Albania world map in Russian. Albania on the world map - all about the Balkan country. Map of Albania with resorts and cities in Russian

By studying a geographical map of the world, you can determine where exactly Albania is located in the European south. The Balkan Peninsula has always been of interest to conquerors. Those of the peoples who did not pass through this region did not stay long. The Balkans in this area were met with inaccessible rocks. Albania is an eagle country. These proud birds live in rocky places. There are so many rocks on Albanian territory that it seems as if they were taken from all over the world and poured onto this land.

Democratic Republic

For almost 100 years, the Albanian people were under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. The country gained independence only in 1912.

Albania is a democratic parliamentary republic headed by the President.. At the end of World War II, the state followed the communist path of development, but then relations with the Soviet Union and many states were interrupted. Prolonged international isolation had a negative impact on the country's economy. Albania is a poor agricultural country in Europe.

The Albanian language has two dialects:

  • Northerners are characterized by Gheg;
  • Toscan is common in the south.

The Tosk dialect is spoken by most of the inhabitants, which is why it has become the official language countries. Many Albanians speak Italian, Greek, and some Slavic languages.

The majority of the country's residents profess Islam (the only state in Europe), and there are also representatives of the Greek Orthodox Church, Catholic and other few denominations.

Along with the state currency (lek), euros and American dollars circulate freely on the territory of the state.

Medical care for the country's population is at a low level, and there is an invariable shortage of essential medicines.

Sea and land borders

The total area of ​​Albania is 28.7 km². Looking at the photo of a world map in Russian, it becomes clear what an insignificant territory this state occupies.

The Ionian and Adriatic seas wash the coast of Albania for more than 300 kilometers. The Adriatic Sea has a low coastline with rare shallow bays; there are no natural harbors in the country. On the coast of this sea, if you look at the European map, there are two large Albanian ports: Durres and Vlora.

It can be reached via the Strait of Otranto. This strait has small mountain ranges, the shores are indented with small bays.

The northern borders of Albania on the map of Europe are adjacent to Kosovo and Montenegro. In the east - with. The southeast of the country borders on Greece.

Land borders, as Wikipedia claims about Albania, were determined artificially (1912-1913). In London, the ambassadors of the great powers assigned the boundaries of the country on the map. Its territory was occupied by troops during the First World War:

  • Greece;
  • Italy;
  • Serbia;
  • France.

After the end of the war in the early twenties, the victorious countries did not change the borders of Albania.

The boundaries were determined by the separation of Albanian settlements from other peoples:

  • Greeks;
  • Serbs;
  • Montenegrins.

At the same time, they tried not to violate the interests of different parties. The lake region in western Macedonia was divided between 3 countries (Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania), each of them received part of the lowlands.


Ore mining is carried out in Albania:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • chrome.

Coal is mined in the capital area, bitumen deposits are found near the city of Vlora, and the northeast is rich in phosphates.

Landscape and water resources

Looking at Albania on the world map, one can determine that most of the country is covered with mountains, the rest of the territory is plains. On the border area with Macedonia there is the Corabi mountain range, whose height reaches more than 2,700 meters - the highest point in the country. Among the mountains there are basins where large Albanian cities grew - Berat, Korca, Peshkopija.

Along the coast of the Adriatic Sea there is a fertile plain for almost 200 km. More than half the country's population is concentrated here. The plain near the coast is covered with swamps, in some places they have been drained (between Durres and Vlora). These lands are now occupied by agricultural land.

Almost all Albanian rivers flow into the Adriatic Sea. The largest river is Drin. There are several large lakes and reservoirs in the country.

There are no fertile soils in the mountains. Almost 40% of the Albanian territory is occupied by forests, part of the area is covered with bushes, and there are many meadows.

The country's mountain ranges are divided into several zones:

  1. The lower zone (height up to 600 m) is brown subtropical soil, dominated by evergreen shrub vegetation (maquis, laurel, myrtle).
  2. The middle zone (altitude up to 2000 m) – mountainous, brown soil, deciduous forests (beech, oak, chestnut).
  3. At an altitude of more than 2000 m there is a belt of alpine grass meadows.

