability of the motor apparatus of the central nervous system.

In medical practice, Adonis is used in the form of aqueous herbal infusions as one of the most important means of regulating and stimulating the activity of the heart. The infusion is used for various cardiovascular diseases and especially for chronic cardiac failure and cardiac neuroses, and in combination with bromine - for increased nervous excitability, insomnia, convulsions, epilepsy and alcoholic psychoses. Adonis, when used repeatedly, does not have a cumulative property, that is, the property of accumulating action, due to the relatively low stability of the active principles.

The pharmaceutical industry also produces special preparations made from adonis: adonizide, dry extract and tablets (dragees) adonis-bromine, containing dry adonis concentrate, potassium bromide and codeine. The simplest medicine that can be prepared from Adonis Amur is an infusion.

For 6 g of dried and crushed herb there are 200 ml (almost a glass) of water. You need to take a tablespoon 2-3 times a day. The infusion prepared according to this recipe is enough for approximately 12 doses. Preparation in large quantities is not recommended, as the infusion deteriorates during long-term storage. To prepare the infusion, place the required amount of crushed herb in a clean vessel, then fill the herb with cold water, based on the proportion indicated above. Then, place the vessel in a saucepan of boiling water, stirring frequently and heat the contents of the vessel for 15 minutes. After this, it is necessary to cool the infusion for at least 45 minutes. During cooling, the medicinal substances of Adonis amurensis pass into the infusion. You should not “simplify” the preparation of infusions by placing the vessel with medicinal raw materials and water directly on the fire. Many medicinal substances are not very stable and can be destroyed by such rough processing of raw materials.

gastroguru 2017