Plane crash carrying the Brazilian national football team. A plane carrying Brazilian football players crashed in Colombia. 56 Conflicting data on survivors

There were 81 people and crew on board the passenger airliner that crashed in Colombia, including players from a Brazilian football club. During the search and rescue operation, survivors were found, but the exact number is not yet known.

Reports that began to emerge in the first hours after the crash gave hope. There are survivors. True, for a long time they could not give exact figures. Later the first names appeared. Thus, one of the Colombian radio stations reported that among the survivors was Alan Ruschel, a defender of the Chapecoense football team. He has a broken femur and a head injury. Goalkeeper Danilo Padilla and one of the flight attendants also survived.

“Soon the doctors will bring the surviving flight attendant, her condition is stable. It is very difficult to get to the scene of the disaster; ordinary cars will not get there. It’s great that there are survivors, there are many of them, but we can’t say exactly how many,” said one of the rescuers.

Then the information about a large number of survivors was denied by the authorities. Only six were taken to the hospital. Already in the hospital, one of the patients died. But a few hours later - again an urgent message from Colombian radio: “Authorities confirm the discovery of another survivor.” At the same time, they say that we are talking about the Brazilian football player Hélio Zampier Neto.

According to official data, 75 people were killed. In total, there were 72 passengers and nine crew members on board the crashed plane.

Here in the video footage you can see how the airliner disappears from the radar screens. The plane was heading to Medellin, Colombia's second largest city and its industrial capital. The players of the Chapecoense club flew there to play for the Copa Sudamericana with the local Atlético Nacional. The match was scheduled for tomorrow.

The footage posted on YouTube was filmed at the departure airport in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. On them the football players are preparing to land. Footage also emerged taken by survivor Alan Ruschel inside the plane. He shows the passengers sitting next to him. There is also a photo taken today in the team's locker room. It shows three football players who did not fly to the game in Colombia.

Medellin Mayor Federico Gutierrez today sent words of condolences to the families and friends of the victims.

“It is very sad to confirm such information. All that can be done now is to help the work of doctors and rescuers. This is truly a tragedy. It's hard to imagine. We want to express words of support to the families of the deceased football players from Brazil,” the mayor said

Local media say there was bad weather in the area of ​​the disaster. According to the administration of the airport where the plane was departing, the crew reported an emergency at ten o'clock in the evening local time. It was six in the morning in Moscow at that time. The crew reported problems with electrical equipment.

On the night of November 29, a regional airliner carrying players from the Brazilian club Chapecoense crashed in Colombia. Club employees and journalists were also on board. 76 people died, five more were taken to hospital by rescuers.

The plane crashed for an unknown reason before reaching 30 kilometers from Medellin airport in Colombia.

The airliner LMI2933 took off from the Bolivian Santa Cruz de la Sierra at 18:18 pm on November 28 local time (1:18 Moscow time). In five hours (6:00 Moscow time) the pilots reported dispatchers about problems on board related to power supply. The airport cleared the runway for an emergency landing, and the plane began flying in circles to run out of fuel, according to FlightRadar24 data.

Another 15 minutes later the plane crashed near the city of La Union. It broke into two pieces when it hit the ground. What exactly caused the disaster is unknown. Rescuers have not yet found the flight recorders; Search efforts have been suspended due to heavy rain. It is possible that the plane may have run out of fuel.

Almost the entire Chapecoense football team died in the disaster.

The Brazilian club was flying to Medellin for the final match of the Copa Sudamericana, in which Chapecoense was to meet with the Colombian Atlético Nacional. There were 22 football players on the plane. In addition, there were 25 more club representatives on board (coaches, doctors, managers), as well as data Caracol Radio, three "friends of the club". 22 journalists flew with Chapecoense to the match. According to the latest data, 76 people died.

Five people survived

Rescuers took four passengers and a flight attendant to the hospital. The condition of the two victims is assessed as stable, the surviving football player Alan Ruschel is conscious. In addition to Ruschel, goalkeepers Marcos Danilo and Jackson Folman survived the crash. Brazilian journalist Rafael Hensel also managed to escape. The only survivor of the crew was flight attendant Ximena Suarez.