Climate and fauna

The western coastal plains are exposed to the warm masses of the washed seas, summers are long and hot, winters are wet and not cold. In mountainous areas, temperatures are lower and snow lasts for a long time. In the north, winters are colder with intense snowfall.

Most wild animals and reptiles are concentrated in sparsely populated mountainous areas where there are sufficient water resources. The warm climate of the coast is favorable for migratory birds. Mountain lakes and rivers are rich in rare fish species.

Capital of the state

On the territory of the country, the first area inhabited by people was in the Tirana region. Mentions of it as a small village date back to the 15th century. The intersection of trade routes contributed to the rapid development of Tirana. In the 17th century, the city was famous for its bazaar, where merchants traded:

  • jewelry;
  • spices;
  • silk fabrics;
  • ceramic products.

In February 1920, Tirana was proclaimed the capital of Albania, the government settled in the city. From 1939 to September 1943 - occupation by Italy. In September 1943, German troops entered Tirana. The city was the center of the liberation struggle of the people of Albania. In November 1944, Tirana was liberated from Nazi troops by the National Liberation Army. January 1946 was marked by the proclamation of the People's Republic of Albania.

The population of the state capital, according to unofficial data, is about 1 million people.

Most of the country's industry is concentrated in Tirana. Industrial enterprises operate in the city:

  • metalworking;
  • shoe;
  • food;
  • glass-ceramic;
  • tobacco;
  • textile.

All industry of the capital is located in the western and southwestern regions. Not far from Tirana in 1951, with the help of the USSR, the first hydroelectric power station was built. From the mountain river Selita, water flows through tunnels to turbines, and then through a water supply system into city neighborhoods.

In the old areas of Tirana there are crooked and narrow streets with houses deep in the courtyards. The building in which parliament sits was built in 1924 as an officers' club. The construction of the administrative and cultural center took place in the 20-30s of the last century:

  • Skanderbeg Square;
  • university;
  • Efem Bey Mosque;
  • Opera theatre;
  • bank.

Following a reconstruction plan adopted in the fifties, new residential areas were built in Tirana. Russian architect G.L. Lavrov designed the New Albania film studio.

Albanian cuisine and some traditions

Due to its convenient geographical location, historical features, mild climate Albanian cuisine is famous for its richness and variety. The main place on the Albanian table is occupied by fish dishes and seafood. The ancient Greeks and Romans had a great influence on the gastronomic tastes of the country's inhabitants.

The indigenous people of Albania have an interesting habit - when they affirm something, they shake their heads (most Europeans understand this gesture as a denial). And, on the contrary, nodding their heads, they say “no.” Residents of large cities rarely act this way, but in the provinces such behavior is common. Travelers and residents of the Albanian hinterland sometimes do not understand each other.

Albania is a small Balkan country that attracts travelers with a unique opportunity to combine beach and active holidays, enjoying the Mediterranean climate, as well as get to know the incredibly rich history of the country, its culture and national customs.

Where is Albania located on the map of Europe?

Conveniently located surrounded by sea and mountains, Albania is very attractive for travelers, and, most importantly, inexpensive direction.

Geographical position

Albania, as a country on the Balkan Peninsula, has the most advantageous geographical position, since it not only boasts a Mediterranean climate, but also the fact that it is washed by two of the best seas - Adriatic And Ionian, along which a hilly plain stretches.

Its territory is covered with peaked mountain ranges, picturesque lakes, rocks and caves - fabulously beautiful nature.

Albania is located in southeastern Europe, namely in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula.

The country has common borders in the north with and, in the east with Macedonia, and also with in the south and southeast. In the west, on the other side of the Strait of Otranto, only 75 km away is located.

Albania partially owns three picturesque lakes - Ohrid, Shkoder And Prespa, in addition, is the owner of two large rivers - Drin And Mati.


Being one of the unrecognized pearls of the Adriatic coast, Albania has an incredibly attractive Mediterranean climate. Summers here are dry and hot, and winters are mild and rainy. The average summer temperature is +25 degrees, and the winter temperature is -8°C.

How to get there?

In Russia and Albania no direct message, so all flights departing to this country connect to or through Milan, Ljubljana, Vienna and Warsaw. Travel time including connections will take about 6 hours.

You can buy plane tickets to countries neighboring Albania using this air ticket search form. Enter information about departure date, cities of departure and arrival And number of passengers.