The Civil Aviation Authority also reported that flight engineer Erwin Tumiri survived the crash. Local media learned, that defender Elio Neto could also survive the fall. Officially, the police reported that only five people survived, and another victim died on the way to the hospital.

The team should not have been on this flight

According to El Tiempo, shortly before departure, the Brazilian Civil Aviation Authority banned Chapecoense from chartering to Medellin, forcing the team to book a commercial flight.

Football clubs around the world expressed their condolences to the Brazilian team

One of the first about solidarity announced at Atlético Nacional, with whom Chapecoense was flying to a match. Words of condolences came from other clubs and players, including Russian. The South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) has already announced that all games will be suspended for now.

Manchester United's thoughts are with Chapecoense and those affected by the tragedy in Colombia.


Black boxes from crashed plane in Colombia found

The flight recorders of the plane that crashed on November 29, 30 kilometers from Medellin airport, have been found in Colombia. This was reported by the Colombian Civil Aviation Authority.

The black boxes are in good condition, the department said.

Plane that crashed in Colombia required landing due to lack of fuel

Before the disaster, the pilot of flight LMI2933 that crashed in Colombia, Miguel Quiroga, loudly demanded from air traffic controllers to land due to lack of fuel. Sources of the newspaper El Tiempo told about this.

By the time of the fall, the plane was already making its third waiting circle near the airport, since landing priority was assigned to another flight from Bogota, which had previously reported problems with its instruments.

Surviving flight attendant Jimena Suarez also spoke about the fuel shortage. However, in the official preliminary report on the crash, Colombian authorities stated that the pilot reported to dispatchers only about problems with electronics.

Rescuers also finally established the number of victims of the disaster. There were only 68 passengers on board, not 72 as previously reported. Four people missed their flight. Of the 77 passengers and crew members, seven survived the disaster; one survivor subsequently died in hospital.

Sources say the pilot of the LaMia flight, Miguel Alejandro Quiroga Murakami, continuously raised his voice and asked to land due to lack of fuel, and then directed the plane towards the airport (Spanish).EL TIEMPO

On the night of November 29, a regional airliner carrying players from the Brazilian club Chapecoense crashed in Colombia. Club employees and journalists were also on board. 76 people died, five more were taken to hospital by rescuers.

The plane crashed for an unknown reason before reaching 30 kilometers from Medellin airport in Colombia.

The airliner LMI2933 took off from the Bolivian Santa Cruz de la Sierra at 18:18 pm on November 28 local time (1:18 Moscow time). In five hours (6:00 Moscow time) the pilots reported dispatchers about problems on board related to power supply. The airport cleared the runway for an emergency landing, and the plane began flying in circles to run out of fuel, according to FlightRadar24 data.

Another 15 minutes later the plane crashed near the city of La Union. It broke into two pieces when it hit the ground. What exactly caused the disaster is unknown. Rescuers have not yet found the flight recorders; Search efforts have been suspended due to heavy rain. It is possible that the plane may have run out of fuel.

Almost the entire Chapecoense football team died in the disaster.

The Brazilian club was flying to Medellin for the final match of the Copa Sudamericana, in which Chapecoense was to meet with the Colombian Atlético Nacional. There were 22 football players on the plane. In addition, there were 25 more club representatives on board (coaches, doctors, managers), as well as data Caracol Radio, three "friends of the club". 22 journalists flew with Chapecoense to the match. According to the latest data, 76 people died.

Five people survived

Rescuers took four passengers and a flight attendant to the hospital. The condition of the two victims is assessed as stable, the surviving football player Alan Ruschel is conscious. In addition to Ruschel, goalkeepers Marcos Danilo and Jackson Folman survived the crash. Brazilian journalist Rafael Hensel also managed to escape. The only survivor of the crew was flight attendant Ximena Suarez.

The Civil Aviation Authority also reported that flight engineer Erwin Tumiri survived the crash. Local media learned, that defender Elio Neto could also survive the fall. Officially, the police reported that only five people survived, and another victim died on the way to the hospital.