Country information

The natural beauty and developed infrastructure of Albania, as well as the hospitality of the country’s residents, increasingly encourages people to visit this wonderful place.

Internal structure

Until 1992, Albania was artificially isolated from the rest of the world due to the policies of the communist party, but now it is called democratic republic, which is headed by the President and the Government by the Prime Minister.

The local population speaks Albanian, but knows Italian, Greek and English quite well.

Albania currently has a population of approximately 3.2 million inhabitants, 97% of whom are native Albanians who profess Islam. In particular, Sunni Muslims account for about 80% of the population.


For most tourists, including residents of Russia, in the summer for a period of up to 90 days, entry not required for Albania. The rest of the time, you will have to obtain a permit before the trip.


In Albania forbidden import and export local currency - you can change it locally at the airport. Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes, up to 1 liter of spirits and 2 liters of wine, as well as 250 ml of eau de toilette and 50 ml of perfume is allowed. To export expensive items, you must present a purchase receipt.


Albania is easy to call a destination, completely safe for tourists, but even in such an environment some measures should be observed:

  1. Don't buy currency from hand;
  2. Get vaccinated against typhoid and polio;
  3. Get health insurance.

The country has very clean drinking water, but vacationers are better off purchasing a bottled product.


Monetary unit of Albania – lek(1 lek has 100 kindarkas), but tourists have the opportunity to pay in euros or dollars. This foreign currency can be used to pay everywhere.

National cuisine

Albanian cuisine - a tasty and juicy mixture meat dishes from lamb or juicy lamb, flavored with the freshest vegetables.

Definitely worth a try:

  1. Burek– meat pie made from puff pastry;
  2. Tav Elbuasani– meat baked in yogurt;
  3. Fergesa tyrant– meat sausage with egg and tomatoes.

In local cuisine you can also find fish dishes made from trout caught in Lake Ohrid, cooked with walnuts.


There are two mobile operators in this country - Vodafone And A.M.C., which are excellently received anywhere in Albania. Roaming from other operators also applies here.

Real estate market

In recent years, the real estate market has been very promising because cost of purchasing a home noticeably less than in neighboring countries. In addition, realtors help in selling properties directly from developers.


It’s easy to get around the country by buses, trains or minibuses, which are also called here "vans". This most popular type of transport can be found at any bus station.

Large cities such as Tirana, Durres, Berat or Shkodër are connected railway connection– trains running at 6 am and until 20:00.

Map with cities and resorts in Russian

Albania is ready to provide its guests with many picturesque places for an eventful holiday, exciting excursions, as well as first-class beach holidays on the pristine beaches of the Adriatic.

The active development of tourism makes Albania an attractive destination - travelers get a unique experience from visiting a unique country. Intense cultural leisure awaits tourists in the capital of the country - in Tirana, because this city is a treasure trove of historical attractions, as is the unique Berat.

Beach holiday

Luxury beach holiday awaits those who travel to one of the following resort towns:

  • Sarandra;
  • Durres;
  • Vlora;
  • Shkondra.

In addition to a beach holiday, travelers have the opportunity to explore Durres And Shkondra for the presence of historical sights that date back thousands of years.


Albania has always been distinguished by its rich history, attractive culture, and picturesque nature.

When setting off on an exciting journey, you should first of all visit Tirana attractions, which are located in the central square:

  • National History Museum;
  • Monument to Skanderbeg;
  • Clock tower;
  • Ethem Bey Mosque;
  • Perfectly preserved Petrela Castle– it is about 2 thousand years old.

You can complete your walk around the city by climbing to the top of Mount Daiti, from where you can enjoy a magnificent view of Tirana.

Durres has well preserved castles and fortresses, Amphitheater And Mosaic house, surrounded by statues and fountains, and in the cultural capital of the country you should see the mosques, the Franciscan church and the Rosefana fortress.

Where to stay?

Albania's hotel base is very rich - there are luxury hotels here, for example ( Rogner Hotel Tirana 5*), modest hotels ( Lowen Inn Bed & Breakfast) and very inexpensive beds in the hostel ( Green Garden Hostel).

Of course, local service does not reach European standards, but the friendliness and good nature of the staff completely compensates for this minus. Accommodation prices much lower than in neighboring Greece or Montenegro.

Use the hotel booking form to find a suitable room. Enter city, check-in and check-out dates And number of guests.


Fans of beach holidays will find a lot of interesting entertainment on Ionian coast in the “Riviera of Flowers” ​​or on the beaches of Velipoi, Durres, Golemi, Lezha and Divyak, in the Adriatic - Dhermi.

Mountaineering enthusiasts can go exploring the mountains, and those interested in speleology will find numerous caves in Albania.


In specialized stores and souvenir shops, tourists can purchase products from local craftsmen - copper gizmos And wooden tubes, and colorful embroidery. In Old Tirana you can visit a huge bazaar.

Facts about the state

  • Kiss on my cheek– the norm for the local population;
  • It is advisable for service personnel leave a tip(10% of the amount);
  • Shaking your head means agreement nod- refusal;
  • Not worth it communicate with Albanians about religion, politics and polygamy, especially starting arguments on this topic;
  • The pride of Albania - Mother Teresa, awarded the Nobel Prize.

Every year to hospitable Albania More and more tourists are flocking who value a rich vacation at an attractive price.

Albania was isolated from the outside world for a long time; the cities and resorts of Albania, fortunately, are already open to travelers and are quickly gaining popularity. On the world map, this picturesque Balkan country is comfortably located next to Greece and Montenegro, washed by the blue waters of the Ionian and Adriatic seas.

More and more tourists are beginning to show interest and discover this region. Albania is worth visiting for anyone looking for picturesque natural spots and interesting historical sites. But above all, the country offers its guests healing thermal springs and wonderful beaches.

The best thermal resorts

Thanks to the Mediterranean climate, clean air and the presence of thermal springs, favorable conditions have been created for treatment and healing of the body. The healing resorts of Albania are suitable for those who suffer from diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Thermal water sources are saturated with hydrogen sulfide and other useful elements.

There are many medical resorts in the country. Among them all stand out:

  • Bilyay. Located near the town of Kruya. The sources contain potassium, iron, magnesium and other useful compounds. Used in the treatment of chronic ailments.
  • Elbasan. A famous resort since Roman times, not far from the city of the same name. Thanks to the hydrogen sulfide content in thermal waters, it is possible to treat women’s diseases and alleviate problems with blood vessels, stomach, joints, and respiratory organs.
  • Vronomero. A few kilometers from Leskovik. The concentration of salts and minerals helps against various ailments.
  • Beigna. Located near the town of Permet. This place has 6 springs surrounded by picturesque scenery, open to the public for free. The waters treat a variety of diseases.
  • Peshkopy. You can find it in the vicinity of the town of the same name. Its thermal waters are useful for skin diseases, respiratory problems, and diabetes.

Beach resorts

During the summer period, from May to September, Albania's beach resorts are quite in demand. Russians are allowed to visit the country without a visa if they are planning a vacation of up to three months.

The best resorts are concentrated on the coast of the Ionian Sea, as well as the Adriatic. Among them:

  • Saranda. Perhaps the most popular on the coast. The city has comfortable hotels and excellent infrastructure.
  • Vlora. A famous place on the coast that delights with views of pristine nature. The infrastructure here is rapidly developing, there are pebble, rocky and sandy beaches.
  • Durres. The second large city after the capital of Albania, located on the Adriatic coast. It is easy to remember by its green parks, flower beds, sandy shores and clean water.
  • Shengjin. An equally interesting beach resort, washed by the waters of the Adriatic Sea. In summer, life is in full swing. All conditions have been created for recreation with children. There are beautiful landscapes, landscaped sandy beaches and many historical monuments.

Of course, Albania's beach towns don't end there. The country can offer its guests other equally attractive places with pebble or sandy shores.

Cities for an unforgettable holiday

In addition, Albania has impressive architectural ensembles, which is why there are so many interesting excursion destinations. For example, in Durres there is the largest amphitheater in the Balkans from Roman times. In Shkodra you can see the Rozafa fortress from the medieval period.

The ancient city of Berat with its unique Ottoman architecture is very interesting. The main local attraction, the 13th-century Berat Castle, rises on a mountain ridge.