The team should not have been on this flight

According to El Tiempo, shortly before departure, the Brazilian Civil Aviation Authority banned Chapecoense from chartering to Medellin, forcing the team to book a commercial flight.

Football clubs around the world expressed their condolences to the Brazilian team

One of the first about solidarity announced at Atlético Nacional, with whom Chapecoense was flying to a match. Words of condolences came from other clubs and players, including Russian. The South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) has already announced that all games will be suspended for now.

Manchester United's thoughts are with Chapecoense and those affected by the tragedy in Colombia.


Black boxes from crashed plane in Colombia found

The flight recorders of the plane that crashed on November 29, 30 kilometers from Medellin airport, have been found in Colombia. This was reported by the Colombian Civil Aviation Authority.

The black boxes are in good condition, the department said.

Plane that crashed in Colombia required landing due to lack of fuel

Before the disaster, the pilot of flight LMI2933 that crashed in Colombia, Miguel Quiroga, loudly demanded from air traffic controllers to land due to lack of fuel. Sources of the newspaper El Tiempo told about this.

By the time of the fall, the plane was already making its third waiting circle near the airport, since landing priority was assigned to another flight from Bogota, which had previously reported problems with its instruments.

Surviving flight attendant Jimena Suarez also spoke about the fuel shortage. However, in the official preliminary report on the crash, Colombian authorities stated that the pilot reported to dispatchers only about problems with electronics.

Rescuers also finally established the number of victims of the disaster. There were only 68 passengers on board, not 72 as previously reported. Four people missed their flight. Of the 77 passengers and crew members, seven survived the disaster; one survivor subsequently died in hospital.

Sources say the pilot of the LaMia flight, Miguel Alejandro Quiroga Murakami, continuously raised his voice and asked to land due to lack of fuel, and then directed the plane towards the airport (Spanish).EL TIEMPO

A plane carrying a Brazilian team crashed in Colombia. Main

Match TV summarizes all the information that is currently known.


A plane carrying 77 people, including players from the Brazilian football club Chapecoense, crashed in Colombia. Four passengers canceled the flight at the last minute.

Six people survived.

Before the crash, the pilots reported electrical problems and “declared an emergency.”


Yesterday at 21:56 local time in Colombia, in the La Ceja area (about 30 kilometers southeast of the city of Medellin), an RJ-85 plane with players and coaching staff of the Chapecoense team disappeared from radar. There were 72 passengers and 8 crew members on board.

In addition to the players and coaches, there were club executives, three guests and 21 journalists on the plane.

The plane was heading to Medellin, where the team was supposed to play in the first final match of the Copa Sudamericana against the local Atlético Nacional.


Rescuers found no traces of fire at the crash site. The absence of an explosion and ignition contributed to the fact that not everyone died in the disaster.

There was initially no clear information about the casualties. According to AFP, 25 people were immediately found. 5 survivors were reported.

According to journalist Pablo Medina Uribe, three players were taken to the hospital. These are defender Alan Ruschel (he will likely be paralyzed from the waist down) and goalkeepers Marcos Danilo and Jackson Folman (leg amputee).

Alan Ruschel^tfw

Marcos Danilo^tfw

90 rescuers worked at the scene of the disaster. Due to heavy rain, work was suspended until dawn.^tfw

Later, officially confirmed information appeared.

Among the dead is the son of former CSKA physical training coach Paulo Paixao Anderson.

Goalkeeper Danilo survived the crash, but died from his injuries in hospital. Before his death, he managed to meet his wife.

The names of all survivors have become known: players Elihu Neto, Jackson Folman, Alan Ruschel, journalist Rafael Hensel, flight attendant Ximena Suarez (the least injured of all, her condition is stable) and aircraft technician Erwin Tumeri.

What happened

At 22:00 (4 minutes after the plane disappeared from radar), the plane's crew "declared an emergency" and reported "electrical problems." This happened as the plane was descending and was preparing to land in Medellin. Then contact with the plane was lost. Rescuers flew to the site of the alleged crash, but heavy fog complicated the search for the crash site.

According to Flightradar, the plane occupied a holding pattern over a mountainous area before landing and circled twice, likely due to technical problems, at an altitude of 21,000 feet (6.4 kilometers). The RJ-85 then left the holding area and began to descend. The latest data was recorded by the Flightradar service when the plane was at an altitude of 15,550 feet (4.7 km).

An Avro RJ85 plane with a Brazilian football team on board crashed in Colombia. Colombian authorities have confirmed that the plane carrying the Brazilian football team did indeed crash. According to the latest data, there were 81 people on board: 72 passengers and nine crew members.

Representatives of the Jose Maria Cordoba airport in Medellin, where the plane was supposed to land, shared more detailed information about the crash. It was in this city that the Chapecoense and Nacional clubs were supposed to play the first match of the final of the Copa Sudamericana (the Latin American equivalent of the Europa League, in which Zenit and Krasnodar are currently participating).

“We confirm that the aircraft with registration number CP2933 was delivering the Chapecoense football team. There are likely survivors (from the crash),” the terminal administration said in a statement.

It is reported that there are 10 people among the survivors of the disaster. However, this is unofficial information for now - the information is constantly updated. The Tsargrad editorial office is monitoring the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy online.


16:36 Fans outside the Chapecoense stadium hold a spontaneous rally to offer words of support to those who lost loved ones in the plane crash. There are tears in the eyes of many gathered.

16:00 In a telegram to the President of Brazil, Russian President Vladimir Putin conveyed words of sympathy to the families and friends of those killed in the crash of a plane carrying Brazilian football players in Colombia, the Kremlin press service reports.

15:35 Shortly before the crash, the football players took a photo with the pilot of the plane.

14:45 Goalkeeper Chapecoense Marcos Danilo died in hospital, local media reported.

14:23 Another survivor has been recovered from the wreckage of a plane that crashed in Colombia. Rescued - player of the Chapecoense club Helio Zampier Neto, was rushed to the hospital.

13:45 Brazil has declared mourning after a plane carrying a football team crashed.

13:30 Colombian authorities confirmed that three Chapecoense players survived the crash - Alan Ruschel, Marcos Danilo and Jackson Folman. According to Reuters, flight attendant Jimena Suarez and plane passenger Rafael Correa Gobbato are also considered to have survived.

12:41 Medellin police chief Jose Acevedo said the death toll had risen to 76.

12:33 The first photos from hospitals where victims of the airliner crash in Colombia are being taken appear online.

Chapecoense defender Alan Ruschel

12:30 The Daily Mail reports that the Chapecoense players were supposed to fly on a different plane. They replaced the board literally at the last moment

12:25 Among the passengers on the plane that crashed in Colombia was Anderson Paixau, the son of former CSKA Moscow physical training coach Paulo Paixau.

12:16 Colombian FC Nacional expressed its condolences to Chapecoense.

12:10 The search can continue when rescuers can work in natural light, emergency officials told local media.

12:00 Eyewitnesses publish the first video from the crash site in Colombia.

11:40 The last minutes before boarding the crashed plane - the football players of the Brazilian club are discussing the upcoming final match.

11:39 Paraguayan publications report a temporary suspension of rescue and search operations due to bad weather conditions.

11:35 Firefighters, analyzing the circumstances of the plane crash, insist: the pilot’s decision to use up all the fuel saved the lives of passengers and crew. If the fuel had remained, there could have been an explosion - in this case, no one would have been able to escape.

11:30 The Kuban football club expressed its condolences to all the families and friends of the players, coaches and staff, as well as the fans of the Brazilian Chapecoense in connection with the plane crash.

11:27 The scene of the plane crash from the air - emergency services continue to dismantle the wreckage of the plane.

11:25 Meanwhile, users on social networks are sharing touching videos - this is exactly how players "Chapecoense" celebrated their reaching the final of the South American Cup - just recently everyone was alive and well.

11:20 Due to the plane crash Brazilian Football Federation decided to postpone the final matches indefinitely. Currently, an option is being considered in which "Chapecoense" And "Nacional" will field their youth squads for the games.