Another museum city can be considered Gjirokastra, which is located in the south of the state, in the valley of the largest river in the country - the Drina. Gjirokastra was built in the 12th century during Byzantine rule. Its main attraction is the ancient fortress, and the city itself is a UNESCO heritage site.

Historical treasures can be found in almost every corner of Albania, but the cultural capital of the country can be considered Korca, which is famous for its museums, Orthodox churches and carpet weaving center.

The Republic of Albania is a state in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, on the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian seas. The Strait of Otranto separates Albania from Italy. In the north and east it borders with Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, in the southeast - with Greece.

Much of the country has mountainous and elevated terrain, with deep, fertile valleys. There are several large lakes throughout the country.


State structure

The government system is a democratic republic. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. The highest legislative body is parliament (unicameral People's Assembly).


Official language: Albanian

There are two groups of Albanian dialects - Gheg in the north and Tosk in the south. The official language of Albania is based on the Tosk dialect, which is spoken by the majority of the country's population.

Many residents understand Greek, Italian and some Slavic languages.


Albania is the only European country with a Muslim majority. Sunni Muslims (70%), Christians (Greek Orthodox Church - 20%, Catholics - 10%) and representatives of other faiths.


International name: ALL

One lek is equal to 100 kindarks. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 lek of various modifications, as well as coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 lek. There are banknotes of the same denomination from three different issues, differing from each other in appearance.

US dollars and euros are freely circulated along with the national currency.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Albania

Historical and geographical features, convenient coastline, favorable climate, multiple interactions with neighboring peoples had a significant impact on the richness and diversity of Albanian cuisine. Thus, Albanians hold fish and seafood dishes in high esteem, many of which owe their appearance to ancient Greece and Ancient Rome...


It is best to leave all tips (10%) and other additional payments after the service, if it was of acceptable quality. But it’s also not worth depriving service staff of tips - many of them work for meager wages, receiving their main income from tips.

In restaurants, tips are usually given directly to the waiter after paying the bill, rather than being left on the table. In a taxi, the easiest way is to simply round up the amount.

Office hours

Where is Albania located on the world map. Detailed map of Albania in Russian online. Satellite map of Albania with cities and resorts. Albania on the world map is a state located on the Balkan Peninsula. It is washed by the waters of the Ionian and Adriatic seas. The capital is the city of Tirana. The official language is Albanian, which in turn has two dialects - Gegian and Tosk.

Map of Albania with resorts and cities in Russian:

Albania - Wikipedia:

Population of Albania- 2,876,591 people. (2017)
Capital of Albania- Tirana
Largest cities in Albania- Durres, Vlora, Shkoder, Elbasan
Albania telephone code - 355
Internet domains in Albania- .al

Climate in Albania Mediterranean, which is characterized by very hot summers and wet, mild winters. In July, the air warms up to +27...+28 C, and in winter it reaches, on average, +4 C. In mountainous areas it is a little colder, with frosts down to - 20 C.

Rich history and Albanian culture, a mixture of different cultures and religions, landscapes and landscapes, has given the country a huge number of cultural, historical and natural monuments and attractions. Among them are Orthodox churches left over from the times of the ancient Romans, Muslim mosques, palaces of culture and monasteries.

Particularly interesting capital of Albania- Tirana. The city has many museums, mosques, fortresses and just old buildings decorated with ancient frescoes. Having access to the Adriatic and Ionian seas, Albania can easily compete with the famous and fashionable resorts of Spain or Italy in terms of resorts and beach holidays.

The developing tourism infrastructure, mild climate and Adriatic waters attract more and more tourists every year. The most famous resorts today are Durres, Orikum, Dheme, Porto Palerno and others. The only drawback of Albanian resorts is the insufficient number of hotels and high-class hotels, as well as not very clean beaches.

What to see in Albania:

St. Mary's Church in Tirana, Lead Mosque (Shkodër), Ephem Bey Mosque in Tirana, Orthodox Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, Byzantine Forum (Durres), Mother Albania Monument, Fine Art Gallery, Museum of Medieval Art (Korça), Historical Museum, Castle Petrela, Palace of Culture, Durres Fortress, Deshmoret-e-Kombit Boulevard, Clock Tower, Pyramid Cultural Center, Karaburun-Sazan Marine Park (Vlora), Taiwan Complex.

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