11:18 The mayor of the city of La Ceja, located near the site of the plane crash, names three possible reasons, including lack of fuel, technical problems with the plane and weather conditions.

11:17 Video reconstruction of the flight of the crashed plane.

11:14 According to RCN radio, Alan Ruschel was admitted to the hospital with numerous fractures and head wounds. At the same time, the defender’s condition is assessed as stable.

11:06 Surviving football players Alan Ruschel(left) and Danilo Marcos Padilla sat next to each other during the terrible flight. A few minutes before takeoff, they shared a photo together on social networks.

11:03 According to updated information, there were 22 football players among the passengers of the plane that crashed in Colombia. The mayor of La Ceja speaks of the deaths of 25-27 people flying on the crashed plane. The rest are either considered missing or among the victims.

11:00 President of Atlético Nacional Juan Carlos de La Cuesta claims that Chapecoense used the same plane on which the Argentina national football team had previously flown to Belo Horizonte for a 2018 World Cup qualifying match against Brazil.

10:55 CONMEBOL has suspended matches due to the disaster in Colombia.

10:46 24 year old goalkeeper Ragnar Folman- the fourth player of the Brazilian club to survive the disaster.

10:40 The third survivor of the plane crash in Colombia is the 31-year-old goalkeeper of the Chapecoense club. Danilo Marcos Padilla.

10:37 Another person injured in the Avro RJ85 crash has been named. This is the flight attendant Jimena Suarez.

10:35 According to some data, not five, but 13 or even 15 people survived the disaster. At the same time, official sources have not yet announced such data. The fire captain only noted that there were “many casualties” as a result of the plane crash.

10:27 The Colombian army was involved in rescue efforts at the crash site. Military helicopters should help transport survivors. At the moment, only six people out of 81 on board have been found alive.

10:25 President of CONMEBOL Alejandro Dominguez has already taken off to the crash site. We know Dominguez from playing in the Russian clubs Zenit and Rubin. In his homeland he is a true football legend.

10:20 Photos of passengers of the ill-fated Avro RJ85 airliner before the last takeoff appear on the Internet. The whole team is assembled, the coaching staff, apparently, is in the forefront. No one can imagine how the planned flight as part of the South American Cup championship will end.

10:16 Chapecoense fans are ready to take the first flight to the scene of the tragedy to help emergency services representatives search for the bodies of the dead and provide assistance to the injured.

10:14 The fire captain confirms that there are many casualties as a result of the plane crash. There is still hope that more than just the six we already know survived.

10:11 The first wounded person to arrive at the Brovi hospital was a 27-year-old Alan Ruschel, Chapecoense defender, wearing number 10. Doctors are doing everything possible to bring the athlete out of shock. The player's injuries have not yet been reported.

10:10 According to the official press release, the cause of the plane crash was an electrical fault.

10:08 Colombian FC Nacional expressed its condolences to Chapecoense. Meanwhile, users on social networks share photographs of football players - happy smiles of young guys in moments of victory on the field.

10:05 Weather conditions significantly complicate the actions of rescuers at the scene. At the same time, medics are waiting for the four surviving players and a flight attendant to arrive. Information about the identities of the survivors is broadcast by local media with reference to their own sources.

10:03 Experts were able to reconstruct the flight path of the crashed Avro RJ85.

10:00 Football players from the Brazilian club Chapecoense were heading to a game in the South American Cup. The athletes were accompanied by journalists. It is not yet known who exactly survived the crash.

09:53 Avro RJ85, which crashed in the province of Antioquia in the La Union area, broke into two parts. According to Colonel Bonilla from civil aviation, the passengers were able to escape only because there was no explosion as a result of the crash.

09:48 According to sources at various levels, the plane signaled low fuel levels shortly before the crash.

09:40 Portal MiOriente: The plane crashed due to lack of fuel. There was no collision.

09:30 Information about 10 survivors is confirmed. It is voiced by the fire department working at the scene of an emergency.

09:07 The first photos from the scene of the tragedy began to appear on social networks almost immediately after the crash was reported. There has been no information yet about the causes of the disaster.

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